Be A Millionaire Overnight

C367 Civil Mediation Team

C367 Civil Mediation Team

0Little Wu quickly ran around Wan Qian to the door, opened the lock and pushed the door shut.    


The store finally regained its former brightness. However, all the items in the store had been destroyed by Wan Qian.    


"Masters …" Satisfied... "The door has been opened …"    


The manager rubbed his hands and said with a smile.    


He never expected Wan Qian to ask the CEO to contact him directly, and he was furious after hearing that Wan Qian had been locked up. He threatened to spend the rest of his life in court if he didn't make Wan Qian happy.    


Wan Qian reopened the live broadcast platform and recorded to himself, "Friends of the audience, after friendly negotiations with the shop owner, they are willing to compensate Mr. Liu for the loss of 100 phones. And it says Mr. Liu's phone can be replaced for life for free. "    


Even though he said that, the camera was focused on the chaos in the shop.    


The netizens below said, "Big Brother, you really know how to talk too much. Let's see what's up with the broken glass behind us. How can this be called friendly negotiation? "    


"Hahaha... "Don't tell me you guys destroyed their shop? Hahaha …"    


"Are there any flowers? What happened in the middle? "I really look forward to it."    


… ….    


A group of people who wanted to watch the show replied.    


"Is that so, Mr. Manager?"    


After Wan Qian said that to the camera, he turned around and asked the shop manager.    


When the shop manager heard this, he was dumbfounded. When did I say that I would compensate him with a thousand cellphones? How much would it cost? Three or four million!    


He also changed his phone for free all his life. He was not a manufacturer …    


However, looking at Wan Qian's innocent eyes, he didn't dare to say anything and could only sigh: "Yes, yes."    


"Mr. Liu, are you satisfied with the result of this treatment?"    


Wan Qian turned around and asked the confused Mr. Liu.    


He had never expected to get such a result. Originally, he only wanted to change to a new phone. In the end, he had to compensate himself with 1,000 sets, and he had to exchange them for free for his entire life.    


He probably wouldn't need a phone in his lifetime.    


Thus, he nodded his head vigorously, afraid that the other party would go back on his word.    


"Good!" Then this mediation conflict could be considered to have been successfully completed! Everyone, shake hands. "    


Wan Qian let Mr. Liu and the manager shake hands in front of the camera.    


In their hearts, one was crying while the other was crying. However, in front of Wan Qian and the camera, he still had to show a kind expression.    


It was just that it did not match the background of the store.    


With that, the shop manager took out a thousand phones from the back room and used a large bag to put them in Mr. Liu's hands.    


Wan Qian brought Mr. Liu out for the last interview.    


Seeing that Wan Qian and Mr. Liu had finally left, the manager heaved a sigh of relief. There was resentment in his heart, but his phone made a sound: "Alipay has arrived: 100 million yuan."    


The shop manager looked at the Alipay balance in shock and counted it carefully three times.    


"Holy shit!" Am I seeing things!? One hundred million yuan! I even sold a hammer phone! "    


the shop manager shouted. Surprised, the two shop assistants came over to take a look as well. When they saw the amount, they covered their mouths.    


Who would have thought that the shop manager would suddenly become a nouveau riche?    


Then, he looked at Wan Qian and Mr. Liu at the door. They should have left one of them there. Compensation for his own shop.    


However, no matter how well this store was decorated, it wouldn't cost a hundred million yuan. At most, three to four million yuan was already a luxurious decoration.    


The remaining 90 million or so …    


Thinking of this, the shop manager was wild with joy. He even had the urge to ask them to come back and destroy the store.    


"Tonight! The precious land of the royal family! "My treat!"    


The shop manager raised his phone and cheered.    


The two shop assistants cheered happily. Who would have thought that the restaurant would be in such a state after being destroyed. It felt so good.    


After Wan Qian saw Mr. Liu off, he followed the old example on the live broadcast platform and said, "After we settle the civil conflict, we will find a way to broadcast live. I'll see you next time. "    


With that, he turned off the camera.    


Over the next three hours, Wan Qian received a lot of calls. There were those who bought fake wine, Wan Qian directly spent 800 billion on a winery to provide him with wine. He was satisfied.    


Wan Qian directly spent 80 million to install an outdoor elevator for those who were too old to go upstairs.    


