Be A Millionaire Overnight

C105 Clean Car Wash

C105 Clean Car Wash

0Wan Qian got out of the car when he heard that. "Are you the owner of the cleaning car? My name is Wan Qian, I've made an appointment with you this morning, and I'm here to invest. "    


The man looked Wan Qian up and down and looked a little disappointed. "I thought he was a rich businessman, but he turned out to be a little kid." "Sigh, what a misfortune!    


Wan Qian frowned slightly but did not flare up. He continued: "If we don't need any investment, then I will leave."    


He turned to get on the car.    


"Sigh!" "Since you're already here, come in and have a seat!"    


That person quickly pulled Wan Qian. Since he didn't lose anything, he might as well listen to what that brat Wan Qian could say.    


Just like that, Wan Qian was dragged into the room.    


There were three sofas and a desk with an old laptop on it. The surroundings were a mess of foot pads and various bottles and jars.    


There were two other people sitting on the sofa. They should be the three investors in this company.    


"Brother, he's Wan Qian. He contacted us to invest this morning."    


The man with the gold chain was called Er Wa, and he was an expert in fighting. In the early years, he had been sentenced to prison for fighting. After coming out, he started this car wash with someone else. He didn't expect it to develop quite well and opened 20 other shops in the city.    


But for some reason, he had been losing money for two months. He had lost all the money he had earned previously.    


In the morning, he received a call from the finance company that he worked with, saying that someone wanted to invest in his company, so he asked to meet with them. I didn't expect it to be a little brat. His heart instantly turned cold.    


"What's your name?"    


an elderly man asked. He was the eldest of the three investors, and his name was Bighead. Like Er Wa, he had committed early crimes, financial crimes, and was locked up. He just came out.    


"Wan Qian."    


"What can you invest in us?"    


The man sitting at the side, who had been observing the situation, said. His name was Ol 'Three, and he was the younger brother of Bighead. After graduating for two years, he had studied in the field of auto repair and could be considered the only skilled worker in the shop. He also had a share.    


"What do you need?"    


Wan Qian looked into his eyes and said.    




"Then I'll put my money in." Saying that, he added, "Not only will we invest money, I will also help us become a listed company and earn tens of thousands of times more profit. Do you want to? "    


"Pui!" A little kid like you actually helped us make a public company, why don't you help us run for president! "    


Er Wa disdainfully said. In his eyes, Wan Qian was just a wet behind the ears young man. Without money, he had no social experience, so what right did he have to invest in them?    


Bighead was clearly much calmer. "What are you going to do?"    


"First of all, I will put ten million in as the starting fund. However, I have a request. I want to manage the company with only one goal, to make money and go public. "Any expenses incurred during the period will be borne by me personally."    


Wan Qian crossed his legs and said. From the looks of it, these three weren't good people, but they weren't afraid of them. Besides, they still had a request for him.    


"You're saying you want to give us 10 million!?"    


Ol 'Three couldn't help but ask. He had not seen the money for too long. At this moment, hearing that Wan Qian was going to invest 10 million in them, he seemed extremely excited.    


This was because he knew his brother's methods. Once the money was transferred in, he would not go out again. And it would never be used for the operation of the company, but rather, the three of them would split it evenly.    


Bighead turned his head and glared at him. The excited Ol 'Three knew that it had lost its tongue and went back to its seat with a bored look on its face.    


"Director Wan, when do you plan to start?"    


Bighead calmly asked. In front of him, Wan Qian was more like an interviewer looking for a job.    


"Now, immediately." After saying that, Wan Qian looked around, and found a dusty business card on the table: "This is the company account, right?"    


Ol 'Three hurriedly nodded its head. It was about to hit the target, but it couldn't let the cooked pigeon fly away.    


Er Wa rubbed his smooth head and muttered, "Is this kid really rich?"    


[Taiyuan Bank] From your account number 4311, dated 25 July, the system transferred $10000000.00 to your account number 15: 45, with the available balance of 4694978272025.00.    


"Check it and turn it around."    


