Super Godly Evolution

C37 Gladiator Tournament

C37 Gladiator Tournament

0During the process of the fusion, two new choices appeared before Chu Lin.    


[Beginner Fusion: costs 100 energy points]    


[Intermediate Fusion: costs 100 intermediate energy points.]    


Chu Lin frowned slightly when he thought back to the low success rate of his previous gene extractions.    


"Don't tell me this gene fusion also has a low success rate?"    


Chu Lin thought hard about it and decided to choose Intermediate Fusion.    


While the raw materials could be bought again, the Bionic Arm, on the other hand, was one of its kind.    


After finalizing his decision, both the raw materials and the Bionic Arm disappeared.    


At the same time, the option for [Gene Fusion] had also turned gray.    


With that, the countdown for the fusion began ticking down from 600 seconds.    


Intermediate fusions require 10 minutes to complete, which was even more time-consuming than the normal fusions.    


Ten minutes passed in the blink of an eye. During this time, Chu Lin played around with the ring that he bought prior from the trading market.    


After activating the Gene Energy, the ring emitted a buzzing sound and shone with a dazzling light.    


At that instant, a layer of a golden barrior began forming around Chu Lin.    


"Interesting... is this actually a defensive gene artifact?"    


Chu Lin was pretty sure of that fact when he was surrounded by a barrier.    


Defensive gene artifacts usually shapes into a large-scale shield that were created from the raw materials of certain monsters.    


The ones that formed a barrier around its users, on the other hand, were relatively rare.     


More importantly, the barrier did not have a single blind spot.    




[Gene Fusion Successful!]    


[Demonic Gauntlet.]    


A crisp sound rang in Chu Lin's ears as the Bionic Arm appeared again.    


Looking at its new appearance, however, Chu Lin could no longer tell that it was his original Bionic Arm.    


Instead, it had turned into a crimson gauntlet that looked like the claws of a demonic beast.    


Flushed with utmost excitement, Chu Lin immediately equipped the gauntlet on his arm.    


Compared to the semi-finished Bionic Arm from before, Chu Lin felt that the Demonic Gauntlet was much easier to control as if it had merged into one with his arm.    


The Gladiator Tournament is held once every three years.    


Whether in the aspect of size or importance, the tournament was a much larger event than the annual trading market.    


Furthermore, the tournament is also divided into two parts.    


The first part of the tournament was the duels between the ordinary warrioars — used to select the most elite warriors in the Roaring Tribe.    


The second part of the tournament includes the long-awaited battles between the Awakened Practitioners. During this period, the young Awakened Practitioners of the three great families would display their combat prowess and strength.    


Most importantly, this part of the tournament ultimately served to decide the distribution of resources among the three great families.    


This was the main reason why the three great families valued the Gladiator Tournament so much. As such, they would pour all their resources into the most outstanding junior disciples in order to increase their strength.    


The Gladiator Tournament would be held on the last day of the trade gathering.    


By that time, the crowd in the Roaring Tribe would have reached its peak. Even the merchants who had been working their hardest to sell off their products would not be in much of a hurry to leave — seeing how a grand event would take place right in front of them.    


In the center of the Roaring Tribe, a grandiose colosseum — built together with the cooperation of the three great families — stood magnificently amongst the other smaller buildings surrounding it.    


Occasionally, there would even be friendly duels taking place in that colosseum, which were extremely popular among the people of the Roaring Tribe who enjoyed spectating battles as a form of entertainment.    


Now, it would be used as the main arena for the Gladiator Tournament.    


When Chu Lin followed Wild Lion Family to their exclusive seats, he felt as if he had traveled back in time to the Roman Empire.    


The outer ring of the colosseum included the stands for the audience to spectate down on the match from above.     


Although the Gladiator Tournament served mainly as a competition between the three great families, there would still be many other foreign Awakened Practitioners who signed up to test their strength with each other.    


