Super Godly Evolution

C20 Roar of Nether

C20 Roar of Nether

0After a moment of thought, Chu Lin jumped into the cave without any hesitation.    


Since Chu Lin now possessed the Nether Wolf's gene, he could still see clearly despite being surrounded by the darkness of the cave.    


It was like wearing a night vision goggles.    


The length of the cave stretched longer than he expected. Walking along the moist and uneven surface, it took more than ten seconds before Chu Lin managed to reach the bottom section of the save.    


"The cave of the Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants..."    


Chu Lin's gaze froze slightly as he walked down the dark tunnel.    


At that moment, one of the Blood-Thirsty Furious Ant seemed to have noticed Chu Lin's presence and rushed over from the other end of the tunnel.    


Chu Lin remained unfazed as he killed the ant with a single punch. After extracting its Beast Core, he proceeded to walk forward like nothing happened.    


A Blood-Thirsty Furious Ant appeared with each step he took forward. As Chu Lin continued walking down the cave, he carved out a path of corpses trailing with a stream of blood, which penetrated deep into the lair of the ants.    


About ten minutes later, he finally walked out of the tunneling cave and found himself an open cavern.    


This large space underground was clearly dug out by the Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants.    


Looking around the cavern, it seemed that the cave that Chu Lin took was merely one of the hundreds of other paths leading to this place.    


In the midst of the spacious cavern, an enormous white ant — seeming to be the queen — was surrounded by dozens of other Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants.    


Taking the other Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants he fought into account, Chu Lin estimated there to be hundreds of them, maybe even more, in this single lair.     


While feeding the Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants surrounding it, the Ant Queen wiggled around slightly as another Blood-Thirsty Furious Ant drilled out from its body.    


Compared to the other fully matured Blood-Thirsty Furious Ant, the newborn was not nearly as big in size and did not pose much of a threat.    


"It seems that I've discovered her Majesty."     


Chu Lin, who was still hiding at the side of the cavern, looked through the entire underground kingdom of the ants and let out a heavy sigh.    


"Look at how many Beast Cores are moving around before me. I wonder how many Beast Cores I will get after killing all these ants. The Ant Queen's Beast Core will definitely be much more precious."    


Without much hesitation, Chu Lin procceded to jump down.    


Landing on the ground of the cavern, his feet stomped heavily with a muffled sound that echoed through the area.    


This unexpected sound stunned all the Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants in the cave.    




All the Blood-Thirsty Furious Ant roared aloud and charged towards Chu Lin.    


"It looks like I've angered the tempest!"    


Chu Lin burst into laughter as he switched into a fighting stance. Taking the initiative in the battle, he dashed into the horde of Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants fearlessly.    


The Descent of the Fierce Tiger!    


The Elegance of the White Crane!    


The Ferocity of the Sea Hydra!    


The Fearlessness of the Yellow Dragon!    


Like a god of war, Chu Lin charged into the horde of Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants and began slaughtering the ants. Instead of a battle between him and the ants, it felt more like a one-sided massacre in Chu Lin's favor.    


As he continued killing the Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants, he noticed that a trace of Spiritual Qi would enter his body with each kill he performed.    


At the same time, the completion of the Nether Wolf Gene would gradually increase.    


To his surprise, the effects of [Strength-From-Distress] was still active despite having fused the gene.    


Due to the effect of [Strength-From-Distress], the Nether Wolf Gene was able to absorb the death aura from the corpses of the Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants to improve its gene chain.    


Realizing how the gene worked, Chu Lin became even more excited as he lost his mind in this massacre.    


Yuan Liang is indeed a strong Awakened Practitioner with five completed gene chains.    


Furthermore, he had more resurces at his disposal since he is the commander of his camp.    


The only way for Chu Lin to catch up to him would be to take advantage of his new abilities and increase his strength as soon as possible!    


After all, there was no other method that would allow a person's strength to increase by leaps and bounds, unlike the ones presented to him by the extraction system.    




