Super Godly Evolution

C19 Fusion Gene

C19 Fusion Gene

0"How is Chu Lin not dead yet?"    


When Ning Feng head Chu Lin's voice, his heart tightened as his face revealed a lookf of disgust.    


In addition to suffering many severe injuries all over his body, the black aura from the Soul Devouring Wolf Claw had even invaded Chu Lin's body and drained away much of his life force.    


Even with [Tenacity] activated, he was still barely able to recover most of his life force.    


Despite going through that experience, Chu Lin was actually pleasantly surprised.    


In fact, he was overjoyed.    


Looking at his attribute panel now, he seemed to have gained more than he lost.    


[Chu Lin.]    


[Energy: 16,800 points.]    


[Stamina: 154 points.]    


[Strength: 358 points.]    


[Spiritual Force: 54 points.]    


[Gene Chain Talent: Strength of the Ants (Complete Ant Gene Chain, 100% complete)]    


[Innate Skills: Tenacity.]    


[Gene Chain Talent: Strength-From-Distress (Broken Strength-From-Distress Gene, 27% Completeness)]    


[Gene Chain Talent: Sand Wolf Gene (Broken Sand Wolf Gene, 18% Completeness)]    


That's right.    


When he received the three attacks from Yuan Liang, Chu Lin took those opportunity to extract his Sand Wolf Gene.    


It was unknown whether it was due to the invasion of the black aura from the Soul Devouring Wolf Claw or Chu Lin's explosive luck at that instant.    


After all, he only managed to successfully extract the Sand Wolf Gene from Yuan Liang's body at the very last moment!    


Due to the sheer amount of pain, however, Chu Lin ended up fainted for a while before regaining consciousness.    


Even after suffering through those injuries, he woke up feeling as if nothing had happened to his body.    


Other than feeling weak due to excessive blood loss, Chu Lin could be considered to have fully recovered.    


"Lord Chu Lin, you're awake?"    


Noticing that Chu Lin had regained consciousness, the nurse immediately walked over and asked out of concern.     


"Yeah, I'm fine now."    


Chu Lin immediately got off the bed and stretched his body.    


The speed at which his made his full recovery left the nurse dumbfounded.     


After all, it was just two days ago when Chu Lin was sent to the medical center — having almost lost all signs of life.    


Everyone was sure that the injuries that Chu Lin suffered would end up affecting his foundation and future as an Awakened Practitioner.    


Thus, no one expected him to be as lively as he is two days later.     


Upon analyzing his attribute panel again, however...    


He made an unexpected discovery.    


Aside from the [Gene Extraction], there was an additional option that Chu Lin had never seen before.    


[Gene Fusion.]    


"Huh? What is this?"    


Out of pure curiosity, Chu Lin clicked on the option for [Gene Fusion].    


[Please select two genes to fuse together.]    


[1. Strength of an Ant (100% Complete)]    


[2. Strength-From-Distress (27% Complete)]    


[3. Sand Wolf Gene (18% Complete)]    


[Note: The two selected genes will fuse and transform into another gene. After the two genes successfully fuse as one, there will be a slight decrease in its completion.]    


"A decrease in completion?"     


When Chu Lin saw this side-effect, he naturally let out a disappointed frown. Wouldn't that mean that the progress he made previously would all be for naught after gene fusion?    


When Chu Lin had just extracted [Strength-From-Distress], the gene's completion was 24%.    


Despite using it for so many days, it had only reached 27% completion.    


This showed how just how much more difficult it was to complete a gene extracted from a fellow Awakened Practitioner.    


"Since [Strength of the Ants] serves as the foundation of my strength, I probably shouldn't be using it to test out the new function. Thus, I might as use the other two genes to test it out."    


Chu Lin thought to himself before choosing to fuse [Strength-From-Distress] and [Sand Wolf Gene].    


Upon fusing the two genes, Chu Lin almost collapsed to the ground as he felt a sharp pain in his body — as if all of his internal organs were mixing together.    


