Dragon Blood King



0Of course, even Bai Yuhao, the most outstanding genetic scientist in the modern world, would not be able to figure out a method to manipulate two Spirit Control at the same time just by thinking about it. After all, as far as he knew, there wasn't a single Spirit Controller in this world who could control two Spirit Control at the same time.    


The principle behind Spirit Controller's control of the Spirit Control was the same as the principle of a key and a lock. When Spirit Controller's blood entered the Spirit Control's body, it would carry the blood power of the Spiritual Energy and create a unique Spiritual Energy contract, which was also known as the recognition of master. Unless Spirit Controller or one of the Spirit Control died, the Spiritual Energy contract would always exist. Even though Spirit Controller and the Spirit Control were far away from each other, they could still feel each other's existence.    


This kind of Spiritual Energy contract was also mentioned by the Beast Discriminating Tactic. According to the records on the Beast Discriminating Tactic, the reason the Spiritual Energy contract was unique was because the contract used the entire body of the Spirit Control as a unit. That is to say, the power of the contract permeated the entire body of the Spirit Control. As a result, Spirit Controller and the Spirit Control were able to activate the Spiritual Fusion.    


Spirit Controller could fuse the Spirit Control's power with his, thereby increasing his current strength. This also showed that once Spirit Controller and the Spirit Control recognized each other as master, they could be considered as one.    


In addition, the stronger the Spirit Control, the stronger Spirit Controller's strength would be. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to control the Spirit Control, which would also make it more unique. Because usually, Spirit Controller's power could also control the power of a Spirit Control. Even if you had an additional Spirit Control, you still wouldn't have any extra power to control it.    


For example, for the current Bai Yuhao and Dragon-like, Dragon-like's Three-Star and Second Grade was currently at the same level as Spirit Controller. If Dragon-like were at the third level of the Earth Warrior, his strength would be equivalent to the strength of the Celestial Master Stage, and with Bai Yuhao's current strength, he would probably not be able to control Dragon-like.    


However, under the Spiritual Energy contract that Spirit Controller and the Spirit Control shared, Spirit Control would usually not be stronger than their own master. Even if they wanted to break through the evolution process, they had to be strong enough to be their master, otherwise, they would be suppressed by the power of the contract.    


Therefore, under normal circumstances, it was impossible for Spirit Controller to have two or more Spirit Control under his control at the same time.    


Thus, from a normal perspective, Bai Yuhao's thoughts were completely unrealistic!    


However, one of the unfinished research Bai Yuhao did in the modern world was on how to manipulate powerful organisms. Because the modified genetic beasts all have very powerful abilities, making them difficult to control and tame. So, they had to rely on advanced thought control devices to control the thoughts of genetic beasts, making them listen to human orders and act completely according to human orders. However, to a certain extent, this also affected some of the genetic beasts' potential abilities. Due to this reason, he began to study how to control the genetic beasts by relying solely on human strength, without the aid of the instruments.    


In theory, the reason why the genetic beasts could not be controlled by humans was because their strength surpassed that of humans. Therefore, it could only suppress the thought of the genetic beasts, letting it think that it was weaker than a human, and control it accordingly. This logic was similar to Spirit Controller and the Spirit Control, and the Spiritual Energy contract was equivalent to the "instrument" that could restrain the thoughts and abilities of the Spirit Control.    


Thus, in the course of research, Bai Yuhao came up with a kind of backtrack theory out of a whim. Usually, because genetic beasts were strong, humans had no choice but to use their own methods to control them. This was the same as the concept of Spirit Controller riding a Spirit Control in this world.    


As for the backpath theory, it meant running in the opposite direction. Then, the genetic beasts would take the initiative to surrender to humanity. Of course, that didn't work in theory because genetic beasts were stronger than humans and couldn't willingly submit to them.    


So, Bai Yuhao started with the genes that controlled the thoughts of the genetic beasts, and he had already made a lot of progress. Originally, he could have started a new field in the gene industry, but when it was raining, at the most crucial stage of his research, he somehow came to this world, and even possessed the body of a garbage prince.    


Before, due to too many things happening, Bai Yuhao had also forgotten about this research. Moreover, with the technology of this world, any genetic experiments of his were also very difficult to complete. But the appearance of the Dragon-Red also made him recall this research.    


Logically speaking, a gene change should be carried out within the mother's body in order to achieve the best results. Therefore, normally, even if Bai Yuhao had some ideas, it would be very difficult to do without the support of modern equipment.    


However, Bai Yuhao's genetic experiment was initially carried out on the young. It was only because the results were not satisfactory that he continued the experiment in the mother's body.    


The main purpose of the experiments on larvae was to stimulate the brain nerves of the larvae with modern instruments, and to induce the larvae to control the evolution of genes in their minds. However, due to the huge side effects, the larvae would become sluggish, sluggish, or even dead suddenly if they went too far. Therefore, it was later changed to be a maternal experiment.    


If Bai Yuhao wanted to control two Spirit Control at the same time, the only way was to make the Dragon-Red surrender to him. This way, not only could he control the Dragon-Red, he wouldn't restrict the growth of the Dragon-Red's power breakthroughs either. No matter how strong the Dragon-Red became, as long as the Dragon-Red submitted to him, he could control the Dragon-Red unrestricted.    


Although there was no modern equipment to support it, Spirit Controller's Spiritual Energy was quite capable. Therefore, Bai Yuhao's initial thought was to use the Spiritual Energy to stimulate the brain of the Dragon-Red from the outside world, so that the genes within his mind could change and evolve. Right now, the Dragon-Red was still in its infancy, so it was the best time to modify its genes.    


However, due to the situation with the larval experiment, doing this was somewhat risky. However, Bai Yuhao believed that he could master the proper timing to change the evolution of the Dragon-Red's genes without harming it.    


Of course, this would definitely be a long process. They mustn't be impetuous, otherwise, their efforts would be in vain.    


"Dragon-Red, I'll let you down." Bai Yuhao held the Dragon-Red and caressed its fluffy little head, after that, he used the Exquisite Hand to calculate the brain structure of the Dragon-Red, because the Exquisite Hand could be used to scan the structure of the Spirit Control's body by sending spiritual energy into it.    


It turned out that defeating the appraiser Lee Cheng in Treasure Beast Pavilion was also all due to the power of the Exquisite Hand. However, the Exquisite Hand was still just the more basic Animal Identification Art. As the beast identification level increased, the Animal Identification Art that one could learn from it would also become more powerful, allowing one to appraise attributes that other Animal Identification Art s were unable to appraise. From this, it could be seen that the Identifying Art was indeed very profound and profound!    


After using the Exquisite Hand to estimate the brain structure of the Dragon-Red, he used all kinds of modern theoretical knowledge to differentiate the functions that the different brain structures were responsible for. Finally, he found the brain region that controlled thought, a small piece that was like a small walnut.    


"It might be a little uncomfortable, bear with it!" Bai Yuhao comforted the Dragon-Red and gathered the Spiritual Energy at his fingertips. He was probably only at the first level of Mortal Feather Stage because he was afraid that if he was too strong, it would cause unnecessary damage to the Dragon-Red's brain.    


After getting ready, Bai Yuhao held onto the Dragon-Red's small head and aimed at the brain region that controlled its thoughts. He sent the Spiritual Energy deep into the brain, then gently stimulated the distribution of brain nerves in the cerebral cortex.    


After a while, the Dragon-Red began to show an uncomfortable reaction. Bai Yuhao immediately put away the Spiritual Energy and waited for it to adapt before doing the same thing to stimulate it again …    




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