Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C32 Shayna

C32 Shayna

0A tall, beautiful woman was walking toward them!    


The woman was extremely beautiful. Her long black hair cascaded down her shoulders like a waterfall. Her curved eyebrows were like two willow leaves, and her eyes were like rippling autumn water. Her soft and tender skin was flawless. Especially her small cherry mouth. It was red and alluring, incomparably alluring!    


Moreover, the tight-fitting professional suit vividly displayed the woman's perfect figure. However, the woman's movements seemed to be slightly awkward while walking, and it gave people a feeling of limping!    


After the woman saw Xue Chen, her originally delicate and flawless pretty face immediately turned cold. At the same time, her delicate body also trembled slightly. When she looked at Xue Chen, it was as if she wanted to cut Xue Chen into a thousand pieces.    


When Xue Chen saw the woman, his expression immediately darkened. He felt that this world was really too small. The small one could not be given to the small one. He never thought that the woman he saved last night, and the woman he had a relationship with, would meet today!    


At the same time, Xue Chen's heart sank when he felt Xia Yina's unfriendly gaze. However, he did not show any emotion on his face.    


"Secretary Xia!" Shee Xueyan immediately greeted Xia Yina with a smile when she saw her.    


At the same time, Shee Xueyan's brows were full of doubt. In the past, Xia Yina did not walk as awkwardly as she did today. She gave people the feeling of limping. But today...    


However, Shee Xueyan did not ask much. She thought that Xia Yina's great aunt had come and her body was a little uncomfortable. She only greeted her politely.    


Although Xia Yina's heart was full of anger when she saw Xue Chen, she did not flare up. Instead, she squeezed out a smile from her slightly cold face. "When I came here just now, I heard a lot of people talking about it. Someone wanted to take advantage of President Shih. " Are you alright? "    


Xia Yina's voice was very pleasant, like the sound of a small stream flowing.    


Xia Yina did not give people the feeling of being distant like Shen Xuening. She gave people the feeling of being kind, a kind person!    


"Thank you for Secretary Xia's concern. It's nothing."    


"That's good. President Shih, be careful in the future. You are so beautiful. I don't know how many men want to take advantage of you. You must not be soft-hearted when dealing with such men." When Xia Yina said this, she looked at Xue Chen intentionally and unintentionally.    


Shee Xueyan only nodded with a smile and did not say anything.    


Xia Yina was not a particularly gossipy person. Seeing that Shee Xueyan did not say anything, she did not say anything about this topic. Instead, she looked at Xue Chen beside Shee Xueyan and asked, "President Shih, this is..."    


"It's all my fault. I forgot to introduce to Secretary Xia!" Shee Xueyan smiled and said, "His name is Xue Chen. He is now the Vice General Manager of our Public Relations Department."    


"Xue Chen, the Xue Chen that President Shen arranged to come in yesterday?" Xia Yina also knew that Shen Xuening personally arranged for a man to work in Mingzhu Group yesterday, but she did not expect it to be the man who occupied her body.    




All the upper echelons of the Mingzhu Group were very clear that Xue Chen was arranged by Shen Xuening to come in, so there was nothing to hide.    


"Secretary Xia, good!" Xue Chen had a faint smile on his face.    


At this moment, Xue Chen was annoyed. The woman he touched yesterday was his colleague. After he finished his work, he left her a stack of money. Most importantly, she seemed to be his wife, Shen Xuening's secretary.    


If Shen Xuening found out about this, how would she think of him?    


At the very least, she would treat him as a wolf in sheep's clothing. This point was unquestionable.    


Now Xue Chen only prayed that Xia Yina was drunk and completely drunk at that time. Could it be possible that she did not recognize him?    


Xia Yina glanced at Xue Chen and nodded lightly. "Director Xue, we have to have a good chat when we have time. President Shen personally arranged for people to work in Mingzhu Group. You are the first and also a man. There must be something special about you."    


"Secretary Xia is too kind. I hope Secretary Xia will take good care of you in the future." Xue Chen said humbly.    


At the same time, Xue Chen's heart was full of vigilance. Although he had saved Xia Yina last night, he had a relationship with Xia Yina at the same time. This was an indisputable fact. Furthermore, Xue Chen did not know Xia Yina. If he recognized that he was the person from last night, who knew if she would do anything to him behind his back?    


"We'll talk when we have time!" Xia Yina said as she lifted her foot and walked forward. However, when she passed by Xue Chen, Xia Yina's eyes fiercely glared at Xue Chen.    


This scene was extremely secretive and Shee Xueyan did not notice it.    


After Xia Yina left, Xue Chen could not help but ask, "What is her name?"    


"Xia Yina, President Shen's secretary is also President Shen's assistant at the same time. She is a very powerful woman. Why do you like her? Do you want me to help you connect the bridge?"    


