Revenging Son-in-law

C411 I'll Tell You Everything

C411 I'll Tell You Everything

0"Okay, I promise." Qin Yuan suddenly said.    


This caused Chu Tianhu to be stunned. He looked at Qin Yuan in disbelief.    


"Mr. Qin, you said you agreed?"    


Qin Yuan nodded his head seriously. He didn't look like he was joking at all.    


Chu Tianhu felt that it was strange. Just now, Qin Yuan was still not willing to let go, why did he suddenly agree?    


"Mr. Qin, why did you suddenly..."    


"Why did I suddenly agree? It's very simple, because I'm going to Xiangxi as well."    


"Ah? You're also going to Xiangxi?"    


"I'm going to find a godly doctor. He happened to be in Xiangxi, so I can help you with the matter of the Fallen Flower Cave girl you mentioned."    


Hearing these words, Chu Tianhu was stunned.    


So it turned out that the other party had suddenly agreed, it was because he was going to Xiangxi to settle some matters. He wanted to settle this matter, but that was the matter of the Fallen Flower Cave's woman. It was a very troublesome matter, and Qin Yuan had actually said it so easily. Could he solve it so easily?    


Chu Tianhu's brows unconsciously wrinkled, he thought to himself, wasn't this young man a bit too arrogant?    


"Haha, Mr. Qin, I know you're strong, but there is one thing I have to remind you, the Fallen Flower Cave's matter is not a simple matter..."    


"Of course I know." Qin Yuan interrupted Chu Tianhu's words.    


"Of course I know this is a very troublesome matter. Otherwise, how could the people above you not solve it? But so what? That's only to you all. But for me, it's just a piece of cake. It's not worth mentioning. "    


Chu Tianhu was completely stunned.    


In the end, he awkwardly smiled and stood up to shake hands with Qin Yuan.    


"Then I'll have to trouble Mr. Qin. Just say the same thing, if you have any requests, feel free to ask."    


"I know you don't believe me." Qin Yuan saw through Chu Tianhu's thoughts and said it out loud.    


"General Chu, I don't have any requests right now, because you don't trust me now. That's why you can reluctantly agree to my requests. I don't feel comfortable in my heart. If you really have any requests... Let's talk about it after I've settled the matter with the Fallen Flower Cave's woman. "    


"Then... when is Mr. Qin going to leave?"    


"Tomorrow, tomorrow."    


The man nodded. "Great. We can't delay this matter any longer. The sooner, the better. You see, I will send someone over to pick you up tomorrow and give you a few subordinates."    


"No need." Qin Yuan interrupted him and said, "I will go and do something. You guys don't need to interfere. I have my own plans."    


"But... but Mr. Qin, you can't do this alone. After all, it is very dangerous. I've said it before, because of the Fallen Flower Cave's girl. Now, many villagers in Xiangxi have turned into zombies, and many of them have been poisoned by the corpse poison. It's indeed very troublesome. "    


"I said that it will be done as long as it's done. Your people don't need to interfere or come and pick me up. We have our own cars."    


Chu Tianhu was completely dumbfounded.    


That was a village of zombies, you can deal with it by yourself, not to mention that Fallen Flower Cave girl. Even if you're strong, you can't be so arrogant.    


"Mr. Qin, forgive me for being blunt, but I think it's better to be careful, prepare more people and have a higher chance of winning. After all..."    


"If you really don't have confidence in me, then I think we should just forget about these things." Qin Yuan suddenly became a little angry.    


"No, no, that's not what I meant. Then we will do everything according to Mr. Qin's request. We will not interfere in this matter."    


"En, that's right. I will contact you after I settle the matter regarding the Fallen Flower Cave. You just have to stay quietly and wait for my good news."    


After the matter was settled, Chu Tianhu returned.    


Qin Yuan first gave Wei Ziqing a call and told her about the matter here. He also told her to prepare and leave for Xiangxi tomorrow morning.    


Originally, Wei Ziqing and Old Master Wei were quite worried that Qin Yuan's stubborn temper would anger that general. But now that they heard this result, the two of them let out a long sigh of relief.    


As for Qin Yuan, he was going to Xiangxi tomorrow. If everything went well, he might be back in two or three days. If it didn't go well, then it was hard to say. Therefore, he felt that no matter what, he should tell his family before he left.    


So in the evening, he pushed everything away and went home.    


At this time, the atmosphere in the living room of Chu Family was a little dull. Although the table was full of dishes, no one touched their chopsticks.    


Han Ying sat at the table with her arms crossed and said discontentedly, "Look at how this useless person has become. He has been away from home all day. It is time to eat. He did not come back nor did he say hello. Does he still have this family in his eyes? I think his wings have hardened. He doesn't think much of this home anymore. "    


Chu Zitan was the first to pick up her chopsticks and took a bite of the braised pork. While eating, she said," Mom, didn't you always hate brother-in-law? Didn't you always want to chase him out? Why are you looking forward to him coming home to eat? Isn't it just what you want when he doesn't come back?"    


Han Ying glared at her and then said," I do hate him. Until now, I have always hated him. But no matter what, in the past, he still had this family in his eyes. He even knew how to do housework. But now, he is nowhere to be seen. What was this? If he really doesn't want to come back, then he can just settle the divorce procedures. "    


After hearing this, Chu Gengnian slapped the table.    


"I told you not to mention the word 'divorce' in the future. Why do you have such a bad memory?"    


