Peerless King of Medicine

C708 The Deal with Qiongqi

C708 The Deal with Qiongqi

0At this moment, in the starry sky, the Qiongqi was using its tyrannical and powerful strength. He had killed all the invaders, leaving no survivors behind. The people around him were as weak as ants in front of him. During this process, the Qiongqi was constantly devouring all of these invaders. Each time it devoured the latter, its strength would rise to another level. Currently, the Qiongqi was continuously growing.    


In the distance, Hsing Kongyuan had already brought the hostages back to Hsing Kongxue. After which, he told Hsing Kongxue about Chu Tian. Hsing Kongxue frowned. Although she wanted to help Chu Tian, however, it was just as the latter had said.    


This Qiongqi was too powerful. Even if their fleet attacked together, they would not be a match for this Qiongqi. At this moment, they could only hope that Chu Tian's luck would be better and he would be able to escape from the Qiongqi's pursuit.    


"All fleets, leave this place. The further away you are, the better. You must not be targeted by this Qiongqi." Hsing Kongxue said.    


After hearing her words, the battleships all turned around and quickly left this starry sky. Facing the incomparably powerful Qiongqi, they could only choose to retreat obediently.    


At this time, Hsing Kongxue and Hsing Kongyuan were paying attention to the changes in the battlefield. At this time, those experts had already been taken care of by the Qiongqi. Although they had put up a lot of resistance, in the face of true power, no small tricks were useful.    


After finishing off all the prey, the Qiongqi suddenly looked in the direction of the fleet. Upon seeing this scene, both of their expressions became serious. The Qiongqi had clearly sensed their existence. If the latter chased after them, even if there was no chance of winning... They would try their best to resist.    


However, the Qiongqi only gave them a glance. After that, it suddenly turned around and headed in another direction. When it saw that direction, Hsing Kongyuan's facial expression changed.    


"That direction is Chu Tian. It should be chasing after Chu Tian." Hsing Kongyuan said.    


Hsing Kongxue was silent. Her expression was uncertain. Even if Chu Tian was in front of the Qiongqi, he would probably die.    


"Even if we bring the warship there, we still won't have a chance of winning. But I understand that we won't be able to stop you. Go and help. Be careful if you can't do anything. Although I feel sorry for that Chu Tian, we have to protect ourselves in the open. " Hsing Kongxue said.    


Hsing Kongyuan nodded silently. After that, he left the warship and chased in the direction of the Primitive Beast and Qiongqi. If Chu Tian was really in a critical situation, he would certainly lend a helping hand. After all, Chu Tian had helped them a lot in the past.    


Currently, Chu Tian was fleeing for his life in the starry sky. However, he couldn't see the Qiongqi anymore. He didn't know what kind of divine ability the Qiongqi had. However, judging from the strength displayed by the latter, he was afraid that Chu Tian wasn't a match for it.    


While rushing at full speed, Chu Tian suddenly sensed the killing intent approaching him. Chu Tian immediately stopped in his tracks, then he focused all of his attention on guarding his back. Not long after that, a wild gale swept over. A huge creature was approaching Chu Tian from the starry sky. The latter was the Qiongqi. Currently, the Qiongqi was staring at Chu Tian with a sharp gaze. It was as if it was looking at a prey.    


The Qi and blood energy in Chu Tian's body continued to surge out. Facing such a ferocious beast, a moment of carelessness would cause him to lose his life.    




At this moment, a beast's roar came out from the Qiongqi's mouth once again. When he heard this roar, Chu Tian felt that the rhythm of his heartbeat had been affected, and his body was constantly trembling. This was an instinct, not Chu Tian's fear.    


After the Qiongqi roared, it didn't have any intention of attacking Chu Tian. The latter just stared at Chu Tian with a scrutinizing gaze. Then, its nose twitched slightly, as if it was searching for something on Chu Tian's body. Chu Tian didn't dare to move.    


Since the Qiongqi hadn't attacked him, then the situation might have changed. Chu Tian stared at the Qiongqi in front of him. The latter's eyes were also staring at Chu Tian. There wasn't any killing intent in the latter's eyes. Instead, it was filled with desire and doubt.    


"Hand over the panaceas on your body!"    


Just as Chu Tian was wondering what the Qiongqi wanted to do, the latter suddenly spoke in human language. This also gave Chu Tian a fright. However, when he heard the Spirit Pill mentioned by the latter... Chu Tian's eyes lit up. After this, he revealed an uncertain expression. After which, he took out a bottle of solid restoration Medicine Pill from his Universe Bag.    


