Dragon Blood King



0At this moment, Wang Meng was covered in cold sweat. Seeing that Vice Commander Chen had been ordered to investigate and listening to Ma Lan's underlying meaning, he was sure that he was done for. Because if those villagers were to identify him, then he would undoubtedly die. Therefore, he couldn't help but turn his gaze towards Ji Yun. The only one who could save him now was probably Ji Yun.    


Ji Yun immediately understood something when he saw Wang Meng's gaze. A trace of anger flashed through his eyes, but he did not reveal it.    


"Commander, I'll take my leave first!" Ji Yun bowed to Ma Lan as he said this. Then, he ordered his men to carry Wu Tie away.    


Not long after, in Ji Yun's room, there was the sound of things being turned upside down. A figure crashed into the wall, then fell to the ground, causing his entire face to contort in pain. His already half crippled body was even more tragic.    


"Wang Meng, Wang Meng, you actually dared to trick me! Look, you're tired of living!" Ji Yun stomped on the falling body a few more times as if he was venting his anger.    


It was exactly Wang Meng who had vented his anger like Ji Yun had treated him as a punching bag. This was because Ji Yun already knew that it was Wang Meng who tricked him, causing him to be in a dilemma. Once Vice Commander Chen investigated the truth, he would definitely be implicated by Wang Meng.    


"Captain, I know I was wrong, how would I know that brat had the guts to come back!" On account of me following you for so long, please save me! " Wang Meng painfully crawled up from the ground and hugged Ji Yun's leg as he shouted.    


"Go to hell! If the commander knew that you were the one who did all those things, would you still want to live? It's fine if you die, but don't implicate this daddy! " Ji Yun kicked Wang Meng away and cursed with a hideous expression.    


"But, if the Commander knows the truth, Captain, do you think you can escape? Previously, you pointed out Bai Yuhao in front of everyone and even brought that many people to deal with Bai Yuhao. If everyone knew the truth, Captain, you will be committing malpractice and vilification to protect the despicable people under you. Everyone will even think that you are simply envious of Bai Yuhao and intentionally avenging your own personal grudges. I think that it will be difficult for Captain to stay in the Northeast Military Camp then! " Wang Meng said in a straightforward manner. If he didn't survive, then Ji Yun definitely wouldn't be in a good situation.    


"You …" Ji Yun glared furiously at Wang Meng. He couldn't wait to kill Wang Meng and finish him off. Of course, he couldn't do that. If Wang Meng died, the problem would be even greater. However, since Wang Meng couldn't die, there had to be a scapegoat, and that could only be Bai Yuhao.    


"Captain, if you want to preserve your position in the Northeast Military Camp, you need to hurry up and take action. Otherwise, if the commander knows the truth, after I'm done playing, captain, you'll have to finish it as well!" Wang Meng laughed sinisterly. He didn't even care since he was dead. In any case, he must make Bai Yuhao die without a trace.    


Ji Yun glared angrily at Wang Meng. Then, he immediately dashed out of the door.    


On the other side, Vice Commander Chen was leading a few of his trusted aides to head to the eastern village to investigate about Bai Yuhao when a figure suddenly appeared in front of Vice Commander Chen.    


"Captain Ji, why are you here?" Vice Commander Chen couldn't help but to ask in surprise when he saw the person.    


The person who suddenly appeared was Ji Yun.    


"Vice Commander Chen, can I have a word with you?" Ji Yun gestured.    


Seeing the situation, Vice Commander Chen dismounted from his horse and instructed a few people behind him. Then, he and Ji Yun walked to a remote corner.    


"Captain Ji, is something the matter?" "Or does the commander have some orders to give …" Vice Commander Chen asked with a suspicious expression. This was because it was quite strange that Ji Yun would appear here.    


"I came here to make a deal with Vice Commander Chen!" Ji Yun's eyes darkened as he went straight to the point.    


"Trade? "What kind of deal?" Vice Commander Chen was confused.    


Ji Yun sneered and then whispered a few words to Vice Commander Chen. Vice Commander Chen's expression immediately changed when he heard that and he shouted: "You want me to frame Bai Yuhao? How could this work? "Could it be that what Bai Yuhao said is true? The people who did those things were actually Wang Meng and the others …"    


"Vice Commander Chen, you're not young anymore, and you're still just a vice commander of Small Camp. Don't you feel weak? In a few years, your body won't be able to hold on anymore, so I reckon that you won't even be able to sit on your position as the vice commander of the Small Camp anymore. " Ji Yun sneered.    


"What do you mean?" Vice Commander Chen could hear Ji Yun's unspoken interest.    


"With Commander Ma's current achievements, if nothing unexpected happens, in the next two years, he will definitely be transferred to the base camp. At that time, there will naturally be people who will be promoted to the position of Northeast Military Camp's commander. But other than Vice Commander Chen, there was still another vice commander in this Northeast Military Camp, and other vice commanders of Small Camp might also have their eyes set on this position. But I have always felt that if we lost Vice Commander Chen, then it would be the same as losing a pillar, and could collapse at any time. So, other than Vice Commander Chen, I don't think anyone else has the right to take the commander position. However, I also know that Vice Commander Chen relied on his own ability to achieve his current position, which is unquestionable, but I am worried that Vice Commander Chen, who lacks a backer, will be able to stand out and take the position of commander. That is unknown! " Ji Yun said with an expression as if he was calculating everything.    


"What are you trying to say?" Vice Commander Chen's face sank. However, he couldn't deny that Ji Yun's words were true. Men have ambitions, and he was no exception. At that time, Ma Lan's commander had originally been him, but in the end, he didn't know what method Ma Lan used to transfer her direct position to Northeast Military Camp after joining the Red Dragon Legion. At that time, Ma Lan wasn't even twenty years old yet. At first, of course, he wasn't convinced. It wasn't until later that he saw Ma Lan's lightning-fast ability to lead the army. However, up till now, he still hadn't given up trying to obtain the position of the Commander.    


If you help me, I can use my relationship with Ma Lan to guarantee that after Ma Lan transfers to the base camp, you can become the commander of Northeast Military Camp. At that time, Vice Commander Chen can recommend me and take over your vice commander position. You also know that I am a person of the Ji Family, so given my position in the Holy Dragon Kingdom, I can naturally accomplish anything with ease. So, if you know what's good for you, you should know what to do! That's all I have to say. It's up to you to choose, Vice Commander Chen! " A sinister smile appeared on the corner of Ji Yun's mouth as he turned around and disappeared.    


Vice Commander Chen looked at Ji Yun's disappearing back and his eyes narrowed. A trace of greed flashed through them …    




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