Dragon Blood King



0Seeing that, Spirit Controller of Mysterious Wood did not plan to fight Bai Yuhao head on, because he knew that after Bai Yuhao's attack, the Spiritual Fusion would be lifted. As long as he could block Bai Yuhao's attack, then Bai Yuhao would undoubtedly die. Of course, blocking Bai Yuhao's attack was an easy task for him.    


In the blink of an eye, Bai Yuhao had already closed in on Spirit Controller of Mysterious Wood. At the same time, the Spiritual Energy s who were gathered up all over his body threw out a punch without reservation, and the strong Spiritual Energy s condensed in the center of his fist and continued to expand, forming a fan shaped shock wave.    


Spirit Controller of Mysterious Wood saw that Bai Yuhao had used his full strength in this attack, so he did not dare to be careless. He immediately released his Lightning Spiritual Energy and formed a shield of lightning in front of him, blocking Bai Yuhao's incoming Spiritual Energy.    


The two strong Spiritual Energy s clashed in the air. One was lightning, one was fire, and the other was a stalemate. In the end, all of them were exhausted at the same time. The rays of light flashed past.    


At the same time, a light flashed on Bai Yuhao's body, the Spiritual Fusion state was immediately removed, Dragon-like also turned into a ball of beast shadows and separated from his body, landing on the ground, because he had used up all his energy, he could only barely stand. His strength had already been depleted.    


Seeing that the Spiritual Fusion state was gone, Spirit Controller of Mysterious Wood immediately laughed out loud. He knew that he could only kill Bai Yuhao as he wished.    


"Thunder Break!" But when Spirit Controller of Mysterious Wood saw Bai Yuhao release his Spiritual Fusion state, and was completely caught off guard, he threw out a punch filled with lightning. The force of the punch was astonishing, the wind force produced by the attack seemed to be able to cut through a person's skin, and this punch had almost used up all of his remaining Spiritual Energy s.    


Just as Bai Yuhao was about to be hit, a ball of fire suddenly flew into the air. Soon after, the ball of fire suddenly expanded and several fire dragons of fire appeared around the ball of fire. When Spirit Controller of Mysterious Wood's Thunder Break touched the ball of fire, it was immediately engulfed by the fire patterns surrounding the ball of fire and at the same time, the ball of fire rapidly flew towards Spirit Controller of Mysterious Wood.    


This bead image was the dragon Fire Pearl that Bai Yuhao had obtained last time. Just now, the reason he took out the Tianluo Seed was so he could have enough Spiritual Energy s to control it. Of course, Spirit Controller of Mysterious Wood wouldn't expect such a Fire Pearl to be powerful, so by the time he reacted, it was already too late.    


At that moment, Spirit Controller of Mysterious Wood had reached his limit due to the power of the Spiritual Energy. His fist was considered to be only a bit of strength left, so when he saw the Dragon Fire Pearl flying towards him, even if he wanted to block, he was unable to do so. In the next moment, the dragon Fire Pearl had already flown before his eyes.    


Boom! *    


In front of Spirit Controller of Mysterious Wood, the Dragon Fire Pearl was like a fireball that had exploded. It flickered with a brilliance like fireworks, and instantly spread to the surroundings, instantly enveloping everything within a dozen meters of the ground, including Spirit Controller of Mysterious Wood.    


After the light dissipated, Spirit Controller of Mysterious Wood's body was charred black and fell to the ground while emitting smoke. The Dragon Fire Pearl also fell to the ground.    


Seeing this, Bai Yuhao heaved a sigh of relief. He walked up to the charred Spirit Controller of Mysterious Wood and used his leg to kick him over. Seeing that Spirit Controller of Mysterious Wood was not dead yet, his completely disfigured face had a look of disbelief, and his eyes were filled with horror, fear, and puzzlement. He did not expect that the mighty Spirit Controller of Mysterious Wood of Celestial Master Stage would actually be defeated by Spirit Controller, who was not even at the sixth level of the earth battle.    


"I forgot to tell you, this is actually not a three star third stage Celestial Worms of Dark Desire, but a rare Dark Desire Worm. Before you die, when you were able to see the Dark Desire Worm, your luck is pretty good, rest in peace!" Bai Yuhao let out a scornful sneer and said.    


Spirit Controller of Mysterious Wood glared at him, as if he wanted to say something. However, he soon tilted his head, as if he was angered to death.    


Seeing that Spirit Controller of Mysterious Wood had died, Bai Yuhao immediately picked up the Dragon Fire Pearl from the ground and put it together with the Tianluo Seed into his storage bag. Then, he fed the a drop of fake Dragon's Saliva to Dragon-like and himself before quickly recovering.    


After the time it takes to burn an incense stick, Bai Yuhao, who had recovered some of his strength, immediately walked to the back of the Dark Desire Worm and said: "Come with me, I won't treat you unfairly in the future!"    


He only heard the cries coming from the Dark Desire Worm s and it seemed like they were marrying chicken and following chicken and following dogs. Bai Yuhao nodded in understanding and then pulled out three bone arrows from the legs of the Dark Desire Worm and fed them to the Celestial Worms of Dark Desire.    


Not long after, the Dark Desire Worm slowly regained its mobility.    


Seeing that Spirit Controller of Mysterious Wood had buried him on the spot, and after cleaning up the battlefield, Bai Yuhao quickly left the dense forest with Dragon-like, Dragon-Red and Celestial Worms of Dark Desire, returning to Northeast Military Camp without anyone noticing.    


On the other side, among the Woodgod Kingdom s that were ambushed by the thousand man army, Spirit Controller either died or was wounded, leaving only four people behind. Under the leadership of Spirit Controller of the Celestial Master Stage, they finally broke out of the encirclement, withdrew the direction of the Tianbei Military Camp, and reunited with the Woodgod Kingdom s troops.    


And naturally, the Tianbei Military Camp chased after him while he was victorious, and attacked back to the Tianbei Military Camp once more.    


Because of the heavy losses, when they saw the army of Tianbei Military Camp that had returned, they had no choice but to give up their plans and immediately retreat. In the blink of an eye, they had completely withdrawn from the Tianbei Military Camp.    


Seeing the retreating Woodgod Kingdom army, Commander of the Northern Military Camp also heaved a sigh of relief. He suddenly remembered about the Celestial Worms of Dark Desire that was lured away by Bai Yuhao, worried that something would happen to Bai Yuhao and immediately sent people to look for him. In the end, however, he could not find Bai Yuhao, as if he had disappeared into thin air.    


Half a day later, Ma Lan personally brought over a support unit led by the Northeast Military Camp. When they arrived at the Tianbei Military Camp, they found out that the Woodgod Kingdom troops had already been repelled.    


"Commander Sun, when I received the message from the pigeon, I saw on the letter that the troops sent by Woodgod Kingdom were very strong, they even had three Spirit Controller of the Celestial Master Stage and quite a few Earth Battle Davy. With Tianbei Military Camp's two thousand strong army, it is hard to imagine how you guys managed to defeat this enemy force!" In the center of the Tianbei Military Camp, after Ma Lan and Commander of the Northern Military Camp met, she immediately asked puzzledly. Because she saw that half of her Tianbei Military Camp was already destroyed and looked like a mess, she could guess how fierce the Woodgod Kingdom army's offense was!    


But in reality, more than half of the damage done to the Tianbei Military Camp was caused by the group of Spirit Control that were lured in by Bai Yuhao.    




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