An Ultimate Martial Art



0"Thank you for your guidance, Senior Long Wei ?" "But I still..."    


Su Ye laughed bitterly, his expression suddenly changed, he felt that the Primal Chaos in his mind was starting to move, following that, he rushed out of Su Ye's body, and came to the outside world.    


"It's this ?"    


The white light that was hidden in Su Ye's body grew excited, and rushed out immediately, transforming into a dragon image, screaming.    


This was a treasure that came from outside the grandmist realm. It might even contain information about the primordial chaos that he had yearned for in his dreams. How could he not be excited?    


"What's going on?"    


Su Ye turned pale with fright. He subconsciously reached out to grab at the Chaotic Wheel, but didn't expect it to avoid him.    


At the same time, the Primal Chaos Wheel started to spin and a terrifying light flashed. The terrifying pressure dispersed and actually made all the rank 12 Thirteen Ancient Gods in the cave faint.    


Su Ye also once again saw the marks of the return of chaos. However, this time, it wasn't seventeen lines, but a terrifying twenty-one lines!    


Oh my god, 21 Life Seals!    


This meant that the full force of the primal chaos would be unleashed. It had already far surpassed the bearing limit of the primordial continent, and also the bearing limit of the primal chaos during its peak.    


It could shatter the entire Grandmist Continent in a matter of minutes.    


The number one dragon vein in the world, the Sky Emperor, they were all dishes in front of the Primal Chaos Wheel. They were not worth mentioning.    


Su Ye trembled in fear.    


The dragon Wei is not much better, he transformed into a dragon shadow trembling, just like a mortal seeing a ghost.    


At this moment, an ancient will actually emerged from the wheel of return of the primal chaos, vaguely transforming into an old shadow.    


The illusory figure seemed to be at a loss, as though he had just woken up from a long slumber. However, when he saw Su Ye, his eyes lit up.    


"Kid, I didn't expect you to be at this level. Fifteen Life Marks? Not bad, not bad. Work harder and raise your Life Marks to nineteen. Then you can travel with me to time and space ?"    


"Senior knows me?" Su Ye bent his waist with incomparable humility.    


What a joke! Twenty-one Life Marks, ah, even the slightest thought could turn him into dregs.    


"Nonsense, I was still in a deep slumber all those years ago, and when I woke up, I saw you." "But you were so weak back then, I didn't want to care about you at all."    


"Of course, all these years I've let you down. If you hadn't continuously provided me with heavenly and earthly treasures, it wouldn't have been that easy for me to wake up again."    


Su Ye blushed. If he remembered correctly, back then when he obtained the Chaotic Virtues' Wheel, he wasn't even a demon god yet. He was indeed too weak, so it was no wonder others ignored him.    


"Then Senior's awakening this time is ??"    


"Oh, I suddenly felt the call of an old friend. He seemed to be in some kind of trouble, so I had to help him."    


"Senior is leaving?"    


Su Ye was so shocked that his mouth was wide open. For his cultivation to be able to reach such a level quickly, the Primal Chaos Wheel had indeed helped him a lot. Without the Primal Chaos Wheel, he would need tens of billions of years to make a breakthrough.    


However, it was clear that the Chaotic Virtues Reincarnation was a terrifying existence. If it wanted to leave, who could stop it?    


"Yes, indeed. "However, it doesn't matter if you delay a little. In three years, if you can reach the 19th life mark, I will bring you along ?"    


"Upgrading it to 19 Life Marks in three years?" Su Ye was secretly speechless, this was simply impossible.    


"Of course, with your current cultivation level, it will be hard for you to reach the nineteenth life mark in three years. How about this, I'll lend you a hand ?" "Let's go!"    


Suddenly, a white light surrounded Su Ye and in that instant, the man and the woman disappeared without a trace.    


Leaving Long Wei by himself was a bit too much. This was the first time he encountered an existence surpassing 19 Life Seals. How could he miss such a great opportunity?    


Without hesitation, he returned to the Dragon Soul Pearl. With a flash of the pearl, it shattered the void and returned to the Eternal Heaven and Earth's Dragon Burying Valley. Not long after, the earth trembled and the mountains shook.    


For a time, no one knew how many demon gods were intimidated by his imposing aura. Their hearts were torn apart, and they felt as if their souls were about to leave their bodies.    


After losing the Dragon Soul Divine Orb's suppression, the spatial gate restrictions in the Ancient God's cave began to slightly tremble, as well as the world that the Ancient God's people resided in, had unexplainable changes in it. Indistinctly, there were countless heaven and earth chains that snapped, and at this moment, countless Ancient God's citizens were pleasantly surprised to discover that their lifespans were slowly rising ?    


? ?.    


At this moment, Su Ye had already arrived at a canyon somewhere in the Eternal Heaven and Earth. The Primal Chaos Return Wheel floated above his head and a profound light enveloped Su Ye.    


"Kid, the path of cultivation is limitless. Although I can help you, in the end, you still have to rely on yourself." "Next up, I will let go of all of my Life Marks and let you comprehend them as you wish. What level you can reach will be up to you ?"    


"Thank you, senior!"    


Su Ye needed three years before he could follow the primal chaos to experience an even higher and stronger world. The mission was incomparably difficult, and the sense of urgency in his heart was extremely strong, so naturally he did not dare delay any longer.    


it was also a perfect life seal, and was the most profound profound road that Su Ye had ever seen up till now.    


If it were someone else, they might not be able to comprehend much.    


However, Su Ye's foundation was too deep, and his body's foreign blood was too advanced as well. On this basis, he studied the Chaotic Fate Rankings, which he intentionally imparted to the Chaotic Fate Roulette, making Su Ye's efficiency in comprehending it extremely fast.    


