Revenging Son-in-law

C261 It's a Bit Tricky

C261 It's a Bit Tricky

0In the end, Tao Yanyan and her mother alerted the old lady of the Qin Family. The old lady only came out to block the hole that was worth more than ten million yuan. All the relatives and friends also left unhappily.    


Tao Yanyan originally wanted to use the opportunity of the engagement to humiliate Qin Yuan and Chu Zijing, but she did not expect that it would end up slapping her own face in the end.    


All of this was within Qin Yuan's expectations. It could not be said that he was messing with Tao Yanyan this time. This was all Tao Yanyan's fault. But no matter what, this incident had taught her a lesson. If she dared to humiliate Chu Zijing again in the future... She would have to think twice.    


After that, Qin Yuan said to Chu Zijing and Chu Gengnian, "Wife, take our parents back first. I still have some things to do here."    


"Okay, then we'll leave first. My company is also busy. Remember to go home early for dinner tonight." After Chu Zijing said that, she left with her parents.    


Qin Yuan followed Hong Biao to the banquet hall at the top floor of the Gathering Yuan Pavilion.    


At this moment, everyone in the banquet hall was already waiting.    


In the middle of the banquet hall was a long banquet table. Those big shots from various cities in Jiangbei were already sitting there, including Old Master Wei and Wei Ziqing.    


Everyone was waiting for Qin Yuan. When Qin Yuan and Hong Biao walked in, all the big shots stood up and respectfully called out, "Mr. Qin..."    


Old Master Wei smiled and said, "Come, come, take a seat. It's rare for everyone to be together, so we can use this opportunity to get familiar with each other."    


Old Master Wei stood up as he spoke and invited Qin Yuan to sit in the seat of honor.    


This made Qin Yuan feel flattered. After all, among the people here, Old Master Wei was the oldest, the oldest, and most importantly, he had the highest prestige. Logically speaking, Old Master Wei should be the one sitting on the seat of honor.    


However, Old Master Wei had given the seat of honor to Qin Yuan. Qin Yuan wanted to postpone it. Old Master Wei hastily said, "Mr. Qin, don't decline it. These big shots are here for you today. You will be in charge of today's situation. I am an old man. Just watch from the side. "    


Upon hearing this, everyone was shocked. It seemed like Old Master Wei and Mr. Qin had a special relationship.    


After all, Old Master Wei was the leader of the number one family in Jiangbei. Not to mention, his attitude had always been very high. However, he had always been high and mighty in front of everyone. Now, he was willing to give up his position to Qin Yuan. This showed how much respect and respect he had for this young man.    


Qin Yuan felt a little gratitude in his heart. Old Master Wei was giving him face.    


However, he still felt some fear and trepidation in his heart, because when he helped the Wei Family eliminate the Lau Family, he had never thought of seizing any credit or gaining the respect of others.    


However, just as Qin Yuan was about to say something, Wei Ziqing nodded at him and said, "Mr. Qin, you are the savior of Wei Family. Without Mr. Qin, the Wei Family wouldn't have today. So, Mr. Qin should be the one to take the seat. "    


Since Old Master Wei and Wei Ziqing had already said so, Qin Yuan couldn't say anything else. He sat down on the seat of honor.    


After sitting down, he found that all the big shots were looking at him. Qin Yuan had never experienced such a scene before, but he wasn't afraid of it. Since Old Master Wei had deliberately asked him to take charge of the situation today, he would do it himself.    


Qin Yuan cleared his throat and said, "Sorry to keep you waiting."    


"Thanks to Old Master Wei, I was able to meet all the big shots today. It's a kind of fate. If there's anything you want to say, feel free to say it."    


Qin Yuan felt like the atmosphere was like a meeting. In fact, he knew that on the surface, the big elders of the various cities in Jiangbei had come to pay him a visit. In fact, they had other purposes in their hearts.    


They might be waiting for Qin Yuan to speak, but he only said a few words. After the opening speech, Qin Yuan gave them the right to speak, because he wanted to see what they could say. What was their purpose of coming here this time?    


Qin Yuan looked at the old man with white hair sitting in the middle and said, "Master, please tell us first."    


This old man's name was Lu Jun, and he was the president of the Jiangbei Martial Artist Association. He was from the martial arts dojos in the various cities in Jiangbei, as well as the sects that opened martial arts dojos. For example, the Octupole Sect, Form-Intention Sect, and so on were all under the jurisdiction of Old Man Lu.    


In fact, Jiangbei was so big that there were many cities under it. Apart from the rank 8 sects and the martial arts dojos opened by the Form-Intention Sect, there were also dojos opened by other big and small sects. All of these were under the jurisdiction of Old Man Lu.    


Old Man Lu was a man of high prestige and prestige.    


At this moment, he cupped his hands and said, "Since Mr. Qin asked me to tell you, then I won't be polite with you."    