Wan Qian walked to a sofa that was empty and crossed his legs as he said that.    


Bighead opened his phone at a leisurely pace. A smile flashed across his lips as he looked at the text message he received, but it quickly calmed down.    


"Big brother! Did this kid really turn around!? Let's see! " Er Wa shouted from the side.    


"That's right, Big Brother!" We've been in business for four or five years, but we've never seen so much money! "Brothers, today we're rich!"    


Ol 'Three called out from the side.    


"Shut up!" What did I say when I came out with my big brother? Sooner or later, the three of us will return home in glory. Now, it's time for us to wait! "    


Bighead, who had just received his money, stopped carrying it and started to chat.    


So it turned out that they were not locals of Mo Capital. When they came from the countryside, they wanted to explore big cities. He didn't have much skill, so he could only do the washing the cars.    


At the beginning, the market was quite good. After earning some money, he quickly opened up 20 branches. However, due to lack of management experience, he suffered a loss every year, losing all the money he had earned in the past few years.    


They discussed that if someone took over the business, they would hand it over to him. After taking the investment, they would split it among the three of them and then run away. He no longer cared about this crappy business.    


This time, the total amount of money was ten million yuan, which greatly exceeded their expectations. The amount of money earned from opening a store these five years was also less than the amount earned from this financing.    


In addition, Bighead already had a criminal record, so he planned to go back to his old business and use the money to run away. This time, however, Bighead intended to be frank.    


"Little brother, to be honest. Our store has been losing money year after year. He couldn't hold on any longer. Do you think that's okay? This 10 million is equivalent to us giving you the entire store. We'll transfer all the shares of the company to you, what do you think? "    



Bighead saw that Wan Qian was rich, he should agree. Besides, why did Wan Qian immediately say that he would help them become a listed company?    


Rather than that, it was better to just be honest and give the company to him. He could also make a net profit.    


"Yes. But don't regret it, if the company goes public in the future, the profit will be more than 10 million. but a hundred billion. You guys should think about it carefully. "    


Wan Qian said as he tapped the table beside him with his fingers.    


As for what Big Head was thinking about, it was Wan Qianqing. He just wanted to kick this mess out and get a sum of money.    


In the eyes of other investors, they may weigh the pros and cons, or even withdraw their money. However, for Wan Qian, it was the same for any stall, regardless of whether it was good or bad.    


"A thousand... 100 million! My dear! Was it that scary!? Brother! That's 100 billion! "    


Er Wa shouted while touching his gold chain.    


He had never even heard of such a sum, needless to say, earn it. The amount of money he had to spend every day was more than a few hundred yuan. When had he ever heard of such a sum?    


"That's right, Big Brother!" That was 100 billion! Why don't we wait a little longer? "    


Ol 'Three urged from the side. He had no social experience and thought that he would be able to get so much money as soon as he went public. This was not a small temptation. He was looking forward to what he could do with a hundred billion yuan.    


"Two idiots! Is going public that easy? Stop it! My mind is dead! With this 10 million, it would be enough for the three of us! "We'll go and transfer the shares now!"    


Bighead stood up. From what he saw, Wan Qian had already agreed. Moreover, he felt that he had met with a fool who was willing to spend so much money to buy shares.    


Wan Qian was also very happy. He had never spent so little money to take over a company with 20 stores. It was really worth it. He had thought that he would have to wait until after the company went public before making the acquisition. It seemed that he had saved quite a bit of time.    


"Director Wan, you really are a young hero!" Bighead, I rarely admire anyone, you can be counted as one! If you have time from now on to come to our hometown, you must remember to contact me and let us three brothers properly entertain you! "    


Wan Qian also stood up, and shook Bighead's hand: "Of course. You guys go and look for Snowy to go through the formalities. I won't send you guys off. "    


"Little kid!" Remember to come and drink with us! "We're leaving!"    


Er Wa said to Wan Qian with a smile before he went out.    


"Director Wan... Can I keep a small portion? I don't want money, I can wait for it to go public … "    


Ol 'Three came to Wan Qian's side and whispered.    




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