Revenging Son-in-law

C29 Return to Your Breath

C29 Return to Your Breath

0After two days, Qin Yuan had more or less absorbed and understood the knowledge of the Profound Sect that had rushed out of his head. At first, it was a little messy and messy, but after it was sorted out, it was not difficult for him to understand it.    


Speaking of which, the cultivation system of the Profound Sect was divided into two main categories. One was the Three Flavorful Fire Controlling Art, which was mainly used to control fire. The other was the Jade Sea Longevity Art, which was mainly used to control water.    


Water and fire were two major systems.    


Other than that, there were also branches of medicine and martial arts.    


But to reach the peak of these cultivation methods, one had to use the Void Body Transformation Art to temper one's body. Only when one's body was tough enough could the cultivation methods be used and absorbed better.    


So the urgent matter at hand was for Qin Yuan to think of a way to strengthen his body. This was like building a house. Only by laying the foundation could the house be built higher and stronger.    


And how to temper one's body? The method of tempering was just as the old man had said. It had already seeped into Qin Yuan's mind.    


The first step was to find a way to absorb the Qi of Heaven and Earth, the essence of the sun and moon, and spread out the dirty Qi in his body, cleansing his marrow and making it completely transparent.    


The other method was to combine it with some pills. Of course, although these two methods sounded easy, it was actually a little difficult to do.    


Now that the spiritual Qi of the entire Earth was thin, it was not easy to find a place where the spiritual Qi gathered. It was nothing more than going to some remote mountains and forests, but it was not very realistic.    


In the past two days, Qin Yuan had run to some places and observed the entire city. Finally, he had locked onto two places where the spiritual energy gathered. One was the Wisdom Park, and the other was by the Guangling River.    


Although the spiritual energy in the park and by the river was very thin, it was much better than the noisy and dirty bustling city.    


Therefore, in the past few days, whenever Qin Yuan had time, he would run to the Wisdom Park and Guangling River, then find a quiet place to sit cross-legged. He closed his eyes and used the method in his mind to slowly breathe and breathe.    


The purpose was to excrete the dirty energy in his body and absorb the spiritual energy from the park and the river.    


Although the results were minimal after a few days, Qin Yuan could clearly feel that his body had become much lighter.    


This made him very happy. As long as he persisted, he believed that he would achieve the desired effect after a long time.    


This was only the first stage. He had only taken the first step on the road of cultivation. He couldn't be anxious about anything. When there was a chance in the future, Qin Yuan decided to leave the bustling city. He would go to some of the vast mountains to cultivate in seclusion, and then absorb some of the denser natural spiritual energy at a close distance. The effect would be even better.    


In addition, Qin Yuan had also gone to some of the pharmacies and medicinal herb wholesale markets in the city these few days. He had also bought some medicinal herbs in scattered quantities.    


He had previously said that in order to temper his body, other than absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, he also needed to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. However, at Qin Yuan's current stage, it was unlikely that he would be able to refine medicinal pills by himself. Therefore, he could only take a step back and use some of the best medicinal pills. Extract the essence, refine it into paste, and use it as a supplementary effect.    


For herbs, the older the medicine, the better its effect. However, Qin Yuan was just an ordinary person after all. Without connections and connections, it was impossible to get some good medicine that had been around for a long time. For example, some hundred-year-old ginseng and thousand-year-old ganoderma lucidum that could prolong one's life. Iron Sheet Dendrobium, Red Scented Sky, etc., would basically all fall into the hands of rich people. As for people like Qin Yuan, even if they had money, it would be very difficult to buy them.    


However, those Banxia, Red Scented Sky, Angelica, and so on, although they were not very old, it was still better than nothing.    


Qin Yuan followed the method that appeared in his mind and bought a casserole to boil medicine. After returning home, he was alone in the kitchen. He boiled the medicine from morning to evening. After more than ten hours, the essence of the medicinal herbs was finally boiled. Qin Yuan fished out the dregs. He let the medicinal liquid solidify and wait until it turned into a black paste. Only then could he be considered to have succeeded.    


He carefully dug the paste out from the pot and stored it in the small bag that he had bought earlier. There were more than ten bags, which felt like glue.    


Because the medicinal ingredients were different and the combination was different, a total of three types of ointment were brewed. One was Qi-replenishing Powder, which was specially used to strengthen the Qi of the weak person, and could make the person's body stronger.    


