An Ultimate Martial Art



0The beautiful blood blade was staring at Su Ye like an ancient beast that had just revived. The blood red light shone on Su Ye like the blood of an ancient beast that had massacred countless creatures, causing Su Ye to feel an unprecedented pressure.    


Honestly speaking, if Su Ye had not died ten times in the Life and Death Trials Tower, he would not be able to handle this pressure anymore.    


Even so, he could not help but feel fear.    


There was only one life.    


He had tried the taste of death, but he couldn't ignore the threat of death.    


On the other hand, the more one truly knew the taste of death, the more one would feel fear towards the great terror between life and death. The people who shouted that they weren't afraid of death were just a bunch of idiots who didn't know the taste of death.    


Su Ye just stood there quietly, staring at the beautiful blood blade, not daring to move.    


However, what was worth being pleasantly surprised about was that when he looked at the bewitching blood-red blade, he could already faintly feel a trace of emotions from the body of the bewitching blood blade.    


This was precisely the feeling that came from the different blood of a Xiantian level demon god. This was a natural blood bond between a Xiantian realm devil god and his precious treasure. It was just that the Innate Demon God's bloodline that Su Ye had obtained was still very thin, so this feeling wasn't clear.    


However, this already made Su Ye very satisfied.    


As time passed, Su Ye could feel that the emotions on the beautiful blood blade became increasingly clearer. Although he did not know if the blood blade could sense his emotions as well, he tried his best to control his fear and show some good will towards the blood blade. He did not seek to obtain the resonance of the blood blade, at least he would not be attacked by the blood blade.    


This kind of effort had a pretty good effect.    


After about an hour, Su Ye discovered that the demonic blood blade's blade radiance had weakened considerably, and the body of the blade had also indistinctly moved closer to him, the feeling of closeness instantly becoming much clearer.    


Su Ye seized this opportunity and released his goodwill, using it to restrain the beautiful blood blade. He then continued to search for the Innate Demon God Bone by using the Primordial Divine Light, but once a trace of his bloodline essence was refined, he would immediately absorb it into his blood.    


The quality of the blood that had already absorbed a strand of the Innate Demonic God's bloodline had already ascended to a higher level. After having absorbed and assimilated the blood essence from the same source, its efficiency had increased by at least ten times.    


As the strands of Innate Invisible Qi flowed into the foreign blood, Su Ye's body began to exude an increasingly rich Innate Demon God's aura. In the eyes of the beautiful blood blade, which had already developed a sense of intimacy with Su Ye, this was undoubtedly the revival of a demon god accompanying him.    


The enchanting blood blade began to tremble, it was a joyful tremble, the excited emotions that it exuded were extremely clear, and in the end, it even erupted with an extremely dazzling blood light once again. However, the blade edge no longer pointed at Su Ye, and the entire blade edge seemed to transform into a happy skylark, scurrying over, and danced around Su Ye's body, circle after circle.    




Su Ye was equally excited. After completely refining the last trace of Innate Demon God's blood essence, the skeleton suddenly turned into dust. At the same time, a buzzing sound filled his mind like the sound of thunder in the ninth heaven. Once again, a vast set of bloodline memories appeared.    


What was shocking was the enormous amount of information on the Innate Demon God's bloodline. Compared to the Green Wood and Three Light bloodlines, the inheritance was even larger, almost ten times bigger.    


It was precisely because this bloodline inheritance was too huge that it erupted all of a sudden. It was to the point that even Su Ye found it hard to endure, as if he had reached the limit of what he could bear all of a sudden. His vision turned black, and he actually fell down on the spot, fainting.    


The moment Su Ye fell to the ground and fainted, the beautiful blood blade obviously became anxious, it released an extremely sharp cry, and floated above Su Ye's body, stopped for a moment, and pointed the blade towards the sky, as though it was facing a great enemy.    


It was as if if if a living being that was getting close to Su Ye would be directly slashed to death by this beautiful blood blade.    


Su Ye was only able to wake up after fifteen days of unconsciousness. After coming to his senses, he immediately discovered that he had a very heavy feeling. It was as if he had fallen into the endless deep sea and was surrounded by countless amounts of seawater. An invisible pressure almost crushed him.    


Su Ye thought for a while, and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Looks like although the inheritance of the Demon God is good, not everyone can endure it."    


Actually, this already had this kind of indescribable heaviness since the day Su Ye obtained the Three-Light Demon God's inheritance. At that time, he knew that this inheritance seemed like nothingness, that it looked like a memory warehouse, but it actually had a weight, that was the weight of a great dao, a weight that contained the essence of the great dao of heaven and earth, and was not something ordinary people could bear.    


Fortunately, Su Ye's life force was heavy, and after receiving the tempering of a large number of Water of Chaos, his physique had long ago become extraordinary. At that time, he could easily bear the heavy burden of the great dao brought by the Tri-Light Demon God's inheritance. Moreover, as he continuously studied it, he kept using the great dao on his own, which gradually decreased in weight.    


