The Martial Son-in-law

C85 What Do You Want

C85 What Do You Want

0At this moment, someone next to me can't stand it anymore. He whispered in Zhang Chu's ear, "Brother, just admit defeat when you are involved in this kind of thing. Throw down two or three thousand yuan and leave this place quickly."    


Zhang Chu looked at this person and laughed lightly. "How can that be? How can this kind of thing be solved with money? I should bring the old man to the hospital to investigate. What if there is a problem with the old man's health? We have to take responsibility for the old man's body. "    


Before Qin Sitong could say anything, Zhang Chu, who had a look of disgust towards the old man earlier, actually grabbed the old man's arm with a smile. "Come, old man, let's go to the hospital to take a look."    


"No, I..." The old man came here for money. Why would he go to the hospital? He struggled with all his might, but that little bit of strength could not shake Zhang Chu. The old man easily lifted the old man up and stuffed him into the carriage.    


The door was locked.    


As the door was locked, the old man's heart skipped a beat. He suddenly had a bad feeling.    


"Alright, it's fine. Let's go." When Zhang Chu got into the driver's seat, he waved at the people in front of him.    


Qin Sitong, who was sitting in the passenger's seat, looked at Zhang Chu strangely. This guy's behavior was a little different from last night. She thought that Zhang Chu was a very impulsive person and would attack if there was a disagreement. Now it seemed that it was not the case.    


What did Zhang Chu want to do by calling this old man to the car? Could it be that he really wanted to take him to the hospital for a check-up? But because the old man was in the car, Qin Sitong did not want to ask.    


Zhang Chu directly turned into a remote road, and the number of cars on the road decreased by quite a bit.    


Qin Sitong remembered that this seemed to be the way out of the city. The old man had lived in Dongzhou City for so many years, so he was naturally very clear about the road in the city. He asked tentatively, "That, this doesn't seem to be the way to the hospital, right?"    


"Old man, let's find a place with no one around. After that, I will teach you how to write the word shameless." Zhang Chu said in a joking tone.    


This old man was a smart man, so he naturally understood the meaning of Zhang Chu's words. This guy wanted to beat him up. He tried his best to close the car door, but he couldn't open it. He rolled down the car window. The wind that poured in through the car window blew his hair everywhere. When he saw something speeding past, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva.    


If he jumped out of the car at this speed, half of his life would probably be gone.    


Zhang Chu looked at the reflector and snorted. He turned into a remote alley. He stepped on the brakes and opened the car door in the backseat. Before the old man could rejoice that the emergency brake didn't hit his head, a hand pulled him out of the car.    


The old man's butt came into contact with the hard ground. "Ouch!" "Ah!    


The roar of the engine entered his ears, and an old van rushed in. The brakes didn't seem to work, and he stepped on it several times before stopping.    


The door opened, and a few people jumped out of the van.    


Qin Sitong looked very familiar with these people. Weren't they the young men who had just accused Zhang Chu? The one in the lead was the one who had said to Zhang Chu that he would throw two thousand yuan and leave this place.    


Qin Sitong was not a fool. When she saw this situation, she immediately understood that they were in the same group.    


When he saw the reinforcement coming, the old man who was groaning on the ground hurriedly got up. He limped over there and pointed at Zhang Chu. "You're dead, kid! How dare you do this to me!"    


"You're too slow." Zhang Chu shook his head. He was not satisfied with the speed of these people.    


"You knew we were together?" The man asked. This was not the first time they had done this kind of thing. They had never lost it before.    


"You dare to show off in front of me with your little tricks?" Zhang Chu snorted. "Cut the crap. I have been carrying the old man around for so long. You have to pay for the oil."    


"How much?" The man didn't get angry, but laughed instead. The Zhang Chu in front of him was thin and looked like a weak scholar. He had the upper hand on his side. This kid did not just run away like a rat, he even dared to ask for money from me. Today, I will let you see why the flowers are so red!    


"Five thousand." Zhang Chu stretched out a hand.    


The man grabbed the iron rod in his hand and took two steps forward. "I'm afraid you will lose your life!" This guy was really evil. He wanted five thousand yuan! When he was two meters away from Zhang Chu, he raised the iron stick and smashed it at Zhang Chu's head.    


Facing the iron rod that was aimed at his forehead, Zhang Chu did not retreat. Instead, he advanced.    


Before the man could see Zhang Chu's movements clearly, he saw that the man had already arrived in front of him and his arm had landed on the man's shoulder.    


The door of his room was opened wide, and he secretly shouted, "Not good!" Just as he was about to wave his hand to defend himself, he saw a fist rapidly enlarging in front of him, coming into close contact with his face. He only felt that the originally bright world in front of him had become dim, and his body powerlessly fell to the ground.    


"Hiss!" The old man sucked in a breath of cold air. This was a little troublesome.    


This old man had been in the society for so many years, so he could naturally tell that Zhang Chu was not a simple person. He took two steps back, but those young men were full of vigor and vigor. When they saw their companions being knocked down, they shouted and rushed over.    


These young men looked like they had just stepped into society not long ago. When they ran, their footsteps were chaotic, and they did not cooperate with their companions.    


Zhang Chu slapped them. The young man who was leading the group turned around on the spot after being slapped. He only felt a buzzing sound in his ears. Before he could figure out what had happened, he had already slapped the young man's face. His stomach was kicked by Zhang Chu.    


The young man let out a miserable cry and was sent flying backwards. He knocked down a few of his companions who were rushing towards him and knocked them to the ground. Only then did he regain his balance.    


Seeing Zhang Chu walk over with a smile on his face, the old man felt a chill run down his spine. This is bad! Both of his legs were trembling. If he had not leaned against the car door, his body would have slid to the ground.    


"Brother, this is a misunderstanding." The old man's arrogant look turned into an apologetic smile. He knew the situation very well. When it was time to admit defeat, he had to admit defeat. Saying a few soft words was better than getting beaten up.    


"Misunderstanding?" Zhang Chu raised his eyebrows and smiled. "You guys seemed to want to extort money from me just now."    


"Well..." The old man wiped the sweat off his forehead. He thought to himself, "This young man is really unreasonable. These people are almost beaten to death by him. "Hehe, we can be considered as getting to know each other without fighting. Let's just forget about this piece, okay?"    


"Get rid of it?" Zhang Chu knocked on the door of the car. He did not use much strength, but there was a terrifying dent on the door.    


The old man leaning against the car could clearly feel the strong vibration of the car. The dull impact made his ears buzz.    


If this punch landed on his body, wouldn't his old bones collapse?    


"Little brother, what do you think we should do about this?" The old man didn't even dare to look Zhang Chu in the eyes and asked tentatively.    


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