An Ultimate Martial Art



0The forty-eight rounds of Demon General Competition on the first day were soon all over. They did not intentionally rest, and only used the remaining twenty minutes of the forty-eighth round's half hour time to rest. When the time came, the top-level Demon Marshall immediately announced the start of the second day's competition.    


The second day of the Large Competition was much more stable than the first day. Although it could also be considered a rise and fall, the second day's Demon Generals participating in the Large Competition were clearly much more emotional than the first day's. They both consciously controlled each other, bursting forth with their strength as well as ensuring their own safety.    


Therefore, after all the forty-eight rounds had ended on the second day, an exceptionally harmonious scene had occurred, and not a single person had died. Although the person who lost was defeated, he could still live on as a Demon General on the Elite Ranking, and could still shine without limit.    


On this day, Su Ye actually still did not go up on stage.    


This caused the Demon Generals who were preparing to deal with Liu Yan to feel somewhat impatient. Some Demon Elders went to Liu Yan and asked her when her Demon Generals would go on stage.    


Not only did Liu Yan reveal that Su Ye would be competing in the eighteenth round of the third day, he had also revealed to him that she had only unintentionally met a Demon General that the Demon Elder did not set his eyes on, and as he thought it was appropriate, he conveniently gave his a spot.    


She had even revealed that the Demon General in her hands had once participated in the selection of the Eternal Emperor, Vampiric Tooth, and Thousand Beast Demon Sovereign. However, he had either not been chosen or had been too late to participate.    


When this news was spread out, many people felt incomparable shock.    


Was Hundred Blossom Wonderland forced into a corner? Otherwise, why would she give up on herself like this? This was simply too reckless.    


There should be two spots under her, but she wasted one of them. The other one was easily given to someone who participated in the selection and failed to pass it, could it be that she knew she was going to lose without a doubt and was not willing to lower her head, so she decided to just use this method to comfort him?    


What a joke.    


Originally, those Demon Masters had hoped that Liu Yan would be able to find a Demon General. He felt that since Liu Yan was like this, he might as well hope that she would find a true expert. That way, he would be able to have a fierce battle with everyone and at the same time, gain some fun.    


Who would have thought that such an outcome would actually be like this? It was too boring.    


When the Ancestor, Vampiric Tooth, and the Thousand Beast Demon Sovereign heard the news, they all laughed and immediately asked their subordinates about this matter. However, there were too many top Demon Generals participating in the selection at that time. The ones in charge of the selection had eliminated too many people, so how could they remember which unlucky person had been chosen by Liu Yan?    


So he just treated it as a joke.    


However, to the Demon Generals that were about to participate, this news was not a joke, but rather a stimulus.    


Damn it, for the sake of being chosen by the Demon Lord, I was sent to various places to participate in the selection. Only by fighting to the death did I manage to catch Demon Lord's eyes, this bastard who came from nowhere didn't even dare to reveal himself, acting like a mouse.    


What right does a person with such luck have to be on the General Ranking at the same time as his father? What qualifications does he have?    


As the saying goes, trying hard doesn't mean you're lucky.    


It was all due to jealousy.    


The more he worked hard, the harder he felt to rely on his luck to reach the heights that he had to reach by risking his life. This sort of jealousy was enough to make many people go crazy for it.    


Especially the millions of Demon Generals that had been reduced to spectators, they were even angrier after hearing this news. A person who was supposed to be a spectator like them had, because of good luck, become an elite Demon General. Damn, why didn't I have this kind of luck, this lucky bastard should die in this competition.    


"Quick, find out who went on stage in the nineteenth round on the third day. I want to see who killed the lucky guy." Some of the Demon Generals with extraordinary backgrounds gnashed their teeth and asked around for the details.    


It was soon a pleasant surprise.    


On the third day, the nineteenth round was about to begin, and there were actually quite a few famous experts. They were definitely famous bosses of the Demon God Ancient City even before the storm began. Amongst them was even the direct disciple of the top Demon Elder, Northern Sea Demon Sovereign ? Ao Nie!    


Although this Demon Marshall of the North Sea was only a tenth ranked Demon Lord, he was at the peak. He surpassed a ninth ranked Demon Lord at the peak, and each one of them possessed an unimaginably terrifying divine ability. As the direct disciple of a peak Demon Elder, her talent, intelligence, Innate Ability, and background were all top of the list.    


It wasn't an exaggeration to say that in this Demon General Competition, Ao Nie had basically locked down one of the top 100 positions. No one could stop him from becoming a peerless Demon General.    


