Be A Millionaire Overnight

C218 Medical Device Supplier

C218 Medical Device Supplier

0"You're not here to be funny, are you? What he said sounded true. "Go, go, go! If you don't want to see a patient, get out of here!"    


The doctor took the opportunity to kick Wan Qian out. In order to avoid delaying Xiong Tian's business.    


Xiong Tian saw that Wan Qian was chased away by the doctor and could finally bring Lui Yiyi to do some work. He looked at Lui Yiyi evilly, grabbed her arm and was about to bring her back into the house.    


"Xiong Tian!" You have been cancelled! "    


A voice filled with vigor sounded out, shocking everyone present.    


So it was Dean Gao.    


It turned out that when Xiong Tian was just talking, Wan Qian had already found the stock code of this hospital through financial APP and bought all the shares at full cost, spending 500 billion to complete it.    


This was only one of the many hospitals within the Mo Capital. It seemed like the hospital was really a good place to amass wealth.    


"And you, Zhang Director, you have been removed from your post!"    


Dean Gao said seriously.    


It was a shame to be removed in front of so many doctors.    


"Why!?" "Dean Gao, you can't do that!"    


Zhang Wu Tie retorted. Was it because of this young man in front of him? No way, I've never heard that Dean Gao has such a relative.    


"Dean Gao, what did you say just now that I didn't hear clearly? I was cancelled? Do you know what that means? Your hospital has a large number of medical devices to be replaced, right? Without me, who will provide you with supplies! "    


Xiong Tian threatened using his status as Mo Capital's general dealer.    


"You don't need to worry about the source of the goods." Let go of the woman in your hand. And you, perform the operation on this child immediately! "If you delay it, all of you are dismissed!"    


Dean Gao's temper was unusually bad today. He had never seen him roar like this before.    


The surrounding doctors didn't have Zhang Director's temper. When they heard the order from the dean, they all left in a hurry. Several directors were also assigned to perform surgery on Lui Yiyi's children.    


It seemed like Wan Qian was the one to blame for all of this.    


"Dean Gao, what you're doing is against the rules. Even if I had to be expelled, I'd have to get the board's permission. "Don't forget, my brother-in-law is a member of the board of directors …"    


Before Zhang Director could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by Wan Qian. "You and your brother-in-law have both been expelled. I agree. "    


As Wan Qian said this, he signed the board of directors resolution that Dean Gao handed to him.    


Zhang Director and Xiong Tian widened their eyes as they looked at the resolution signed by Wan Qian, which was obviously signed by the people in charge of the hospital. They didn't expect Wan Qian to sign it.    


At this moment, Lui Yiyi understood that Wan Qian somehow obtained control of the hospital, and Dean Gao listened to him. Not only had he refused his years of cooperation with Xiong Tian, he had even expelled the doctor who disregarded medical ethics.    


At this moment, looking at Wan Qian's tall figure, he even had the thought, "How great would it be if it was the father of a child?"    


Thinking of this, his face blushed.    


"You two, hurry up and get lost! Do you need me to call security over? "    


After Wan Qian signed the documents, he looked at the two of them and said.    


Xiong Tian looked at Wan Qian and Dean Gao and said, "Sure, sure, sure. "Just you wait."    


After saying that, she let go of Lui Yiyi's arm and glared at her. This frightened her so much that she quickly hid behind Wan Qian.    


Seeing this, Zhang Director ran to the chairman's office in indignation, only to see his brother-in-law packing up his things.    


"Yulang, what are you doing?"    


Zhang Director stopped him and asked.    


Yu Liang looked up and saw it was Zhang Director. He wanted to kick him out, but because it was his brother-in-law's face, he could only give up. He sighed and said, "It's not because of you, our hospital was just acquired by a rich man." "The dean called for everyone who was related to you to leave their posts."    


Zhang Director was shocked when he heard this. He didn't expect that young man to be so powerful that he actually bought the hospital.    


Although this hospital wasn't the best Mo Capital hospital, it could still be considered as one of the top. The assets added up to at least hundreds of billions of dollars. Buying it just like that?    


"Yu Liang, can't you retaliate? Activating the board of directors to impeach us! "    


Zhang Director said unwillingly.    


"Impeachment my ass!" All the board members were taken away. We're not even as good as ordinary hospital staff. "    


Yu Liang said in despair.    