In the end, a person's body was mainly made up of Qi. Only when the Qi was strong and the body was strong would it become strong. After Qin Yuan finished brewing the medicine, he ate a bag of Qi Returning Powder, not to mention... Not long after he ate it, he felt the effects, which made him very happy.    


It seemed like the formula of the pill in Profound Sect wasn't just for show. The effects were pretty good. Furthermore, strictly speaking, the pills he brewed could not be considered as pills. They could only be considered low grade medium grade medicinal paste. It was already very rare to have such an effect.    


In addition to the Qi Returning Powder, he also brewed a Bone Growing Pill and a Recovery Pill. It had a miraculous effect on some bone injuries or injuries that had been seriously injured before.    


However, although Qin Yuan's body was weak, there was no problem with his bones, and he had never been seriously injured before. He did not need these two types of low grade medicinal paste for a short period of time. He just kept them as backup.    


When Qin Yuan was at home brewing these medium grade medicinal paste, he was the only one at home. His father-in-law went to the Calligraphy Association early in the morning, while his mother-in-law invited the old sisters from a few districts to rehearse some square dance. She said that she was going to participate in the competition soon, while her sister-in-law Chu Zitan stayed at school for some time. She would only go home on weekends, while his wife, Chu Zijing... She was so busy in the company that she would usually only go home late at night.    


Therefore, Qin Yuan was alone and quiet.    


However, this kind of quiet did not last long. At seven o'clock in the evening, Qin Yuan prepared dinner and waited for his father-in-law and mother-in-law to come home for dinner.    


After his father-in-law returned home, Chu Gengnian sniffled and said, "Yuan, what is this smell? Why is there a herbal smell?"    


Qin Yuan said, "Dad, I have nothing to do during the day, so I only brewed a few herbal medicines. Other than giving them to me, I also specially brewed some for you. Although you have recovered, you still look weak. "    


Qin Yuan didn't lie. Besides giving it to him, he also left some for his father-in-law. This was because his father-in-law had been in a weakened state ever since he came back from the gates of hell. After all, he had been poisoned before, and it was an unknown poison. It was impossible for him to recover to his previous strength in a short period of time.    


"Eh? The medicine I brewed?" Chu Gengnian was a little surprised.    


Qin Yuan took out a bag of Qi Returning Powder that had been packed long ago and handed it to his father-in-law. He said, "Dad, the ointment I brewed is called Qi Returning Powder. It is specially made for people who are weak. The effect is very good. You can try it. "    


Chu Gengnian took the small bag of black ointment and looked around. He muttered in his heart, When did this son-in-law of his learn to decoct medicine? What Qi Replenishment Powder?    


Although Chu Gengnian treated Qin Yuan very well, he knew that his son-in-law was not very capable. Usually, he would just do housework and cook at home. When it came to brewing medicine, why did he need to brew Qi Returning Powder? He did not believe it at all, but on the surface, he did not want to give Qin Yuan face. After all, his son-in-law was kind, so he said half-heartedly, "Yuan, you are kind, but my body is weak. I don't need to eat any ointment. I just need to take care of it slowly. You don't have to worry about me. You have already brewed this medicine. How about this, leave it here for me. I'll drink it when I'm free. "    


"Dad, the earlier you take the ointment, the better. Why don't you eat it now?" Qin Yuan said. He had tested it just now. After he ate a bag of the Energy Recovery Powder that he had brewed, he immediately felt that his breath had become much stronger, so he wanted his father-in-law to give it a try.    


Chu Gengnian had no idea what to do. He looked at the black ointment. He didn't know what it was, but after eating it, it shouldn't have any side effects on his body, right? However, seeing Qin Yuan insist, he didn't want to make things difficult for his son-in-law. He could only bite the bullet and nod. "Okay, since you are filial, I will eat it."    


Chu Gengnian tore open the small bag. He first smelled the black ointment and felt that there was a strange smell. However, he still wore a smile on his face and ate the ointment.    


Seeing his father-in-law eat the ointment, Qin Yuan was relieved.    


"Dad, you just need to wait for a moment. The ointment will be effective. When that time comes, you will feel that your body is not as weak as before, and your strength will slowly recover." Qin Yuan said.    


