An Ultimate Martial Art



0If one were to say who in this world had the most powerful ability to disguise as himself, it would definitely be Su Ye.    


With the return of the Primal Chaos, Su Ye would casually strip away anyone's bloodline and directly change his identity from the point of view of bloodline. Until now, Su Ye had never made the slightest mistake.    


Even the most powerful Nine Lives Tattooed Demon God found it hard to disguise Su Ye from his bloodline.    


After entering the Heavenly Jewel Master Alliance and the Star Sea Alliance, Su Ye was no different from strolling in his own backyard.    


Two days later.    


Su Ye strolled around the Heavenly Jewel Master Alliance and Star Sea Alliance respectively.    


He did not deliberately probe for the most important secrets, but as long as he secretly observed the movements of the two alliances, he would be able to analyze some of the information he wanted.    


The result was obvious.    


The Heavenly Jewel Master Alliance and the Star Sea Alliance were already together, and were probably plotting a plan to deal with him.    


"All of you are thinking too simply to deal with me ?"    


Perhaps it was because the Heavenly Jewel and Galaxy Alliance had felt the pressure from the Great Western Region, and had no choice but to take some defensive measures to gain the upper hand.    


But this did not mean that Su Ye could tolerate it.    


If you want to deal with me, and you're plotting against me, that's the truth.    


Su Ye was not someone who would sit still and wait for death to come. Even though he knew that others were plotting against him, he still waited leisurely for others to attack him, which was not Su Ye's style.    


He was used to beating others before they came to hit him. Since he was an enemy, he could only beat them and kill them all once and for all.    


After some thought, Su Ye came up with an idea.    


He decided to take the initiative and attack the Heavenly Jewel Master first.    


The reason was simple, the persimmon was a soft one. Between the Star Ocean Alliance Head and the Heavenly Jewel Master, the Heavenly Jewel Master was even weaker, just like an Eight Lives Tattooed Demon God.    


If this cultivation level was to always be hidden in the Heavenly Jewel Alliance, then with the protection of the Alliance's power, it would be extremely difficult for Su Ye to kill him directly.    


He might not have thought that Su Ye would so easily take a stroll in the Heavenly Jewel Alliance, or that he would discover some scheme between him and Star Sea Alliance Master and make the decision to lay his hands on him.    


Ever since he had rejected Su Ye's invitation to meet with him, he started to feel a little uneasy. It was not because he was worried about Su Ye's reaction, or that she would reject him, nor was it out of the blue. With Su Ye's habit, he would not come knocking.    


He was worried about Star Sea Union's leader.    


Starsea Union Lord was not a magnanimous person. His personality was suspicious, only he knew about the talisman that Su Ye had arranged to meet with. However, in order to not arouse Star Sea Alliance Master's suspicions, he even sent a message to Starsea Alliance Master to explain things.    


He thought about it at that time, but then he realized that it was unnecessary for him to take the initiative to explain this to Starsea Union Lord. He was not sure if Starsea Alliance Master could believe that he had not met Su Ye before.    


If Star Sea Alliance Master did not believe him and suspected that he had already revealed his plan to deal with Su Ye, wouldn't he be the one to deal with him instead?    


Thinking about that, the Heavenly Jewel Master felt a prickle down his back, feeling very uneasy, as if he needed to personally make a trip to the Star Sea Alliance, as this was the only way he could get rid of any suspicions.    


The more he thought about it, the more the Heavenly Jewel Master could not sit still.    


Finally, on the fourth day after the transmission, he left his base and headed towards the Star Ocean Alliance. He did not know that Su Ye had already decided to take action against him, this weakling.    


This move of his, was in Su Ye's eyes.    


The Tian Zhu Alliance and the Star Sea Union were considered neighbors, but not all of their territories were closely related. There were actually gaps between the two major alliances because they did not want to cause trouble for each other.    


Without question, these gaps were now unreachable by the alliance of the Heavenly Jewel Alliance and Star Sea Alliance.    


These seams were where Su Ye had prepared to deal with the Heavenly Jewel Master.    


The sky was dark.    


There were almost no signs of human life on the Boundless Mountains. It was quiet as a graveyard. Occasionally, one or two vicious beasts would appear, but they would just lie in a corner and sleep lazily.    


When the Heavenly Jewel Master passed this place, he did not pay much attention to it, and did not plan to stay either. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a huge tombstone standing on top of the Soulless Ridge, with a large bloody character written across it: Heavenly Jewel Master, damn it!    


The few big words written by someone seemed to be filled with endless hatred, and instantly angered the Heavenly Jewel Master.    


As far as he was concerned, this must be the result of a cultivator who felt that he had no hope of taking revenge and came to this desolate wasteland to set up a stone tablet to vent his hatred.    


This was the provocation of an ant, and even more so, an insult to him.    


"I would like to see who set up the tombstone ?"    


The Heavenly Jewel Master floated down to the front of the grave, and evolved his Heavenly Energy casually, preparing to use the aura of the grave to drag out the person who had erected the tombstone.    


Who would have thought?    


The moment he moved, he immediately became alarmed.    


A strong sense of unease welled up in his heart.    


"Not good, this is a trap ?"    


In that instant, the Heavenly Jewel Master realised that this grave was actually a bait, and someone knew that he would pass by here, purposely setting up this grave to attract his attention, and actually attack him here.    