Looking at the hospital that he had helped to create, he had now become someone else's concubine, and he himself had even been chased out. It was a disgrace, but more of it was anger. He was angry that his brother-in-law didn't have any meaningful look in his eyes. Why did he have to offend someone like that?    


Zhang Director saw that Yu Liang was powerless, and he didn't know what to do. Could it be that he had gone down to ask the young man for help?    


He was already in his forties, and he couldn't get rid of his face. However, after recalling what Xiong Tian had said before he left, he had gained an additional layer of support.    


Yes, help Xiong Tian deal with this hospital, so his medical equipment can never be supplied.    


It is important to know that modern hospitals rely entirely on medical equipment for medical treatment and treatment. It was not an exaggeration to say that if there were no medical equipment, these doctors would have been crippled. Nothing.    


Thinking of this, Zhang Director began to encourage Yu Liang to help Xiong Tian take back what was his own.    


After listening to Zhang Director's narration, Yu Liang had a rough understanding of the situation. It seemed like the chances of him winning was quite high.    


The lifeline of a hospital that was being held down was its medical equipment. And Xiong Tian, as the main supplier of Mo Capital and medical devices, naturally had ways to deal with this hospital.    


At that time, as an insider, they would add fuel to the fire and say bad things about this hospital. It would be hard for them not to go bankrupt even if they wanted to.    


One had to know that patients valued fame the most. As long as they had a bad reputation, no matter how good the hospital was, no one would care about it.    


The two of them looked at each other and snickered. They planned to carry out their revenge plan.    



Wan Qian, on the other hand, comforted the frightened Lui Yiyi as she sat in the lounge on the side and waited patiently for the operation to end.    


He had already instructed Dean Gao to mobilize all the excellent doctors in the entire hospital to carry out the rescue of the child.    


"Director Wan, do you have any other instructions?"    


Dean Gao asked beside Wan Qian.    


The management of this private hospital had already changed from the role of a doctor to that of a manager. They were more responsible to the hospital, to the profits of the investors, than to the patients.    


Therefore, he was more concerned about the hospital's operating efficiency.    


I received a notice from the CSRC this afternoon that the entire hospital has been transferred to a person named Wan Qian. After that, he received a message from Wan Qian, telling him to come to the lobby on the first floor and cut off his cooperation with Xiong Tian and Zhang Wu Tie.    


The condition was to help the united hospital become the largest and most advanced hospital in Mo Capital. This was also what Dean Gao wanted to see.    


And that was what happened.    


"In the future, when our hospital encounters this kind of emergency, we must treat it first before collecting money. "If the other party can't afford it, write it down on the account receivable and ask me for it."    


Wan Qian gave Dean Gao his first order.    


"Alright, Director Wan, I'll follow your arrangements."    


Dean Gao nodded in agreement.    


"And a doctor-patient relationship. These patients come to the hospital with great physical or mental defects and injuries, so it is inevitable that they lose control of their emotions. Furthermore, doctors have not been able to achieve their desired results, and they have spent a lot of money and time, so they have a lot of resentment. "    


Dean Gao was slightly dissatisfied with what Wan Qian said.    


"Director Wan, you have to consider the doctor's feelings as well. Doctors were people, not gods. They also had their own emotions, desires, wives and children. Moreover, in terms of medical matters, there was no such thing as absolute. How could I let everyone be satisfied? "    


Dean Gao couldn't help but argue for the doctor.    


"Dean Gao, don't worry. Listen to what I have to say. Solving the doctor-patient relationship was actually very simple. It was just compensation. The patients are paid whatever losses, dissatisfaction, and compensation they want. to be able to live up to the money, time and energy they have lost. "    


"I believe that most patients would not be as excited as they are now that they have enough money to pay for it," he said. He just felt that he had suffered a huge loss in terms of benefits. They were very clear on the fact that people could not be revived. "However, medical measures must be complete and should not lead to injury due to the responsibility of the doctor."    


"If it is the responsibility of the doctor, the hospital must investigate it thoroughly. In addition to the fixed compensation, there is also the lifelong compensation measure. and the reeducation of doctors. "    


Wan Qian told Dean Gao about his measures to rectify the hospital, which made Dean Gao convinced.    


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