Top Campus Beauty System

C30 The Goddess' Top Student

C30 The Goddess' Top Student

0The students who came and went glanced at the banner and left in a hurry, making Ye Ling feel awkward.    


Could it be that he didn't give enough money? No way! In this era where the average salary was only a few thousand dollars, fifty thousand dollars was already a lot. There was no reason for him not to recruit people.    


Ye Ling suddenly thought of whether it was because they did not believe in his wealth. Thinking of this, he felt that the possibility was very high.    


In fact, when someone went to the hotel management level, his salary was about thirty to forty thousand. Ye Ling only offered a slightly higher salary, hoping to recruit people easily. But now, others did not believe him.    


Speaking of which, many companies only gave three to four thousand salaries to hire employees in this kind of university city. After all, they had just graduated and did not have much experience, so it was impossible for the human resource company to give them too much salaries. Only Ye Ling's recruitment requirements did not require experience. As long as the requirements were met, they could get so much money. This made people suspicious.    


Since they did not believe it, he would let them see it. Without a word, Ye Ling closed the stall and went to set up a stall outside the meeting hall. At the same time, he placed the Bugatti Wei Long in front of the recruitment stall.    


Damn it! He did not believe that he could not attract people like this.    


"The quota is limited. If you want to apply, hurry up. Let me tell you, opportunities don't wait for others." Ye Ling stepped on the hood of the Bugatti sports car and shouted with the loudspeaker.    


The crowd who were going to apply immediately stopped. They all looked towards Ye Ling. When they saw the sports car and posters, they became interested. After all, it was a luxury car worth millions! The job was definitely not bad. No one could resist it.    


There were many people who started applying for the job. He did not expect that having more people was also a kind of trouble.    


"Sis, can you come back after you lose weight?" Ye Ling looked helplessly at the 160kg girl in front of him and said with a face full of despair.    


He really dared to come and apply for any job.    


"Handsome, you didn't ask for weight. Why can't I?" She shook the fat on her belly and humphed.    


The pile of fat made Ye Ling want to throw up. Especially when she had a bad breath. He finally knew why Shen Teng called him to recruit. It turned out that he wanted to torture him.    


"Sorry, you are not a beauty." Ye Ling rejected decisively.    


The girl was still not willing. She was ready to act coquettishly at Ye Ling. He was so scared that he quickly spent ten thousand dollars to hire two security guards to clear the area.    


Looking at the long line behind them, Ye Ling's head was already big. There were quite a lot of pretty girls, but they were all average looking.    


Also, their resumes were nothing special. If this went on, he didn't know when he would be able to recruit all of them.    


As expected, high-quality beauties were hard to find. As for why he chose beautiful women, of course, it was for the development of the hotel. In the service industry of hotels, appearance was the most important. When other people came to the hotel and found that there were a lot of beautiful women, they immediately felt comfortable. There were also many returning customers. People were born to love beautiful women.    


"Alright, none of you are qualified." Ye Ling stood on the hood of the sports car. He waved his hand and shouted to the crowd below.    


"What? We've been in line for so long, and he hasn't interviewed us yet. He said I didn't meet the requirements."    


"That's right. Give us an explanation."    


"How did we fail? Aren't we beautiful women?"    


As soon as he finished speaking, he was attacked by a group of girls. Ye Ling was sweating profusely! Sure enough, girls were narcissistic. They dared to call themselves pretty girls.    


In the end, there was nothing he could do. He asked the security guards to distribute 200 yuan to everyone, and only then did he calm down the girls' anger.    


Just as they were about to leave, Ye Ling said to them.    


"Help me find the goddesses in other schools and get them to apply here. Every time I get a person, I will reward them 10,000 yuan. I will do as I say."    


The girls below were in a mess. Ye Ling offered ten thousand yuan as a recommendation fee, which made them very interested.    


In the next second, the crowd dispersed. Some went to school, some made phone calls, and some went to ask for information. In short, it was good to have money.    


Zhonghai Academy of Art.    


In the dance class, a group of beautiful girls were practicing dancing. Some were massaging their legs, some were practicing dancing. The beautiful girls were dancing like fairies.    


Among them, there was one with the best temperament and face among the group of girls. Her delicate face and dancing skills made her the best among them. She was Chen Mengqi.    


"Alright, everyone take a break." The dance teacher stopped practicing.    


After hearing that they could rest, the group of girls were so tired that they laid on the ground. Chen Mengqi walked to her backpack and wanted to drink some water, but her phone rang. Seeing that it was a call from her best friend, Chen Mengqi picked it up without hesitation.    




"Hey! Mengqi, quickly come to the university city recruitment venue. There is a job with a high salary that suits you very well. Hurry up, or else you will be robbed by others." The person on the other end of the phone said anxiously.    


Ah! How much is one month?" Chen Mengqi asked in surprise when she heard her best friend's anxious voice. How much did it cost to make her best friend so anxious?    


Could it be ten to twenty thousand?    


"Fifty thousand and the company's welfare is very good."    


"Is the news trustworthy?" Chen Mengqi did not believe it.    


"It is absolutely trustworthy. You will know when you come? It will be gone if you come any later." She said anxiously.    


"Okay, I'm going" Chen Mengqi agreed. Where could she find such a good job? Of course she would try. Maybe she would pass.    


After she applied for leave from her teacher, she hurried to the venue.    


