An Ultimate Martial Art



0Three days. In a short three days.    


Su Ye was like a melon that covered an area of three feet. He walked from the base of the mountain all the way to the summit, and all the heavenly and earthly treasures that he had set his eyes on were kept in his pockets. He was completely afraid that five to six thousand heavenly and earthly treasures would not be taken away by Su Ye alone.    


There were less than a hundred remaining, and that was only because they were occupied by the nearly hundred half-step Demon Elders, they were not swept away by Su Ye. But even so, it was enough to cause the eyes of the half-step Demon Sovereign to be so red that they were about to spill blood.    


There were several thousand heavenly materials, any random one of them would be considered priceless in the outside world, yet it was stolen by Su Ye just like that?    


This was too cruel.    


Honestly speaking, if not for the fact that they could not handle Su Ye, the half step Demon Elder would have already killed Su Ye.    


Since his strength was weaker than theirs, they had no choice but to give in and watch Su Ye search for the heavenly and earthly treasures on the mountainside before he made his way to the summit.    


As Su Ye ascended the mountain peak once more, the expressions of the six Demon Honored Warriors clearly did not look good. One by one, they broke through their bindings and stood up to face Su Ye.    


Demon Elder Liu Shang was angered: "Why are you still here? In three days, you have already plundered thousands of heavenly and earthly treasures, and almost all of the treasures at the foot of the mountain. Do you still think that it's not enough?    


"What is it? Can't fight for it? This Heavenly Halberd Tree is yours? " Su Ye curled the corner of his mouth, his expression extremely disdainful.    


What a joke, the entire mountain had a total of five to six thousand heavenly resources, only the Heaven Halberd Tree at the top of the mountain had entered the Demon Lord's ranking. Although the five to six thousand heavenly resources below were not bad, and the highest had reached the level of a demon general of the ninth grade, they still had not reached the Demon Lord's rank. If they did not reach the Demon Lord's rank, even if they refined it, they would not be able to obtain that kind of Water of Chaos with a light purple luster.    


What he truly wanted was still this Heavenly Halberd Tree. How could he let it go?    


"You! Don't try to argue with me. Let me tell you, don't think that just because you're strong you can do whatever you want. Leave some room for everything.    


Merchants said ferociously. This was a direct and direct threat.    


No wonder the merchants were so ruthless.    


He didn't like Su Ye from the start, if it wasn't because of the circumstances, he would have joined hands with the other two Eternal Demon Masters to surround and kill Su Ye. During these two to three days with Su Ye, breaking the restriction was as easy as eating and drinking water, and it caused his heart to jump in fear. He had to worry that if Su Ye really had anything to do with this treasure at the top of the mountain, the seven Demon Masters who had studied the barrier for an entire month, would also be easily broken by Su Ye.    


"If you don't leave me with a chance, are you worthy? However, a bunch of useless people actually dared to threaten me. "You really don't know what it means."    


Su Ye sneered, then walked to the side and sat down cross-legged, and actually started to study the restrictions that covered the Heavenly Trident Tree.    


"You ?"    


Liu Shang was angry to the extreme, and said sternly: "Fine, fine, this sovereign wants to see what grounds you have to be so arrogant ? Night Walker and Jade Mo, join hands and kill him ? "    


The other two Eternal Demon Elders had long since disliked Su Ye, and furthermore, he had collected five to six thousand rare treasures by himself. His wealth moved their hearts, and they had already wanted to join hands to kill Su Ye long ago. Now that Demon Marshal Liu Shang had shouted, without hesitation, he stood up and rushed towards Su Ye together with Demon Marshal Liu.    


Seeing that, the two Heavenly Demon Elders did not move, but their eyes flickered, as though they were planning something.    


"Hey hey hey...... Brother Liushang, Brother Yanzhi, Brother Yumo ? "Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive ?" Seeing that, the Floating Flower Demon Elder immediately rushed over and stopped the three Ancient Devil Saints with his hand.    


"Floating Flower!" Cut the crap, don't think that I don't know about it. You just saw that this guy is also from Wan Yu Union, like you, and thus you had thoughts. But let me tell you, this is just a heavenly treasure, we might not care about it, but if you choose to oppose this arrogant fellow, then the consequences will not be something that you can bear! "    


Demon Elder Liu Shang pushed Demon Marshal Piao away, causing Demon Elder Piao Hua's face to turn red and white. It was extremely awkward.    


"Piao Hua, we will give you a chance to prove yourself. If you join hands and kill this arrogant fellow with us, you will benefit greatly in the future." If you don't, don't blame us for being unfavorable to you, the Wan Yu Union, or the Jade Fan Heavenly Sect ? "    


Upon hearing that, Demon Elder Piao Hua was immediately shocked.    


As the Demon Lord, he naturally wouldn't be scared by the threats made by the three of them.    


He was very clear that although the Wan Yu Union was weak and was not worth mentioning compared to the ancient clans, the situation in the Wan Yu Union was extremely complicated.    


The Wan Yu Union that everyone could bully on the surface was actually hiding the figures of various big shots of the ancient clans. The conflicts of interests were very complicated.    


For the Jade Fan Heavenly Sect to be able to rise to prominence in the Wan Yu Union and become one of the few top powerhouses of the current Wan Yu Union, they naturally would not have a simple background.    


If the three of them dared to openly kill their way into the Jade Fan Heavenly Sect, it would not be a joke. The Jade Fan Heavenly Sect might suffer some losses, but their losses would be much greater, and they might even lose their lives.    


