Be A Millionaire Overnight

C3 Calf Knife

C3 Calf Knife

0"Sir, what do you do?"    


Arriving at the bank, a sweet-looking girl at the door asked with a smile.    


"I want to withdraw money."    


Wan Qian had never replied with such determination and excitement before.    


"Sir, how much do you want to withdraw? If the amount is small, you can do it at the ATM next to you. It will be faster this way."    


The lobby manager reminded them caringly.    


"I want two million!"    


Wan Qian looked at the lobby manager and said. His heart was thumping. If he didn't have that much money in his card later on, it would be a huge joke.    


The lobby manager was a little slow, he sized Wan Qian up and said, "Sir, we need to make an appointment for more than 500,000 yuan. Do you have an appointment? "    


"Eh …. Then forget it. I'll take a hundred thousand. "    


Wan Qian made a joke because he didn't have a large business. It was originally necessary to make an appointment in advance for withdrawal over a certain amount of money.    


When the lobby manager heard Wan Qian's reply, he frowned slightly. Initially, he thought it was a well-hidden rich person who was in a hurry to use his money, so he made a sudden move.    


Who would have thought that it would be a silly boy who didn't know the rules. With a single question, he had gone from two million to a hundred thousand. Isn't this just teasing me? She had seen people like him, who came to play with the bank staff.    


However, he didn't expect that the student in front of him was such a character. It disgusted her.    


"Little brother, come over here. Let's try taking out two thousand."    


The lobby manager said to Wan Qian grumpily.    


Wan Qian didn't know the rules, so he followed the lobby manager to the ATM.    


"Give me your card."    


The lobby manager reached for Wan Qian's bank card. Seeing that it was just an ordinary savings card, he was even more certain of his thoughts.    


This person was here to make fun of him.    


"Enter the password."    


The lobby manager inserted the card and stood to the side.    


Wan Qian entered the password for the bank card. Then the lobby manager came to work for him again.    


She didn't immediately withdraw the money for him, instead, she directly checked the balance.    


What he saw on the screen was shockingly, "10014000.61 Yuan."    


"Sir! I'm so sorry for what happened! I have offended you! "Please come with me!"    


The lobby manager quickly withdrew his bank card, bent over and handed it to Wan Qian as he spoke.    


Wan Qian also saw the amount on the screen. It seemed to be true. However, he was still worried. He was afraid that if he couldn't take out the money, he wouldn't be able to use it. Thus, he decided to take out a hundred thousand yuan. Only then would his heart be at ease.    


"Let's go."    


Wan Qian followed the lobby manager all the way to the bank's big client room.    


"Manager Sun, this mister wants to take out a hundred thousand yuan. Can you help him arrange something?"    


The lobby manager said to Manager Sun, who was sitting in front of his desk in the big client room.    


Manager Sun said while brewing the tea: "100,000 yuan." Just go to the window. "What are you doing here? Don't you see that I'm very busy?"    


When the lobby manager saw Manager Sun looking down on Wan Qian, sweat dripped down from his forehead. He came beside Manager Sun and whispered a few words into his ear.    


Manager Sun quickly stood up, changed his face and walked towards Wan Qian. He held Wan Qian's hand with both of his hands, and glanced at the savings card in his hand: "Sir, why would a person with such an identity like you use such a card. Let me change your VIP card. This way, you don't have to queue up to do business in the future, you can do business directly. "    


"No need. I'll take a hundred thousand dollars. "    


Wan Qian didn't know why Manager Sun became so considerate. However, he did not intend to waste too much time here. He just wanted to quickly verify if his guess was correct.    


"Alright, I'll get someone to do it for you immediately. Go, get Little Wang to prepare a hundred thousand yuan and bring it here. "    


"Yes, Manager Sun."    


The lobby manager left after hearing this. Such a big client, even the president had to strive hard for it. After all, the bank's competition was too intense. If they let this big customer go, it would be equivalent to helping their competitors accumulate more capital. As for himself, he suffered double the losses.    


"Sir, what's your name?"    


Manager Sun asked with a smile on his face.    


"My name is Wan Qian."    


"Aiya! What a good name! Wan Qian, ten thousand! "With one look, I can tell that you are from a wealthy family. Otherwise, how could you have such a huge …"    


"Manager Sun, the money is here"    


The lobby manager ran over with a black bag in hand. It just happened to interrupt Manager Sun's praise.    


Manager Sun glanced at her. He was unhappy with her interrupting his conversation with Wan Qian.    


"Mr. Wan, here's your $100,000. Please swipe your card. I'll give you a fee waiver. "    


Manager Sun took the POS machine from the table and handed it over to Wan Qian with both hands.    


Wan Qian picked up the card and swiped it before entering the password.    


Zi zi zi …    



A long slip of paper was printed, showing the amount of the withdrawal as well as the balance.    


"Drawing 100,000 yuan, balance 9914000.61 yuan."    


"It's true!"    


Wan Qian couldn't help but shout in his heart. Ye Zichen didn't think that the ten million was really in his bank account. He had already taken out a hundred thousand. He didn't have that much money.    


"Mr. Wan, here is your card and money, take it. We welcome you to come back to our line of business next time. This is my business card. If you need anything, contact me in time. "    


Manager Sun quickly handed over a business card and said.    


Wan Qian carefully put away the bank card and used his hand to cushion the heavy money. He smiled and said: "Okay! I'll definitely contact you if I need anything! "    


After which, he walked out of the room. The lobby manager hurried to open the door.    


"Mr. Wan, take care!"    


Manager Sun bowed and stood still, waiting respectfully.    


"It's true!" "It's true!"    


After exiting the bank, Wan Qian said excitedly as he looked at the bill on his phone.    


However, he became even more worried.    


"If the money and text message are true … I'm going to finish the ten million dollars in a day. Otherwise, my 10,000 yuan will be gone. "    


Wan Qian noticed the problem. It was actually a type of wager.    


If he did not complete this mission, he would not have any capital left.    


Although 10,000 yuan was not a lot in the long run, it was the only amount of money he had left. Of course, he had to get rid of this ten million yuan. Because the money was going to be spent.    


Wait a minute, can I deposit the money in another bank? Would I be able to escape its pursuit? Or would I be able to take out my ten thousand yuan? If I didn't complete the mission by then, would I be able to deduct the amount?    


After thinking about it, Wan Qian rejected his idea. He couldn't take the risk. If he did not do as he was told and his money disappeared by this time tomorrow, it would be a huge loss.    


Still don't want so many evil ideas, obediently follow the text message request to do!    


Just as he made up his mind, Wan Qian encountered another problem. This was a total of ten million! After spending a day, he really didn't have any confidence.    


"So much money... How are we going to spend it? That's true. "    




Just when Wan Qian was looking around in confusion and holding the money, not knowing where to spend it, his stomach growled. Since it was still some time before noon, he might as well eat something.    


Thus, he took a taxi to the Gourmet City to take a stroll. Normally, he wouldn't be willing to eat things with his girlfriend, but now he could eat a lot!    


The destination soon arrived.    


"Master, this is 10,000 yuan as the fare for the carriage."    


Wan Qian took out a large note from his bag and handed it to the driver. Then he opened the door and got off.    


"Hey, hey, hey, little bro, wait a moment." What do you mean? Take the money back. "    


After the driver stopped the car, he also got off, passed the money to Wan Qian, lit up a cigarette and said, "Since I was young, I've always been taught to pick up gold and to help others. This is an ill-gotten fortune, I cannot take it. "    




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