Of course, Chu Gengnian did not believe it. After he ate a piece of ointment that he did not know how to make, it could make his body no longer weak? What kind of joke was this? This was not a divine medicine, nor was it an immortal pill. How could it be effective so quickly?    


On the surface, his father-in-law did not say anything. He nodded and went to the washroom to wash his hands. He changed his clothes and prepared to eat.    


"Yuan, Redbud has to work overtime again tonight. Your mother is rehearsing and only came back very late. Let's eat first."    


Qin Yuan nodded and took out the prepared food one by one. He sat at the dinner table with his father-in-law and had a warm dinner. It was mainly because his mother-in-law Han Ying was not there. If Han Ying was there, the dinner would not be peaceful.    


After dinner, they cleaned up the dishes. Around eight o'clock in the evening, his mother-in-law, Han Ying, came back. But he was not alone. Behind him were a few old sisters who were around her age.    


Han Ying and a few old sisters rehearsed their dance and ate outside. They ate some food and brought a few old sisters back to their home to prepare for mahjong.    


People like Han Ying's attitude towards life was to enjoy life above all else. She retired early and relied on her elder daughter, Chu Zijing, to live a relatively comfortable and affluent life. Every day, she would dance square dance, play mahjong, go shopping and so on.    


However, the moment Han Ying pushed open the door and entered, she shouted at the top of her voice, "Aiya, what is this smell? It's so pungent."    



"Qin Yuan, you piece of trash, come out. Why are you always at home? Look at what you've made the house look like. Can you smell the smell of this house?"    


Han Ying called a few old sisters into the house as she shouted at the top of her lungs. A few old sisters also agreed and said, "Yes, Ying. Why do you have a herbal smell in your house? And it is the smell of several kinds of herbal medicine mixed together."    


"Hey, this herbal smell is really unpleasant. Last time, my old man boiled the herbal medicine at home. It was so pungent that I couldn't eat for a few days." Another old sister said.    


Qin Yuan walked over with a smile on his face and said, "Mom, you are back? Uh, hello, aunties."    


Han Ying did not give him a good look. She bared her teeth and said, "I am asking you a question. Are you deaf? What is the smell of this house? What have you been doing at home? You good-for-nothing. You don't do proper business all day long. You only know how to mess around. "    


Qin Yuan said," Mom, I didn't do anything. I just brewed a few herbs at home. "    


"Medicine?" Han Ying's eyes immediately widened.    


"You are really at home brewing medicine? Are you sick? Don't you know how bad the smell of the medicine is? They only took the medicine after they were cured in the hospital, but you actually went straight home... No. You piece of trash, why did you brew the medicine for no reason?"    


Han Ying said as she sniffed with all her might. Her expression was exaggerated. Then, she ran into the kitchen and saw the clay pot that Qin Yuan had used to brew the medicine. Before she could brush it, the claypot was pitch black. Han Ying shouted again, "Hey, look at what you have done to the kitchen. This casserole was dark. What was this thing? It's disgusting. How are we going to cook in the kitchen in the future? How are we going to stay at home with such a big herbal smell?"    


Qin Yuan also just remembered that he forgot to wash the claypot just now, so he quickly ran into the kitchen." Mom, this is the claypot for brewing medicine. I'll brush it right away. It'll be fine after brushing it. "    


Han Ying was not going to let him off. She kept scolding Qin Yuan. Chu Gengnian walked out of the study and said, "Okay, okay, stop nagging. Isn't son-in-law just brewing medicine? How big of a deal is it?"    


Han Ying's few old sisters were in a hurry to play mahjong, so they also advised, "Forget it, Ying. Stop arguing. We still have to play mahjong. Hurry up and set up the place."    


Han Ying could only give up, but until the table was set up and the mahjong was on the table, the few of them started to play mahjong. Han Ying was still nagging.    


"Let me tell you, our family is a good-for-nothing. It could really anger people to death. A big man stays at home all day. What do you mean by not doing proper things and eating our family's food? Drinking our family's food, making people worry every day. It's disgusting to just look at it. "    


" Sigh, I, Han Ying, don't know which life I, have committed sins. To actually have such a useless son-in-law, don't even mention letting our family bask in glory. He even made our family fall in love with him. Even thinking about it makes me feel aggrieved. This person also has the nerve to live, why doesn't he go to hell? "    


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