Top Campus Beauty System

C23 320 Billion and 40 Million

C23 320 Billion and 40 Million

0Currently, his fronting value was rising rapidly. While Ye Ling was feeling excited, he kept pretending to be confused and asked them curiously.    


"What's wrong with you guys? Could it be that I placed the wrong bet?"    


"Young Master Ye, you scared them." The Xue whispered into Ye Ling's ear. He could not help but shiver when the heat hit his ear.    


"Where did he come from?! Did he bet 90 million just like that?"    


"How can it be easy to roll three dice with the same number? He's wasting money like paper!"    


"Over the years, I have seen many people use tens of millions of chips to guess the size of the dice, but no one dares to throw nearly a hundred million chips to bet three identical numbers. " I'm too convinced. "    


After everyone had recovered from their shock, they all sighed with emotion at this lunatic Ye Ling. Why did they say that Ye Ling was crazy? Because he didn't seem to be gambling, but rather wasting money.    


As for Croupier, when he heard this number, he was already covered in cold sweat. If a leopard really appeared...    


36 times!    


That casino would have to pay 3.20 billion and 40 million to Ye Ling. Thinking of this number, Croupier's legs went soft.    


If he lost, the boss would definitely chop him into meat paste.    


"Sir, your bet is too big. Why don't you bet less?" Croupier said nervously.    


Ye Ling played with the chips in his hand and snorted coldly.    


"Isn't the casino of Ning Family a place where you can bet as much as you want? Do we have no upper limit when betting? What's wrong? "Are you afraid that you can't afford it?"    


Croupier's heart tightened when Ye Ling stared at him coldly. He broke out in cold sweat. Fortunately, he rang the bell in advance to inform the manager to come over. Soon, a man in his thirties appeared. After learning about the situation with Croupier, he announced it in front of everyone.    


"I'm sorry, everyone. The bet is limited to less than 10 million tonight. I'm really sorry."    


After the announcement, the manager came to Ye Ling's side and said to him with a smile. "Sir, I'm sorry. The bet is limited to less than 10 million. I hope you understand."    


"No problem, 10 million is fine too." Ye Ling did not care. He needed to spend money to level up his experience anyway. He was a little excited that he only needed tens of millions of experience to level up.    


"Ten million. I'll still bet on the leopard."    


Ye Ling casually threw out ten million chips. Although it was not as shocking as before, it still made the others scared.    


Ten million! The total amount of money on the table was not even one-tenth of his total. He immediately attracted the attention of many people.    


Croupier calmed his mind and shouted.    


"Three, two, one! Open!"    


Only when he saw the number of dice did he stop worrying.    


Two four six. The total number of dice is small."    


Some people cheered, while others were worried. Those who gambled on the big dice cried out in pain. Those who gambled on the small dice were extremely excited. As for those who were watching, they were all lamenting that Ye Ling's 10 million was gone just like that.    


They thought that Ye Ling would stop gambling or bet on something else. Unfortunately, they were wrong. He had gambled nine times in a row to produce leopards, so he had lost 90 million in a row. Ye Ling did not blink his eyes at all.    


The system also reminded him that he had successfully advanced to level 3, but he did not have the chance to see it.    


This time, he finally had no money. The others heaved a sigh of relief. Every time Ye Ling placed a bet of 10 million yuan, their hearts could not stand it. They all hoped that he would lose money and leave.    


When they thought that Ye Ling had no money and would leave the casino, a faint voice rang out.    


" Xue, take my bank and exchange for another one hundred million worth of chips. I don't believe that leopard won't appear today."    




As soon as he finished speaking, Croupier and the others were frightened. Even Xue widened his eyes and looked at Ye Ling in disbelief. She thought that she understood Ye Ling's wealth, but now that she realized that she didn't even know a thousandth of Ye Ling's wealth, she immediately felt that he was unfathomable.    


Sometimes, a man's mysteriousness became a fatal medicine for women, and the Xue was no exception. A strong curiosity drove her to understand Ye Ling deeply.    


His fronting value rose rapidly again. It was really not bad!    


Xue took Ye Ling's bank card. Very quickly, she came back with 100 million chips.    


"Come on! Continue." Ye Ling took the chips and said to Croupier.    


Croupier almost couldn't stand this kind of torture. He was afraid that Ye Ling would suddenly place his bet on the leopard, so he asked in a trembling voice.    


"Sir, do you still want to place your bet on the leopard?"    


"Of course. If the leopard doesn't appear tonight, I won't let it go. It's fine. I still have several hundred million in my card. Take it slow. I'll see the appearance of the leopard eventually." Ye Ling comforted Croupier kindly when he saw Croupier's nervous expression.    


Croupier was going to kneel when he said that. The others were also about to cry. Could Ye Ling not treat money like paper?    


His fronting value had improved again. Ye Ling was very satisfied.    


When he wanted to continue gambling, the manager hurried over and whispered in Ye Ling's ear.    


"Sir, the first floor is full of bets that are less than ten million yuan. If you want to play a little bigger, go to the VIP room on the second floor. Coincidentally, we, Young Master, are also playing. There is only one more person left, and they can play Five Card Stud."    


Young Master? Could it be Ning Feng? Ye Ling was very angry when he thought of Ning Feng. He just happened to want to find trouble with Ning Feng and complete the task of humiliating him.    


"Lead the way!" Ye Ling wrapped his arm around Xue's small waist and winked at the manager.    


After Ye Ling went to the second floor, Croupier and the others heaved a sigh of relief. Finally, they sent this master away.    


The second floor, VIP room.    