However, after he had obtained the Verdant Wood Inheritance, the importance of the Grand Dao had increased by a large amount. A portion of the Three-Light Demon God's legacy that he had yet to fully digest, in addition to a portion of the Verdant Wood Inheritance, the overlapping of two parts of the Great Dao brought about by the Demon God Inheritance, made him feel quite uncomfortable.    


Seeing that the inheritance that belonged to the Innate Demon God had come one after another, he felt that he was at his wit's end. Su Ye had completely underestimated the power of this Innate Demon God's inheritance. As they were both Fiendgod Primordial Chaos, the content of this Innate Demon God inheritance was actually ten times more vast than that of the Three Light and Two Green Wood inheritance combined. The weight of the great dao brought about by this reached a rather terrifying level and under the pressure of the three great daos, it reached the limit of what Su Ye could endure.    


Since he couldn't bear the weight, he naturally fainted. Thanks to the fact that he hadn't lost all of his consciousness during this coma, he was still barely able to rely on his consciousness to go through the three pieces of the Demon God Legacy books. He tried hard to assimilate some of the simpler and more suitable mysteries of the great dao into his own use, and only then was he able to regain some clarity and regain consciousness after fifteen days.    


But even after he woke up, the heavy pressure of the great path brought by the three pieces of Demon God Legacy was still hard for him to breathe. Every second felt like he was sinking into the deep sea, full of a suffocating feeling. At this time, let alone fighting, even standing up and running a bit was considered amazing.    


He finally understood the taste of that old saying. As a person, one shouldn't be too greedy. Although the inheritance of the Demon God was good, although the mysteries of the world were precious, not everyone could possess them. A single person wanting to monopolize all sorts of inheritance was better than a single person wanting to support the entire world, how could it be that easy?    


If it weren't for the fact that he was special, the two of them would have died on the spot.    


"It seems like I have to speed up my progress ?"    


Other than laughing bitterly, Su Ye also had no choice but to think of a way to solve the problem of the Great Way.    


Without a doubt, the perfect way to resolve the issue of the great Dao once and for all was to study the three pieces of the Demon God Legacy, and completely assimilate the essence of the great Dao into his own body. The so-called great Dao became a part of his weight, and he wouldn't feel the pressure of carrying it.    


But this was obviously not realistic. The three pieces of the Demon God's inheritance were simply too vast. If he wanted to completely digest them, he wouldn't be able to do so in a short period of time.    


As a result, there was only one way left, and that was to raise one's cultivation level to the limit of how much they could withstand. As long as he broke this limit and no longer easily obtained new inheritances from the outside world, he would be able to regain his mobility.    


As for him, compared to quickly digesting three kinds of Demon God Legacy, raising his cultivation was much easier.    


Just by refining a few of them, he would be able to obtain a large number of high quality Water of Chaos s. Forget about others, it would be extremely easy for him to raise Su Ye's cultivation to the level of a Level 9 Demon General.    


As he thought of this, Su Ye immediately used his divine sense to absorb a dozen third grade Demon Elder level heavenly resources, and directly sent them into the Primal Chaos Wheel to be refined into Water of Chaos s. In total, he obtained around eighty thousand drops.    


But to have reached this step, Su Ye was already panting heavily. The massive weight of the great Dao was crushing down on him. Using his divine will was a sort of torment, so much so that his entire head felt like it was about to collapse. Even if he wanted to call out the Water of Chaos and recover a bit, he would feel powerless.    


He could only stop and rest.    


At this time, a bloody light flashed before his eyes and he saw that the alluring blood blade had already appeared right in front of him, dancing in the air as it faced Su Ye, as if telling him something. The strange thing was that Su Ye understood the meaning of the enchanting blood sword, this fellow was actually worried about him, asking him if he was injured?    


Su Ye subconsciously wanted to reach out to grab the beautiful blood blade, but just as his hand moved, his body instantly smashed into the ground, causing him to spurt out a mouthful of blood. However, he had forgotten that the heavy pressure of the great Dao brought by the three pieces of the Demon God's inheritance was still suppressing him. He had even expended a lot of spiritual will. If he were to make a move, he would only be asking for trouble.    


As the beautiful blood blade saw this, it trembled in anxiety.    


Su Ye hurriedly said: "It's fine, it's fine, I'm fine. It's just a small problem, you don't have to worry. Help me stand guard around here. I'll recover my cultivation base and raise my cultivation base a bit. I'll be able to recover very quickly. "    


He shook in the air, as if he was nodding to him. Then, he jumped to the side and floated in the air, a blade tip pointing towards the sky, still maintaining a vigilant watch for all living beings that approached Su Ye, ready to kill for sure.    


Su Ye couldn't help but laugh. This was truly worthy of being the Innate Demon God's accompanying life treasure ?    


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