Revenging Son-in-law

C374 The Saintess

C374 The Saintess

0Seeing the word 'Yun Palace', old man Huo's face changed immediately.    


He said, "Master Qin, if we were talking about the ever-changing holy land of Mystery Sect, I wouldn't be able to recognize it. But I will never forget this Yun Palace, because this is the place where... I was humiliated. "    


Qin Yuan looked at the glittering word 'Yun Palace' and asked, "Old man, do you mean that the saintess captured you and brought you to this place?"    


Old man Huo nodded.    


"This woman is a freak, a freak. When I was captured, she forced me to have sex with her and made me put on all kinds of shameful poses. Even now when I think about it, I still want to smash my head to death."    


"You don't have to die. If you want to die, this woman will die first. Come on, let's go in. I want to see how perverted this woman is."    


Qin Yuan strode into Yun Palace, but no one stopped him.    


"This isn't right." Old Huo's face changed. He looked at the entire palace while walking and spoke with vigilance.    


"This is the palace of the saintess. It is also where she usually cultivates. This woman knows how to enjoy life. It is said that she spent a hundred years to build such a palace. Not only can I cultivate inside, but I can also have fun. However, I remember it very clearly when I was captured by her. There were maids everywhere, and her servants were everywhere. Moreover, the guards were very dignified. Ordinary people can't enter, but why isn't there a single person here now?"    


Qin Yuan also felt that it was a little unusual. After all, this was the place where the saintess usually had fun. No matter what, there should be many servants serving her. But now, there was no one here.    


Perhaps the saintess had already known that they were here. After all, they had caused such a huge commotion. However, she had heard from the maidservant that the saintess had recently entered secluded cultivation and was at the most critical moment.    


"Old man, you don't have to worry too much. Perhaps the saintess is currently in seclusion, which is why she has eliminated everyone."    


This palace was very large. The two of them passed through a large hall, and there was actually a large space behind it.    


Qin Yuan kept searching as he walked forward, but he still couldn't find anyone or smell anyone.    


However, after they passed through another hall, the sound of men and women laughing could be heard all of a sudden.    


Qin Yuan and Old Huo were stunned.    


Finally someone?    


Qin Yuan followed the voice impatiently. Not long after, he walked into a room. This room was also very big. There was a curtain outside. Therefore, he couldn't see clearly what was happening inside, but the laughter of the couple was getting louder and louder.    


The two of them lifted the curtain and walked in. After passing through several curtains, they finally saw that there was a huge pool in front of them.    


The pool was surrounded by this kind of curtain. When the wind blew, it gave people a very graceful feeling. The huge pool was also filled with smoke, but there were many people inside.    


There were men and women inside. The women were all wearing veils, half covering and half covering. All of them were very young and very beautiful like flowers.    


As for those men, they were all topless, and half of their hair was wet. They were also very young and very handsome.    


These young men and women were constantly playing and playing in the water, looking incomparably happy.    


And among them, it was obvious that one person was the leader, and that was a woman.    


That woman's skin was white and beautiful, and she was wearing a white knitted skirt. Her hair was all scattered down, just like a fairy who had secretly descended to the mortal world to take a bath in the water.    


Upon seeing this scene, Old Huo's expression changed drastically once again.    


"Saintess?" Old Master Huo's voice trembled slightly.    


Qin Yuan turned to look at him.    


"What did you say, old man? Saintess?"    


The old man raised a trembling finger and pointed at the woman in the middle of the pool wearing a white knitted skirt and said, "It's her, she... She's the Saintess."    


Qin Yuan was shocked and looked at the direction of the finger.    


This is the legendary saintess?    


The legendary saintess was extremely mysterious and powerful?    


Although this woman was very beautiful, like a fairy from the heavens, she did not have any outstanding aspects in terms of imposing manner.    


This is the saintess? Qin Yuan expressed his doubt, but Old Huo had seen the saintess before, so he shouldn't be mistaken.    


Wait a minute, didn't that maid say that the saintess was cultivating in seclusion? Why would she appear in this pool?    


Qin Yuan suddenly felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what exactly was wrong.    


The people in the pool seemed to have seen them, but they also did not seem to have seen their main branch. They directly called out to the two of them, and what they should do was to play in the pool.    


At this moment, the woman in a white dress, who was called the saintess, suddenly spoke.    


"Alright, the warm-up is almost done. It's time to get to the main topic. All of you, get into position for me."    


