Super Godly Evolution

C10 Danger Zone

C10 Danger Zone

0Although the middle-aged man was the only one who complained, the other members of the squad were also in agreement with him despite them staying silent.    


From their perspectives, Chu Lin's previous two orders did not make much sense; thus, they believed that he was not suited to be a leader.     


Instead of explaining his decisions, he simply ignored them and asked Hu Biao to look after the team while he scouted Area D alone.    


Analyzing the surroundings of Area D, he discovered it to be an abandoned makeshift medical facility that was about the size of two soccer fields.    


At this point, the dilapidated buildings were on the verge of crumbling. Countless potholes filled the ground as blood could be seen splattered and dried up everywhere.    


It could be surmised that this place had once been attacked by the Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants.    


As for the corpses…    


They had probably been devoured clean by the Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants.    


Taking each step stealthily, Chu Lin walked carefully towards Area D. Though they were not many valuable medicines remaining, everything he found would be invaluable to the camp. After all, many of the soldiers in Weiyang were still wounded after the previous battle and could not be treated due to the lack of medicine.     


Now that they were in urgent need of medicine, every last bit of medicine left in this abandoned facility would count.    


After entering Area D, Chu Lin searched through the abandoned barracks and managed to find some medicine.    


He grabbed a nearby box and filled it up with all the drugs he could find.    


After continuously searching through rooms and sites, Chu Lin had a bountiful harvest and managed to filled the box to its brim.    


"It seems like there are still quite a few resources here, but…"    


Chu Lin muttered to himself.    


Looking around his surroundings, he turned his gazes towards the pitch-blacks holes in the ground, specifically dug out by the Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants. Furthermore, he even deduced there to be traces of activity in them.    


With their active presence here, Area D was definitely not a safe place to explore.    


"Since it's not time for the ants to come out hunting yet, we should be fine as long as we don't alert them."    


Chu Lin thought for a while and started his journey back to his team's camp.    


No matter how much strength he possessed, he was a mere human who only had two hands to work with. Thus, he required the help of the others to move every medical resource back to camp.    


After returning to his team, Chu Lin placed the box on the ground and opened it for all of them to see.    


"Even though there may still be a lot of medical resources ahead, there are nevertheless countless dangers in the area. So, you have to be extremely careful with your steps and not make any noise," Chu Lin warned them.    


"Understood. Everyone, get ready and set off immediately!"    


Under Hu Biao's order, the team of ten or so people began moving carefully towards Area D.    


This was not the first time the party had gone out on a mission. After entering the designated area, they moved quickly and immediately began to search for useful materials.    


In just a little more than ten minutes, almost everyone had gotten something in their hands. Although they did not find a lot, it should still be enough to hit their original quota for this mission.    


As the end of the mission was nigh, a loud noise suddenly sounded from the direction of the barracks.    


"Give it back to me, I found it first!"    


"Cut the crap, I grabbed it first!"    


Along with the noisy argument, the clanging of tools being knocked over could be heard from the same place.    


Chu Lin slightly frowned. Even with the possibility of there being Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants here, there were still idiots who dared to fight in such a dangerous place?    


"What's going on!"    


Hu Biao immediately ran over to ask.    


Walking towards the barracks, he noticed the same middle-aged man, who kept complaining about Chu Lin previously, walking out of the room with a metallic ball-like object in his hand.    


"Captain Hu, despite being the first person to discover this medical item first, someone actually dared to steal it from me. You should convict and punish him severely!"    


The middle-aged man revealed a sinister smile.    


From the barracks, a thin man with wounds from the fight stumbled out and pointed at the middle-aged man as he yelled.    


"Bullsh*t! I was clearly the one who discovered it first! You were the one who stole it from me!"    


"Alright, we'll deal with this matter later. Now that we've gathered a decent amount of medical resources, it's time for us to evacuate."    


Hu Biao said with a frown. While he may not be fond of the middle-aged man, he had to focus on completing the mission first.    


"Haha! Justice prevails for the righteous one. To think you still want to steal from my contribution. Hmph!" The middled-aged man sneered.    


At this moment...    


