Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C22 Blood Rose Wenren Yukime

C22 Blood Rose Wenren Yukime

0"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Vehicle King and Mr. Simone with your screams and cheers!" A beautiful woman with a beautiful figure held a loudspeaker and shouted.    


As soon as the woman's voice faded, deafening cheers and screams were heard.    


At this moment, everyone seemed to have fallen into a frenzy because of Simone, except for Xue Chen.    


When Shen Mannni saw Simone, her face was filled with excitement.    


"My God, it's Simone. I want to compete with him!" Shen Mannni clenched her fists tightly and her face turned red. Clearly, it was due to her excitement.    


Shen Mannni was not the only one. The others were also the same. While they were roaring crazily, their faces were full of admiration.    


That was worship towards the strong!    


Simone was a legendary figure among racers. Ever since he started his career, he had never lost. No one knew what rank he could be ranked among the world-class racers, but one thing was certain, Simone could definitely be ranked in the top ten!    


For a moment, everyone around him was shouting the word 'Simone'.    


At this moment, Simone was like the arrival of an ancient king. Everyone was shouting his name. Everyone was shouting his name.    


At this moment, Simone was the center of attention, the most dazzling existence in the world.    


Simone did not sweep the people present with arrogant eyes, nor did he look down on them. Instead, a gentle smile hung on his face, and he waved his hands from time to time, looking like a celebrity greeting his fans!    


One could tell from a person's behavior that a raise of his hand and a throw of his foot could fully expose his upbringing, the degree of education he received, and the class he was in.    


This was also what people often said: No matter how luxurious a person's clothes were, no matter how handsome he looked, his temperament could not be deceived!    




This was what Simone gave everyone.    


While everyone was looking at Simone, Xue Chen's gaze landed on a woman next to Simone.    


The woman was dressed in red. Red jacket, red hip skirt, and red high heels.    


Even the lipstick on her lips was as red as blood.    


Wearing a red outfit, she was as red as a rose, exceptionally alluring!    


Xue Chen had seen many women wearing red clothes, but he had never seen a woman who could control red clothes so perfectly.    


Moreover, this woman's body proportions could be said to be perfect. Her legs did not have the slightest bit of fat. With the red hip skirt and high heels, her figure could be described as devil.    


Moreover, the woman's chest rippled with spectacular medicinal Saint Lady Peaks, causing the tight clothes on her body to swell up. It was quite a spectacular sight!    


The woman's lips were thin and small. In the dark night, that bright red lipstick pierced one's eyes. However, it could allow a man's adrenaline to soar even more!    


This was a woman who emitted temptation from the inside out.    


Someone once said that her... Open your mouth for a hundred million!    


Although this was somewhat exaggerated, one could imagine how many men fantasized about using this mouth to do certain services for themselves!    


But that was only fantasy. No one had ever dared to actually have designs on that mouth!    


That was because the owner of the mouth had a resounding title in the Underground World of Fengxiang City!    


Blood Rose!    


No one knew how this title came about. Everyone only knew that this title came from Hee Buyu's mouth.    


She was Blood Rose Wenren Xueji. She was the only female among the three big bosses of Fengxiang City. She was also the most mysterious big boss.    


No one knew her background. No one knew how she rose up.    


Everyone only knew that the world that was divided into two parts had become a situation where the three countries were established because of the appearance of this woman!    


She was like a mystery. A mystery that could allow countless men to explore the mystery!    


"Mannni, who is that woman?" Xue Chen could not help but ask.    


When Shen Mannni heard Xue Chen's words, her pupils suddenly enlarged and she said with a face full of fear, "Brother-in-law, don't tell me you have taken a fancy to that woman in red?"    


"Who is she?"    


"Brother-in-law, although I don't like you, you can't go looking for trouble." Shen Mannni said carefully.    


"Why are you talking so much nonsense? Tell me who she is."    


"Wenren Xueji, the eldest sister of Fengxiang City." Shen Mannni took a deep breath and said, "This woman is very dangerous. Among all the women in Fengxiang City, only my eldest sister is qualified to compete with her!"    


"Wenren Xueji!" Xue Chen repeated this name.    


"Brother-in-law, do you really like her?" Shen Mannni asked again in surprise.    


"Nonsense. I am a married man." Xue Chen glared at Shen Mannni and said seriously, "Can you do something that will let your sister down?"    


Shen Mannni let out a long sigh of relief when she heard Xue Chen say that. "It's good that you don't have it. It's good that you don't have it."    


Shen Mannni touched her chest as she spoke. She looked as if she had scared the baby to death.    