That lucky fellow, if he were to meet Ao Nie, the scene would be too pleasant.    


However, many people also understood that there were a total of 30 matches in this Large Competition. Liu Yan's Demon General was only one of them. The possibility of coincidentally meeting Nie Li wasn't high.    


But it didn't matter, even if they couldn't touch Ao Nie, there were still others. Besides Ao Nie and Liu Yan who fought Demon Generals, which one of the other 58 people hadn't been chosen by the Demon Lord through their combat strength?    


A guy who relied on luck to meet any one of them was probably a failure. Oh no, I'm afraid defeat is not the end. Those Demon Generals that had already confirmed that they would be the nineteenth round of the third day were already rubbing their hands together, hoping that they would be able to avoid the Demon Generals that had met Liu Yan.    


All in all, for a top thirteen thousand Demon Generals to be chosen by the Demon Lord and appear in such a situation, it is as if a sheep had appeared in a pack of wolves. They are all crying out in excitement, wishing that the sheep belonged to them.    


There were even people clamoring, hoping that the 19th Demon General would let Liu Yan go, allowing her to continue to be lucky and easily advance to the next round, giving those who had already advanced to the next round some hope.    


This clamor was obviously scoffed at by the nineteenth round Demon Generals on the third day. Fuck, you guys have already won and are waiting for the next round of the Large Competition. You simply stand there and do nothing. Let that lucky fellow go, what am I going to do? If I let you all have hope, then I'll have to run down and be a spectator. Do you think I'm stupid?    


No matter what, it was going to be lively this time.    


As a result, after the third day of the Demon General Competition officially began, rounds after rounds of battles passed. Although the situation of the battle was also quite intense, many people felt that it had become rather dull. The cheers died down by quite a bit, making the previous experts who had won the round very unhappy.    


He thought to himself, "Why would I risk my life in this Demon General Competition? Other than having a relationship with the Demon Lord, am I not hoping to show off my power in front of the million Demon Generals, reaping both fame and benefits?"    


Now, this lucky sheep has messed up the entire atmosphere. It seems like no one cares about my victory anymore, I'm just like a f * cking stinky bug.    


Thus, he gritted his teeth and waited for the nineteenth round to come.    


The third round ?    


The fifth round ?    


The ninth round ?    


In fact, time didn't make them wait for long. Soon, it was the sixteenth round. There were only two or three rounds left until the nineteenth round.    


However, many people were still getting impatient from waiting. Some of the Demon Generals who were jeering simply started to shout out loud cheers at the sixteenth round Demon Generals, disdaining their progress being too slow. This caused the 16th Demon General, who was already holding his breath, to be infuriated.    


The competition that should have ended in a few minutes actually dragged on for ten minutes, and two of them were the fiercest. After a total of twenty-seven minutes, and seeing that half an hour was about to pass, they each released a spell to determine the outcome of the competition, shook their hands, gave each other a look, and left satisfied.    


This was simply the most bizarre scene since the start of the Demon General Competition. Even the Demon Elder, who understood the situation, didn't know whether to laugh or cry as his face darkened.    


The spectating Demon Generals anxiously watching the nineteenth round, many of them were so angry that they began to curse. The scene was somewhat chaotic, and this also attracted the serious dissatisfaction of some of the peak Demon Generals. They directly warned the Demon Generals, no matter who it was, no matter who it was, all of them would be judged as losers.    


Only then did the atmosphere quickly turn silent.    


After that, the 17th and 18th rounds Demon Generals no longer dared to deliberately waste time any longer because of the strict warning given by a peak Demon Lord. From the start, they both displayed their secret techniques, and the thunderous atmosphere from before was restored.    


There were those who were still unable to decide life and death quickly, and it was truly because both sides were extremely close in strength that the winner was decided in an instant, using the final stretch of their trump cards. Both sides were forced to the ground, gasping for breath.    


Naturally, no one dared to have any objections to this result. The Demon Generals watching the battle didn't dare to continue cursing. After all, even a peak Demon Lord had spoken. If anyone dared to speak up at this time, that would be a word of death.    



Moreover, there was no need to say anything more, because the nineteenth round of the competition had already arrived in front of everyone's eyes. All of a sudden, the eyes of the million Demon Generals and the Demon Lord turned to Liu Yan in unison. They were truly the eyes of tens of thousands people.    


Liu Yan's expression was indifferent, as if she didn't know that she was being watched. She remained calm and collected until the other Demon Generals appeared in the arena. Only then did she let out a sigh.    


"Su Ye, go on, you're at the sixth field!"    


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