This kind of thing happened in all the schools. Those girls had scrolled through all the goddesses and top students in the university. As long as there was a good-looking and capable top student, they would bring them to apply as soon as they found out.    


At this time, Ye Ling had already gotten an indoor interview venue from the venue. The rough poster had been remade, indicating that the company was in Haosi hotel and needed management.    


When they understood that it was Haosi hotel's recruitment, he believed that they would be more enthusiastic in registering.    


Ye Ling was currently sitting on a chair, waiting for the first interviewer.    


Very quickly, the door opened. A girl who looked like a porcelain doll walked in. She was wearing a white pleated dress. She was wearing a pair of black canvas shoes. Her slender legs were wrapped in white stockings. She was very beautiful. She was holding a document. It should be her resume. The first impression she gave him was very good.    


She was only wearing canvas shoes for the interview?    


"Interviewer, hello." When the girl saw Ye Ling, she quickly bowed and greeted him.    


Ye Ling looked at the girl. She had at least 90 points. He pointed at the chair in front of her and smiled at her.    



"Sit down! Don't be nervous. I just want to ask you a few questions."    


The girl took small steps and sat on the chair, waiting for Ye Ling to ask her a few questions.    


You are Zhang Kelin? 20 years old?"    


Ye Ling took her resume and flipped through a few pages. There was no problem with the contents of the resume. She was a good student and had a good image. The rest depended on her character. He nodded, then stared at her and asked.    


"Yes." Zhang Kelin replied nervously, wondering if the interviewer would be dissatisfied with her resume.    


"I didn't expect your name to be the same as mine." Seeing her, Zhang Kelin was a little anxious. Ye Ling eased the tension in her heart.    


"Ah! What a coincidence."    


When she heard the interviewer's words, she did not expect him to be so friendly. She put down her nervousness and revealed her white canine teeth as she happily chatted with Ye Ling.    


Needless to say, this girl's ability to speak was good. Her voice was sweet and she smiled very cute.    


"By the way, why did you wear canvas shoes for the interview? Don't you know that we are in a hotel? " Shoes must be high heels, don't tell me you don't even have this kind of common sense! " After chatting for a while, Ye Ling asked the first question.    


"Ah! "I... I don't know. Sis Sun asked me to wear it. She said it would be better this way. I really didn't do it on purpose. " Zhang Kelin was shocked when she heard Ye Ling's words. She thought that she was going to be eliminated. She panicked and her big watery eyes looked like they were about to shed tears.    


"Don't cry! Even I don't know what to do when you cry."    


Her pitiful appearance wanted his life! Ye Ling did not panic. Wasn't he just asking a question? She was actually about to cry.    


How did I become your devil king? Oh my god!    


As soon as he finished speaking, her eyes turned even redder.    


"Wait, was it your friend who asked you to dress like this? Then did she come for the interview as well?" Ye Ling seemed to have caught something and asked her.    


Zhang Kelin heard Ye Ling's words and was stunned for a moment. Then she nodded and said,    


"Yes, she came to the interview with me. She will be next."    


Ye Ling waved at her and smiled.    


"You have passed. Report to Haosi hotel on Monday. That's it. You can leave now."    


"Ah! Really?" Zhang Kelin held her small hand tightly, her cute big eyes flashing with excitement. She nervously stared at Ye Ling and confirmed.    


"It's true. You can leave now!"    


Ye Ling smiled again. This girl was too innocent. She did not know that she had been cheated. However, the company lacked such a pure person.    


The next candidate.    


She was dressed in a white collar dress. It was simple and plain. There was a lace shirt inside. She looked young and dignified. Her face was only slightly pink. She was just right. She was wearing high heels and looked 85 points. She could be considered a school belle beauty. She looked very good. Under normal circumstances, she had a very high chance of being accepted.    


"Interrogator, hello." Sun Xiaoya made a slight gesture and greeted him politely.    


She did not know that Ye Ling did not care about these things. He flipped through her resume and was no longer interested. Instead, he asked her calmly.    


"You are Zhang Kelin's friend?"    


Sun Xiaoya heard Ye Ling's words and thought that Zhang Kelin was eliminated. She was afraid that Ye Ling would not feel good about her for the first time. After hesitating for a while, she smiled and said,    


"We are not considered friends. We have only met a few times."    


"Yes." Ye Ling nodded.    


"I'm sorry, Miss Sun. Our hotel might not be suitable for you. You can go now."    




Sun Xiaoya was stunned. He did not ask her anything and eliminated her. She could not help but ask Ye Ling.    


"Did you ask Zhang Kelin to change her shoes? I don't need to say anything. You should understand what I said. You can leave." Ye Ling turned the pen in his hand and said coldly.    


For a position, she had played tricks on her friends. Even if she had the ability, he did not dare to take her. He was afraid that she would make a mess of the hotel one day.    


Hearing Ye Ling's words, Sun Xiaoya looked at him angrily. She stomped on the floor and left in anger.    


Ye Ling shook his head when he saw her slam the door shut.    


After that, more than ten girls applied for jobs. There were only ten who met the requirements, and five more.    


Ye Ling had no choice. He went to the venue again to see if there were suitable people, even if they were men. After all, there were too many girls nowadays. He didn't want haosi to become a place for women to gossip.    


"Ye Ling!"    


Just as Ye Ling was strolling around, a voice full of resentment sounded from behind him. He turned around and wanted to see who was so resentful towards him.    


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