Super Godly Evolution

C316 Hero Giant King!

C316 Hero Giant King!

0Hum -    


Xingyun Devil Master's shadow flashed, and his body fell 100 meters into the sky, far away from Yi Yun and Chu Lin's attack range.    


Xingyun Devil Master's hands changed. His expression was cold, and his hands kept moving. Strange finger techniques started to form in his hands.    


Buzz, buzz, buzz -    


The Gene Energy in the air started boiling violently. The entire world was shaking. The Gene Energy was gathering in Xingyun Devil Master's hands, and a natural flow of wind was swirling into a whirlpool.    




A roar was heard from the vortex. A thick grayish-black arm stretched out and scratched continuously. It wanted to grab something that was supporting it. The arm was very lifelike. If it wasn't for the unstable energy that was trembling inside, Chu Lin would have thought that Xingyun Devil Master had summoned a monster from outer space!    


Energy materialization!    


"This is..." The elder of the royal family opened his eyes wide. His expression was shocked. He stared at the little finger on his arm. It was wearing a virtual ring that was also made of energy!    


The other people who were reminded by the old man also widened their eyes one after another. They could not believe it in their hearts.    


"Roar! Roar!"    


In the end, the energy giant was unable to get out of the vortex. However, the vortex collapsed on its own and a hundred meter tall grayish-brown giant appeared in the air! He was in human form. It seemed to be an image model of a person that had been magnified a hundred times!    


Sure enough...    


The nobles of the capital sighed repeatedly. The legend of a hero was passed down in Central Royal City. In the era of the beast rampage, there was a person with a special bloodline ability. He transformed into a giant and expelled the beast, creating the first home for the people in the post-apocalyptic world to live in!    


"Hmph! Xingyun Devil Master must have stolen Giant King's gene map and developed this technique!"    


The old man concluded with a single sentence, and the resentment on his face was obvious.    


The hero of King City, Giant King, was the ancestor of most of the nobles in King City. One could imagine how furious they were when their ancestor's grave was dug up!    


"Xingyun Devil Master has wreaked havoc in the world. He deserves to be killed!" Another noble of King City said with a cold snort.    


Regardless of whether it was the expectation from the bottom of their hearts or the rational consideration of interests, the few nobles of the capital who were still standing and watching on the sidelines were endlessly hoping that Chu Lin and Yi Yun could win the battle and let the world return to peace!    


Xingyun Devil Master's figure moved and jumped onto the shoulder of Giant King's energy body. His two hands formed a series of hand seals. Giant King roared and sped up his pace. He kicked towards Chu Lin and Xingyun Devil Master!    


Giant King's body was made up of pure Gene Energy, and it was a solid body made of energy. It was black and shiny, and it whistled through the air. It was mixed with a terrifying fluctuation, and it smashed towards Chu Lin.    




The top of the Xingmo Palace was sent flying by the huge palm. The palm slapped down, and it was filled with broken pieces of bricks. With a cracking sound, the pieces were crushed into pieces, and they flowed out from between the fingers of the Xingmo Palace's fingers.    


Crack, crack, crack -    


A bigger crack spread across the palace. The statues collapsed, and the murals were torn into pieces by the huge force. Countless artisans' devoted works were turned into ashes in this disaster.    


Giant King was alive?    


Not only the nobles of the capital were shocked, even Yi Yun blinked her eyes and was slightly surprised.    


She had lived in Central Royal City for more than half a year, how could she not know about this famous Giant King? Even if this Giant King was much weaker than the legendary existence, it was still hard to look up to him.    


"Yi Yun!"    


Chu Lin, who had turned into a Dark Flame Giant, shouted. After that, his ten-meter tall Dark Flame Giant charged towards Giant King, who was a hundred meters tall, and 15,000 meters tall.    


"Has this Chu Lin gone mad?" The old aristocrat murmured.    


The nobles of King City were in an uproar. Giant King's reputation had long been suppressed in their hearts. He was an undefeatable existence. Who would dare to fight against such a legendary hero?    


Yi Yun blinked her eyes. Her beautiful eyes were filled with admiration. This is the person I like. He has never been troubled by difficulties and obstacles!    


Chu Lin did not care about the gazes of the crowd. He roared and jumped up. His body moved violently and his steps were strange.    


"Nine Changes of Divine Traversing!" Chu Lin appeared in front of Giant King in the blink of an eye.    


"Dark Domain!"    


A thick fog emerged, and a dark shadow lingered around Giant King. The grayish-brown Giant King was immediately surrounded by the dark purple fog, and was covered by it!    


"Dark Flame fluctuation!"    


The dark devil flame rolled up, and flowed within his body. It then transformed into a Dark Flame that blotted out the sky. The raging Dark Flame absorbed all light, spreading fear outwards.    


"Dark Flame Devour!"    


The surrounding fog was suppressed by the Dark Flame, and it crashed into Giant King's body.    




Giant King quickly sensed the threat of the Dark Flame. He grabbed the energy body with his hand, and tried to dig the Dark Flame out of his body. However, the Dark Flame was like a maggot that clung to his bones, and it tenaciously transmitted fire into Giant King's body.    


"This is bad!"    


Xingyun Devil Master frowned slightly. His source technique could not cover the entire hundred meters of Giant King. Once the Dark Flame took root in Giant King's body, Giant King was destined to be swallowed by the Dark Flame!    


He had to do this! Xingyun Devil Master once again formed a hand seal, and a light wind reverberated in the air.    


Before Xingyun Devil Master could complete the seal, a wisp of black color flashed out from Chu Lin's feet.    


Nightmare Devil Shadow!    


As soon as Nightmare Devil Shadow appeared, she opened her mouth and looked at Xingyun Devil Master with the desire to devour him.    


"Dark Shadow... Roar!"    


A purple-black circle of light was spat out from the ferocious mouth and pointed at Xingyun Devil Master who was unprepared.    



Xingyun Devil Master, who had formed a finger seal, paused for a moment. The finger seal broke off, and the light wind in the air gradually dissipated.    


"Good... High Spiritual Force!" Xingyun Devil Master turned his stiff neck, and his eyes almost popped out.    


A single-bloodline martial artist. His mental attack could actually affect a Tianquan Realm!    


Yi Yun's figure flashed like a beautiful red light.    


"Spirit Light Ghost Sword!"    


Yi Yun raised two fingers and a thin energy light sword extended from her two fingers. Her figure flashed and landed in front of Xingyun Devil Master.    


Rustle -    


Xingyun Devil Master had just gotten rid of his stiffness and jumped off Giant King's shoulder. A bone-deep bloody wound was exposed in the air.    


Hiss! Hiss!    


Xingyun Devil Master was like a leaking balloon. His chest was constantly leaking out powerful Gene Energy. His skin also dried and aged instantly. His appearance of a twenty-year-old man instantly doubled to that of an eighty year old man. His white hair fell to his forehead.    




A hoarse figure came out from Xingyun Devil Master's throat, "The two of you can actually hurt me!"    


Yi Yun's Spirit Light Ghost Sword shattered, and she stood quietly in the void, side by side with Chu Lin.    


Xingyun Devil Master's fingers did not stop. He shouted in a hoarse voice, "Giant King! Kill them for me!"    


Chu Lin grabbed with his Dark Flame hand, "Dark Flame, explode!"    




The accumulated Dark Flame in Giant King's body exploded in his chest, and a huge hole appeared!    


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