Super Godly Evolution

C34 Sent Flying

C34 Sent Flying

0"This ring has peaked my interest. What's the price?"    


Chu Lin picked up the ring and started playing around with it.    


"50 Beast Cores."    


The middle-aged man said coldly.    


"Alright, I'll buy it."    


Chu Lin's lips curled up into a smile as he threw out a bag of Beast Cores.    


Lifting up a bag of Beast Cores, the burly man seemed making sure that Chu Lin paid the right amount.    


"Well... there's a fat sheep that you can slaughter any time."    


"You can tell from a single glance that he came from an F-class gathering ground who has never experienced the real world. How could such a small trinket be worth so many Beast Cores?"    


"Not only is he a country bumpkin, but he's also a fool."    


Seeing Chu Lin spend 50 Beast Core to buy such a useless ring, the merchants who set up the stalls on the side could not help but mock and insult him.    


They stared at Chu Lin from behind — their gazes filled with ridicule and disdain.    


Chu Lin was naturally not aware of those gazes. Even if he did notice them, he would not care about them one bit.     


After all, Chu Lin had focused all of his attention of the ring alone.    


He could feel the constant fluctuations of the gene energy in the ring. Although it was not easy to detect, the fluctuations were still very obvious.    


In a place with such a dense crowd, Chu Lin would not use his abilities rashly just to test the effects of the ring.    


He continued playing around with it for a while before putting it away.    


When he came back to his senses, however, he was shocked to find that Yi Yun — who was leading the way — had disappeared from his sights.    




As Princess Yi Yun was walking alone, a figure suddenly appeared in front of her.    


The figure belonged to a tall man with a fierce-looking expression. From a single glace, one could tell that he was not someone to be trifled with.    


"Hey, little sister, you look really cute. Have you come to the trading market all by yourself? If so, why don't I show you around the place?"    


The man said with a smile as he revealed his yellow teeth.    


He had been paying attention to Yi Yun for some time now, only daring to make a move after confirming that Yi Yun came alone.    


While the man was talking, two more men came up behind Yi Yun, forming a triangle with the man in front of them.    




Yi Yun shouted in a low voice with a cold expression.    


Since her identity would cause a ruckus, she did not want to reveal herself just because of these few hooligans.    


"Hmm... acting like a little hot chili, eh? I like it."    


Amused by her reaction, the man standing in front stretched out his hand and attempted to grab Yi Yun.    


"I originally wanted to just settle this with some Beast Cores, but this is no longer a problem that can be solved by mere Beast Cores!"    


As Yi Yun's looked at the man with a deep gaze, she was just about to ignite her Wild Lion Gene to make these hooligans pay for daring to have any thoughts against her.    


At that moment, an arm suddenly thrust past Yi Yun.    




Accompanied by the sound of a crisp slap, the hooligan was sent spinning in circles into the air before landing heavily on the ground. Such a commotion naturally attracted the attention of everyone in the market.    


The strength behind this slap caused the onlookers to gasp in awe.    


Even though the hooligan stood stall and sturdy, he was actually sent spinning in the air with a mere slap in his face.    


Just how much strength was used in that one slap?    


Yi Yun turned around and saw Chu Lin standing behind her with a smile on his face.    


"You're walking too fast. Did you not notice me falling behind?"    


Chu Lin complained.    


"Damn it, who are you? How dare you interfere with my business?"    


The man crawled up from the ground — his face red and swollen.    


"I'm someone you can never dream of beating."    


Chu Lin rolled his eyes without any intentions of introducing himself to such trash.    


Yi Yun could not help but chuckle when she heard Chu Lin's playful words. However, she soon regained her usual composure.    


"Do you know whose territory you're currently standing in? You dare to provoke me, Guan Fei? You're courting death!"    


The man said fiercely.    


After the man announced his name, even the surrounding merchants were slightly shocked.    


"That man is Guan Fei? The underground boss of the Roaring Tribe's marketplace?"    


"It's over for those two individuals. Not only are Guan Fei's forces are everywhere in the three markets of the Roaring Tribe, but each of his men is also quite strong."    



"I even heard that he has three great families backing him up. The entire trading market is essentially marked as his territory."    


When the merchants heard the name Guan Fei, their expressions all changed drastically.    


In the circle of merchants with Roaring Tribe, the distance between the three great families and ordinary people like them was simply like the gap between heaven and earth. Thus, they did not have any sort of connections to the families.    


On the other hand, Guan Fei's name spread far and wide among the merchants in the market. After all, Guan Fei's men were found everywhere in all three marketplaces in Roaring Tribe, which has an indirect effect on their businesses.    


In some ways, Guan Fei's fame had even surpassed that of the three great families, especially in the marketplace.    


Those were the reasons for the drastic change in the expressions of the merchants. If they were to offend Guan Fei without knowing their background in the Roaring Tribe, they would probably be out of luck.     


"Whoever dares to offend me, Guan Fei, in the Roaring Tribe, will end up suffering a dire fate. Now, go and kill that brat!"    


Guan Fei roared while covering his burning cheeks.    


The two people behind Chu Lin immediately unsheathed their alloyed daggers and stabbed down on Chu Lin's back without any hesitation — their faces filled with killing intent.    


Letting out a slight snort, Chu Lin used a fist technique, known as [Twin Pearl Dragon Strike], and sent the two men who sneaked up on him flying into the distance as they each spit out a mouthful of blood.    


"This... So powerful!"    


"What? Guan Fei's men are trained to be violent and fierce! Just who is this person? Could he be a warrior from the Roaring Tribe?"    


"Warriors of the Roaring Tribe are not even that strong, so could he be a guard from the three great families?"    


Failing to even leave a scratch on Chu Lin's clothes, Guan Fei's two subordinates have already been blown away and lost all strength to fight.    


The merchants could not help but reveal looks of shock.    


After all, even the warriors of the Roaring Tribe would not act in such a straightforward manner or possess such incomparable strength.    


To think the fully-trained men under Guan Fei — who are proficient in various fighting techniques — would not even be able to withstand a single punch from their opponent.    


Such an absurd scene naturally shocked Guan Fei himself.    


It seems that his initial plans have backfired on him. The other party was the one who dared to knock on his metal plate. Instead, he was the one who dared to knock on theirs.    


"Just who are you?!"    


Seeing how Chu Lin was now slowly walking towards him, the initial hatred in his eyes had long since been replaced by a never-ending sense of terror.    


"Haven't I already told you?"    


Chu Lin looked at Guan Fei with an indifferent gaze — his eyes remained unfazed.    


"I'm someone you can never dream of beating."    


Walking up to Guan Fei, Chu Lin revealed a harmless smile and repeated what he had said before.    


However, the seemingly harmless smile was no different from a devil's smile in Guan Fei's eyes.    


"My... My lord, I was blind enough and failed to recognize your greatness. Please show mercy and let me go..."     


Guan Fei kneeled down immediately and begged Chu Lin for mercy.    


Despite that, Chu Lin was not a saint and would not show mercy.    


If he did not have that kind of power, Guan Fei would never have the mercy to let him go.    


Just as Chu Lin was about to lay down his hammer, a voice suddenly sounded from behind him.    


"Spare our men!"    


His tone carried an unquestionable and absolute order, which was the exact manner of speech that Chu Lin disliked the most.    


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