The Awakened Practitioners who performed outstandingly will then receive the favor of the three great families.    


Thus, the Gladiator Tournament was also a good opportunity for the other ordinary Awakened Practitioners to show off their abilites and make a name for themselves.    


On a higher elevation of the outer ring stood three different platforms where the members of the three great families would spectate from.    


At this time, the members of the three great families had already arrived. Everyone from the Wild Lion Family was dressed in their golden military uniforms, which transformed their spectating platform into a pond of gold.    


Even Hong Moli and Chu Lin were no exceptions as they sat there dressed in the same attire.    


After all, the gold was an exquisite color that represented the Wild Lion Family.     


In contrast, the members of the Crimson Dragon Family were all dressed in a scarlet robe. As most of their figures and facial features were concealed by their robes, no one could differentiate between them.    


As for the members of the Fierce Tiger Family, everyone was covered in pure white as the faint word, "King," could be seen imprinted on their foreheads.    


When Qiu Zhenyu arrived at the field, his gaze immediately fell on Princess Yi Yun.    



Just as he wanted to go over to greet him, he noticed Chu Lin sitting next to Yi Yun. His gentle expression immediately twisted into disgust as he stared menacingly at Chu Lin.    


Noticing the daggers pointing towards him, Chu Lin turned his gaze over and looked back at Qiu Zhenyu with a smile.    


From Qiu Zhenyu's perspective, Chu Lin's expression was certainly an undisguised provacation. Thus, he could not help but fume with utter rage.    


"I will definitely make you pay a heavy price in the Gladiator Tournament!"    


Qiu Zhenyu thought fiercely to himself.    


When most of the participants and spectators had arrived, the Gladiator Tournament commenced without any further delay.    


"Jia Qing, Xue Feng, come up to the arena and fight!"    


In the center of the arena stood a burly man who served as the referee. With a furious roar, he called up the names of the two ordinary warriors of the Roaring Tribe.    


Although the battle between the normal warriors was rather ordinary, the audience nevertheless spectated the much with utmost enthusiasim.    


After all, the ones fighting below were the warriors of Roaring Tribe, the peoplew whom the commoners would normally look up to.    


Furthermore, the battles between the normal warriors would usually be more fierce. Since they only had their close combat skills to show off, they usually chose weapons such as sabers, spears, shields, and so on. With each bloodthirsty roar and clangings of the steel weapons, the first part of the tournament came to an end.    


At last, only the ten strongest warriors remained as they each received their respective rewards according to their rankings. Some of the warriors were even selected by the three great families to become elite warriors of their family.    


Next, for the main event that everyone has been waiting for... the duels between the Awakened Practitioners!     


From all sides of the colosseum , the Awakened Practitioners stood up one after another to battle it out. Even then, the quality and length of each battle would also vary.    


Most of the Awakened Practitioners participating in the tournament were the ones with a single gene chain. On the other hand, Awakened Practitioners with two gene chains would already be classified as rare talents.    


After all, Awakened Practitioners who possessed three gene chains were qualified to establish their own sect. Thus, there was no need for them to depend on a family.    


"It seems that the quality of battles between the foreign Awakened Practitioners aren't very high this time around. We haven't even seen a single one of them with three awakened gene chains."    


Yi Tianya looked at the fighting Awakened Practicer and could not help but yawn.    


"The reason why we even recruited Qi Wen into our family in the previous Gladiator Tournament was mainly that he possessed three gene chains. Even then, his combat strength is far too weak as only one of his gene abilities was even worth mentioning."    


Elder Yicheng said indifferently from the side.    


Just when everyone was bored out of their minds, the crowd suddenly erupted into burst of cheers.    


Everyone suddenly turned their heads to look in response.    


In the center of the battle stadium stood a well-built man who was emanating a ferocious aura.    


Chu Lin's pupils constricted in anger as he stared menacingly at that figure.    


Sand Wolf Camp.    


Yuan Liang!    


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