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C1653 Come with Me

C1653 Come with Me

0When Lin Yaoyang heard this, he was stunned. How did he know everything? However, Lin Yaoyang immediately understood. This bastard had been in the Second Heaven for countless years. It was perfectly normal for him to know about this.    


The man looked at Lin Yaoyang and said, "What about you? What did you do again?"    


Lin Yaoyang gritted his teeth and told him about the death of the Little Divine Phoenix. At the same time, he told the man about the fact that he had infected a large portion of the younger generation of God Clan with the Killing blood Mantra.    


The man looked at Lin Yaoyang in surprise and said, "You were infected by the Killing blood Mantra?"    


Lin Yaoyang nodded and said, "You know about the Killing blood Mantra too?"    


The man nodded and said, "I've heard of it. You're really good. You can still be alive and kicking after being hit by the Killing blood Mantra. Did you remove it?"    


Lin Yaoyang shook his head and said, "I only delayed it. I blocked the Killing blood Mantra outside my heart chamber. I didn't let it corrode my heart meridian. Only this last line of defense is left."    


The man was silent, as if he didn't know what to say. He said to Lin Yaoyang, "You are also a genius. You are much more ruthless than me. Those people didn't know the seriousness of the Killing blood Mantra. They were probably thinking of ways to solve it. Perhaps another group of people will fall for it. "    


Lin Yaoyang nodded his head evilly.    


The man looked at Lin Yaoyang and said, "What are you going to do?"    


Without any hesitation, Lin Yaoyang said, "Revenge! Since you have already said that there is no way for that Sovereign to come back and stop me, I will go back and kill all of them."    


The man smiled at Lin Yaoyang and said, "It's better not to think about killing all of them. At least they have an old man at the peak of Titled Fighters. Once that old man comes out, even if you have wings, I'm afraid you won't be able to flap them. "    


"Come here!"    


The man pondered for a while, then got up and led Lin Yaoyang towards the depths of the cave.    


Lin Yaoyang was stunned for a moment, then followed behind. After walking for a short distance, the man opened a stone door. He said to Lin Yaoyang, "Go in and choose slowly. If you think there is anything useful for you, take it. Anyway, I don't need it anymore. "    


Lin Yaoyang had just walked out of the door. When he heard the man's words, he was stunned. What was he preparing for him?    


When Lin Yaoyang walked to the entrance of the stone door, he was stunned. At this moment, there was a stone room in front of Lin Yaoyang. Lin Yaoyang could only see the spacious wall of the stone room. There were all kinds of weapons hanging on the wall, shining with a strange light.    


Lin Yaoyang had seen many ordinary swords, axes, staffs, and many other weapons that he had never seen before.    


Lin Yaoyang had never thought that weapons could be forged into such a shape.    


Lin Yaoyang looked at the dazzling weapons on the wall and felt as if he was looking at a flower.    


Then, Lin Yaoyang saw books under the weapons.    


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