Be A Millionaire Overnight

C235 Night Passion

C235 Night Passion

0Not long ago, he was still a taxi driver, but after Qiantong Traffic Corporation came out, he decisively turned into a private car driver. He had joined the Qiantong Traffic.    


He would receive a fixed monthly salary of fifty thousand yuan, and he would also receive a corresponding commission to pull the passengers. It was not worth it at all.    


Thus, he had the confidence to support a woman. Even if she had a child with her. Who told Lui Yiyi to be so pretty, even if it was second-hand, he still wanted her.    


Wan Qian sent a few text messages to Sabei and then said, "You can't do it now."    


The man looked at Wan Qian in shock, he didn't know what Wan Qian meant.    


He only saw a message on his phone saying that he had been removed from Qiantong Traffic Corporation. No longer enjoy company treatment.    


"This... How was this possible? You. "You are..."    


The man looked at his phone in shock as the source of his income, which he had been the most proud of, disappeared just like that.    


"What right do you have to support her now?"    


Wan Qian asked again.    


The man silently released his hand. Even he could not tolerate himself.    


Without income, not to mention raising a woman with a child, even his own survival, maintenance and use of his car would be a problem.    


"Then what are you relying on!?"    


The man was not satisfied and asked Wan Qian.    


In his eyes, Wan Qian was definitely a suitor of Lui Yiyi. If he couldn't take care of them, how could Wan Qian, the courier, take care of them?    


"Just based on this."    


Saying that, Wan Qian pressed the doorbell in the VIP ward. People from the nurse's station and the doctor's room ran over. They stood at the door and bowed to Wan Qian, "Chairman!"    


The man was so scared that his legs trembled. Why did the doctors and nurses all shout at Wan Qian to be the chairman? Was he the owner of this hospital?    


At the very least, a hospital would have to have trillions of dollars in assets. As for the identity of the chairman, he was naturally on the level of a rich man.    


It was hard to believe that such a character would be wearing express clothes. It was really a mistake.    


The man completely let go and silently lost in front of Wan Qian. He knew that there was no good ending to competing with Wan Qian. Besides, he had lost his job.    


The man dejectedly left the ward under the mocking gaze of the crowd.    




Wan Qian slammed the table.    


"All of you, are all of you useless fools!? Such a person is allowed to enter! "    


Wan Qian was angry.    


"Yes. I'm sorry, Chairman, I. "We …"    


A head nurse by the side lowered her head and whispered.    


"Brother Wan, it's not their fault, it's me. I let him in."    


Lui Yiyi quickly said.    




Wan Qian turned his head and looked at Lui Yiyi in confusion, he didn't know what was going on with her.    


"Yes …" It's me. Today, the child has to go through the discharge procedures, I can't manage it all by myself. He ran into me and said it wasn't easy to help me when I was alone with a child, so he ran around for me. Who would have thought that he would... "    


At this point, Lui Yiyi stopped.    


Wan Qian thought about it and it was indeed his fault. If he left a weak and beautiful girl like her alone in the hospital, wouldn't that attract bees and butterflies to him?    


"Enough. How is the child? How much does the treatment cost? "    


"Go back to chairman, the child is safe and sound and can now be discharged from the hospital. The total cost was three hundred and twenty thousand yuan. Dean Gao has already come forward to avoid it. "    


The matron bowed her head.    


For such a big shot, not to mention him, he would have to be careful even if Dean Gao came over.    


Exempt? You really know how to behave. However, Wan Qian drank a bit and said, "Do I need him to be free of charge?" I transfer 100 billion! Give it to him! "For the treatment of women and children!"    


As Wan Qian said that, he took out his phone and transferred 100 billion to the head nurse.    


The head nurse's legs were trembling with fear. He had heard that the chairman was bold and unrestrained, but he didn't expect him to be this generous.    


He was only a little head nurse and yet she dared to give him 100 billion. You're not afraid of me taking the money and running away.    


"Yes …" It's the chairman. "    


The matron bowed her head in agreement.    


"Let's go, leave the hospital!"    


Wan Qian turned around and said to Lui Yiyi.    


Tonight, after drinking a bit, he didn't have the time to care about etiquette. He stood up and walked out of the room.    


Lui Yiyi followed Wan Qian out of the hospital with the baby in her arms. She greeted everyone with a nod of her head.    