After seeing this bottle of Medicine Pill, the Qiongqi's eyes immediately stared at it. After which, it sucked in a breath of air and the Medicine Pill in Chu Tian's hand was immediately snatched away by the latter. The Medicine Pill and the bottle fell into the Qiongqi's mouth. The latter could be seen cracking a few times. He had already swallowed the entire bottle of Medicine Pill.    


"The quality and quality of the ___ are too poor. Just this little amount of medicinal effect is not enough. Kid, you still have some on you right? If you don't want to die, hand it over. Don't think that you can hide it from me just because you hid it in the space bag. " The Qiongqi's gaze was sharp as it stared at Chu Tian.    


Initially, he thought that there would be a great battle between him and the Qiongqi. He didn't expect that the latter would only target his Medicine Pill. Chu Tian simply took out the Universe Bag's Medicine Pill. After all, this kind of Medicine Pill didn't matter to him. As long as he had herbs, he would be able to refine these Medicine Pills in large quantities.    


The Qiongqi did not reject anyone. The over a hundred types of Medicine Pills that Chu Tian took out were swallowed by the latter in one go. Only then did the Qiongqi nod its head in satisfaction.    


"Although the amount is still not enough, these Medicine Pills are still quite interesting. Seeing that you are offering these Medicine Pills as tribute, I will spare your life." The Qiongqi opened its mouth and said.    


After that, the latter turned around and prepared to leave. Only at this moment did Chu Tian come back to his senses.    


"I am an alchemist. You want a stronger panacea? That's because I don't have any herbs with me. As long as you can find a stronger herb... I will help you concoct a more powerful panacea. What do you think? " Chu Tian said.    


Hearing Chu Tian's words, the Qiongqi stopped in its tracks. It looked at Chu Tian with suspicion in its eyes.    


Chu Tian once again took out the medicinal ingredients from the Universe Bag. After which, the Star Energy condensed into a flame. All the medicinal ingredients were swiftly refined. After which, the Medicine Pill began to condense and take shape. Soon, a solid restoration Medicine Pill was completed. The Qiongqi inhaled a breath of air and swallowed Chu Tian's Medicine Pill once again. Its eyes lit up and it nodded its head in satisfaction.    


"It seems like you are still useful as a human. Alright, I will accept your suggestion. If you have any requests, just tell me. I don't like people who beat around the bush." The Qiongqi said.    


"It's not really a request. It's just that I hope that you can save my life when my life is in danger. I think this request isn't too much, right? After all, if I die... No one would be able to concoct pills for you. " Chu Tiandao.    


"Sure, but if I judge that you are worthless in the future, I will take care of you without hesitation. It's better to be mentally prepared to make a deal with my Primitive Beast." The Qiongqi narrowed its eyes and said.    


In the next moment, the latter turned into a ray of light and disappeared without a trace. When he saw the latter disappear completely, although he had lost a lot of Medicine Pill, he still felt relieved. But being able to survive in front of the Qiongqi was already something worth rejoicing about. Furthermore, he had made an agreement with the Qiongqi, although he didn't know how effective this agreement was. However, he had also seen the strength of the Qiongqi. With the latter's help, maybe he can save his own life at the critical moment.    


At this moment, Chu Tian was thinking about his gains and losses. At this moment, he heard the voice approaching him. Chu Tian squinted his eyes and looked at the source of the sound. When he saw Hsing Kongyuan, he heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that the latter was still unwilling to let Chu Tian face such a ferocious Primitive Beast and Qiongqi alone. That was why he had come here to meet Chu Tian.    


"Chu Tian, it's great that you are safe. Did you encounter that Qiongqi?" Hsing Kongyuan asked doubtfully.    


"No. Actually, I thought that the Qiongqi had come when I heard the commotion just now. I didn't expect that it was you." Chu Tian smiled and said.    


"You still have the intention to joke around here. It looks like you are safe and sound. However, we can't stay here for long. No one knows if the Qiongqi will come again. Looks like I have to make some preparations regarding the Qiongqi as soon as possible so that the experts in the starry sky can hunt the Qiongqi. " Hsing Kongyuan said.    


Chu Tian nodded his head, but he didn't say anything. Although he had made a deal with the Qiongqi, he wouldn't blindly protect it. Besides, if the latter was such an unbearable existence, then there wouldn't be any value in trading with the Qiongqi.    


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