Only three months.    


Su Ye welcomed the revelation of Heaven and Earth, which meant that he was about to condense his sixteenth fate pattern. But at this moment, he no longer had any heavenly resources.    


How to break it?    


Su Ye felt a headache.    


Just at this time, a dragon's roar sounded: "Dao Friend Su Ye, I'll come help you!"    


A huge divine dragon appeared, transforming into a tall and sturdy man. He was Long Wei.    


After the arrival of Long Wei, countless treasures of heaven and earth surged out, and the wheel of chaos simply started to swallow them. With a slight rotation, countless Water of Chaos smashed towards Su Ye like a storm.    



In just half a month, the sixteenth life seal appeared on Su Ye's body. The perfect life seal made even an experienced person like Long Wei envious, this was the difference between having a boss to help and not having one.    


However, he could only be envious and didn't dare to have any other thoughts.    


Ever since he appeared, the primal chaos had never paid him any attention. It was obvious that it looked down on him. If he were to use any crooked words again, it would just be asking for trouble.    


Rather than tiring out and trying to curry favor with the Primal Chaos, it would be better for him to take a step back and help Su Ye instead, and give him a big favor.    


"Dao Friend Su Ye, you can relax and comprehend it. I will go and collect more resources. No matter what, I will help you cultivate the nineteenth life seal ?"    


Long Wei left in a flash and began to collect all sorts of heavenly and earthly treasures from Eternal Heaven and Earth. Relying on the advantage of his first dragon vein, all kinds of heavenly and earthly treasures were unable to escape his senses and were all taken away by him inch by inch.    


After he finished collecting the wild ones, he would start robbing. Regardless of whether it was in public or hidden, or hiding in a secret realm, anything that he had set his eyes on would be pushed aside and snatched without any reason, causing countless powers in Eternal Heaven and Earth to complain, but they could do nothing about it.    


And so on.    


Under the guidance of Primal Chaos Return Wheel, with Long Wei's help, Su Ye advanced by leaps and bounds.    


Half a year later, Su Ye was promoted to Seventeen Life Marks.    


Another year later, Su Ye successfully levelled up to the Eighteen Life Seals, and also pushed his cultivation all the way to the peak, directly obtaining the revelation of heaven and earth.    


The resources in the Eternal Heaven and Earth had long been exhausted. For the sake of his breakthrough after more than two years, all of the powers in the Eternal Heaven and Earth, and even the cultivators, had become paupers. The various spiritual treasures in the wilderness, as well as the resources in the secret realm, had all become red soil.    


It could be said that for a very long time in the future, all the cultivators of Eternal Heaven and Earth would have to tighten their belts to live their days.    


The cultivators that knew the truth hated Su Ye to the point that their teeth itched: "Why? Why do you have to breakthrough alone, all of us have to live poor!"    


But there was nothing he could do, Su Ye's fist was as big as Long Wei's, but what could the other demon gods, who were not even 13 Life Marks, do?    


He could only endure!    


Without resources, Su Ye could not wait for the Eternal Heaven and Earth's resources to regenerate slowly. After plotting with Long Wei, he simply went across the spatial gate opened by the Heavenly Emperor and headed towards the Primordial Continent.    


The two of them fought one round. After arriving at the Hong Meng Continent, the first thing they did was to attack the Heavenly Court and have Su Ye pull the Heavenly Emperor, whose cultivation had just recovered to the Eighteen Lives Marks, from his throne and beat him up. After completely turning him into a cripple, they would hand him over to Long Wei, their enemy.    


After that, Su Ye turned into a peerless thief and started to rob the Primordial Continent violently. He looted and plundered all the resources in the Primordial Continent along the way and only after exhausting nearly seventy percent of the resources did Su Ye level up to the nineteenth life mark. Only then did he reach the condition of being able to follow the Primal Chaos and leave.    


At this time, there were still three months until the three years that Primal Chaos Returning Wheel talked about.    


Su Ye made use of this period of time to return to the Eternal Heaven and Earth, gather Su Qingwu, Qian Shen Sha and the other close people, and then personally return to the Proterozoic Universe, bringing Chu Yi, Mo Yunxian and all the other Dao-companions over to the Eternal Heaven and Earth.    


He had personally taught them the cultivation method, and carved out a secret location in the Eternal Heaven and Earth to be protected by an incomparably strong restriction.    


Three months later.    


Su Ye did not greet anyone and leave his home, because he hated life and death so much that he did not think of this as death either. Following the return of the Primal Chaos, in his eyes, was a long journey, and there would come a day when he would return to this land.    


As for Long Wei, he had already devoured the Sky Emperor and used his cultivation to restore the Eighteen Life Seals. Su Ye had also left him a Divine Stele so that he could comprehend it. Once the primordial resources of the Primordial Continent resurrect, he would naturally be able to borrow resources to successfully become the second Nineteen Life Tattooed Demon Gods after Su Ye!    


Long Wei was grateful to Su Ye and promised to take care of Su Ye's family members as long as he stays in the Hong Meng Continent.    


Su Ye had left a mark on Long Wei. In the future, when Long Wei left the Grandmist Continent, he would be able to use this mark to search for Su Ye!    


So far, Su Ye was relieved to be able to leave.    


Hong Meng, Su Ye's figure no longer existed in history, but an additional figure appeared in the endless space of time as he stepped on a torrent of air and carried a profound ancient wheel on his body. He was striding forward confidently ?    


The book was over!    


April 05, 2020!    


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