Super Godly Evolution

C2 Ant Gene Chain

C2 Ant Gene Chain



At that moment, everyone's expression changed drastically.    


Compared to the other exploration teams in Weiyang, the team specifically led by Yu Zhen was not very strong.    


Although they were also part of the main force, they usually acted as support for the other teams and did not face the attacks of the Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants directly.    


Positioned at the left rear of the front line, their small team did not have many risks. Even if a few beasts did slip through the vanguard occasionally, with a veteran like Yu Zhen leading the team, they have suffered zero casualties thus far.    


But now, a dozen or so Blood-Thirsty Furious Ant had crawled out of the crevice, which posed as a devastating attack to them.    


"Retreat, now! Immediately!"    


Yu Zhen's face became terrifyingly pale as he turned around and shouted aloud without any hesitation.    


"Hu Biao, send my order to retreat at once. There's no need to wait for Sir Han's order. I'll take care of the rear and buy time for you guys to run. Each person that escapes is ultimately a victory for me.    


"Damn it, why the hell are you wimps still standing there? Get the hell out of here!"    


Yu Zhen shouted in anger.    


Seeing thathis men had yet to recover from their shock, he immediately burst out in curses to wake them up.    


His face turned ashen as the veins on his forehead were seemingly on the verge of bursting out.    


Yu Zhen then jumped into the trench with a steel sword in his hand. From the looks of it, he intended to stay behind to buy as much time as he can for the rest of his soldiers to escape.    


"Captain, we should retreat together!"    


Hu Biao — his eyes turning red — reached out his hand in an attempt to pull Yu Zhen back with him.    


"F*cking hell, Hu Biao! I don't intend on dying just yet. Even so, what I decide is not up to a vice-captain like you. Hurry up and leave now!"    


Yu Zhen's eyes opened wide as he raised his foot and kiccked Hu Biao's butt, causing him to fell on his back.    


Hu Biao — now covered in mud — stood back up with the determination to stay behind with his captain.     


The Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants roamed throughout the muddy grounds in packs. Wherever they passed, not a single blade of grass remained. Though they may travel in groups, the destructive power of each individual beast should not be underestimated.    


In the entire gathering ground, the only ones who could destroy dozens of Blood-Thirsty Furious Ant at once were the Awakened Practitioners, who had awakened their gene chains.    


On the other hand, Yu Zhen is the leader of a team who possessed the strength of an intermediate warrior.    


For intermediate warriors like him, it would already be difficult to handle two or three Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants by himself, let alone facing more than ten of those beasts at once. There was simply no way for him to come out victorious in such a one-sided battle.    


"God, damn it! I'll just have to fight it out with them!"    


Hu Biao gritted his teeth.    


"Hu Biao, do you want me to die with regrets? Just get the hell out of here!" Yuh Zhen roared towards the sky before jumping into the swarm of ants with a solid resolve.    




The veins on Hu Biao's forehead throbbed as he turned around to escape without any hesitation.    


"Damn it! Everyone, run away now! We need to use the time the captain bought for us to escape. Even if only one or two of us can escape this hell, it'll be a win for us! We can't... let the captain die in vain!"    


Hu Biao shouted at the top of his lungs. He held his sword horizontally and stood in front of his teammates with great determination.    


With Yu Zhen now dead, Hu Biao would naturally become the leader of the team.    


Though he may only be an entry-level warrior — who did not even possess ten percent of Yu Zhen's strength — he was determined to give his life for his comrades. Even if he could only buy a single second of time, if that would result in saving another life, his death would not be in vain.    


The group of team members wore sorrowful looks on their faces, but they could only grit their teeth and run.    


In the presence of those mutated beasts, their lives were as fragile as a thin piece of paper.    


At this point, they had no choice but to run as fast as they could.     


On the other hand, Chu Lin did not even have the time to feel the remorseful atmosphere. With a single glance towards the direction Yu Zhen dashed into, he began retreating for his life.    


Having been born a meddler , he did not possess any sort of physical prowess. As the group dispersed, he was left behind at the rear of the retreat with another young man called, Tian Luo.     


The problem is... how could Chu Lin and Tian Luo win against F-class mutated beasts?    


Suddenly, one of the Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants — the size of a calf — caught hold of the Tian Luo's bare feet. He then let out a blood-curdling screech before falling onto the muddy ground.    


Chu Lin subconsciously turned around when he heard the scream. However, the Blood-Thirsty Furious Ant had already pressed down on Tian Luo's body to prevent him from escaping.    


At this moment, Chu Lin felt as if his heart was about to jump out of his chest.    


"Chu Lin... Save... Save me, please... I-I don't want to die yet!"    


Tian Luo's snot and tears flowed down his face and spilled all over the muddy earth. He desperately reached out his hand towards Chu Lin in a final attempt to survive this hellish place.    


However, the Blood-Thirsty Furious Ant had mercilessly stretched out its sharp lower jaw and pierced through his chest like paper.    