Han Ying wanted to say something, but the door of the living room suddenly opened and Qin Yuan walked in.    


"Hey, isn't brother-in-law back?" ___ asked. Chu Zitan smiled when she saw Qin Yuan.    


Chu Zijing was also very happy when she saw her husband come back, but she quickly pulled her face down.    


"You still know how to go home? I thought you forgot where to open your house." Han Ying said in a neutral tone.    


Qin Yuan came in and found that the atmosphere in the living room was not right.    


"Hehe, everyone is here. Sorry, I am late."    


Chu Gengnian said, "Yuan, you have been too busy recently. It has been a long time since we had dinner together. Come on in. "    


Qin Yuan washed his hands and sat down at the dining table. However, he found that there was something wrong with the air pump, especially Chu Zijing, who looked a little unhappy.    



Han Ying had an anxious temper, even though Chu Gengnian kept giving her a look. He told her not to speak nonsense, but she still could not bear it. She put down her chopsticks and said to Qin Yuan, "Since you are back, I think it is time to make some things clear. I don't care if you call me Qin Yuan or Qin Wuxu. I don't care what you have done or offended outside, but there is one thing I have to say. After all, you are still a member of Chu Family, and you are also my daughter's son-in-law. Therefore, be careful when you work outside. Don't bring any disaster to our family. "    


"Also, you have been away from home every day recently. Don't you want to return to this family? If that's the case, you might as well go through the divorce procedures with my daughter."    


"Mom, what are you talking about?" Chu Zijing said unhappily.    


"Did I say something wrong? What I said was the truth. Shouldn't there be some things that shouldn't be said clearly?" Han Ying said without showing any weakness.    


"Zijing, look at this guy, although he was a bit cowardly in the past, at the very least, he is still a member of the Gu family. He is also very considerate towards you. But what about now? He couldn't even see her every day. She was even busier than the President? What use do you think you have for him? "    


"Mom, you don't have to worry about me anymore. Qin Yuan, come in here. I have something to tell you."    


Chu Zijing stood up angrily and turned around to walk into the bedroom.    


Qin Yuan scratched his head and followed her into the bedroom. He then closed the door.    


It was not that he was afraid of his wife, but he thought that he was indeed very busy at this time. He was so busy that he did not have time to go home. He was so busy that he did not have time to care about his wife, so he felt guilty.    


Only the two of them were left in the bedroom.    


Chu Zijing sat beside the bed with a gloomy face and said, "No matter what, we are still husband and wife now. Shouldn't you give me an explanation? What exactly have you been doing during this period of time? And how many things have you hidden from me?"    


" Wife, I-I didn't deliberately hide anything from you. It's just that there are some things that I can't tell you. "    


"Hmph, stop talking nonsense. How many things have you hidden from me? Just tell me one by one. If you don't know where to start, then I'll ask. If I ask you one thing, just tell me one thing."    


Qin Yuan was helpless. "Alright, then you ask. I promise to answer truthfully."    


"Alright, this is the first thing. You are clearly Qin Yuan. When did you become Qin Wuxu? Is that Qin Wuxu really you?"    


"It's me, my wife. Actually, this Qin Wuxu is a name that my master gave me."    


"And who is your master?"    


"My master is the Old Ancestor of Profound Sect, Shanxuanzi."    


Chu Zijing was startled when she heard this, and almost jumped up.    


"What did you say? Profound Sect?"    


Although Chu Zijing was not from the underworld, she had heard of the Profound Sect before.    


" When did you get involved with the Profound Sect? Did you just say that the old ancestor of the Profound Sect is your master?"    


"Wife, I know that these things happened quite suddenly, but don't worry, I will tell you everything."    


Qin Yuan didn't ask Chu Zijing to ask any more questions. Instead, he took the initiative to tell her everything in detail.    


Because there were more things to do, it took more than half an hour to tell her everything.    


Chu Zijing was so shocked that her jaw dropped.    


"You mean to say that the reason why you wanted to marry into our family five years ago was because you had no other choice?"    


"You were actually the young master of a big family? Qin Family? The Qin Family that was destroyed five years ago? Heavens, that's a top family in the entire Hua Xia."    


" You mean that you've been enduring for five years in order to survive? And after five years, you've been reborn. That's why you've suddenly become a different person and become incomparably powerful? "    


"Also, you said that your mother, she... isn't a human? She's a fox immortal who has cultivated for many years? This, this is simply a fantasy. You are not fabricating a story with me right? "    


Chu Zijing could not believe that this was true no matter what. But seeing her husband's serious expression, she knew that her husband was not lying.    


Chu Zijing was completely stunned because this was too out of her expectations.    


After a long time, she muttered to herself, "So you are not a wimp. It turns out that you have been enduring. Now that you have finally endured till the end, you have been reborn into a strong person. I understand. Recently, you've been the one who has done all the major things that have happened in Jiangbei and in the entire country. For example... The Octupole Sect, Form-Intention Sect, Lau Family, and even a big family in Hua Xia, the Murong Family, were all destroyed. Are you the one who did all of this? "    


"You even killed the saintess? Oh my god, this is unbelievable. "    


"The ancestor of the Lu family who caused a ruckus two days ago was beaten to death, and the goddess of Olympus became your maid. Our family was captured on the West Lake, and I couldn't believe that this had something to do with you. But now, I seem to have no choice but to believe it. "    


Chu Zijing looked at Qin Yuan in shock.    


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