Xue Chen hurriedly shook his head and said righteously, "President Shih, what do you think I am? What do you think I am? Am I the kind of man who can't walk when he sees a beauty, a man with hormones?"    


Shee Xueyan was stunned when she saw Xue Chen's serious look and heard Xue Chen's righteous voice.    


But the next moment, Xue Chen's expression changed. He smiled and said casually, "Are you really willing to introduce me?"    


"Get lost!" Shee Xueyan looked at Xue Chen and said in an unfriendly manner.    


"You were the one who said you wanted to introduce me. I didn't say anything." Xue Chen said helplessly.    


"Don't you know that women are animals who say things that are not true?"    


Xue Chen was speechless. He sighed in disappointment. "No wonder. Zhang Wuji said that the more beautiful a woman is, the more deceitful she is."    


"What? Are you disappointed?" Shee Xueyan giggled.    


"What do you think?"    


"Why don't I introduce myself to you?" Shee Xueyan asked without hesitation, "How about it?"    


Xue Chen was stunned when he heard Shee Xueyan's words. His face was full of disbelief.    


Shee Xueyan was a beauty. This was undeniable. Her beauty had a mature charm. It was a temptation that young girls did not have. She was like a vixen. There was a kind of charm in her beauty.    


Looking at the stunned Xue Chen, the faint smile on Shee Xueyan's face immediately disappeared. She asked with a straight face, "Am I not beautiful?"    


"Yes!" Xue Chen replied without thinking.    


"How beautiful?"    


"Fish fall and geese fall, moon close and flowers shy!" Xue Chen answered seriously, "Like a fairy!"    


"What about Xia Yina?" Xia Yina asked. Shee Xueyan smiled again.    


There was no woman who did not like to hear men praise her beauty. Even if it was just flattery, it was very comfortable to hear it, was it not?    


Women love beauty. There's no doubt about this. At the same time, women also liked to compare with each other. This was completely reflected in Shee Xueyan.    



"Of course you are beautiful!" Xue Chen was not stupid. If he praised Xia Yina being more beautiful than her in front of Shee Xueyan, wouldn't that be looking for trouble?    


The smile on Shee Xueyan's face became even wider. "Then I will introduce myself to you. Why are you not happy?"    


"You are too beautiful. I am a little overwhelmed by the favor!" Xue Chen said solemnly.    


Shee Xueyan was amused when she heard Xue Chen's words. "But to be honest, on the account that you stood up for me today," she said. If you chase after me, I can give you a chance. I don't have a boyfriend. " If possible, I can let you hold hands, or even that... "    


After Shee Xueyan's words sounded in his ears, Xue Chen felt his nose almost spurt out. There was a rush of hot air in his Dantian.    


Now he finally understood why Shee Xueyan's reputation in Mingzhu Group was bad. No one would give such a woman a good evaluation, right?    


"Of course. The premise is that you have to endure the gossip of others. Only then can I let you..." Shee Xueyan winked at Xue Chen as she spoke. The seduction on her face was self-evident.    


Seduction, naked seduction!    


At the same time, Xia Yina's pretty face was immediately covered with frost when she returned to her office. "Xue Chen, he really is a piece of broken iron. It did not take him much effort to obtain it. He actually dared to take advantage of someone's weakness..."    


As she spoke, Xia Yina's slender and white hands slowly clenched together.    


"He still dares to leave me alone in the hotel and leave me money. Do you think this lady is out to sell?"    


Xia Yina became even angrier when she thought of the note and the stack of money Xue Chen left. She felt as if she had been humiliated.    


Taking a deep breath to calm her anger, Xia Yina turned on the computer in front of her desk and prepared to start work. However, she found that she could not calm down at all. Her mind was filled with Xue Chen.    


Xue Chen was like a nightmare, making her unable to get out of her mind.    




Xia Yina gently patted the table. "No, I can't hold it for a moment. I must find this bastard first!"    


As she spoke, Xia Yina picked up the phone on the table and dialed Xue Chen's office number.    


After Xue Chen returned to the office, he crossed his legs and smoked a cigarette. He turned on the computer and started playing the game. He looked relaxed.    


Suddenly, the phone on the desk rang. Xue Chen picked it up and said, "Hello..."    


Just as Xue Chen opened his mouth, Xia Yina's angry voice entered Xue Chen's ears through the receiver, "Xue Chen, you have three minutes. Get to my office!"    


After hearing Xia Yina's voice, Xue Chen was stunned. F * ck, why does this sound like Xia Yina's voice?    


"You are Secretary Xia?" Xue Chen asked uncertainly.    


"Come here in three minutes."    


Xia Yina hung up the phone without giving Xue Chen a chance to speak.    


Xue Chen was stunned when he heard the busy voice on the phone. Did she recognize him? She was looking for him?    


What was she looking for him for?    


Will she pester me and let me marry her?    


For a moment, countless thoughts rose in Xue Chen's mind.    


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