Peerless King of Medicine

C244 Five Thousand High-grade Spirit Stones

C244 Five Thousand High-grade Spirit Stones

0244-5,000 High Grade Spirit Stone    


Facing the gazes of the crowd, Chu Tian calmly took a step forward. After that, he swept his gaze across the crowd.    


"I am not setting up this grand formation, although it has already been destroyed to pieces. The spatial node is still there. I'm just completing the restoration of the formation on this foundation. If you want to ask about the technique, I'm only allowing the spirit energy in my body to link up with the grand array. After merging the mind and body with the array, as long as the needle and thread are pierced, it will be enough to repair this grand formation." Chu Tian said.    


Hearing this, the faces of everyone in Wang family changed. They looked at Chu Tian with shock, and the eyes of the amiable old man of Wang family shone with a bright light.    


"I never thought that I would have the fortune to meet a formation grandmaster at such a young age. Today, I have finally opened my eyes." The latter said.    


These words caused an uproar in the crowd. Formation grandmasters were not people who could be self-proclaimed. If one wanted to become a formation grandmaster, one must have a unique understanding of formations. It was unprecedented for Chu Tian to become a formation grandmaster at such a young age.    


"Big brother, are you sure you are right? He is so young, has he really reached the level of a formation grandmaster?" The people of Wang family asked doubtfully.    


"His body and mind have merged into one with the formation. Do you think this is such a simple thing? Even I can't do this. This is enough to explain everything." The old man said.    


"But maybe this kid is just making things up."    


"Show me some respect, do you think in front of so many people... Would someone dare to lie? If it wasn't for the fact that their mind and body had merged with the grand formation... I really can't imagine what kind of technique could restore such a Teleportation Array in just the time it takes to drink a cup of tea. " The old man said angrily.    


Hearing his angry rebuke, everyone calmed down. At this moment, there was only respect in everyone's eyes when they looked at Chu Tian. Such a young formation grandmaster, his future prospects must be unimaginable. Even Wang Yulan was shocked.    


Although she knew that Chu Tian's formation cultivation was quite outstanding, she didn't expect him to reach such a level. This was far beyond her expectation.    


"I am the Great Elder of Wang family, Wang Peng. This time, the Guard Screen City is facing a crisis. It's all thanks to your help, Mr. Chu Tian. If you have any requests... But just say it. My Wang family will try my best to satisfy you." The old man said with a kind smile.    


Wang Yulan was also shocked when she heard this. She knew her big uncle. The latter had an extremely high position in the Wang family and the things that the latter promised. As long as the Wang family could take it out, they would definitely satisfy Chu Tian. It could be said that it had given Chu Tian a very good condition.    


"I'm sorry. Regarding the remuneration, I have already gotten it from the City Lord. I won't accept any remuneration if I have no merit. The extra benefits are also in my heart." Chu Tian said.    


Wang Peng took a deep look at Chu Tian. He didn't expect Chu Tian's reaction. However, this made him value Chu Tian even more. It was rare to see a young man who knew how to behave appropriately. However, this also made him understand that it was impossible to use ordinary methods to win over Chu Tian.    


Although he could obtain more benefits from the Wang family, he also understood that. If the person who took it was merciful, he would have to spend a long time in contact with it. He wanted to let the people of the Wang family know that there weren't any major powers supporting him. He was afraid that the Wang family was thirsty for talent. It was possible that they would completely control him in the hands of their own family.    


This kind of thing happened frequently in the world of cultivators. After all, a genius would be welcomed wherever he went, let alone a genius like Chu Tian who had gone against the Heaven Level.    


"So that's how it is. Yulan, it seems like you have completed your job as the City Lord pretty well." Wang Peng said.    


"Uncle, you flatter me. This matter was also caused by the dispute between my subordinates, which resulted in such a huge disaster." Wang Yulan said.    


"This matter isn't that simple. There are countless of people who are jealous of the Wang family for having the power of Guard Screen City. I'm afraid that this matter must have something to do with them. It has been hard on you to defend the Guard Screen City this time." Wang Peng said.    