After hearing the woman's command, the men and women in the pool stopped playing and playing. They all took different poses.    


The following scene was somewhat unsightly. Qin Yuan and Old Huo watched with their mouths agape. When Old Huo thought of the humiliation he had suffered back then, he became even more furious.    


"Master Qin, do you see it now? This woman is a freak. That's how she tortured me back then. Kill her, kill her."    


Qin Yuan didn't have any emotional fluctuations. The saintess was good at using illusion techniques. Perhaps everything in front of him wasn't real, it was just an illusion.    


Qin Yuan narrowed his eyes and looked at the unbearable scene in front of him. Light flowed in his eyes. Finally, he shouted at the person in the pool, "Break..."    


Hearing this shout, the men and women in the pool immediately turned pale with fright. In the next second, a black light suddenly flew out of their bodies, and then they seemed to have been poisoned. They hugged their heads with both hands, and fell into the pool with pained expressions on their faces.    


Old Huo looked at it with fear and trepidation.    


"This... What's going on?"    


"It's just a trick." Qin Yuan sneered. He had only used a skill called Sky Shaking Roar in the Profound Sect, and it had immediately revealed the true form of these people.    


In the next second, more and more black lights appeared on these people's bodies, and in the end, they turned into a mass of black fog and dissipated.    


In an instant, the entire pond became incomparably quiet, as if nothing had happened just now.    


"Is it really just a diversionary tactic? Master Qin, so you broke this decoy just now? But... but the woman in the white dress is really the saintess, I won't admit my mistake. "    


"It's fake." Qin Yuan said straightforwardly.    


"Fake? Even the saintess is fake?"    


"I think the real saintess is really cultivating in seclusion. The saintess just now was just a fake saintess that she created using an illusion technique. Moreover, not only are those people fake, even this palace is fake. "    


Qin Yuan said as he raised his eyes to size up the luxurious palace.    


Old Huo was shocked once again.    


"You're saying that this palace is also fake? It can't be, right? When I was captured here decades ago, everything here was still fresh in my memory, especially this palace. It shouldn't be fake. "    


" If you don't believe me, I'll make this palace reveal its true colors right now. " After saying that, Qin Yuan suddenly waved his hands. The entire palace began to shake as if there was an earthquake.    


At first, the shaking was very small, but slowly, it became bigger and bigger, until finally, the entire palace started shaking.    


A panicked expression appeared on Old Huo's face, but it did not last long. With a rumble, the palace seemed to collapse. Old Huo looked up and found that there seemed to be a tear in the ceiling. In the next second, the palace turned into dust in front of him.    


Bit by bit, the ashes drifted over and slowly dissipated.    


The luxurious palace had completely disappeared. At this moment, the two of them were standing in the middle of a desolate mountain forest.    


Old Huo almost could not believe what was happening in front of him. He looked at his feet, then at his head, and then at his surroundings.    


"I... I'm not dreaming, am I? That palace really disappeared? Now, this wilderness is the true face of that palace? "    


"That's right. It seems like the saintess' illusion cultivation is quite good. Even in this world, she has already reached the peak. She can create luxurious palaces at will. She can even transform into a human. Even I was almost fooled at the beginning. "    


"If I'm not wrong, those maids that appeared before should also be transformed."    


"Ah? You're saying that the maids from before were also illusory, and also fake? In this way, everything in the holy land of Mystery Sect was transformed? It can't be that even the saintess is fake, right?"    


After that, Old Huo shook his head and said with certainty, "No, it's impossible. Even if everything else is fake... But the saintess is definitely real. When I was captured by her, I have truly felt her aura. She is indeed a living person. "    


"You are right, everything else is fake, only that saintess is real."    


"Let me tell you this. In fact, the Mystery Sect in the eyes of the people is a huge sect. Many of them are the subordinates of the saintess. For example, the servants of the maids. In fact, there is only one person in the Mystery Sect, the saintess herself. The rest of them are fake."    


Old Huo was even more shocked.    


"So, the legendary Mystery Sect only has the saintess? However, many people didn't know that it was because the saintess' illusion technique was too powerful. Almost no one could see through it, so everyone in the world thought that only the saintess could see through it. There are also many maids and servants in the Mystery Sect."    


"That's right. Perhaps, other than the saintess, there are also those men and women who were captured by her. It's true, just like how she captured you in the past. You are also a living person, but unfortunately, the men and women she captured have probably been drained of their essence by her a long time ago. They became mummified corpses. "    


While the two of them were talking, a golden spiritual energy suddenly floated out from the dense forest in front of them.    


