Super Godly Evolution

C1 Battlefield of Hell

C1 Battlefield of Hell



The mutated beasts gushed out of the crevices like tides of waves as their shrill screeches continued to ferment in the midst of the intense battle.    


The muddy soil seeped deep within the trenches on the front lines, emitting a rather foul smell similar to that of rotten candy.    


The unusual scene took place in a seemingly normal afternoon at the F-class gathering point, "Weiyang."    


The most recent reports of the victory from the frontlines had caused those arrogant big shots from Central Royal City, who only knew how to use their heels to think, to once again come up with a resolution for the fight that could be considered as an idiotic battle.    


Weiyang was a small gathering ground specially created for the new recruits of the combat division, who were given the orders by headquarters to commence a valiant, fearless assault on the lair of the F-class Blood-Thirsty Furious Ant.    


However, it was a pity that...    


The tragic event that resulted proved once again the stupidity of the commanders who only knew how to give orders and hide behind closed doors... whose heads were boiling in nothing but water. Within the lair of the Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants, the soldiers discovered no less than ten other E-class Blood Devouring Ants.    


As a result of that short yet reckless charge, the combat division has nevetheless suffered quite heavy damages in its ranks.    


"What kind of joke is this? Even if I have just narrowly escaped death and have been transmigrated into the midst of a hellish battle, I, Chu Lin, will not die so easily."    


As such, Chu Lin carefully hid in the trench on the verge of collapse.    


Lowering his head, he stooped down and began observing the precarious situation on the battlefield without blinking as he secretly cheered himself on.    


Logically speaking, Chu Lin could not figure out the current situation of humanity. According to the usual development process of humans, shouldn't the Earth be undergoing rapid changes in technology a thousand years into the future? Shouldn't society be thriving as humans begin exploring the mysteries of the universe?    


At this point, shouldn't humans already be able to wander freely in the vast space of the universe, traveling through space wherever and whenever they want to? This was supposed to be the period where they could eat hotpot and sing for entertainment at the same time.    


However, the reality was that the Earth, a thousand years later, would long since be riddled with craters and fall into a state of utter chaos.    


Hundreds of years ago, science and technology had advanced to the extreme with the efforts of humanity. Thus, the excessive use of all resources of Earth had drained out all of its life force.    


In the face of death, a magical energy that originated from the heart of the earth — later known as Spiritual Qi — was accidentally discovered by scientists.     


To their pleasant surprise, humans realized that this mysterious substance could not only improve the physique of humans but could also stimulate the hidden gene sequences in the human body.    


Furthermore, the Spiritual Qi could increase one's lifespan and even multiply one's martial strength.    


This was certainly an opportunity given by the heavens for humanity to once again evolve.    


In their moment of elation and relief, humanity failed to realize that the Spiritual Qi seemed to favor the other creatures of nature more than them. Since their genes were also blessed by the heavens, the beasts of the fields and the birds of the air evolved much a much faster rate.    


By the time humanity had realized what was going on, the mutated beasts had already become unstoppable. Thus, the humans were forced to retreat underground, having no choice but to leave behind the civilizations they have created over the past centuries.    


"Humanity must be paying for their sins..."    


Chu Lin shook his head.    


This body was originally owned by an orderly who was responsible for logistics in the garrison.    


Logically speaking, even if the headquarters had sent out the correct intelligence, someone as insignificant as the original owner would not have the right to be participating in such a crucial counterattack.    


However, the original owner — in his high spirits — was pressured by others to enlist into the army.    


"Yep, this kid must have lost his mind."    


Chu Lin cursed secretly.    


Staring at the battle that was about to break down at any moment, he immersed himself in deep thought and tried to think of ways to save his own life.    


With a loud bang, smoke and dust flew in all directions.    


Suddenly, a muscular man rushed past Chu Lin like an eagle. Diving into the trench, he used the mud of the ground to form a defensive wall as he panted heavily.    


"Captain, how's the situation on this side?" The vice-captain Hu Biao, who was standing next to Chu Lin, said as he wiped his face and took two steps forward.    


The person he spoke to was Yu Zhen, the captain in charge of their team's operations.    


"The situation isn't very optimistic."    


Yu Zhen glanced at the bearded man. His face — as dark as bronze — was clearly filled with nothing but dejection.    


"The false intelligence given by the Central Royal City has led to this severe situation. If this was a normal F-class mutated beast lair, we would barely be able to clear the lair with the number of Awakened Practitioners at our gathering point. However, the existence of the ten E-class Blood Devouring Ants makes this place no less than an E-class lair.    


"We have just received news that one of the leaders of the Awakened Practitioners has already died in battle. Meanwhile, the frontlines have already begun fighting with their lives on the line. I'm afraid Han's order to retreat will come within the next two hours. You guys should prepare yourselves, this time I'm afraid…"    


Yu Zhen paused and did not continue.    


"Captain, even the leader of the Awakened Practitioners died in battle? Then... is there still any way for us to survive? Cap-captain, I don't want to die yet!" The young soldier, around Chu Lin's age, trembled uncontrollably and said in a wavering voice.    