"Mr. Qin, we have been under Old Master Wei's care for so many years. No matter if it is business, the Martial Artist Association, or other families, the old man said. All these years, we have been safe and sound, so we are very grateful to Old Master Wei. "    


"But a few years ago, Lau Changfeng married the Murong Family and left Old Master Wei to establish his own family. The Lau Family grew stronger day by day, threatening the interests of Old Master Wei and us. That's why we have been living in grievance these few years. That Lau Changfeng is ambitious. On the surface, he maintained peace with Old Master Wei, but in the dark, he has been suppressing us. That's why our lives have been tough these few years. "    


"Fortunately, Mr. Qin has the courage to destroy the Lau Family with lightning speed. After eliminating the obstacle of the Lau Family, the Wei Family was able to once again sit firmly on the chair of the number one family in Jiangbei. We, the people who rely on Old Master Wei's care, will gradually feel at ease. We will no longer have to fear and fear every day. We are deeply grateful for the suppression of the Lau Family."    


"That's why we have come here today to pay a visit to Old Master Wei and Mr. Qin."    


After the army said this, the others also agreed.    


"That's right. Elder Lu is right. The Lau Family has been suppressing us for the past few years. It's not good. Luckily, Mr. Qin appeared and destroyed the Lau Family, which freed us."    


"That's why we came here today to thank Mr. Qin and Old Master Wei."    


The other big shots also expressed their opinions, but their general meaning was similar to that of the army.    


Qin Yuan finally understood their purpose. They were here to express their gratitude. He also took this opportunity to curry favor with the Wei Family and get closer to them. This way, they would be able to gain more benefits in the entire Jiangbei. After all, the Wei Family was now the true number one family in Jiangbei.    


However, Old Master Wei didn't take all the credit for himself. He pushed Qin Yuan out.    


In fact, Old Master Wei had his own purpose. After all, he was already old. Although he had two sons under his banner, his youngest son, Wei Yunhai, was disappointing. He had already dealt with him. As for his eldest son, he was Wei Ziqing's father. He had been staying overseas and refused to come back. Now, in the entire Wei Family... There was only this old man and his granddaughter, Wei Ziqing, supporting him.    


Old Master Wei knew that if one day he went out of his way, it would be impossible for only his granddaughter, a little girl, to be left behind. It was inevitable that the next Lau Family would appear and watch him covetously.    


That was why Old Master Wei pushed Qin Yuan out. He wanted to let everyone understand. In Wei Family, other than this old man and his granddaughter who was about to give up their lives, there was no other way. In fact, there was also Mr. Qin as their backer, and this Mr. Qin was not a simple man. It was him who had destroyed Lau Family with lightning speed. He had even destroyed the Octupole Sect and Form-Intention Sect, who had always been arrogant and domineering.    


After doing this, those people who had been eyeing the Wei Family covetously and harbouring malicious intentions would have to think twice before doing anything to the Wei Family.    


If Mr. Qin could become his grandson-in-law, he would become a member of the Wei Family. Those who were eyeing the Wei Family covetously would never dare to do anything to the Wei Family, but unfortunately, Mr. Qin already had a wife. Old Master Wei could only sigh in his heart because his granddaughter wasn't willing to do anything to steal someone else's husband. He would give up on this matter.    


He only hoped to be able to get along with Mr. Qin as a close friend from the past.    


All the big shots present spoke one after another. They were all full of confidence, hoping that they could be safe and sound under the care of the Wei Family. They also hoped that they could advance further.    


Qin Yuan also made a promise to all the big shots on behalf of the Wei Family.    


"Don't worry everyone. In the future, with Old Master Wei and me, Qin Yuan, all of you can be at ease and do whatever you want. You will never be suppressed by the Lau Family or any other family again."    


"Thank you very much, Mr. Qin. We are relieved to hear your words."    


Qin Yuan's words had given them confidence.    


"Mr. Qin, I heard from Old Master Wei that you are a powerful man. Although we have never seen your strength with our own eyes, you were able to kill Lau Changfeng and his son in one night with lightning speed. The Lau Family, which had been arrogant and despotic for many years, was instantly disintegrated. This showed that Mr. Qin was very capable. We deeply admire you. But..."    



The one who spoke was Liu Haifeng, the underground handler of Dongning. Liu Haifeng changed the topic, but his face revealed a trace of worry.    


Qin Yuan said, "But what?"    


"Mr. Qin, forgive me for being blunt, although after the Lau Family was destroyed, Mr. Qin, forgive me for being blunt, but after ___ was destroyed, all the big shots in the cities below Jiangbei came to pay their respects to Mr. Qin and Old Master Wei. They have always stood opposite of us, and also against Mr. Qin and Old Master Wei. "    


"Eh? Is that so?" Qin Yuan slightly raised his eyebrows, indicating for Liu Haifeng to continue.    


Liu Haifeng continued, "For example, there is a family in Dongning City with the surname Luo, the Luo Family. They used to seek refuge in the Lau Family, but now the Lau Family has been destroyed. They refused to lower their heads to Old Master Wei, and neither did they want to admit that the Wei Family was the biggest family in Jiangbei. They even announced that the Luo Family will always stand on the opposite side of the Wei Family. "    


After hearing these words, Old Master Wei and Wei Ziqing's facial expression changed.    