Qin Yuan took a glance at it and revealed a trace of a cold smile at the corner of his mouth.    


"Let's go. I think the saintess will appear soon."    


The two of them walked into the dense forest. After walking for a while, a cave appeared in front of them.    


There were two big red words carved on the top of the cave - Yun Palace.    


"Do you see it? This is the real Yun Palace. It is the place where the saintess is cultivating and having fun. The luxurious palace was just a fake."    


"It turns out that the real Yun Palace is just a cave. Unfortunately, I was tricked back then. I thought it was a luxurious palace. It turns out it was all an illusion."    


"Master Qin, look at the golden thing floating out from the cave. Is this the spiritual qi you spoke of? Is it because the saintess is cultivating inside?"    


"Yes." Qin Yuan nodded and said, "This time, it's not wrong. That woman must be inside. However, this woman had done many evil deeds. He didn't expect that there would be so much dense Spiritual Qi drifting out. It seemed like this woman was just like the legends, mysterious and unpredictable. I have to be careful."    


"Come, let's go in. It's time to meet this saintess."    


The two of them walked in. The Spirit Qi inside was getting denser and denser, but the Spirit Qi was very unstable.    


Qin Yuan determined that the Spirit Qi was emitted from the saintess' body. It was because he sensed her emotional fluctuation that the Spirit Qi was unstable. In other words, the saintess had already known about their arrival.    


After all, they had created such a big commotion after their arrival. They had broken all the camouflage that the saintess was involved in. Even if the saintess was cultivating, she would still be able to sense it.    


The cave was very deep and dark. After walking for a long time, they felt like they would never reach the end of the cave.    


The real Cloud Palace was like this. It was not the luxurious palace they had been in before.    


The further they walked, the more Qin Yuan could feel the unstable spiritual qi floating in the air.    


"Looks like that woman is right in front of us."    


The distance wasn't too far. This was Qin Yuan's initial judgment. And reality proved that his judgment was not wrong. The two of them walked forward about 50 meters. Finally, the cave began to open up, and they could faintly hear the sound of flowing water.    


As they continued forward, they saw a huge room in front of them. There was a room inside the cave, and it was completely made of stone.    


There was a stone bed in the middle of the room, and a woman was sitting cross-legged on the stone bed with her back facing them.    


The two of them immediately stopped in their tracks.    


Even though Qin Yuan was quite confident, he didn't dare to be careless at this moment. After all, the legendary saintess wasn't an ordinary figure. Even his master, Shanxuanzi, didn't dare to confront her head on. It could be seen that this woman must be very powerful. After all, a man's name was like the shadow of a tree.    


Because this woman had her back to them, they could only see her back clearly. Her long black hair drifted down, and she wore a white dress. Yellow spiritual energy continuously flowed out from the top of this woman's head.    


The spiritual energy had already turned golden, which meant that this woman's strength had reached a certain peak.    


She was the Saintess.    


Even if Qin Yuan didn't see her face, he was sure of it now.    


When enemies saw each other, their eyes would turn red. Thinking about what happened to his parents, Qin Yuan clenched his fists so hard that cracking sounds could be heard.    



However, he was not in a hurry to attack. At this moment, he was not that anxious.    


Because he found that this woman was sitting there on the surface. In fact, her body was slightly trembling.    


At this time, the Holy Maiden was in seclusion cultivating, and she had already cultivated to the most critical moment. She felt that someone had broken into the mysterious door, and had broken into the palaces that she had set up with the illusion technique. Moreover, that person had already broken through her illusion technique and had even barged into the real cave where she was cultivating.    


The saintess was secretly shocked. There was actually someone in this world who could break through her illusion technique and break into her real cave.    


No, there couldn't be such a person, because only she knew how powerful she was. The things that she had created were things that no one else in this world except Shanxuanzi could break through.    


Could it be that Shanxuanzi had come? No, impossible, he wouldn't come.    


Because he had said that he would never come to see him. Even if he annihilated the entire Profound Sect in a fit of rage, he still wouldn't show up.    


But in this world, besides him, who else could break into the Mystery Sect?    


The thing that annoyed him the most was that the timing of this man's intrusion was so unfavorable to him. Because he was currently cultivating and breaking through the bottleneck. He had already reached the most critical moment. If he was interrupted at this moment... The consequences are unimaginable.    


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