Awakened Practitioners were chosen people who had awakened a their gene chains and possessed extraordinary martial power.    


Every single Awakened Practitioner held high positions in the gathering ground as they were known as the strongest fighters among the group.    


Not only did they possess extraordinary martial prowess, but they even possessed the ability to fight mutated beasts head-on. Being one of the strongest few in the gathering ground, their significance was far beyond what ordinary members like them could compare to.    


Weiyang was simply an F-class gathering ground.    


As such, the Awakened Practitioners only numbered up to five people.    


Now that even the great Awakened Practitioners have suffered such a loss, the group of small soldiers would definitely not have any luck or hope to survive in such a dire situation.    


"What are you afraid of? If worst comes to worst, we'll just have to fight it out with these beasts ourselves. Although we may not be Awakened Practitioners, we'll at least be known as heroes twenty years later!"    


With his face filled with viciousness, Hu Biao fumed with utter rage, as if he had been provoked.    


Hearing that, Yu Zhen sighed and surprisingly didn't say anything.    


As a captain, he knew that the news he brought would ultimately be a devastating blow to his soldiers' morale.    


Despite that, Yu Zhen took the opportunity to remind his comrades of the tragic reality happening before them.    



"Alright, Hu Biao, notify the others and prepare to retreat. Once the order of retreat is declared, it will naturally be passed down the ranks. When that happens, run as far away as you can. Although there will be most certainly be countless deaths resulting from the retreat, it will be inevitable. Every name that I call, please step forward to receive a Beast Core," Yu Zhen waved his hand and said. He then took out a bag and shook out a few thumb-sized, sparkling beads.    


These beads were the Beast Cores. These cores originated from the body of mutated beasts and was also the source of their immense power.    


After extracting them from the mutated beasts, even ordinary people without any potential could use those Beast Cores to cultivate by absorbing the strength from the cores.    


Due to its fluid nature, the Human Federation had recognized the Beast Cores as a common currency. Even a small core could be exchanged for a year's worth of expenses and living rations.    


The soldiers lined up silently to receive the Beast Core from Captain Yu Zhen.    


If it was a normal day, they would be elated. However, even an absolute idiot would understand that they were receiving the Beast Core now as a last resort since they were on the verge of defeat.    


Each soldier received four small Beast Cores — each one would ultimately decide whether they would be able to escape this hell alive or not.    


At this moment, the atmosphere turned stifling, making it difficult to breathe.    


"Chu Lin!"    


Suddenly, Yu Zhen called out to Chu Lin and proceeded to say, "You were originally an orderly who did not need to participate in this battle directly. At that time, you were still arrogant and young. Despite that, I was ultimately the one who accepted you into my squad. However, I didn't expect that the situation would become this bad. Among the soldiers on my team, you are the weakest when it comes to physical tasks and combat prowess. When the order to retreat is declared, get the hell away from the place as fast as you can."    


"Since your father and I were sworn brothers, I have watched you grow up your entire life. You... must live."    


With that, Yu Zhen patted Chu Lin on the shoulder and gave him five Beast Cores.    


One more than the others.    


Having already observed and figured out the dire situation they were currently in, how could Chun Lin smile back despite Yu Zhen's kindness? Since he could not even protect his own life, how could he possibly hope to escape this hell alive?    


"It seems these are my funeral expenses..." Chu Lin sighed.    


Just as he was about to put away the Beast Core, Chu Lin's gaze suddenly froze. After all, the five Beast Core he had been holding in his palms had just disappeared in an instant.    


What was going on?    


At that moment...    




A small panel suddenly appeared in his mind.    


[Chu Lin.]    


[Energy: 500 points.]    


[Stamina: 7 points.]    


[Strength: 10 points.]    


[Spiritual Force: 6 points.]    


[Gene Chain Talent: None]    


[Ding… Energy replenishment completed... First level extraction is ready. Number of times remaining: 5 times.]    


Chu Lin stood dumbfounded in that moment.    


After all, Chu Lin was extremely familiar with this exact panel that had just appeared.    


"What in the world is going on? Isn't this the attribute panel from the video games I used to play? Damn, did it follow me into this body?" Chu Lin — in a state of shock — did not have sufficient time to digest all this information at once.    




*Crash! Boom! Rumble!*    


A huge explosion resounded from the direction of the frontlines, followed by an ear-piercing ring. At this moment, Chu Lin felt like his head was about to explode as he was temporarily deafened. Recovering from the shock, he then looked towards the source of the explosion.    


In the winding crevice...    


Dozens of ants — the size of calves — suddenly crawled out of a crack in the ground. Their shiny green eyeballs were moving in an irregular pattern while their bared jaws, which seemed to be sharper than steel blades, gleamed with a cold light.    


A single glance at those digusting creatures was enough to send a shiver down Chu Lin's spine.    


"Blo... Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants?"    


A series of cries suddenly rang out.    


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