Wan Qian was even more confused after being blown out of the hospital. He turned around and saw Lui Yiyi still following him, so he shouted, "Why are you still following me? Let's go home!"    


"I... I'm afraid of the dark. "    



Lui Yiyi said in an aggrieved tone.    


"How troublesome! Go! I'll send you off! "    


With that, Wan Qian got into his car and sat in the front row. He had Lui Yiyi report his location to him and told him to head towards the house she rented in Mo Capital.    


This was a location in the old city and it was very dark. When they arrived at the rental house, the driver stopped the car. Lui Yiyi carried the child and brought Wan Qian out of the car. At this moment, he was already intoxicated and a little dazed.    


Just like this, Lui Yiyi carried her child in one hand and Wan Qian in the other as she went upstairs.    


Open the door with a key.    


This was the cheapest residential building in the Mo Capital, with one room and one guard. Public kitchen. The rent is only three thousand dollars a month.    


After Wan Qian entered the bathroom, he threw up and was helped to settle down on the bed by Lui Yiyi.    


After Lui Yiyi fed the child, she put him in the cradle while she slept beside Wan Qian on the bed …    


The next morning, Wan Qian was woken up by the crying sound of the child. He found himself naked on the bed with only his underpants on.    


As for Lui Yiyi, she was sitting by the bed and feeding the baby.    


"Cough cough …"    


Wan Qian nearly coughed up blood.    


Lui Yiyi turned her head and looked at Wan Qian. Seeing that he had woken up, she did not panic. She only said, "You're awake."    


Wan Qian saw that she didn't have any intention of putting on his clothes, so he quickly reminded her, "Your clothes …"    


Lui Yiyi lowered her head and saw that her top was torn off. She blushed and quickly covered it up.    


My God, who can stand it?    


"My clothes …"    


Wan Qian said again.    


"Oh... Sorry, you drank too much yesterday and vomited, so I washed you. It should be hot by now, so I'll go get it. "    


After saying that, Lui Yiyi put the child into the cradle, straightened her clothes, and went out to the living room to get some clothes.    


The living room was connected to the bathroom, only a small area with a clothes rack with Wan Qian's shirt and pants hanging on it.    


Lui Yiyi retracted her hand after realizing that it had already dried. He came to the bedroom and handed it to Wan Qian, but tripped on a stool and rushed over.    


The upper part of his body fell on Wan Qian's body. The situation was very awkward.    


Wan Qian felt the softness from Lui Yiyi's body and didn't want to move.    


"You … "It's my turn …"    


Lui Yiyi said shyly.    


Only then did Wan Qian realize that he reacted. He pushed Lui Yiyi away and quickly put on his clothes.    


"I... I don't have that kind of thing... "Don't..."    


Wan Qian said while pulling the zipper.    


Seeing that Lui Yiyi did not say anything, Wan Qian turned to look at her on the bed and said guiltily: "Last night … I didn't. What the heck. "    


Wan Qian had a bad idea, he completely drank the broken piece yesterday. After leaving the hospital, he became unconscious. And the easiest thing to do after drinking was … Chaotic.    


Lui Yiyi sat up on the bed and looked at Wan Qian silently, shyly tying the buttons on her chest.    


What the heck!? Did he really do it?    


Wan Qian was getting more and more uncertain when he saw her expression. I can't be such a beast, can I...    


"I... I'm not married. I drank too much yesterday, so don't. "Really?    


Wan Qian said guiltily as he put on his shoes and prepared to leave.    


"Don't go."    


When Lui Yiyi saw this, she hurriedly stood up and pulled Wan Qian. Who would have thought that Wan Qian would be pulled down by her before he could even stand properly and directly climb onto her body.    


This time, he was completely suppressed.    


Lui Yiyi's breathing could be heard clearly. With the rise and fall of his chest, Wan Qian felt a strong wave surging through his body.    


F * ck, isn't this too alluring? If it wasn't for the fact that there were other children by her side, she might really be done for. And now, he really couldn't do it.    


"At most... I... I'll raise you. " Wan Qian hurriedly stood up and said, afraid that he would be unable to resist making a mistake. That would be too bad for Wu Mengxuan.    


Lui Yiyi also sat up when she heard his words and looked at him reproachfully. Was she not charming enough? He was actually able to endure this. It's really rare.    


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