Tian Luo's eyes dimmed as blood spurted all over Chu Lin's face.    




It seemed that he was a moment too late...    


Chu Lin, who was born in the peaceful era, never thought that there would be a day when death would be so close to him... that he could feel the lingering scent of the Grim Reaper next to him at that very moment.    


Chu Lin wished very much that this was a nightmare. However, the stench that lingered around his nose, as well as the merciless gazes of the ant that felt like daggers pointing directly at him, reminded Chu Lin that this was definitely not a nightmare that he could wake up from.    


Is this death?    


No, I will not accept this fate... I... I want to keep live!    


In this crucial moment between life and death...    


Chu Lin possessed a strong desire to live. Clenching his fists tightly, he began thinking of any possible ways for him to survive.    


[Ding! Energy replenishment completed... First level extraction is ready. Number of times remaining: 5 times.]    


It was at this moment...    


A clear voice sounded in Chu Lin's mind.    




Without any hesitation, Chu Lin chose the [Extraction] option for the Blood-Thirsty Furious Ant that was within his reach.    




Chu Lin felt as if he had received some sort of success notification in his mind. Before he even knew it, an interface popped up in his mind. The green panel appeared in his blank mind like a dense mass of green fireflies.    


In the next instant...    


A wisp of green light entered his body.    


Suddenly, Chu Lin felt an imcomparable pain shocking through his body along with some sort of aura.    


Everything in his body — his flesh, cells, and bone — began to tremble as he groaned in pain.    


The pain felt no less than a thousand cuts all throughout his body.    


At the same time, the places that the green wisp of light passed through began to feel stronger than before.    


He felt a surge of power that could topple mountains and overturn the seas running through his veins.    


The intense pain came and went away like a tsunami, only to leave behind a path of destruction in its path.    


Though he indeed feel much stronger than before, Chu Lin sensed a vicious feeling arising in his heart — his body seemed to not be able to bear the sudden surge of strength.    


At this moment...    


The Blood-Thirsty Furious Ant pounced towards Chu Lin with its sharp jaw. Having reached the limit of his patience, Chu Lun exploded towards the sky and punched the ant on its head with a loud roar.    




A loud sound echoed through the air.    


The single punch was as heavy as a mountain.    


Soon, the surging power in Chu Lin's body gushed out like a flood from his fist.    


The Blood-Thirsty Furious Ant, which had previously ripped apart Tian Luo's body with its bare fangs like some sort of snack, exploded like a watermelon despite its tough armor.    


Chu Lin maintained his punching pose with a look of disbelief on his face.    




Is this my power?    


For the first time, Chu Lin felt as if he possessed the strength capable of letting him penetrate a rocky mountain. This feeling was something that he had never experienced before in his life.    




At this instant, the interface suddenly appeared in his mind yet again.    


[Chu Lin.]    


[Energy: 400 points.]    


[Stamina: 17 points.]    


[Strength: 200 points.]    


[Spiritual Force: 6 points.]    


[Gene Chain Talent: Strength of an Ant (Broken Ant Gene Chain, 61% Complete)]    


Chu Lin stood dumbfounded in his place.    


He looked at the heaven-defying extraction interface in a daze and felt as if something bad was about to take place.    


Of course, he knew the potential of this interface since it was similar to the one he previously used in an online game. Having been caught with this exact cheating interface, his in-game character was killed miserably.    


To express his further dissatisfaction, Chu Lin resorted to using cheats in the game.    


[Extraction], as the name implies, is a method that allows its user to extract what they wanted to from their target.    


These mutated ants were able to move things that were tens of times heavier than their own weight.    


Thinking about the great power that he suddenly accumulated just now, in addition to the simple annotation on the gene chain on the interface, how could Chu Lin not know that he had actually extracted the gene chain that contained the strength of the F-class ants.    


Oh my god! I'm going to go crazy!     


Chu Lin waved his fists and celebrated his survival.    


After a moment of silence, he kicked away the Blood-Thirsty Furious Ant's corpse and walked towards Tian Luo's lifeless body. Chu Lin squatted down and closed his eyes, which had already lost all its light.    


Having only transmigrated to this world for a short while, he had only exchanged a few words with Tian Luo and did not interact much with him.    


However, he knew that this kid was timid and afraid of death. Being a soldier was something he had no choice but to do. In contrast to his fate, his dream was much simpler: to ensure that he would have enough money to go home and live a happy life with his wife.    


But now, there was no need to him to struggle anymore.    



After all, he is... dead.    


Chu Lin took a deep breath and heard another gut-wrenching scream. He looked around as his gaze turned cold.    


To think, after a thousand years, that the Spiritual Qi — seeming to be humanity's last hope — would instead turn the world upside down. Once at the top of the food chain; now at the very bottom.    


Chu Lin did not seek for much to change.    


It is just that life, in his eyes, should not at all be cheap.    


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