Super Godly Evolution

C768 Hunting

C768 Hunting



Chu Lin accepted the Jade Block without any hesitation. He knew in his heart that facing a Middle Period of Adversity Stage and a few peak Early Adversity Stage warriors, he would have a headache. If he had the help of the Tiansuo Cold Jade, it would be much easier.    


"If that's the case."    


Chu Lin held the Tiansuo Cold Jade with one hand. When it came into contact with the huge, ice-cold Jade Block, he could clearly sense the resistance within it. Not long after, a Divine Sense was released from the Returning Essence Fire God Furnace to eliminate the resistance. It was obvious that this was Xin Tianyun's action.    


Chu Lin picked up the Tiansuo Cold Jade and cut it on his shoulder. He smiled coldly and a cold air filled the air.    


"Then we will kill those Shark Man's team before they gather! We will catch them off guard!"    


Over ten sharks were shuttling back and forth in the bright blue seawater. They would occasionally leap out of the water. Behind these ferocious sharks, a dozen of Shark Man's experts were constantly observing the movements in all directions.    


"Captain, there's news from the chief commander." A Shark Man's expert suddenly came out of the seawater. He looked at a gloomy man at the front and shouted loudly.    


"Any news?" The gloomy Shark Man looked over when he heard that.    


"The Chief Commander said that the secret tracking technique has been following the target all this time. Now, we have confirmed his new location."    


"Where is that guy?" A joyful expression emerged on the gloomy Shark Man's face as he hurriedly asked.    


One of the Shark Man immediately took out a large green scale. There were light spots floating on it. At this moment, a light spot on the scale was rapidly approaching the center of the scale.    


"Hmm?" The Shark Man looked at the flashing light spots and cried out in surprise and bewilderment.    


"What happened?" The gloomy Shark Man frowned and asked.    


"That guy doesn't seem to be far from us. No, that's not right, he is rapidly approaching us!" Shark Man exclaimed.    


"He's coming towards us? Haha, you came at the right time. This is the credit of throwing it into your mouth. We will gladly accept it!"    


Captain Shark Man laughed loudly, then looked behind him and shouted coldly: "All of you, cheer up. As long as you complete this mission successfully, everyone will be heavily rewarded!"    




When the sharks heard him, they all responded in unison. They held swords, spears, swords, and halberds in their hands. All kinds of weapons were held in their hands.    


Woosh ~ ~ ~    


Just as their hot blood was boiling and they were about to make a move, the sound of air being torn could be heard in a hurried manner. A golden-white light flashed and arrived. It turned into a young man and appeared above the heads of the group of Shark Man.    


"Hehe, it really is here." Chu Lin looked at the group of Shark Man and smiled coldly.    


"Kid, how dare you take the initiative to send yourself here? I really don't know how to write the word 'death'!"    


The gloomy Shark Man looked at Chu Lin with a cold smile. A fierce expression flashed across his face. He pointed at Chu Lin and said, "Catch him!"    




As soon as the voice was heard, more than ten powerful Shark Man's men rushed out of the water. The weapons in their hands were glowing with a dense blood-red light. They pierced towards Chu Lin's vital points.    


"Hehe, I'm not here to die. I'm here to see you guys off!"    


Chu Lin looked at the powerful Shark Man who was rushing towards him. There was a faint smile on his face. He pushed his hand and a huge Jade Block appeared in his hand. His body turned into a platinum light and shot out.    




The white-gold light flashed rapidly. With an unusual speed, it broke through the encirclement of the Shark Man experts. At the same time, a dull collision sound was suddenly emitted.    


Chu Lin appeared behind the dozen or so Shark Man. Without looking at the frozen sharks in the air, he walked straight towards Captain Shark Man. After five steps, the auras of the dozen or so sharks that had been smashed by the Jade Block quickly withered. Their bodies festered and crumbled in an instant.    


Puff! Puff!    


More than ten shadows fell from the sky powerlessly. Their faces were filled with intense excitement and viciousness. It made people's hair stand on end, because death was too sudden, and they didn't even have the time to show their fear and pain.    


"You... Who are you!"    


The gloomy Shark Man was scared by the strange scene in front of him until his whole body went limp. It was only now that he understood that the person who came in front of him was... It didn't seem to be a chicken or duck that was waiting to be slaughtered, but a tiger that was patrolling the mountain and hunting!    


"Hehe, who asked you to seek your own death?"    


Chu Lin smiled lightly. He carried the Tiansuo Cold Jade on his shoulder. On the Tiansuo Cold Jade, a rich energy of heaven returning surged within the cold air.    




The gloomy Shark Man's expression changed drastically. He stomped heavily on the shark on his mount. The shark opened its ferocious sawtooth and suddenly leaped up, biting towards Chu Lin. Shark Man turned around and fled.    


"This brat is too powerful. We must gather everyone to kill him!" After Shark Man dived into the water, his eyes were filled with shock and unwillingness.    


"Your team members and mount have all gone down. Why don't you accompany them for a trip?"    


Just as the gloomy Shark Man was plotting in his heart, a hearty laugh emerged in the air. Shark Man's eyes suddenly narrowed. He looked up and saw a huge piece of jade that contained the deadly force of heaven returning crashing down.    




A surging Gene Energy crazily gushed out from the sinister Shark Man's body. However, the huge Jade Block shattered the energy shield with a single strike.    




A dull sound was heard once again. The Tiansuo Cold Jade, which was glowing with a cold light, heavily smashed onto the sinister man's body. The surface of the sea crumbled and surged. Water pillars that were hundreds of meters tall shot up into the sky. A force that was filled with the desire to destroy rushed into the sinister Shark Man's body in an instant.    




A mouthful of stinky blood was spat out from the shark's mouth. Its face was filled with shock, and then it felt dizzy. The Adversity Power had no effect of healing under the destruction of the force, and its life force was quickly cut off.    


"This is... Tiansuo Cold Jade, why is it in your hands..." After its life force had completely withered away, the sinister Shark Man cried out unwillingly.    


Chu Lin stood in the air and looked coldly at the dead Shark Man below. He then turned his head and looked at the Tiansuo Cold Jade on his shoulder. The terrifying damage of this Tiansuo Cold Jade... Perhaps only by completely restoring the Returning Essence Fire God Furnace could it be compared to this Tiansuo Cold Jade. The rebound of the power of heaven was too severe when it came to healing a martial artist's injuries...    


"Jin Zhen, where is the second Shark Man squad?" Chu Lin immediately asked after killing the team of Shark Man.    



"Southeastern direction."    


Chu Lin's figure flashed and turned into a platinum light as he flew away. Since the commander wanted to kill him, he could only let the commander feel pain for the first time.    


30 minutes later, on a small island in the southeast, Chu Lin looked at the corpses of Shark Man on the ground and smiled faintly. Without saying much, he carried the Tiansuo Cold Jade on his shoulder and carried it on his shoulder. He flew in another direction.    






The Tiansuo Cold Jade carried with it a strong rejuvenating force. A terrifying force was unleashed from the body of a peak Early Period of Adversity captain. The bones in Shark Man's body instantly shattered, and he fell into the ocean. When he reappeared on the surface of the ocean, he was already dead.    


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