Revenging Son-in-law

C508 Blood Hole

C508 Blood Hole

0"Big brother, this girl named Wei went to the secret space. Since she was able to survive, then is that fellow surnamed Qin also alive? If that Qin fellow is also alive, he will definitely not let this matter rest. He will definitely come and find us to take revenge. What should we do?"    


"What are you panicking about?" Chen Bai pretended to be calm on the surface, but in reality, he was starting to panic.    


He originally thought that the secret realm space had already been shattered, and everyone inside had died. Even his own father, Chen Changsheng, had been scared out of his wits, so that person surnamed Qin had definitely died inside. But he had never imagined that Wei Ziqing would actually come back alive. If she was alive, that Qin Yuan would definitely be alive as well. What should he do?    


"Big brother, quickly think of something. If that Qin guy is still alive... That would be very bad for us. In the past, there was still our father who could deal with him. But now, our father is already scared out of his wits. I'm afraid none of us are his match. "    


Just as the two of them were at their wits' end, they suddenly heard knocking on the door.    


Who? The two of them were stunned because they were in the secret chamber. Chen Bai's secret chamber was built very secretly. Not many people knew about it, and even if they did, no one would dare to come. But now, someone was knocking on the door of the secret chamber.    


Chen Lan's face immediately turned red. He looked at his big brother and said in a trembling voice, "Big brother, someone is knocking on the door outside. Who could it be at this late hour? Could it be... Could it be Qin Wuxu?"    


Chen Bai did not speak. Instead, he turned around and walked to the table in the secret chamber to open the drawer. He took out a small pistol from inside. Then, he slowly walked to the door and asked through the door: "Who?"    


"Father, it's me."    


A girl's voice came from outside. Chen Bai was stunned because he could tell that the voice belonged to his daughter, Chen Yulan.    


Chen Lan could also tell. He glanced suspiciously at his elder brother, then lowered his voice and said, "It's Yulan? It's already so late. Is there something wrong with this girl?"    


But no matter what, both of them heaved a long sigh of relief in their hearts. As long as the person outside the door wasn't Qin Yuan, it would be fine.    


"Yulan, it's already so late. Is there anything wrong with you?" Chen Bai didn't open the door, but asked through the door.    


Chen Yulan's voice came from outside the door. "Father, open the door. I have something to do."    


Ever since the apocalypse had happened, there had been a barrier between Chen Bai and Chen Yulan. When the apocalypse was coming, he had abandoned Chen Yulan and her daughter and boarded the Doomsday Ship by himself.    


Although he had told his daughter that he had gone out to do something, her daughter was not a fool. How could she not know?    


"Yulan, I'm discussing something with you, Second Uncle, in the secret chamber right now. If you have anything to say, we'll talk about it tomorrow." Chen Bai didn't intend to open the door for his daughter.    


However, Chen Yulan didn't leave. She said outside the door, "Father, open the door. I really have something important to tell you. A friend of mine wants to see you, and he must see you right away. Otherwise, the consequences will be very serious "    


Chen Bai was stunned. A friend of his daughter wants to see him? What friend? Why did she want to see him in the middle of the night? And why did she say that the consequences were very serious?    


"Cough cough, Yulan, we are really discussing important matters right now. It's not convenient for us to open the door for you. If that friend of yours wants to talk to me about something, you should wait until tomorrow. Alright, you can go back now."    


Chen Bai had made up his mind to send his daughter away, but just as he finished speaking, the door of the secret chamber suddenly opened with a creak. He was so scared that he almost broke out in cold sweat.    


Damn it. How could this be? This secret room's door was very firm, unless it was used with a key. Moreover, he had already locked the door to the secret chamber after he came in. The key was in his hands now, and he was standing by the door of the secret chamber. Now, the door had silently opened.    


After the door of the secret chamber opened, he saw his daughter standing outside the door. There was actually a person standing behind her, probably the friend that his daughter had mentioned.    


However, when he saw the face of the so-called friend, he was shocked because he realized that the person standing behind his daughter was none other than Qin Yuan.    


"Qin Yuan?" Chen Lan also saw Qin Yuan. It was as if he had seen a devil. He couldn't help but shout out loudly. His face was filled with fear. After he shouted, he jumped up and grabbed his brother's arm. He said, "Big brother, big brother, he's here. Look! Big brother is here."    


Chen Bai was also shocked. He never thought that Qin Wuxu would really come. And he had come so quietly.    


More importantly, how did this person open the door to his secret chamber? Could it be a ghost?    


And when he saw his daughter, he realized that something was wrong with her. At this moment, Chen Yulan was standing there in a white dress, staring at him with a stiff face, as if she were a ghost.    


"Father, my friend said that he wanted to see you, so you had to see him. You refused to open the door, so my friend opened the door of the secret chamber. He's right next to me now."    


As Chen Yulan spoke, she slowly raised a finger and pointed at Qin Yuan.    


Qin Yuan stood there with his hands behind his back, looking at Chen Bai and Chen Lan with a smile that wasn't a smile.    


"Qin, you are really not dead. You actually escaped from that secret realm. You are really lucky." Chen Bai said.    


"But so what?" Chen Bai sneered again, "I don't believe you dare to kill us..."    


