Super Godly Evolution

C31 Inheritance Armor

C31 Inheritance Armor

0The reason Wild Lion Family was able to become one of the three great family within the Roaring Tribe in the first place...    


... was greatly because of their Wild Lion Gene.    


The Wild Lion Gene is a highly-acclaimed gene even amongst the countless ancestral genes. Once activated, one's power would increase exponentially.    


It is certainly not inferior to Tie Niu's Big Yellow Ape Gene in any way.     


Even then, Elder Yicheng was still unable to suppress Chu Lin in terms of strength despite activating his Wild Lion Gene.    


His extraordinary strength not only startled everyone in the Wild Lion Family but even shocked Hong Moli who had personally witnessed his strength in battle beforehand.    


When Princess Yi Yun saw the outcome of Elder Yicheng's test for Chu Lin, a trace of unusualness flashed across her bright eyes.    


Chu Lin's performance was completely out of her expectations. After realizing how Chu Lin had only completed a single gene chain, she thought that perhaps she had made a blunder in finding a suitable candidate.    


"Hehe, a young hero indeed. May I have the honor of knowing your name, young man?"    


Yi Tianya said with a smile.    


After Yicheng's quick probing, Yi Tianya began to doubt Chu Lin's previous claim that he only possessed a single gene chain.    


Not only was he able to withstand the pressure of the Wild Lion Gene, but he was also able to do it without activating any of his gene abilities. Just this point was enough for Yi Tianya to put his trust in Chu Lin and show him respect.    


"I'm Chu Lin."    


Chu Lin said in a neither humble nor arrogant manner.    


Under the invitation of Patriarch Yi Tianya, Chu Lin and Hong Moli quickly entered the living quarters of the Wild Lion Family.    


Although they called this place their living quarters, the center of the Wild Lion Family was basically the same as a huge mansion.    


After entering the mansion, Chu Lin and Hong Moli were each assigned their respective rooms under the arrangements of the Wild Lion Family warriors.    


Since the Roaring Tribe's Gladiator Tournament would take place very soon, Chu Lin did not have much time left to prepare himself.    


After Chu Lin had settled down in his room, he remained inside for the time being but was suprised to already be welcoming his first guest.    


Princess Yi Yun knocked on the door and slowly walked in with Chu Lin's permission.    


She was dressed in a military uniform with the crest of a golden lion embroidered on it, which gave her a dignified appearance.    


"Mr. Chulin, how is your stay here so far? If you need anything, please don't hesitate to let me know. "    


Yi Yun said with a soft tone as she proceeded to carry out her duties.    


"In the upcoming Gladiator Tournament, you will be facing elite disciples from the Crimson Dragon and Fierce Tiger Family. Their disciples will definitely be equipped with plenty of items allocated to them by their families. If you require any sort of equipment, our Wild Lion Family will be more than willing to meet up to your demands."    


From Yi Yun's prespective, Chu Lin was a rather mysterious person.    


When Chu Lin managed to defeat Qi Wen, he simply overwhelmed him with his physical attacks, not revealing any of his gene abilities. Furthermore, he did not seem to be afraid of mental attacks either.    


When Chu Lin was undergoing Elder Yicheng's test, Yi Yun realized at that moment just how ridiculous Chu Lin's physical strength was.    


After all, even when Elder Yicheng — an Awakened Practitioner with three gene chains — activated his Wild Lion Gene, he was still unable to suppress Chu Lin's physical strength.    


However, the Gladiator Tournament was not some sort of wrestling match. It is not something that one could win just by relying on their overwhelming physical strength.    


Regardless of whether it was the Crimson Dragon Family or the Fierce Tiger Family, both of them managed to produce elite disciples who possess exceptionally strong genes as well.     


To put it bluntly, the power of an Awakened Practitioner was directly linked to the quality of their gene chain and the number of gene abilities they had.    


Since Chu Lin only had one gene chain, he would definitely be at a disadvantage when compared to the other families' elite disciples — whether in terms of gene energy or gene abilities.    


Thus, the most that Yi Yun could assist Chu Lin was by giving him external equipment that would increase his strength, thereby increasing his chances of winning.    


"In that case, a set of light armor that allows for nimble movements should be sufficient."    


Chu Lin said casually after thinking for a while.    


Since Chu Lin did not have many flashy skills or abilites, he could only rely on his strong physique and absolute strength to win the tournament.    


Therefore, he believe that a set of armor — in addition to his Bionic Arm — would be more than enough.    


"A set of armor…"    


Yi Yun whispered to herself. Suddenly, a glint flashed across her eyes as she spoke to Chu Lin with an excited tone.    


"Oh right, if I remember correctly, our Wild Lion Family possesses a set of Inheritance Armor. However, it has been a long time since anyone was able to activate it. Even so, would you like to try it on?"    


"Inheritance armor?"    


In a moment of surprise, Chu Lin looked at Princess Yi Yun and nodded his head.    


Unlike the gathering ground of Weiyang, where the commander controlled the entire gathering ground...    


The E-class Roaring Tribe did not have an absolute leader. Instead the power was spread between the council members and elders of the gathering ground.    


The ones with the most power include the patriarchs of the three great families as the three of them jointly controlled most of the resources and supplies in the Roaring Tribe.    


Thus, the warehouses of the three great clans were naturally the places that held the best quality resources and treasures among the gathering ground.    


Soon, Yi Yun found Yi Tianya and brought Chu Lin to their family warehouse.    


"Since the Inheritance Armor hasn't been used for the longest time now, I have long since forgotten the effects that came with it."    


After opening the door to the family warehouse, Yi Tianya led the way and said to the two others following him from behind.    


"If I remember correctly, only descendants who possess the Wild Lion Gene are qualified to activate the effects of the Inheritance Armor. Unfortunately for us, not a single person in the family has been able to activate it so far."    


After passing through the section where all the resources are kept, Yi Tianya led the two of them to the deepest part of the warehouse.    



Hanging on the wall was an ancient and dull-looking set of armor. From a quick glance, it did not seem to possess any sort of special characteristics. In contrary to its name, it looked like some sort of fake, second-hand product you usually find in those shady workshops.    


Even the standard armor worn by ordinary warriors from the Wild Lion Family appeared more grand than this one.    


"Are you sure this is your family's Inheritance Armor and not some antique from the basement?"    


Chu Lin could not help but complain about the appearance and craftsmanship of this Inheritance Armor.    


"It's just a rumor from our family. Since I haven't seen anyone activate the Inheritance Armor before, it serves more like the very spirit of our Wild Lion Family."    


With a shrug of his shoulders, one could clearly see that Yi Tianya did not place too much importance on this so-called Inheritance Armor.    


Perhaps he also thought that the set of armor was merely an antique that it was passed down as a family heirloom with no actual combat use.    


"How about I give you our Wild Lion Family's newly developed set of Golden Lion Armor instead? Although it is not classified as a piece of equipment for Awakened Practitioners, it does have nonetheless amplification effects of one's strength, speed, and resistance to attacks."    


Yi Tianya suggested.    


"Let's try this one first."    


Chu Lin looked at the Inheritance Armor on the wall and grabbed it down with his hands.    


Neither Yi Tianya nor Yi Yun tried to stop him from doing so. Since the armor was not some sort of rare treasure, they did not pay too much attention to it.    


Putting on the Inheritance Armor, Chu Lin tried moving around in it and found that the armor actually suited him pretty well.    


However, it did not serve any purpose and was useless.    


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