Super Godly Evolution

C775 Fire Gate

C775 Fire Gate



Xin Tianyun pouted when she heard that Chu Lin could not play with her, but she still nodded helplessly.    


"By the way, how is the seal Shark Man placed on you?"    


Chu Lin suddenly thought of this. He vaguely felt that Xin Tianyun's strength was extremely high, even higher than Qin Yan's Evil Heart. It was only because of the suppression of the seal that it became like this. If the seal was broken and her strength was fully restored, it would be a good help.    


"Not yet. Those Shark Man still have some skills."    


Xin Tianyun pulled up her sleeve and saw a golden shark pattern sparkling on her delicate elbow. She looked at the pattern and frowned.    


"How can I break the seal?" Chu Lin frowned slightly and asked.    


"There is a type of ore called the Sea Sage Stone. With it, I can break the seal on this thing." Xin Tianyun thought about it and said.    


"Sea Sage Stone..."    


Chu Lin had heard of this mineral before. He could take a look at it at the auction. It would be good if he could solve the problem of Xin Tianyun's seal.    


"Be careful these days. I will leave my safety to you."    


Chu Lin patted Xin Tianyun's head. Finally, under the dissatisfied gaze of the little girl, he laughed and flew into the Returning Essence Fire God Furnace.    


Inside the Returning Essence Fire God Furnace, Chu Lin's Divine Sense quickly read the information inside the Gene Panel. This was the information that Jin Zhen had prepared for him.    


"So that's how it is..."    


Chu Lin smiled. He already knew the method to rebuild the flaming door. The whole process was extremely complicated. This was a method that Guiyuan Old Man had spent hundreds of years to come up with.    


However, Guiyuan Old Man's flame portal had moved to the biggest volcano on a certain fire planet. The flame portal that he had refined could even fight against Mutant Beast King of the Black Fog. He could only use eight Flame Crystals of Dragon Flame. Although there was also the essence of the flame, it was much worse than a volcano.    


"Let's begin."    


Chu Lin took a deep breath. Red light flowed in his eyes, and his hand movements changed. Mysterious patterns climbed on the surface of the Returning Essence Fire God Furnace, and the fiery red earth underneath exploded into numerous flaming light pillars.    


The fiery light interweaved in the air, forming a huge formation. Inside the formation, flames were flowing fiercely.    


Chu Lin stretched out his hand and pushed. Eight Flame Crystals of Dragon Flame flew out and quickly melted into eight red streaks of light that floated in the sky.    


Buzz, buzz -    


As the eight Flame Dragon Flame Crystals flew out, the temperature within the Returning Essence Fire God Furnace increased rapidly. Immediately after, a rain of fire rained down from the sky. It was a magnificent sight.    


Chu Lin looked at the scene in front of him in amazement. Under the continuous circulation of the Returning Essence Fire God Furnace, Chu Lin knew that the time had come. "Convergence Grand Formation, heavenly Fire Sect!"    


Boom! Boom!    


The grand formation in the sky trembled violently. Eight fiery lights surged violently. As the light pillars surged, they suddenly rose from the ground and transformed into eight ferocious fire dragons. They opened their mouths wide and swallowed the eight Flame Crystals.    


Following the swallowing of the Flame Dragon Flame Crystals, the eight fire dragons expanded their bodies intensely. Faintly, they seemed to have formed eight large fire furnaces. Within the furnaces were the Flame Dragon Flame Crystals that were crazily emitting heat.    


Chu Lin quietly observed the sky above. Then, he closed his eyes. At this point, the reaction of the Returning Essence Fire God Furnace would be next. What he could do now was only the beginning of the process.    


Next, he only needed to quietly wait for the result. Whether he could succeed or not would depend on Chu Lin's luck.    


Ten hours later.    


Chu Lin's eyes were tightly shut, continuously maintaining the operation of the grand formation in the sky.    


Boom! Boom!    


Within the grand formation that blocked out the sun, there were eight fiery lights. A furnace that was several hundred meters in size was suspended in the air. Fire dragons were flowing on the surface of the furnace. From time to time, the fire dragons would open their mouths and spew hot flames into the furnace.    


Hum -    


Right at the center of the eight furnaces. Eight majestic rays of light flowed like bright stars. When the rays of light were emitted, a shocking fluctuation suddenly filled the sky.    


This feeling was similar to the feeling within the bright ball of light. There were eight real volcanoes moving!    


The eight balls of light continued to wiggle, and gradually, they formed the embryonic form of a flaming door.    


Chu Lin opened his eyes and saw the slowly changing ball of light. His face was filled with joy, and everything was running smoothly. He only needed to wait until the moment the fruit was formed.    


Once the flame door was completed, he would be able to fully unleash the power of the Returning Essence Fire God Furnace. Chu Lin had been looking forward to this moment for a long time.    


After that was the time to quietly wait. This wait lasted for eight days.    


In these eight days, within the Returning Essence Fire God Furnace, the temperature was getting hotter and hotter day by day. The flames raged. The fire spots and the surging storm merged into a raging fire hurricane that swept across this chaotic land.    


This commotion caused Chu Lin to be secretly alarmed. Fortunately, he chose to refine this thing in the Returning Essence Fire God Furnace. If it was placed outside, such a violent movement would definitely attract the attention of a large number of experts, and it would also cause many malicious peeping. The various troubles within would be enough to make Chu Lin suffer.    


As the space here became more and more violent, the eight furnaces in the grand array became more and more restless. The shape of the ball of light gradually drew closer to the flame door. The surroundings of the furnaces were extremely hot, and the intense fluctuations made it difficult for people to get close.    


Rumble, rumble -    


Chu Lin tried his best to suppress the restlessness of the formation. Once he couldn't control the formation, all the furnaces in the grand formation would instantly collapse, and all the previous efforts he had made would be for nothing.    


Under Chu Lin's vigilance, the eight fiery doors in the furnace finally took shape.    


"It should be enough..."    


Chu Lin stretched out his hand and flicked. The eight drops of blood flew out and fell into the eight fiery doors. After the drops of blood entered the doors, the fiery doors became even more restless. All the furnaces were shaking irregularly, and the sound of metal clanking could be heard.    


Boom! Boom!    


The eight fiery doors expanded violently. A vague connection was formed in Chu Lin's heart, and his face was filled with wild joy.    




A glaring light surged. The flames swept across the sky. A hundred meter light pillar shot up into the sky. From within the fire pillar, Chu Lin could clearly see eight fiery doors standing firmly in eight different locations. The fiery light flowing on the fiery doors was like a swimming dragon.    



Hu -    


Chu Lin heaved a sigh of relief. He had finally succeeded after spending so much effort.    


Outside the Returning Essence Fire God Furnace.    


Chu Lin stood in front of the Tiansuo Cold Jade. He saw Xin Tianyun, who looked like an exquisite doll, lying on the Tiansuo Cold Jade that was surging with cold air. She was snoring loudly. Saliva flowed from the corner of her mouth from her fair face to the Tiansuo Cold Jade.    


"This girl..."    


Chu Lin's face darkened. Fortunately, there was nothing wrong. There was no difference between letting her guard him and letting Husky guard his home.    


Chu Lin shook his head and took out a blanket from the dimensional storage cabinet to cover her. When it touched Xin Tianyun's body, Chu Lin's pupils shrank and a strange fluctuation spread out.    


"This is..."    


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