They pushed open the door and entered. They saw a large space. There was a round table in the middle. It was called a room, but it was more like a hall. There were quite a number of people. There were both men and women. They were dressed very beautifully. One look and one could tell that they were a level higher than the people on the first floor, whether it was money or temperament.    


"Ye Ling?"    


At this moment, a familiar voice woke Ye Ling up. He turned his head and saw Moo Shaotian staring at him in disbelief.    


"Brother Shaotian." Ye Ling greeted Moo Shaotian with a smile when he saw that it was Moo Shaotian.    


"How dare you come here?" Moo Shaotian whispered angrily, but he was interrupted before he could finish his sentence.    


"Are you Ye Ling?" he asked.    


A gentle voice said Ye Ling's name. He looked up and saw a man in a noble suit walking over. He was very handsome. Although he had a smile on his face, Ye Ling felt very uncomfortable. It was as if he had been targeted by a snake.    


"You are?"    


Ye Ling usually ignored people he did not like. However, the person in front of him made him feel that this person was very dangerous, so he had to ask.    


"Ning Feng, Moo Qing's fiancé." Ning Feng smiled and said.    


So it was this bastard! Ye Ling cursed in his heart and glared at him. He turned around and smiled. "Let's get to know each other again. Ye Ling, Moo Qing's man."    


"Isn't Ning Feng Moo Qing's fiancé? Why does Moo Qing have another man?"    


"Could he be Moo Qing's ex-boyfriend? Or is this man going to compete with Young Master Ning for Moo Qing? " But Young Master Ning is so perfect. Who can compete with him? "    


"In Zhonghai, who dares to provoke Young Master Ning? He is one of the four young masters of Zhonghai. One look and I can tell that this man is crazy."    


All the guests discussed animatedly. Most of them thought that the two of them were fighting for Moo Qing. However, Ye Ling was overestimating himself. Ye Ling would definitely lose.    


When Ning Feng heard Ye Ling's words, anger rose in Ning Feng's heart. He cursed in his heart, "This kid is really lucky. Even the elite killer did not kill him. He is still alive.    


Ning Feng suppressed his anger and did not show it. He still pretended to be an elegant young master and said.    


"Don't argue with me. I heard from my subordinates that you lost 100 million just now. How about we play the Five Card Stud game?"    


As soon as Ning Feng said that, They were surprised by his wealth. Of course, they were also mocking Ye Ling for squandering.    


How could Ye Ling not retaliate when he was mocked by Ning Feng? He said indifferently.    


"It's only 100 million. My pocket money."    


"This kid is definitely boasting."    


"pocket money? He doesn't want to lose too much face, so he said it on purpose!"    


Most people thought Ye Ling said it for his face. One hundred million pocket money was a joke.    


When everyone is here, we will start playing the Five Card Stud game. Don't dawdle! " Beside the round table, an eagle-nosed man in his forties shouted.    


Ning Feng asked Ye Ling if he wanted to play, but Ye Ling naturally agreed. Ye Ling found an opportunity to humiliate Ning Feng and complete the mission.    


There were five people at the round table. Apart from Ning Feng and Moo Shaotian, there were two men. One of them was the hooked nose man. The other one was Ning Feng's friend, Xue Qi.    


"By the way, are you rich? Our bet is at least five million." Ye Ling had just sat down when he was ridiculed by Xue Qi.    


Ye Ling ignored him and said to the Xue beside him.    


" Xue, bet ten million."    


The Xue took out Ye Ling's chips, a total of eleven chips. There was a total of 100 million and 10 million yuan. She threw 10 million of them into the prize pool.    


"Distribute poker cards!"    


Croupier received Ning Feng's order and nodded. He was very experienced in controlling the cards in his hand.    


Very quickly, he sent out the second card. Ye Ling was the biggest. He was the ace of spades.    


Looking at them, Ye Ling sneered. They actually dared to play the Five Card Stud game with him. He used money to scare them.    


"The second card, I'll bet a little less, 30 million."    


Ye Ling casually threw out three chips worth 10 million.    


"This is called a little less gambling? Do you know how to play?" The hook-nosed man was the first to jump out and curse.    


Ye Ling was drinking the cocktail from the Xue when he was scolded by him. Ye Ling said unhappily.    


"Don't bother about me. I am rich. " If you have the ability, add more bets! "Don't dawdle."    


The hooked nose man was immediately speechless by Ye Ling's rebuttal. Everything on the gambling table was based on rules and money. Nothing else mattered.    


"Is there anyone else who wants to increase the stakes?" Croupier asked.    


"No." Ning Feng pushed the card out.    


"I don't want it either." Moo Shaotian said.    


There was no need to talk about the other two. Neither of them wanted it.    


" Xue, collect the money." Ye Ling played with the chips in his hand and said with a smile.    


"Wow! You won 20 million."    


The Xue cried out in surprise and then carried the chips back with both hands. Her pretty face was full of joy.    




After the hidden cards were distributed, they started to distribute the second card. Ning Feng was the biggest card on the card, and the King of Hearts.    


"I'll bet five million." Ning Feng said.    


"I'll continue. I'll bet five million too."    


The people behind him also bet five million.    



When Ye Ling arrived, he threw out ten chips and said lazily.    


"I'll use 100 million to stimulate myself first."    


"Ye Ling, you have 2 square points and the smallest card. What do you want to bet 100 million? Are you crazy?" Xue Qi couldn't help but curse.    


Ye Ling scratched his ears and said indifferently.    


"I have a lot of money. I like playing like this. If you think too much, go home and drink milk."    


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