Wang Yulan's pupils shrunk when she heard this, as if she had thought of something. Although Chu Tian didn't understand the reason behind this, it was obvious that this was a family matter of Wang family. They wouldn't tell anyone about it.    


"City Lord, since the matter you entrusted to me has been settled, I think I will leave for now." Chu Tian said.    


There was no benefit in being meddlesome. Chu Tian naturally wouldn't get involved in these matters because of his curiosity. Wang Yulan was slightly stunned, but she also nodded her head. After all, what was going to be discussed next was the family affairs of the Wang family. It was normal for Chu Tian, as an outsider, to not get involved in these matters.    


But at this moment, Wang Peng took a step forward and stood in front of Chu Tian.    


"Little brother, after all, you have helped our Wang family so much. We should do our best to welcome you as a host. I hope you won't refuse." Wang Peng said.    


Chu Tian wanted to reject the offer, but seeing the situation in front of him... This Wang Peng obviously wouldn't let him go so easily. This man wasn't as easy to deal with as Wang Yulan. If he kept rejecting her and let her see the truth... This would be troublesome.    


"Since Senior is so gracious, then Junior will respectfully accept it." Chu Tian said.    


He wasn't worried that this Wang family would play some tricks on him. After all, his current value made them want to recruit Chu Tian. So naturally, they wouldn't harm him easily.    


If the situation was really bad, Chu Tian still had Zi Ling, who was also a Nether Poison Girl Constitution. With the latter's physique, these people from the Wang family wouldn't be able to bear it.    


However, if that happened, the entire Guard Screen City would be destroyed, causing such a huge commotion. Zi Ling's identity would definitely be exposed. This was the last option that Chu Tian wanted. Now, he could only take things one step at a time.    


After this, the Wang family set up a feast to welcome Chu Tian. Zi Ling naturally followed beside Chu Tian. Obviously, Chu Tian had become the core of a normal banquet. After all, he was a young formation grandmaster. This was something that had never happened before.    


Facing the questions of the crowd, Chu Tian continued to answer them one after another. He didn't talk too much about himself, but before they could figure out Chu Tian's identity, naturally, they didn't dare to press on. If they offended the latter because of this, it would be troublesome.    


Just like that, the banquet ended. After the banquet ended, Chu Tian was also left behind to drink tea. At this moment, everyone in the hall was from the Wang family, except for Chu Tian and the other two.    


"Yulan, take this opportunity to tell us about the current situation of our Wang family." Wang Peng said.    


Everyone was shocked when they heard this. They were going to set up the family affairs of the Wang family, but there were still outsiders here, so they didn't understand the meaning of the latter.    


"It's not good for big brother to do this. After all, there are still outsiders here." Someone couldn't help but say. Although they understood that Wang Peng wanted to rope Chu Tian in, it was too hasty for him to expose the internal affairs of Wang family.    


"Mr. Chu Tian has solved a problem for our Wang family. Naturally, he can't be considered an outsider. Besides, Mr. Chu Tian actually has something he needs your help with." Wang Peng said.    


Chu Tian frowned. Judging from Wang Peng's expression, he must be preparing to drag him into trouble. This naturally made him unhappy.    


"Senior Wang Peng, this junior has some important matters to attend to. I can't stay for long." Chu Tian refused and did not listen to the latter's words.    


"Little brother, I know that my words are too reckless. However, I have already heard Yulan say earlier that you should lack Spirit Stone. As long as you can help my Wang family, I am willing to pay 5,000 High Grade Spirit Stone. What do you think? " Wang Peng said.    


Hearing this, everyone in the crowd gasped. Five thousand High Grade Spirit Stone was a huge sum. Even if the Wang family had a large family business, they wouldn't squander it like this.    


"Big brother, what are you doing?"    


"Shut up. This matter has already been decided. I won't let you guys talk about it." Wang Peng interrupted the others.    


It seemed like Wang Peng's prestige was not bad. Everyone fell silent after hearing his words.    


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