Super Godly Evolution

C12 Strength-From-Distress

C12 Strength-From-Distress



Suffering a heavy blow to his abdomen, Hu Biao spurted out a mouthful of blood and was sent flying away.    


"What a piece of trash... Has the soldiers from Weiyang gathering ground fallen to such low standards?" Sha Meng sneered.    


"Don't waste time, just hurry up and get the medical supplies. We'll leave the celebration for when we get back to camp tonight."    


Sha Lie smiled sinisterly.    


He was naturally very happy to encounter such a great opportunity to reap such rewards with expending much time nor effort.    


"Our Awakened Practitioner… will never let you guys off..."    


Despite being weak from receiving the attack, he said bitterly while holding onto his wound.     


"Captain Hu Biao…"    


"I'll give you the supplies, so please let us live!"    


"Don't kill us! We won't tell anyone about what happened here!"    


Seeing how Hu Biao had been severely injured and with no way of escaping, they started to beg for mercy one by one.    


Having orginally relied on Chu Lin, they could only beg for mercy now that he was no longer with them.    


"Hehe, look at this group of cowards. It's a pity that leaving you alive will only add to our troubles. After all, only dead people can keep secrets."    


As a hint of bloodlust flashed across Sha Lie's eyes, he dashed in front of one of Hu Biao's team members and lifted him up by his throat with one hand.    


"Ugh… Save... Save me…"    


Despite struggling madly and kicking his legs around, the man could not resist at all.    


The power of the Awakened Practicer was certainly not something that ordinary people could match up to.    




At that instant, Sha Lie crushed his throat by his bare hands.    


"Ah, weaklings... shout in panic... cry in fear... allow me to become your most terrifying nightmare!"     


Sha Lie laughed and declared like some sort of lunatic.    


On the side, Hu Biao gasped for breath as he laid helplessly on the ground, unable to move. His eyes were filled with despair as he witnessed the death of each of his teammates.    


Within that short period of time, feelings of unwillingness, loss, and despair lingered in the atmosphere. Instead of running away for their lives, each of the Weiyang members stood petrified in a state of hopelessness, unable to escape from their imminent death.    


What they failed to realize was how their negative emotions actually ended up feeding Sha Lie as some sort of food for his gene chain.    


This was exactly how his ability worked.    


Just when Hu Biao and the others had given up all hope, a figure suddenly jumped out from Area D and dashed before the group.    




Seeing this figure, one of the Weiyang team members cried out in alarm.    


"Lord Chu Lin?! He's not dead!"    


"It reallt is him! It's Lord Chulin! He came back to save us!"    


"Lord Chu Lin actually managed to kill those dozen Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants?"    


When the other members of the team saw the silhouette of the person clearly, their despair had suddenly turned into a light of hope.    


Initially harvesting the energy from their negative emotions, a trace of killing intent flashed across Sha Lie's eyes when the source suddenly stopped.    


"Who dares disturb my meal for the day? I will kill you!"    


"Hmm? Who the hell are you?"    


Chu Lin frowned and asked coldly when he saw another group of people in front of the team.    


"Lord Chu Lin, be careful!"    


Hu Biao shouted with all his might.    


Before he could even finish his sentence, however, a figure rushed towards Chu Lin at an extremely fast speed.    




At that instant, Sha Lie's claw tore through Chu Lin's chest and sent him flying to a distance.    


"Hmph! Even for Awakened Practitioners, there exists both the strong and the weak. It looks yours lean more towards the latter."    


After Sha Lie finished Chu Lin off with a single slash, he licked the blood on his finger as his face twisted with a rather wicked expression.    


"Lord Chu Lin…"    


"He was defeated in one move...?"    


"To think we expected him to save us... Oh, such wishful thinking... Haha..."    


"What the hell! Why did I end up in the same team as this piece of trash...?"    


Seeing how Chu Lin was defeated by the opponent with a single move, the sliver of hope they had returned back into despair — their minds were undoubtedly on the verge of breaking down.    


"You despicable little sh*ts! Lord Chu Lin fought off a dozen Blood-Thirsty Furious Ant to buy time for us to escape, yet you still want to curse at him? If it weren't for him, all of you would have already been dead!"    


Hu Biao was about to faint as he cursed.    



"Haha, how interesting. The sound of wails and howls is certainly the most beautiful music in my ears," Sha Lieh laughed crazily.    


"Hmph, it seems that the Weiyang gathering ground is a group of trash. To think that their Awakened Practitioner wouldn't even be able to withstand a single blow," Sha Meng mocked.    


At that moment, an unexpected voice sounded from behind them.    


"Is that so? If I am trash, then what do you guys count as?"    




Sha Meng's pupils suddenly contracted as a fist pierced through his chest.    


"You... How…?"    


Before Sha Meng could finish his words, however, his life force had already dispersed from his physical being. Slowly, his limbs turned numbed as his entire body collapsed unwilling — the look in his eyes resentful.    


Sha Lie turned around and saw Chu Lin standing unscathed right in front of him. His eyes revealed a look of disbelief as he exclaimed, "How is this possible? How did you not die?"    


"Did you try to tickle me with your previous attack?"    


Chu Lin sneered coldly. He then taunted Sha Lie and said in a provocative manner.    


"Come on, let me see those skills of yours."    


Sha Lie's expression twisted in anger. With a loud roar, his five fingers curved into a claw and slashed it towards Chu Lin.    


[Gene Extraction.]    


[Extraction Failed.]    


At that moment, Chu Lin attempted to use gene extraction on Sha Lie, but as expected, it failed.    


However, he still had more opportunities.     


Though he had already completed his first gene chain from the battle with the Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants in Area D, he was still not satisfied with his results. Thus, he continued to lure even more ants out to kill.    


After all, this was a rare opportunity he had to obtain even more Beast Cores.    


While the level of those Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants may be rather low, they would nevertheless produce enough Beast Cores for him to use for the time being.    


In the end, the Beast Core was an essential item for Chu Lin to further imrpove his strength.    


That was the main reason why Chu Lin had arrived later than he initially planned.    




Once again, Chu Lin was sent flying by Sha Lie. Since his attacks were both quick and violent, it was difficult for Chu Lin to predict and catch his movements.    


With [Tenacity], however, Sha Lie's attack did not pose much of a threat to Chu Lin since he could recover quickly.    


"You… Just what kind of monster are you!?"    


After a few exchanges, Sha Lie's gaze towards Chu Lin changed from deep hatred to pure shock.    


He did not see Chu Lin as a threat, but instead, more as an immortal cockroach.    


While Sha Lie was still in a daze, Chu Lin once again used gene extraction on him!    


[Extraction Successful!]    


[Acquired new Gene Talent: Strength-From-Distress (Fragment of the Strength-From-Distress Gene Chain, 24% Complete) ]    


With the success of the gene extraction, all the negative emotions being emitted from the surrounding people had turned into a source of energy that entered Chu Lin's body.    


While that stream of energy may have strengthened his body, the negative emotions within that stream nonetheless caused his mind to tremble slightly.    


"I see... so you possess a superhuman gene that absorbs the negative emotions from others and turned them into a source of energy."    


Chu Lin immediately understood his opponent's gene talent.    


Simply put, Sha Lie had loose springs in his head and was mentally ill — also known as a lunatic.    


"You probably wouldn't understand even if I explained it to you, imbecile."    


Chu Lin smiled faintly, his tone full of ridicule.    


"You're courting death!"    


Having been hit directly in his sore spot, Sha Lie let out an excruciating scream and sent a series of slashes towards Chu Lin.    


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