However, he couldn't resist the fact that these three were ancient demon lords. Their birth had already determined that they would have a certain amount of influence amongst the ancient races. The three of them might not be able to deal with the Jade Fan Heavenly Sect directly, but as long as they hardened their hearts and went against the Jade Fan Heavenly Sect, they could also cause quite a bit of trouble for the Jade Fan Heavenly Sect.    


The Floating Flower Demon Lord was afraid of these troubles.    


As the Demon Lord of the Jade Fan Heavenly Sect, he had to consider, for the sake of a Demon General he didn't know of his true origins, was it worth it to create a bunch of trouble for the Jade Fan Heavenly Sect?    


But when he took a glance at it from the corner of his eyes, he saw that Su Ye was still sitting there unmoving even when he knew that Merchant Master and the other two were brimming with killing intent.    


In his view, Su Ye was definitely an unprecedented expert. To be able to kill the Demon General head-on with his cultivation, this level of ability was something that could not be found even after looking through the history of the Wan Yu Union for millions of years.    


As long as such a person didn't die, his future would definitely be terrifying. If they could form a relationship with each other and be given some form of protection or help before their rise to power, then the Jade Fan Heavenly Sect would definitely benefit immensely in the future.    


As the saying goes, no profit cannot be made early.    


Since it was profitable, how could Demon Marshall Piao Hua let him go? It was just that he did not have much information on hand, so it was difficult for him to make a decision at the moment.    


"What is it? It's not easy to make a decision, right? Hmph, if it's not easy to make a decision, then scram ? " Seeing that Demon Elder Piao Hua was stunned, Demon Elder Liu Shang did not immediately make a decision, and was even more dissatisfied.    


Demon Marshall Piao Hua's mind went cold. He knew that if he did not make a decision soon, even if there were benefits, it was unlikely to be.    


He looked at the three of them, then looked at Su Ye. He hardened his heart, gritted his teeth, and made a decision.    


Suddenly, a beam of light appeared.    


Unexpectedly, Su Ye who had been meditating without moving, suddenly turned into a three-colored light, and shot towards Demon Marshall Yumo like an earth-shaking sword. The speed and ferocity of the light had completely exceeded everyone's expectations, and it was almost an explosive speed that exceeded the limits of an ordinary Demon Elder's reaction.    


Demon Sovereign Jade ink had no reaction at all.    


Demon Marshall Liu Shang and Demon Marshall Ye Zizai did not have time to react either. They did not expect that Su Ye, a mere Demon General, would actually take the initiative to kill Yu Mo when the three of them had already revealed such killing intent.    


It was a pity that they didn't reach the Demon God Ancient City. They didn't even know that the Demon General in front of them had once ambushed a heavily wounded top grade ten Demon Elder, Demon Elder Yama. If they had seen that scene before, they definitely would not be so careless after revealing their killing intent towards Su Ye.    




The three colored lights flashed.    


It pierced through the Jade Ink Demon Sovereign's chest, leaving a bloody hole in his chest.    



"You ?"    


Demon Sovereign Jade ink placed his hand on his chest, his face filled with fear. He only had time to spit out a single word before his body exploded into smithereens.    


The Demon Sovereign of the past had perished on the spot!    


"A mere three rank one Demon Emperors actually dared to kill me right in front of my face. Do you think I'm a dead person?"    


Ten metres away, the three colored light dissipated, revealing Su Ye's figure. However, in that split-second, Demon Lord Merchant Ye and Demon Marshall Ye were infuriated. They raised their fists and struck out at the two of them, three rays of light exploding towards them.    


"Bastard ?"    


"Damn it ?"    


Demon Marshall Liushang and Demon Marshall Ye Zizai were extremely angry as they used their sacred arts to resist. However, because Su Ye's eruption was too sudden and because of the Jade Ink Demon Lord's death, they were too shocked. They were unable to react in time and were pressed down by Su Ye.    


"This is bad ?"    


"Hurry and do it!" We cannot let that Demon General kill the merchant ? "    


The two Heaven Clan Demon Generals were aghast, they roared and also pounced towards Su Ye. Su Ye was too fierce, his battle power was greater than anyone present. If Su Ye managed to kill Liusang Ye again, the Floating Flower Demon Elder would definitely join hands with Su Ye to get rid of them. At that time, they would have no other choice.    


If they did not want to die, they could only take this opportunity and kill Su Ye.    


However, they never expected that Demon Sovereign Floating Flower would make a move as well. He had actually moved to block them.    


"Heh heh, you want to interfere, have you asked me? "It's better if you hide in the corner ?"    


"You ? Floating Flower, you damned bastard. "    


When the Floating Flower Demon Lord took action, he chose to stop the two celestial race s. The four Eternal Emperors and the Heavenly Demon Masters were unable to contain their anger, but they could do nothing about it.    


Although it was impossible for him to defeat the two Heavenly Clan Demon Elders, it was not a problem for him to hold on to the two Heavenly Clan Demon Elders. At least within an hour, the possibility of the two Demon Elder wanting to get over Demon Elder Floating Flower to deal with Su Ye was not high.    


Without the help of the two Heaven Clan Demon Masters, Su Ye could easily take care of the Merchant Beasts and the Night Demon Elder by himself. The pressure the two Demon Masters gave him also allowed him to gain a deeper understanding of the Three Light Destruction Arts.    


In the blink of an eye, the battle shook the entire mountain peak. At the foot of the mountain, nearly a hundred half-step Demon Elders were dumbstruck ?    


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