In a moment of carelessness, Chu Lin left his back unguarded which gave an opportunity for one of the Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants to land a bite with its jaws. While it may have left behind a searing pain on his back, not only did he not slow down, but he even increased the speed of his attacks like some sort of berserker.    


"Die! Die! Die!"    


Chu Lin roared as he went berserk.    


After killing who knows how many Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants, Chu Lin's entire body was covered in a thick layer of crimson.    


With most of the Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants now dead, the Ant Queen finally made its first move.    


Wiggling around like a derailed train, the Ant Queen opened its jaws and pounced towards Chu Lin.    


Stomping down beneath him, Chu Lin shot up from his position and dodged the Ant Queen's attacks while landing a counterattack of his own on its body.    


Since the Ant Queen was covered in a thick layer of mucus, however, Chu Lin's attack at its full strength was still unable to produce any sort of damage to its armor.    


"No wonder it is said that only Awakened Practitioners are able to deal with this thing. Ordinary attacks are basically useless against it."    


Chu Lin frowned when he realized that his attack had failed.    



At present, Chu Lin did not have any effective methods of attacking — his complete gene chain only gave him a strong self-healing ability and an increase in physical strength.    


What methods could he use that would be effective on the Ant Queen...?    


Suddenly, Chu Lin's gaze fell on his half-finished Bionic Arm.    


[Energy Charging... Shot Launched...!]    


At that instant, a bright ray of light shot out from the Bionic Arm, momentarily illuminating the entire karst cavern before piercing through the Ant Queen's body.    


The mucus on the queen bug's body could block physical attacks, but it could not block the attacks that utlitized Gene Energy.    


The Bionic Arm's beam blasted a large open hole in the Ant Queen's body as green blood gushed out from within.    


Letting out a pained screech after suffering a severe injury, it opened its mouth and sprayed out a stream of venom at Chu Lin.    


Luckily, Chu Lin immediately dodged the attack.    


As the venom landed on the ground, it produced a sizzling sound and melted the earth beneath.    


"That was a close one!"    


Chu Lin let out a sigh of relief as he looked at the terrifying effects of the venom.    


Even if Chu Lin did possess [Tenacity], it would difficult for him to recover from a wound caused from the corrosion of the venom.    


Fortunately, the Ant Queen was enormous. While it may not be the slowest beast, its movements were limited due to the space available within the karst cavern.    


Thus, Chu Lin found it rather easy to land his attacks on the Ant Queen.    


With the spiritual force provided by the Nether Wolf Gene, Chu Lin's Gene Energy was very strong indeed.    


Although the Bionic Arm's laser cannon may consume a decent amount of Gene Energy, it was nevertheless something that he could bear.    


After half an hour, Chu Lin was now exhausted as he had already fired off dozens of lasers.    


Full of holes in its body, the Ant Queen was now on the verge of death.    


Seeing how the Ant Queen was unable to move, Chu Lin walked towards it and finished it off once and for all.     


After cutting open the Ant Queen's head, Chu Lin pulled out its Beast Core.    


The Ant Queen's Beast Core was completely different from that of the normal Blood-Thirsty Furious Ant. Not only was it the size of a palm, but it was also shaped round.    


" The commander once told me that the Ant Queen's Beast Core could be used to create Gene Drugs. I wonder what kind of effect it will have on my body after absorbing it..."    


Chu Lin muttered to himself. Clenching tightly on his fists, he absorbed the Ant Queen's Beast Core.    


Then, Chu Lin looked through the values on his attribute panel.    


There was no change in the energy, but he noticed a new value in his panel.    


[Intermediate Energy: 100 points.]    


[Nether Wolf Gene (100% Complete)]    


[Innate Skill: Roar of the Nether]    


Amidst the massacre of the ants, Chu Lin had absorbed a large amount of death aura from their corpses and had unknowingly...     


... completed the Nether Wolf Gene in a single night!     


He had completed his second gene chain!    


Ecstastic by his achievements, he could not wait to try out [Roar of the Nether].    




With a single roar, the entire cavern trembled uncontrollably as if shaken by the voice of a demon.    


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