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C81 Disdain

C81 Disdain

0Director Zhao asked curiously, "What Lin Family? What are you talking about? Tell me more clearly."    


Director Zhao was surprised. This young man was clearly using Lion Roaring King's famous technique - Lion Roar - Fifth Gate. If this young man was really a disciple of the Lin Family in Qingye Town, how could he possibly learn Lion Roaring King's combat technique? Wasn't that a joke?    


As for secretly learning it, Director Zhao wouldn't believe it even if he was beaten to death. What kind of level was Lion Roaring King at? How could he let a cultivator of this level learn his special skill?    


Wouldn't that become a joke? Furthermore, this young man seemed to have perfected Lion Roaring King's famous battle skill, Lion's Roar, at the Martial Master Level at such a young age. This kind of talent could be said to be terrifying.    


He wouldn't treat Lion Roaring King unfairly even if he was Lion Roaring King's disciple. How could he possibly be a disciple of the Lin Family of Qingye Town?    


After being stared at by Director Zhao, he didn't dare to show any neglect. He quickly said, "Director Zhao, look. That kid is wearing that waist tag. Do you think there is a big word 'Lin' on it? It isn't really the Qingye Town Lin Family's waist tag. Our Cao Family is not on good terms with the Lin Family. Although I, Wang Datou, don't have a good look in my eyes. However, I will never admit my mistake when it comes to this kind of thing."    


After Director Zhao heard what Wang Datou said, his eyes turned serious. Sure enough, there was a badge hanging on Lin Yaoyang's waist. Just like what Wang Datou had said, there was a big word 'Lin' written on it.    


After Director Zhao saw it clearly, the puzzled expression in his heart became even heavier. Then, as if he had thought of something, the expression on his face became ugly. Director Zhao thought to himself. It was most likely this young man from the Lin Family of Qingye Town opposite him. He had encountered some fortuitous encounter outside just now. Lion Roaring King had taken a fancy to his talent and accepted him as his disciple.    


The more Director Zhao thought about it, the more he felt that it made sense. In his opinion, this was the only explanation for why Lin Yaoyang had learned Lion Roaring King's combat skill.    


For a moment, Director Zhao's facial expression turned incomparably ugly. He had been entrusted by the patriarch of Cao Family. He had specially spent a huge sum of money to invite someone from outside to help Cao Family. His intention was to dominate the Qingye Town. He wanted to annex the Lin Family, the enemy force of Cao Family.    


However, in Director Zhao's opinion, this idea was a little too childish. The opposite Lin Family, even if they didn't do anything, would only rely on this young man, the disciple of Lion Roaring King, Lin Yaoyang.    


It was because of his reputation that he was able to do whatever he wanted in the surrounding area. Who would dare to attack the family of Lion Roaring King's disciple? That person wouldn't even want his life.    


Director Zhao felt very fortunate that he had discovered this beforehand. Fortunately, he didn't rush to attack the young man when he saw the cultivation technique on the young man's body.    


If he had been a little careless and rushed towards Lin Yaoyang, he wouldn't have had the chance to build a good relationship with Lion Roaring King's disciple.    


Who knew what kind of technique Lion Roaring King would leave behind on his disciple to save his life?    


Perhaps he would lose his life the moment he attacked. Director Zhao suddenly had a feeling that he had just escaped death.    


Cold sweat oozed out from his back. The inner garment he was wearing was now standing on his back.    


Director Zhao said to Wang Datou, who was standing behind him, "I can't help you guys with this matter. The young man opposite me is here. Your Cao Family will never be able to dominate the Qingye Town. I have to leave now. Otherwise, you will bring me more trouble. "    


Director Zhao said in a serious tone. Wang Datou and the other two disciples of the Cao Family were confused by his words.    


Ai, what was going on? Why did Director Zhao suddenly say that he was leaving? Why did he act like he was afraid of the young man from the Lin Family?    


This doesn't make sense, although that young man is stronger than us. But we can see that he's just a martial master. Isn't Director Zhao a Half-step Martial Ancestor True God? Why does he look so afraid of that Lin Family kid?    


He even said that the Cao Family will never be able to dominate the Qingye Town. Wang Datou's face turned anxious. If Director Zhao wasn't brought to the Cao Family, the punishment of the patriarch would be... Just the imagination alone made Wang Datou's facial expression turn ugly.    


However, Director Zhao, who was standing next to him, was someone who could use force. It was a good thing that Director Zhao didn't use force to throw them aside. It was worth celebrating.    


"Director Zhao!"    


Wang Datou wanted to say something, but Director Zhao glared at him. The Qi on his body was slightly released, and the pressure instantly made Wang Datou's face turn white.    


In the end, Wang Datou didn't dare to say anything more. His surname was Wang, but not Cao. The only reason he could do anything in Cao Family was because he had a relative with the surname Cao.    


When he went out, Wang Datou heard his mother say that it was his mother, sister, husband, and the owner of the dog next door to his brother's neighbor's house.    


Otherwise, Wang Datou wouldn't have had the chance to do anything in the Cao Family. However, Wang Datou didn't have a strong sense of belonging to the Cao Family.    


Seeing Director Zhao's expression, he knew that the situation wasn't something he could control anymore. He started to think about when he would find a way to escape.    


Where should he go after he ran away? Who should he seek refuge from? In just a few seconds, a brand new idea started to form in Wang Datou's mind.    


Director Zhao didn't know what Wang Datou was thinking. He just shifted his gaze to Lin Yaoyang and stared at him. Director Zhao had already made up his mind not to get involved in this mess.    


Currently, Director Zhao was thinking in his mind. After Lin Yaoyang took care of Master Cao and his two subordinates, how should he get close to Lin Yaoyang? How could he resolve this awkward situation?    


Director Zhao reached his hand into his pocket and touched his chest. There was a small wooden box in his pocket. There was a Qi Gathering Pill in it. The effect of this pill could help Martial Master Level warriors advance by one grade without any side effects.    


This kind of thing was enough to make countless Martial Master Level Cultivator chase after it like a flock of ducks. Director Zhao had originally planned to leave this to his nephew, but now it seemed like it had a better use.    


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