Immortals Dump Waste In My Home

C837 False Halo

C837 False Halo

0Xu Fann, who had a strong belief in the young, naturally believed everything the young people said to be true. However, he still had a questioning look as he stared at the young man in front of him.    


This appearance made the young man so angry that his teeth itched. He really wanted to eat Xu Fann.    


However, even if he was angry, for the sake of the treasure in Xu Fann's hands, he really did not dare to do anything to Xu Fann.    


However, there was no other way to continue being angry. After thinking for a long time, this young man finally thought of a way.    


"I won't beat around the bush. I came to this world for that Strange Beast. As for taking the treasure in your hand, that was something I thought about after I entered the world." He suppressed his anger and looked at Xu Fann: "Right now, I will bring you to the Strange Beast's lair, and then I will kill the Strange Beast, and you will watch by the side. After I finish killing, the pathway to the outside world will appear, and then prove that what I said is true, you can give me the sharp sword in your hand."    


"After all, you're an illusory existence. It's useless to have something like that, why not make use of my achievements in killing the Strange Beast's leader to become your City Lord?" Then, the young man continued: "If there is no passage that leads to the outside world, then it proves that my words are fake. When that time comes, put the thing in the Storage Space, and I can't do anything about it."    


After the young man finished speaking, he looked towards Xu Fann. As far as he was concerned, he had shown enough sincerity.    


Xu Fann frowned at the young man's request and hesitated for a while.    


In the end, he nodded his head heavily, unsure of whether or not he could escape from the other party.    


The young man heaved a sigh of relief the moment Xu Fann agreed. He was really scared that Xu Fann was a stubborn person, then he would be in trouble.    


After he let out a breath of relief, the young man turned around and prepared to bring Xu Fann to the Strange Beast's lair.    


However, just as he turned around, he seemed to have thought of something and turned his head back.    


"Of course, don't play tricks on me." He looked at Xu Fann with a threatening gaze and said, "Otherwise, I will definitely chew you into pieces."    


As he spoke, a trace of hostility flashed in the young man's eyes.    


Xu Fann only rolled his eyes at this kind of threat and didn't reply.    


"Let's cooperate. Although that guy's current strength is only Heaven Stage, he's not stupid." That young man saw that his threats were useless against Xu Fann, so he walked up to Xu Fann and said, "If I bring a living and lively you in, you will definitely be suspected."    


With that, the young man raised his claw and swung it towards Xu Fann's neck.    


Seeing this, Xu Fann wanted to dodge. However, before he could even react, the claw that was just raised reached his neck.    


With a "pa" sound, the claw landed on his neck.    


Afterwards, the young man's inner force used his claws as a conductor and crazily rushed into Xu Fann's body.    


How could Xu Fann, who had already used up all his inner force, resist such a powerful level of inner force? Immediately, his vision went dark and he fainted.    


When Xu Fann fainted, that young man immediately let go of his hand. After that, he picked Xu Fann up and left the hotel after a few flashes.    


In the blink of an eye, it was afternoon. When Xu Fann woke up again, he had already entered the forest.    


When he woke up, he found that he was not being held by the young man's arm. It was a wolf-shaped Strange Beast that was carrying a wolf-shaped Strange Beast as it moved forward.    


After Xu Fann woke up, the wolf-shaped Strange Beast seemed to already know about it. It stopped in the middle of a bush and turned into a human again, putting Xu Fann down.    


"Oh, your body's not bad at all. You woke up so quickly." After putting Xu Fann down, the young man looked at Xu Fann who was moving his limbs and said this.    


As he spoke, he slowly walked towards Xu Fann. The right claw that knocked Xu Fann out previously slowly lifted up again.    


Obviously, this young man was prepared to do the same as before and knock Xu Fann out.    


"Don't!" Xu Fann was not stupid. He immediately understood the meaning of the young man's words and quickly raised his hand to stop him.    


Only when he stopped the young man from moving any further did he let out a sigh of relief. He then said to the other party, "You don't have to knock me out. I can just pretend to be unconscious."    


After he finished speaking, the young man frowned, he was obviously worried that the Strange Beast leader would find out that Xu Fann was faking unconsciousness.    


"The reason why I pretended to faint was actually for your own good. Think about it, if I were to faint, that Strange Beast leader would directly slap me to death with his claws. Your weapon will also disappear along with me." Seeing that there was hope, Xu Fann continued: "Even if the Strange Beast leader didn't kill me, you would have killed him, but if I didn't wake up at that time, that would have been a waste of your time."    


Saying that, Xu Fann looked at the young man again and saw that the young man's frown had eased up a little.    


Therefore, he continued: "Furthermore, if I do not personally see you kill the Strange Beast's leader, how could I imagine that I was just an illusion? If you lie to me, then I would definitely lose both my life and my treasure."    


After saying that, Xu Fann did not say anything else. He silently looked at the other party, waiting for his reply.    


He clearly understood that some things could not be said too much. As long as he pointed out the situation and pointed out the key points, that would be enough.    


Sure enough, after Xu Fann finished speaking, the young man's wrinkled brow gradually relaxed.    


"Alright, then I won't knock you out." Not long after, he looked at Xu Fann and said.    


After saying that, he looked at Xu Fann and reminded him once again, "But don't play any tricks. If you play any tricks, I will definitely not let you go."    


After saying that, the young man stared at Xu Fann. Due to Xu Fann's intelligence from before, he was a little worried that Xu Fann would play some tricks.    


"Don't worry. If it's as you said, I'm an illusory existence, then there's no use in keeping my weapon. So what if I gave it to you?" Xu Fann said in a carefree manner in the face of the young man's gaze.    


As he spoke, Xu Fann secretly let out a sigh of relief in his heart.    


If he really was brought into the Strange Beast's lair after being knocked unconscious. It was very likely that he would lose his life before he could even sense it.    


Furthermore, if he had entered the lair in a state of unconsciousness, he would not have been able to use the methods that he had come up with.    


It was extremely difficult for him to escape the Strange Beast's lair while protecting his own.    


The young man opposite to Xu Fann saw the expression on Xu Fann's face and the doubt in his heart dissipated.    


However, he still stared at Xu Fann for a long time. Then, he turned around and transformed into the wolf-shaped Strange Beast again.    


After that, he ignored Xu Fann's opposition, used his mouth to pick Xu Fann up and threw him onto his back.    


"Remember, that guy is very cunning. Don't open your eyes or move, or we'll be in big trouble." After throwing Xu Fann to the back, the wolf-shaped Strange Beast reminded Ye Zichen once again.    


Xu Fann nodded at the reminder. Seeing Xu Fann nod, the wolf-shaped Strange Beast ran towards the direction of the Strange Beast's lair.    


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