There were also those who said that the private kindergartens nearby were too expensive and couldn't afford to go to school. Wan Qian directly spent 20 billion yuan to pay this kindergarten to let the children from the neighborhood go to school.    


… ….    


All of a sudden, Wan Qian's Qiantong Live Platform was on fire. The netizens all over the country left messages for him, exposing all kinds of problems.    


Wan Qian agreed to all of them and said that he would organize more mediators to deal with these civil issues throughout the country.    


"Everyone, watch and reply to the live broadcasts that I have made today." I will set up civil mediation offices everywhere. You can all go to work. The monthly salary is one hundred thousand gold coins. "    


Wan Qian said in the group. At the same time, he dragged all the reporters that applied from the other days into the group.    


"Director Wan, how did you solve the problem? No matter how I look at it, it's very easy for you to solve the problem, but it's very difficult for us to do it."    



"That's right, Director Wan. Two days ago, you were interviewing a residential area and didn't pay any property fees. After half a year, you still haven't solved it. How will you solve a problem like this?"    


"Also, I have an inquiry here. They say that the neighbors always come back in the middle of the night. What about disturbing the citizens?"    


… …. The reporters began to talk about the problems they had.    


Why did it seem like Wan Qian was able to solve the problem quickly when he arrived at a certain place, but their interview did not progress at all, and they were even stuck in a stalemate for half a year without any results.    


"Just directly pay all the property costs. It's easier for you to find a house and give it to the neighbor so he can move. "    


Wan Qian replied in the group.    


Anything that could be solved with money was no longer a problem.    


As for why the stalemate could not be resolved over a long period of time, it was just that the benefits were not enough and the compensation could not be discussed properly.    


It was nothing to Wan Qian.    


Who cares if the money isn't enough? One million won't do, ten million won't do, one hundred million won't do. 100 million wasn't even 10 billion. Are you still going to say it?    


There's always a price you can accept. Once you accept the money, the matter will soon be resolved. It's no big deal.    


When they heard Wan Qian's thought of "solving problems", they suddenly understood. As expected of Qiantong Group, they were indeed rich.    


If he were to use this method to mediate, then everything would be adjustable.    


"It seems like we have not understood the strategic intentions of the company enough. We will leave the office and study carefully."    


"We were too rash."    


"It is our fault that we cannot keep up with Director Wan's pattern. We should also reflect on it. "    


… ….    


A group of modesty words came out. Each of them expressed the need for a new understanding of the group. Better take my company's direction and purpose.    


As expected of a journalist, all the flattery was stolen. Wan Qian opened the nationwide Shop Information Form that Wang Jianfaang sent to him. He sent them to the group and said, "Each of you will claim a store here." You can work in there. I'll send a fixed red packet in the group later. "Everyone, take the money and go buy office equipment."    


As Wan Qian said that, he posted 100 billion in the group. On average, each person would receive over five million yuan.    


It was enough to form a small guild.    


After everyone received the money, they all sent their Moments to show off. At the same time, they also caused their Moments to explode, asking where they were working from. The boss was actually so generous.    


It could also be considered a wave of Qiantong Group promotion.    


After an afternoon of hard work, the downloads of Qiantong Live Platform rose to a billion. He stood firmly at the head of the live broadcast platform. Not only was he able to earn money, but he could also gain a position as a sideline. This platform could also solve the problems he encountered everyday. He could also take into account his usual entertainment.    


If he did not download such a perfect platform, he would be letting himself down as a Internet user for more than ten years.    


With the increase of user base, the maintenance cost of the live broadcast platform is also increasing. The money that he had transferred to a staff member of Nan Hsing's team to send red packets was no longer enough.    


[Taiyuan Bank] From the transfer system on the 24th of August, your last number is 4311, at 18: 15, the sum is 300000000000.00, and the balance is 9463780488599000.00    


"This is 3 trillion. Now that the number of people on the platform has increased, the amount of money that will be distributed from time to time has to increase. Otherwise, it won't attract anyone else." Wan Qian found the employee in charge of the Qiantong Live Platform at Dryflow Software Company and said.    


"Okay, Director Wan. I will adjust the red packet now."    


There really weren't many companies that could rely on red packets to keep people. The Qiantong Group is one.    


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