Having suffered the same fate after his previous gene extractions, Chu Lin already prepared himself to receive the same amount of pain.    



Despite his preparations, he was in so much pain that his face turned bleach pale as cold sweat began dripping down his forehead.    


The fusion process lasted for about ten minutes, but Chu Lin felt as if it lasted for an eternity.    


[Gene Fusion Complete!]    


[Obtained a new gene chain talent!]    


[Nether Wolf Gene (25% Completion)]    


While trying to figure out what his newly-fused gene could do, he suddenly realized that his spiritual force had increased by more than a hundred points.    


At this moment, Chu Lin's spiritual force has now reached a total of 153 points!    


"Does this gene have some sort of relation to spiritual force?"    


Seeing how much his stats had increased, Chu Lin could not hold back the excitement in his voice.    


Ever since he obtained and completed [Strength of the Ants], Chu Lin's stamina and strength had improved by a lot.    


His spiritual force, however, did not show any signs of improvement.    


But now, Chu Lin finally discovered a gene that could enhance his spiritual force.    


From memories of the original owner of this body, he knew that the spiritual force was directly linked with the quality of one's gene energy.    


Awakened Practitioners with tremendous stamina and strength would at most be treated as a strong warrior.    


For example, Tie Niu's [Big Yellow Ape] ancestral gene raised his stamina and strength to a level that would literally be impossible for ordinary people to reach.    


Facing an Awakened Practitioner with strong spiritual force, however, Tie Niu would be defeated in an instant.    


The more spiritual force one possesses, the better the quality of one's gene energy.    


At this moment, Yu Zhen was training to raise his spiritual force with the assistance of the Awakened Practitioner armor.    


However, the effects of such training were naturally limiting as it was not an efficient method to increase one's spiritual force.    


Now that Chu Lin found a way to increase his spiritual force through gene fusion, he would naturally be extremely elated.    


Strolling out of the medical center, the mellow yet radiant moonlight gleamed over Chu Lin's figure — giving him a weird sense of comfort.     




Suddenly, a rather weird voice sounded out from Chu Lin's throat, causing even him to feel shocked.    


Only after a while did he finally realize that the moonlight could actually stimulate his Nether Wolf Gene.    


"Could this be the legendary ability capable of absorbing the very essence of the moon?"    


Chu Lin thought of that absurb possibility.    


With [Tenacity] constantly active, Chu Lin gradually recovered back to his peak state only after a mere few days.    


Furthermore, Chu Lin also discovered — with his newly-fused Nether Wolf Gene — that his mental state would not be affected even if he did not get enough sleep at night.    


This was the effect of his increased spiritual force, as well as the buff from Nether Wolf Gene.    


That night, Chu Lin equipped the Bionic Arm on his body.    


With swift yet silent movements, he managed to avoid alerting the scouts on the outskirts as he secretly left Weiyang Camp by himself.    


Chu Lin's destination was Area D — the location of his first ever mission.    


Ever since his first mission there, he had always felt that the area was rather abnormal compared to the other hunting grounds.    


He found Area D to be rather strange as there were far too many Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants at that location.    


Even during the previous war against the E-class lair of Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants, their team had only encountered so much of those ants.    


Since Chu Lin's stamina was now much greater than before, he sprinted all the way to Area D in only three hours when it would usually take a day for the other from Weiyang to get there on foot.    


Under the dusk of the night sky, Area D appeared even more eerie as silence filled the atmosphere.    


Due to the freezing temperature of the desert at night, a thin layer of frost had even formed above the sand.    


Chu Lin slowly stumbled into Area D.    


As expected, the place was still the same abandoned camp.    


What surprised Chu Lin, on the other hand, was how the corpses of the Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants that he killed previously had somehow vanished without a trace.    


Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants had the habit of dragging their dead comrades back to their lair as food.    


But Chu Lin was sure that he had already killed all the Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants that appeared then.    


Now that the corpses of the Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants had disappeared, that could only mean one thing...    


There were other Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants within caverns leading to their lair!    


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