This place was a wasteland where it was difficult for him to draw the power of the Alliance to himself. He could only rely on the power of the Eight Lives Tattooed Demon God to deal with the enemy.    


What a terrifying opportunity!    


What an evil scheme!    


The Heavenly Jewel Master was enraged, "Who is it ?"    


An incomparably wild and tyrannical power of a demon god surged forth, and unexpectedly, a terrifying blood light rushed towards him even faster and fiercer, and the Heavenly Jewel Master seemed to see a familiar blade shadow.    


"Su Ye!"    



He remembered that the blade shadow was Su Ye's. He had seen Su Ye wielding that blade before, and knew that it was an extremely terrifying devil god treasure.    


Su Ye wanted to kill him!    


Su Ye had already discovered the conspiracy between him and the Star Sea Goddess ?    


The Heavenly Jewel Master was filled with fear.    


But it was too late.    


The terrifying blade shadow slashed down with a bloody light, easily cutting apart the Heavenly Jewel Master's power, slicing his body open, and instantly causing his flesh and blood to fly into the air.    


But how could the Eightfall Demon God die so easily?    


That was something that contained the source of the Heavenly Jewel Master's will and will. Knowing that it was impossible for him to defend against Su Ye, he wanted to make use of this chance to escape. As long as he ran away and left it behind, he would be able to come back to life after a few years. At that time, he would have a chance to take revenge.    


Unfortunately, he was still thinking too much.    


Su Ye, who had already reached the Six Lives Tattoo Demon God, was comparable to the peak of the Nine Lives Tattoo. Furthermore, he had already recovered to the equivalent of the Seven Lives Tattoo Demon God, the Murderous Blood Light, which was the biggest nightmare for the Heavenly Jewel Master.    


Although the current Su Ye could not compare to the peak of the original owner of the Blood Slaughter Art, the Nine Lives Tattooed Innate Demon God, he was still not that far off.    


"Blood Void Flame!"    


With a wave of the Absolute Blood Light, countless blood-red flames spread out like a prairie fire, quickly sealing off all of Origin Mountain, cutting off all chances for the Heavenly Jewel Master to escape.    


"No ?."    


The Heavenly Jewel Master was scared out of his wits, the flesh and blood melding together, he immediately tried to take human form and apologized to Su Ye, admitting defeat.    


Su Ye did not even give him a chance to admit defeat, and the divine light of the Origin Convergence Stage immediately spread out, enveloping the source of life of the Heavenly Jewel Master, and directly starting to frantically refine it.    


At the same time.    


On the Star Sea Alliance's side, Star Sea Union's Alliance Head was cultivating in a quiet room when he suddenly opened his eyes.    


"There are experts fighting in the Boundless Mountains, who could it be?"    


After hesitating for a while, Star Sea Union's leader finally left the quiet room and rushed to the source of the problem.    


It wasn't that he wasn't worried about the trap, but he had to go and take a look. The Boundless Mountain was just too close to the Heavenly Jewel Master and Star Sea Alliance, and there were powerful warriors there, most likely related to the Heavenly Jewel Master Alliance.    


He did not want an unexpected change to occur before his plan to deal with Su Ye was about to begin.    


He waited until Star Sea Union's leader arrived at the source of the problem.    


What they saw was the image of the Heavenly Jewel Master standing in front of a grave with the words "Heavenly Jewel Master dammit!" The Heavenly Jewel Master's hair was disheveled, his aura in disorder, clearly showing that he had just experienced a huge battle.    


As expected, it was related to the Heavenly Jewel Master. Luckily, the Heavenly Jewel Master was fine.    


However, he had to get to the bottom of this, to find out who the Heavenly Jewel Master had fought with before.    


"What happened, Heavenly Jewels?"    


The Heavenly Jewel Master gritted his teeth, pointing towards the grave and saying: "Look, I was wondering who that damned fellow was trying to set up a trap for me here, if not for my skills, I'm afraid I would have lost my life here."    


The Starsea Alliance Head looked at the Heavenly Jewel Master, then at the grave, his face changing. "Who dares to set a trap for you here, his intentions are truly vicious." It's fortunate that you're fine, otherwise things would have been troublesome. "    


"Trouble what?" Hmph, weren't you just worried that if I were to die, no one would be willing to cooperate with your plan to deal with Su Ye? " The Heavenly Jewel Master shook his head, looking at the Star Sea Chief angrily.    


Starsea Alliance Head was surprised for a moment, then denied, "How could that be? We are allies. I am 100% concerned about your safety." Oh right, do you see clearly who attacked them? Could it be Su Ye? "    


The Heavenly Jewel Master said sarcastically: "Don't scare yourself, if Su Ye were to make a move, do you think I would be able to survive?"    


"Eh ?." He did not know what Su Ye's actual cultivation level was, but he was sure that he was an expert at the level of the Nine Lives Patterned Demon God. He did not plan for it, and the chances of the Heavenly Jewel Master surviving after killing him were truly too low.    


Thus, he felt slightly relieved.    


Although I did not clearly see who the other party was, it was definitely not Su Ye. The other party's strength was slightly weaker than mine, and if I did not get ambushed first, he wouldn't have been able to escape so easily. But I have already remembered his aura, he won't be able to escape ? "    


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