Evolutionary Plunder System: From A Snake

C498 What Happened to Kong He Xuan

C498 What Happened to Kong He Xuan

0He was only a mere Fifth Level of Void Shocking Stage.    


However, Zhang Lingfeng had a Seventh Level of Void Shocking Stage cultivation base.    


Most importantly, that brat was still an individual warrior, and his strength far exceeded those of the same level.    


Kong Hexuan knew that he was definitely no match for Zhang Lingfeng.    


That was why when he found out that Zhang Lingfeng had malicious intentions, he was incomparably terrified in his heart. He simply couldn't muster up the courage to resist, so he could only threaten him.    


"Humph! Kong Hexuan, you idiot! At this point, it's fine if you don't kneel down and beg for mercy, but you still dare to threaten me? Looks like you're really courting death!"    


As Kong Hexuan's voice faded, Zhang Lingfeng's eyes narrowed slightly. The Qi in his body became colder and colder as he stared at Kong Hexuan and said.    


After his voice faded, he didn't hesitate anymore. He lunged forward like a bolt of lightning and casually threw a palm at Kong Hexuan.    


"Not good!"    


Upon seeing this scene, Kong Hexuan's facial expression changed slightly, and his heart skipped a beat.    


Knowing that Zhang Lingfeng was very strong, his heart was filled with extreme fear.    


But now, Zhang Lingfeng's palm force was constantly enlarging in his pupils. Helpless, Kong Hexuan had no choice but to bite the bullet and defend himself.    




In the next moment, a muffled sound was heard. A violent energy wave swept out in all directions.    


Immediately after that, Kong Hexuan's heart-wrenching scream was heard from the battlefield.    


Blood spurted out from his mouth. His body was like a broken gunny sack. He was sent flying.    


Kong Hexuan was the eldest disciple of Meng Feihan. He had been in the inner circle for a long time, and his cultivation base had reached the Fifth Level of Void Shocking Stage. In the entire inner circle, he was considered extraordinary.    


However, compared to Zhang Lingfeng's cultivation base, Kong Hexuan was pitifully weak.    


With Zhang Lingfeng's strength, there was no way he could compare with him.    


The difference in strength between the two could be said to be like heaven and earth.    


Therefore, after the collision, although Kong Hexuan's strength was not bad, he still suffered a serious injury under Zhang Lingfeng's palm.    


When he saw this scene, The group of Kong Hexuan's underlings who were kneeling on the ground trembled slightly.    


At this moment, all of them felt lucky in their hearts.    


Fortunately, they knew what was good for them and obediently knelt down to beg for mercy.    


If not, they would probably be taught a lesson as well.    


Just as the group of people were thinking, Kong Hexuan's flying figure also landed firmly on the ground.    


This time, Kong Hexuan was not lightly thrown. He felt as if all his internal organs had shifted positions. It was so painful that his face was distorted, and he could not even scream in pain.    


"Trash. You can't even block a casual palm of mine. You still dare to cause trouble for me? I really don't know where you got your courage from!"    


Zhang Lingfeng slowly retracted his right palm. He twisted his neck and approached the injured Kong Hexuan with a disdainful look.    


In any case, he had already shed all pretenses of cordiality with Kong Hexuan.    


Therefore, Zhang Lingfeng naturally showed no mercy when he spoke.    


There were some people who were born to be despicable.    


They were those who deserved to be knocked down by walnuts, and those who deserved to be kicked by motorcycles!    


If you don't teach them a lesson and make them unforgettable, they will always want to bully others with their power and bully the weak.    


Zhang Lingfeng had seen too many people like Kong Hexuan, who liked to bully the weak and feared the strong.    


However, he wasn't surprised.    


After all, this was human nature.    


If this happened to someone else, he wouldn't be able to control it.    


However, if such a thing happened to him, he naturally wouldn't let it go.    


At the very least, he had to teach that fellow who wanted to bully him a good lesson, so that the other party would remember it deeply.    


Otherwise, the other party would very likely give him face and find another opportunity to deal with him.    


With this thought in mind, Zhang Lingfeng's eyes couldn't help but turn cold.    


At this moment, he had already arrived beside Kong Hexuan.    


When he saw Kong Hexuan's pained expression, he was about to say something.    


However, Zhang Lingfeng didn't give Kong Hexuan the chance to speak. He simply kicked him.    


This kick seemed casual, but it contained a lot of strength.    


After all, Zhang Lingfeng's clone was a body cultivator, and his physique was incomparably strong.    


Even though it was a light attack, it still contained a terrifying power.    




A crisp sound was heard. It was unknown how many ribs in Kong Hexuan's chest had been broken.    


As for this fellow's body, it was like a kite with a broken string as it flew backwards.    



Just as Kong Hexuan's body flew backwards, Zhang Lingfeng's eyes flashed and his body moved again.    


His body was as fast as lightning, and he caught up to Kong Hexuan's flying body in an instant.    


He jumped into the air, and his long legs were like steel whips. From top to bottom, he kicked Kong Hexuan's chest heavily.    


This damn bastard had come to find trouble with him over and over again.    


If he did not teach him a lesson, how could he vent the hatred in his heart?    




Another heart-wrenching scream was heard. Kong Hexuan's eyeballs almost popped out of his eye sockets. Blood spurted out from his mouth, and he even let out a heart-wrenching scream.    


As for his body, it was also smashed to the ground.    


Zhang Lingfeng had controlled his strength very well this time.    


His kick caused Kong Hexuan to be in so much pain that he almost died. However, his opponent was unable to pass out.    


Although the injury he received was serious, it wasn't fatal.    


This kind of mental and physical torture made Kong Hexuan feel like he was about to collapse.    


"Kong Hexuan, how do you feel?"    


Zhang Lingfeng stopped attacking at this moment. He crossed his arms over his chest and looked down at Kong Hexuan from above. He said with a playful expression.    


"Zhang Lingfeng, you are ruthless! If you have the ability, then kill me!"    


Kong Hexuan panted like a bull and spat out a mouthful of blood. He gritted his teeth and stared at Zhang Lingfeng as he spoke. His eyes almost spurted out fire.    


"I will be punished by the sect if I kill you. You want to die and drag me down with you? Dream on. "    


Zhang Lingfeng sneered and said mercilessly.    


Speaking of which, He looked at a giant tree not far away and said to Kong Hexuan:    


"If you really want to die, just go and ram your head into that tree and die.    


If you don't dare, then don't act like a hero in front of me. That will only show how ridiculous you are. "    


As he finished speaking, Zhang Lingfeng's tone was full of sarcasm, and he didn't try to hide it at all.    


"You. . . "    


Kong Hexuan was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, but he could not say a word.    


He had only said it casually. Who would have thought that Zhang Lingfeng, this bastard, would ask him to kill himself and knock his head against a tree?    


Damn it! Damn it!    


"What, you don't dare? If you don't dare then shut up!"    


Zhang Lingfeng looked at Kong Hexuan with disdain. He then turned his gaze to the group of Kong Hexuan's underlings who were kneeling on the ground and said.    


"It's not impossible for you all to let me spare you all.    


This time, I'll give you all a chance.    


Since you all said that it was Kong Hexuan who ordered you all to deal with me. How about this, all of you come over and slap or kick Kong Hexuan.    


As long as any of you do as I say, I will let you go. Otherwise, Kong Hexuan's current outcome will be the outcome of all of you. "    


As he finished his words, Zhang Lingfeng's voice couldn't help but turn cold.    


His words contained a strong sense of threat.    


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