Heavenly War God Returns To City

C1370 Netherworld Fire

C1370 Netherworld Fire



The people of the Church of Red Shirt had never seen such a monster before. They did not need anyone to order them, and they immediately waved their javelins and arrows at the Mystic Water Armor that was standing on top of the waterspout.    


The Black Water Armour did not budge. However, when the dense cluster of arrows and javelins were about to approach, the two translucent palms suddenly flipped over.    


With a loud boom, the waterspout suddenly exploded violently in all directions. The dense cluster of javelins and arrows instantly fell into the vortex like weeds and were blown into pieces in the blink of an eye.    


The shock wave caused by the explosion of the waterspout was incomparably powerful. The splashing water droplets were like shrapnel of a bomb. Within a radius of dozens of meters from the explosion, everyone was blasted into a bloody mess.    


When the water curtain dispersed, the Mystic Water Armor was already standing on the ground.    


"Kill this monster!"    


One of the leaders of the Church of Red Shirt shouted loudly. The densely-packed members of the Church of Red Shirt immediately surrounded the Mystic Water Armor like a swarm of locusts.    


The Black Water Armour remained unmoved. It allowed all sorts of weapons to strike its body.    


With a series of ping-pong sounds, the weapons that struck the Mysterious Water Armour not only did not cause any damage to the Mysterious Water Armour, but they were also shaken until they scattered in all directions.    


However, the people from the Red Cloaked Cult only briefly recovered from their shock and did not give up on attacking. They continued to call out and wave at the Mystic Water Armour.    


There was always a limit to everything.    


Even a divine object like the Mystic Water Armor could not allow these attacks to continue.    


About five minutes later, the Mystic Water Armor suddenly moved!    


He suddenly stretched out an arm and swept it forward fiercely.    


An ice light flashed and blood splashed in all directions!    


Then, the Mystic Water Armor suddenly accelerated forward. Its attack method was very simple.    


It was the most basic charge, but even so, it still killed the people from the Red Cloaked Sect, causing them to scream continuously.    


This was because not only was the Mystic Water Armour extremely fast, but its body was also extremely hard. It was like a tank car crushing a group of rats!    


After the Mystic Water Armor charged for a while, the surrounding Red Shirt members no longer continued to attack like before. Instead, they all spread out and pulled apart a distance to minimize the casualties as much as possible to alleviate the Mystic Water Armor's attacks.    


However, they had still underestimated the Mystic Water Armor.    


After the impact was unable to cause a huge amount of damage, the Mystic Water Armor's two crystal clear palms suddenly flipped over violently. Then, they suddenly lifted up.    


With a poof sound, two waterspouts broke out of the ground. Then, the Mystic Water Armor pushed out with both palms, condensing dozens of ice blades and speeding in all directions.    


The people from the Red Shirt Sect all stared with their eyes wide open.    


Long-range attack!    


This thing was extremely sturdy. Melee attacks could not do anything to him. He would die if he touched it. However, he did not expect its long-range attacks to be even fiercer!    


Melee and long-distance attacks were both invincible. When faced with such a monster, there was no way to break it. They could only watch helplessly as this thing slaughtered!    


However, the long-range attack of the Profound Water Armor only lasted for less than five minutes before it stopped. Its entire body slowly turned into mist. After floating in the air, it quickly gathered towards Yang Xuan, who was standing not far away. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared without a trace.    


"That monster's energy has been depleted. Continue charging!"    


A leader of the Red Cloaked Cult shouted. In his opinion, the monster had suddenly disappeared. It must have exhausted its energy.    


The remaining members of the Church of the Red Shirt were only left with five to six thousand people, but they were still charging at Yang Xuan.    


Yang Xuan, who was standing not far away, crossed his arms in front of his chest. He had a calm expression on his face. He looked at the thousands of people charging at him aggressively, and a playful smile appeared on his face.    


The Black Water Armor did not belong to the category of natural creatures, nor was it a machine. As long as there was a water source, it could continuously attack, and there was no saying that it would run out of energy.    


The reason why the Profound Water Armor suddenly vaporized and disappeared was because Yang Xuan used his mind to send an order to retreat to the Profound Water Armor.    


It was not because he was afraid that the Black Water Armour could not defeat him. Back then, even Yang Xuan almost fell into the hands of this thing. If he allowed the Black Water Armour to continue killing, the remaining few thousand people in front of him would not even be enough to fill the gaps between the teeth of the Black Water Armour.    


The reason why Yang Xuan kept the Black Water Armour was because he still had a third skill that he had never used properly!    


Netherworld Cold Fire!    


Today these people were a very rare test subject. How could Yang Xuan not use his new skill to his heart's content?    


He had already used the Heavenly Dragon Art and the Profound Water Armor. Now, his three new skills were only left with Netherworld Cold Fire. He did not know how it would be if he really used it.    


When the five thousand people were less than twenty meters away from Yang Xuan, Yang Xuan suddenly raised his right hand. With a flip of his palm, a strange white flame the size of a palm appeared on his palm.    


Immediately, a wave of bone-chilling cold spread out. The frozen earth that had been melted just now was once again covered with a layer of frost!    


Before the people on the opposite side could react, Yang Xuan suddenly waved his hand. That cluster of milky white flame was like a shooting star as it sped forward.    


The leader of the Red Cloaked Cult, who was at the front, was caught off guard and was struck by the white flame.    


The leader instinctively trembled, but he quickly realized that nothing had happened.    


"Hahaha, it's fine, this is a camouflage... Ah!"    


Halfway through his sentence, the leader suddenly let out an extremely miserable shriek, and a thin layer of white mist rose from his body.    


He looked like he was on fire, but there was no trace of a flame on his body, and his face was purple. This was clearly a reaction that only came from the cold.    






Immediately after, the other members of the Red Cloaked Cult began to scream. Following that, the formless Netherworld Cold Fire spread out rapidly. In a short while, the thousands of people from the Church of the Red Shirt were lying on the ground, writhing in pain.    


Their miserable cries and howls echoed through the clouds, as if they were from hell!    



There was not a single spark of fire, nor was there a hint of blood. There was only a body rolling in pain, as well as a ferocious face with azure and violet facial features.    


These screams became smaller and smaller, and soon, the surroundings returned to normal, so quiet that even a pin drop could be heard.    


As for the thousands of people on the ground, they had long since stopped breathing. They had ferocious facial features, and their bodies gradually turned gray, as if they had become statues.    


A breeze suddenly blew, and these grayish-white corpses actually turned into ashes in an instant.    


Including those people who were killed by the Mysterious Water Armor and the Heavenly Dragon Art, they were all burned into ashes, and were blown away by a breeze without leaving a trace.    


After a while, the ground was covered with a thin layer of grayish-white powder...    


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