Chu Lin sensed an anomaly lingering through the air and turned his gaze towards the middle-aged man as he shouted in a low voice.    


"Get out of the way!"    




Suddenly, an enormous ant broke out from the ground under the middle-aged man's feet and sliced his body in half before he even had the time to react. As the crimson blood shot out like a fountain around the room, the other men in the area stood in place petrified by the horrific scene.    


"Ah! It's a Blood-Thirsty Furious Ant!"    


"There's a mutated beast here! Run!"    


"I don't want to die!"    




Seeing the Blood-Thirsty Furious Ant, the members who usually worked in logistics and had never been to the battlefield before immediately lost their footing and composure. At this point, everything had fallen into utter chaos.    



"Calm down! Grab the supplies and evacuate quickly!" Hu Biao shouted.    


"Captain Hu, I'll leave the safety of our men to you. Meanwhile, I'll deal with the stupid ants!"    


Chu Lin's heart trembled in the midst of the chaos — not out of fear, but joy.    


Going face-to-face with the Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants again, his blood boiled in excitement as he finally found the perfect opportunity to perfect his gene chain.    


Chu Lin took the initiative and dashed towards the Blood-Thirsty Furious Ant as he started extract their genes.    


[Extraction Failed.]    


Come on!    


The Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants let out a shrilling shreech and clasped their jaws down on Chu Lin.    


Although Chu Lin was indeed powerful, his body had not yet reached the level where he could withstand the attacks of the Blood-Thirsty Furious Ant. Perhaps only someone with a stronger body like Tie Niu could take on the attacks of the Blood-Thirsty Furious Ant.    


Thus, Chu Lin raised his fist and prepared his counterattack.    




As his fist collided heavily with the Blood-Thirsty Furious Ant's head, a massive shockwave reverberated through the air as its tough layer of armor exploded into pieces.    


"It's Lord Chu Lin!"    


"Long live the Awakened Practitioner! We're saved!"    


"Grab the materials! It will be the spoils of this battle!"    


Upon witnessing Chu Lin's marvelous performance, the morale of the team skyrocketed as the chaotic scene started to calm back down.    


Before they could finish rejoicing, however, a series of roars resounded from beneath them as more than ten Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants shot out from the holes in the ground.    


"it's over... We're finished..." Hu Biao said helplessly as his hand turned numb, almost losing the grip of his broadsword.    


With the appearance of a dozen Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants, they might not be able to escape unscathed even with the presence of an Awakened Practitioner.    


"Pakc up the supplies and get the hell out of here! I'll stay behind you guys and cover your asses!" Chu Lin exclaimed.    


At that instant, the horde of Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants rushed towards Chu Lin.    


[Gene Extraction.]     


[Extraction Failed.]    




[Gene Extraction.]     


[Extraction Failed.]    






Although the dozen Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants attacked ferociously, they were still unable to land even a scratch on Chu Lin's body.    


From this scene alone, Chu Lin fought like the God of War himself. Despite being surrounded by dozens of Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants, he appeared to be unscathed.    


One down... Two down... Three...    


With each swing he took, he fists were covered with even more blood. Since each attack consumed a rather large amount of energy, Chu Lin's movements gradually slowed down.    




From the corner of his eyes, Chu Lin noticed a Blood-Thirsty Furious Ant pounced towards him from behind. However, it was too late for him to react as its large jaw pierced through his back.    


The burning pain seared through his flesh as his face boiled in rage.    


"You f*cking bastard!"    


Chu Lin cursed as he turned around to punch the Blood-Thirsty Furious Ant in its head.    


Following that, he used gene extraction on the Blood-Thirsty Furious Ant next to him.    


If this attempt failed, he would soon run out of stamina and eventually die from fatigue.    


"I will definitely succeed and survive!"    


[Extraction Successful!]    


Suddenly, a green light emitted from the body of the Blood-Thirsty Furious Ant and floated towards Chu Lin's body.    


Once again, the familiar sharp pain caused Chu Lin's entire body to tremble uncontrollably.    


However, a surge of power gushed through his veins and revitalized him.    


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