Immortals Dump Waste In My Home

C75 Reunion

C75 Reunion

0After jumping onto the Range Rover, Xu Fann drove the car to Wu Yuxuan's house.    


Before long, Xu Fann had arrived at Wu Yuxuan's courtyard.    


Xu Fann jumped out of the car and walked directly into the house since her yard was not closed.    


"Yuxuan, are you ready?"    


"Wait a moment, I'll be out."    


He stretched his neck and shouted into the room. Then he heard Wu Yuxuan's voice. She probably still hadn't changed her clothes, so Xu Fann wasn't in a rush. He immediately stood up and waited in the yard.    


Not too long after, Wu Yuxuan walked over.    


It was obvious that Wu Yuxuan had meticulously dressed up before he had arrived.    


Under her straight black hair, her exquisite facial features were adorned with a faint makeup, giving her a somewhat devastatingly beautiful appearance. She wore a short black skirt that didn't lose its conservatism, but also carried a bit of sexiness.    


Wu Yuxuan's beautiful legs would definitely be able to withstand the test. Her long, white legs would be bare, and her figure would be perfect even though she didn't have the shape of a pair of stockings.    


Her thighs were plump but not plump. Her calves were straight and slender. When they were connected, it was as if they were made of nature.    


Coupled with the pair of black eight-centimeter high heels she was wearing, it gave her the agility of a city beauty.    


Seeing Xu Fann staring blankly at her, Wu Yuxuan immediately covered her mouth and giggled. She rolled her eyes at Xu Fann and said: "Hey, have you seen enough yet?"    


"No …" Xu Fann spoke the truth.    


Wu Yuxuan didn't know why, but she felt a little happy in her heart. After dressing up for so long, she hadn't wasted any effort at all.    


Ye Zichen patted Xu Fann and said, "Alright, stop looking. It won't be good if we're late."    


Wu Yuxuan had already spent a lot of time in her meticulous dressing, so she was afraid that she would be late by the time she got there.    


Xu Fann nodded and led Wu Yuxuan out of the yard.    


"Get in."    


Xu Fann would lead the way. He opened the door of the Range Rover and let Wu Yuxuan in.    


However, Wu Yuxuan was stunned.    


Looking at the domineering SUV in front of her, Wu Yuxuan's mouth slightly opened as she asked in surprise, "Xu, Xu Fann, this, this is your car?"    


"Yeah, I bought it a few days ago. What's the matter?"    


In a small place like Lower River Village, if a chicken was stolen, the entire village would know about it on the second day. Xu Fann thought that Wu Yuxuan should already know about it, but from her current appearance, it seemed like she just found out.    


"It's nothing, I've never been in such an expensive car before …"    


Wu Yuxuan said with an embarrassed smile that her family wasn't well off, and she had always lived a frugal life. Plus, she had never been on a bus worth more than a million yuan.     


Xu Fann couldn't help but laugh when he saw her current appearance.    


"Silly girl, once you become my wife, we'll sit here everyday."    


"Fuck you, who wants to be your wife!"    


Xu Fann was being thick-skinned again. Wu Yuxuan blushed and slapped Xu Fann.    


"Alright, let's go."    


If this dragged on, she would really be late. Wu Yuxuan got on the car and started to urge her on.    


Xu Fann nodded and jumped into the driver's seat.    


Before long, Xu Fann had arrived nearby the county's first middle school in the Range Rover.    


When he looked towards the school gate from afar, he saw a group of people waiting there.    


Since the school wasn't having any classes today, most of the students were here for the reunion.    


At this moment, they seemed to be getting impatient. Xu Fann guessed that he was probably the only one who hadn't arrived yet.    


After they stopped the car, Xu Fann and Wu Yuxuan got out. This time, they saw Er Mao walk over to greet them.    


"Aiyo, what the f * ck!"    


When Mao saw Wu Yuxuan, who was beside Xu Fann, he was stupefied. His face was full of shock!    


Honestly speaking, he never thought that Wu Yuxuan would come. Just now, when everyone was waiting at the side, they were still joking about this matter.    


Compared to high school, Wu Yuxuan was less immature and had more mature charm. Hairy # 2 looked at Wu Yuxuan who was standing next to Xu Fann and pinched him. He wanted to tell himself that this was an illusion, but the pain was too great.    


Xu Fann didn't know whether to laugh or cry as he looked at him. "Er Mao, did you see that?"    


"How could that be?! If you want to see something stupid, then look at something stupid. Didn't I just become an idiot back then?"    


Er Mao and Xu Fann had a good relationship, so they laughed.    


Hairy # 2 did not feel anything strange when Xu Fann and Wu Yuxuan came together. After all, the two of them belonged to Lower River Village.    


As he laughed, Hairy # 2 suddenly glanced at the Land Rover behind him.    