" There is actually such a stubborn person? "    


The army said, "And our Nentong City, our underground emperor, Eccentric Jiang. He refused to stand on our side and even boasted that he doesn't need to rely on the Wei Family. He could still sit firmly on the throne of the underground emperor of Nentong City. He even felt ashamed that the Wei Family and Mr. Qin had destroyed the Lau Family. He even insulted Mr. Qin and Old Master Wei."    


"Also, there is a sect in Qinghe City called the Nine Devil Sect. The Sect Leader inside is famous for his Nine Devil Palm, although his reputation isn't as good as the Octupole Sect and the Form-Intention Sect. Sect Leader of the Nine Devil Sect is arrogant and despotic. He didn't care about anyone else. He even said that he only needed to use the Nine Devil Palm. He only needs one palm strike to blow Mr. Qin up and raze the entire Wei Family to the ground. "    


Qin Yuan knitted his brows again. "Eh? There was actually such an arrogant person. It seemed like... Most of the big shots in Jiangbei are on the Wei Family's side, but there are some special people who are unwilling to submit to us. They want to stand in our team, and even provoke us. Right? "    


The army nodded." So there is one more thing that I have come for today, Mr. Qin and Old Master Wei. If we want Jiangbei to be completely quiet, we need to ask Mr. Qin and Old Master Wei to come out and deal with these arrogant and despotic people. We need to get rid of those people who stand opposite of us, so that they won't cause trouble. "    


The other big shots echoed, "That's right. Apart from expressing our sincerity to Mr. Qin and Old Master Wei, we also hope that Mr. Qin and Old Master Wei can take care of those who are not convinced."    


Old Master Wei stroked his beard, then turned his eyes to Qin Yuan.    


The two of them looked at each other tacitly. Qin Yuan said, "Everyone, don't worry. Old Master Wei and I will handle these matters."    


Liu Haifeng suddenly said, "But Mr. Qin, I don't think we have time."    


Qin Yuan was stunned. "What do you mean by no time?"    


"These people who are standing opposite of us have announced that if the people of Wei Family have the guts, we will meet in the underground boxing ring seven days later."    


Upon hearing this, Old Master Wei stood up with a swoosh. He couldn't suppress his anger and said, "How dare you provoke our Wei Family?"    


Qin Yuan said, "The underground boxing ring?"    


Wei Ziqing explained, "Mr. Qin does not know. In our Jiangbei, there is an underground boxing match every five years. On the surface, it is a boxing match, but in fact, it is used to divide the territory of Jiangbei once every five years."    


"For example, in these five years, which family has declined, and thus, in the underground boxing ring, there will be a competition to determine the winner and loser. Take back the property of this family and distribute it to other families. Or, if there are other families who are not convinced, they can challenge the other families in the underground boxing ring. If he won, then the property of the family he challenged... He'll have to divide most of it into his hands"    


"In short, this is a way to divide the powers using the underground boxing competition. It is also a way to provoke and provoke. But I didn't expect that someone would dare to use the underground boxing competition as a reason to provoke our Wei Family."    


"That's right, Mr. Qin. There are a lot of things that don't need to be talked about. Just use your fists to talk. Whoever wins will be the boss, and that person will get more benefits." Liu Haifeng added.    


The army snorted and said, "But these people are too arrogant. Lau Family was just destroyed. Now, the Wei Family is the overlord of our Jiangbei. Not only did they not come to pay a visit, but they also came to pay a visit to the Wei Family. What?"    


Another big shot of Green River City said, "They dare to be so arrogant because of the Murong Family. Although the Lau Family has been destroyed, they still dare to act so arrogantly. However, there is still the Murong Family behind the Lau Family. They are sure that the Murong Family will avenge the Lau Family. Exterminate the Wei Family. Therefore, in their point of view, the Wei Family had become the overlord of Jiangbei. But it won't last long, which is why they dare to provoke and provoke us."    


When mentioning Murong Family, Old Master Wei's facial expression changed once again. This was the thing he was most worried about.    


Although Mr. Qin had destroyed the Lau Family with lightning speed and eliminated all obstacles for the Wei Family, but don't forget that there was another Murong Family behind the Lau Family. How could the Murong Family let this matter go easily?    


However, Qin Yuan's facial expression remained the same. He even smiled.    


This smile had stunned everyone.    


Liu Haifeng said, "Mr. Qin, this matter is not to be trifled with. That Murong Family is a big family in the capital. It's deeply rooted. It's not something that small families like us can compare with. Therefore, I'm afraid this matter is a little tricky. "    


"It's a bit tricky." Old Master Wei's expression was solemn as he slowly sat down.    


If the Murong Family really wanted to attack the Wei Family, unless they had a greater reliance on their family, how could they bear the wrath of the Murong Family?    


"What's there to worry about?" Qin Yuan suddenly said.    


"Isn't it just a mere Murong Family?"    


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