Xue Chen was speechless. Was she that scared?    


But Xue Chen had just arrived in Fengxiang City. How could he know how scary Wenren Xueji was?    


Xue Chen did not know how terrifying she was, but Shen Mannni more or less knew one thing. She was the most mysterious woman in Fengxiang City, not one of them!    


One must know that the unknown was always the most terrifying.    


Xue Chen looked at Wenren Xueji, the corner of his mouth revealing a smile. It was a very strange smile!    



"Mr. Simone, your opponents have all been selected. They are definitely elites. I have set your competition at 11 o'clock. Do you have any other suggestions or needs?" Wenren Xueji asked Simone with a seductive smile.    


Feeling the charm radiating from Wenren Xueji's body, even Simone, who had seen countless storms and had come into contact with all kinds of women, could not help but feel a little lost.    


"Let's start in ten minutes. I still need to hurry!"    


After a short moment of loss, Simone came back to his senses and laughed lightly.    


Simone was also somewhat moved by Wenren Xueji. In other words, there were no men who would not be moved by her. However, Simone knew that although roses were beautiful, they carried thorns. Although poppies were beautiful, they carried poison.    


"Okay. I will get them ready to start right away."    


Simone nodded and did not say anything.    


Wenren Xueji called someone over and whispered a few words before the person left.    


"Everyone, Mr. Simone knows that everyone has been waiting for him for a long time. In order to let everyone see the competition as soon as possible, he has decided to start the competition in ten minutes."    


As soon as he said this, The whole scene was lit up, and the crowd around them began to cheer.    


"But for the fairness of the competition, the drivers who want to compete with Mr. Simone this time cannot use their own cars, but use the cars provided by our organizers!"    


"If the driver has any objections, you can withdraw now!"    


Some of the people around were stunned for a moment when they heard this, then they cheered again.    


Using the same sports car, This time, it was a competition of the driver's strength. No one could cheat, including Simone.    


Shen Mannni and the other five racers who wanted to compete with Simone had no objection to such a request.    


"Since no one has any objections, you can get on the car and familiarize yourselves with the competition. However, there are only ten minutes. The competition will officially begin in ten minutes."    


As soon as the words left his mouth, a deafening rumbling sound could be heard from the front.    


Everyone immediately turned their heads to look at the source of the sound. They saw six brand new Ferrari 458 appear in front of everyone's eyes.    


After the car stopped, the door quickly opened, and six men in black jumped out of the car at almost the same time.    


Seeing the car stop, Shen Mannni and the others seemed to have received some kind of signal and immediately walked towards the car.    


The other four drivers all went alone while Shen Mannni dragged Xue Chen away.    


When Shen Mannni pulled Xue Chen to the side of the car, the other four had already gotten into the car. In an instant, there were only two out of the six cars left.    


Shen Mannni randomly picked one and pulled Xue Chen onto it.    


Seeing Shen Mannni and the five people get into the car, Wenren Xueji looked at Simone and said with a smile, "Mr. Simone, don't you need to test the car?"    


"No!" Simone said lightly, "I believe in Miss Wenren. There will be no problems with the car."    


Wenren Xueji's smile grew wider when she heard Simone's words.    


At this time, the others were already testing the car.    


Shen Mannni was the same.    


Ten minutes passed in the blink of an eye.    


Simone also walked towards the car.    


Seeing Simone get into the car, Wenren Xueji's face revealed a smile. "Miss Sophie, can the competition begin?"    


"Young Master Simone, as long as you get in the car, it means that the competition can start at any time!"    


After hearing Sophie's words, Wenren Xueji nodded to the woman holding the colored flag.    


After Simone entered the car, the surrounding crowd shouted Simone's name again.    


After special treatment, the sound insulation was very good. Simone did not hear all of this. In fact, even if he did, he would not care.    


At this moment, his expression was extremely focused. His gaze was fixed on the beauty holding the colored flag in front of him.    


Shen Mannni and the others were the same.    




The colorful flag was waved down by that woman!    




Almost at the same time, six Ferrari shot out like cannonballs. Violent rumbles resounded in the sky, drowning out the exclamations of the audience.    


It seemed like it was at the same time, but Simone had taken the initiative.    


The other five Ferrari followed closely behind.    


Although they were all racers, Simone's reaction speed was definitely not something ordinary racers could compare with.    


After Simone seized the initiative and faced the first bend, he pulled away from the car behind him.    


Shen Mannni was currently in the fourth position.    


At this time, Shen Mannni's face was full of seriousness.    


Because Pann Chenyu was ranked third, in front of her!    


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