At this moment, the Range Rover was like a piece of iron that attracted Hairy # 2's attention.    


Hairy # 2 smacked his lips and said, "This is a good car, Miss Class Flower. I didn't think that you would like such domineering style cars."    


Hairy # 2 looked at Wu Yuxuan with envy.    


Wu Yuxuan had been one of the top university students in her class back in the day. Mao hadn't expected that she would drive such an expensive car in the short span of a few years.    



After saying that, Hairy # 2 patted Xu Fann on the shoulder and scolded him with a smile, "You sure are lucky, even sitting in a luxurious car. You have to tell me how it feels when you sit up later."    


"Ugh …"    


Hearing this, Wu Yuxuan couldn't help but feel awkward. She bitterly smiled and said, "Er Mao, you're mistaken. This car is Xu Fann's. He drove me here today."    


"Haha!" Miss Class Flower, I've discovered that after so many years, you have become quite a humorous person. "    


Hairy # 2 laughed when he heard that and said: "With just Xu Fann, you think you can afford to buy this car? Don't joke around, this car is worth millions, and he's only on the same level as me. "    


"This …"    


Wu Yuxuan grinned awkwardly and looked at Xu Fann awkwardly.    


Xu Fann shook his head. He knew Er Mao wasn't doing this on purpose. Plus, he didn't care about these false titles.    


"Alright, you are the only one who talks so much. Let's go, don't look anymore. Everyone is waiting for us. Let's go."    


Thus, Xu Fann didn't bother to explain anymore. He chatted with Er Mao for a while, then walked towards the crowd.    


Just from the way they were dressing up, it seemed like they were doing pretty well. The boys were all dressed in suits and shoes, and when the girls went out, they had obviously dressed up well as well.    


However, when Wu Yuxuan walked over, all of her attention was immediately attracted by her.    


This was especially the case for the male students. When they saw the meticulously dressed Wu Yuxuan, their eyeballs almost fell off their sockets.    


They immediately surrounded Wu Yuxuan and started to ask.    


Wu Yuxuan couldn't help but feel a little awkward at such a situation. She didn't know how to respond for a while, so she looked at Xu Fann, who was outside the crowd, for help.    


Xu Fann smiled bitterly. No wonder Wu Yuxuan didn't like such an occasion. Being surrounded by so many people, how could it not be awkward?    


At this time, Xu Fann squeezed into the crowd and said, "It's getting late, let's find a restaurant first."    


At this moment, Wu Yuxuan took advantage of this opportunity to slip out.    


"Xu Fann, why do you have to talk so much?"    


At this moment, a man with strands of white hair glared at Xu Fann in annoyance.    


You know, he almost got Wu Yuxuan's number.    


Xu Fann smiled and didn't say anything.    


Bai Feihong had never been too fond of Ye Zichen, so it was normal for Ye Zichen to give him face.    


Speaking of Bai Feihong, he had been the most active in chasing Wu Yuxuan back then. Bai Feihong's father did business in Qingshan County and had done a great job. As a rich second-generation, Bai Feihong had been a little tyrant back in high school.    


Back then, the teachers and students didn't like him very much, but now, he had become the most popular character in the academy.    


The reason was simple. Bai Feihong's family was rich, and a few of his classmates relied on Bai Feihong's father to find work.    


To Bai Feihong, who was like the God of Fortune, he was naturally very respectful.    


This may be the first change people make after they have entered society from campus, giving in to money.    


Now that Wu Yuxuan had gone over to the girls' side, Bai Feihong had no choice but to give up.    


Since there was still a day left, Bai Feihong was in no hurry to talk to Wu Yuxuan.    


At this time, Bai Feihong showed Jiang Shi Dan Dun's watch. After looking at the time, he said, "Mhm, it's getting late, let's go eat now."    


"Fine, Bai Feihong. You're the most familiar with the place in the county. Where are you going to eat? Why don't you make a decision?"    


"Yes, Brother Bai, what do you think?"    


Hearing this group of guys talking about him, Bai Feihong also laughed in enjoyment and said: "You guys probably heard about it. Right now, the hottest restaurant in our county is the Hua Mansion Hotel. A lot of people come here to eat the food there!"    


"Hehe, of course, the price is not cheap either, but don't worry about it today! Today's food, drinks, and fun! I, Bai Feihong, have been bribed! Today, I will take you all to the Hua Mansion Hotel to have a good meal! "    


"Really! That's great! "    


"I've long heard that the food from Washington is delicious, but that place has always been full, and the price is also expensive. Hehe, this time, Brother Bai, you're treating me to a meal, we're so lucky!"    


"Alright!" Don't talk any more nonsense, I'm hungry, I'll bring you guys to rub your stomachs! "    


With that, Bai Feihong brought everyone towards the Hua Mansion Hotel.    


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