As soon as he said that, a scream suddenly pierced through his ears, giving him a scare. Then he realized it was his own ear power, Chen Lan, who screamed.    


"What are you screaming for?" Chen Bai couldn't help but turn around and scold his second brother. However, he suddenly realized that something was wrong. Because he saw a bloody hole in his second brother's chest, which was as big as a bowl. Blood immediately flowed out from the hole.    


He was shocked and couldn't help but take two steps back. His eyes were wide open as he stared at the bloody hole on his second brother's body.    


Chen Lan also saw the bloody hole on his body, so he let out a scream. However, following that, there was a poof sound. A bloody hole appeared on his shoulder, and blood flowed out.    


"Ah... What's going on? Brother, what's going on? Am I going to die?" Chen Lan kept screaming. He had a strong premonition. He might be dying, so he tightly grabbed his big brother's arm. It was like he was holding onto his last straw of hope.    


Chen Bai was completely stunned. He also did not understand why his second brother suddenly had a bloody hole on his body.    


But he soon realized something. This must be Qin Yuan's doing. He turned his head to look at Qin Yuan and found that he was still standing in the same position without moving.    


Right at this moment, a series of popping sounds could be heard. The bloody holes on Chen Lan's body appeared one after another. Until his entire body turned into a bloody man. On his face... There were also bloody holes in his neck. It was as scary as it could be.    


"Big brother, save me..." Chen Lan begged helplessly, but he knew that his big brother was powerless. He knew that no one could save him.    


In the end, he could only watch helplessly as the blood flowed out of the blood hole. His body became colder and colder. His face became paler and paler, and the aura on his body was being extracted bit by bit. Finally, he fell to the ground with a plop. After twitching a few times, he died.    


Seeing her brother dead, Chen Lan gasped. In fact, the moment Qin Yuan appeared, she realized that this must have happened.    


She thought of her third brother. Chen Qing must have met with misfortune by now. At this moment, his phone rang. He hurriedly pressed the answer button and an anxious voice came from the other side. "Boss, Third Master is dead. Half an hour ago. We just found that he had a lot of blood on his body. The blood on the skeleton's body had already dried up. He fell to the ground and no longer had any breath. "    


Chen Bai let go of his phone and dropped it on the ground. His third brother was indeed dead.    


Now, he was the only one left among the five of them.    


Chen Yulan was expressionless when she saw the cold corpse lying on the ground, while Qin Yuan was still standing in the same position.    


Chen Bai raised his head and looked at his daughter, then at Qin Yuan.    


"Qin, is this your revenge? You want to kill everyone in our family?"    


Qin Yuan finally spoke, but his voice sounded different from before.    



"I am going to kill everyone in your family, because all of you deserve to die."    


After saying this, he suddenly added, "No, I am going to kill all of you, except your daughter."    


Chen Bai was stunned again as he looked at his daughter. She suddenly realized that at this moment, only her daughter could save her. Although he did not know what had happened between his daughter and this Qin guy, it seemed that their relationship was not ordinary.    


"Yulan, why are you together with this Qin fellow? What is your relationship with him? You were the one who brought him here. Are you going to watch helplessly as he kills your father?"    


" He's my friend. " Chen Yulan was still expressionless, and her words were cold and emotionless.    


"He saved my life once, right in the pocket dimension. From that time on, we were friends, and he was my savior. So, I brought him here because he wanted to see you."    


"What if he wants to kill me now? Are you going to watch him kill me with your own eyes?"    


Chen Bai shouted anxiously, then stepped forward and grabbed his daughter's arm." Yulan, I'm your father. You have to save me. "    


Chen Yulan, however, coldly shook his hand off and said, "When the apocalypse came, when you abandoned me and mother, did you ever think of us? Why didn't you save us? "    


"I... I didn't abandon you. I went to find someone to clear the way. I was looking for someone to save you."    


"Enough." Chen Yulan shouted coldly and hit his words, "Stop lying to me, and stop lying to yourself. Do you think my mother and I are both idiots? You've long wanted to leave us behind. You only bought one ticket at the end of the world. You think you can live on your own, and you want to leave me and my mother behind... But your closest kin, why is your heart so cruel?"    


" Fortunately, this doomsday was a false alarm. Otherwise, my mother and I would have died a long time ago, and you might still be alive. At that time, wouldn't you be very happy? "    


" No, Yulan, listen to me... "    


" I think it's best that you don't say anything. If you say too much, it'll only make me feel annoyed. " Qin Yuan suddenly interrupted him, then said, "Your brother has already gone on his way. I'll send you on your way as well. You might be able to catch up to them on the way to the Yellow Spring. "    


Chen Bai's face turned ashen after hearing this, but he wasn't willing to die just like that.    


So he suddenly raised the gun in his hand, pulled the trigger without hesitation, and pointed the black gun at his will.    


Chen Yulan saw her father suddenly raise his hand, and the gun blocked in front of Qin Yuan.    


However, after he pulled the trigger, no bullets came out of the pistol. Instead, blood suddenly flowed out of his own nose, and then his eyes, followed by his mouth and ears.    


"What's going on? Why are there no bullets?" Chen Bai pulled the trigger a few more times, but it was futile. There were no bullets at all, and more and more blood was flowing out of his seven apertures.    


He knew that he was finished.    


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