Dragon Blood King



0The reason why Bai Yuhao had to return to the Confusion Forest was because he wanted to confirm his own speculations. He knew that the Spirit Control that Ji Yun killed was not the one that had chased them for the sixth squad the night before, and its physique was slightly different. Furthermore, his forelimb did not have the wound that he had left on it.    


Furthermore, he was very concerned about the Spirit Control chasing them last night. He even had a bold guess, so he wanted to confirm it for himself. Even though he knew that it would be extremely dangerous to enter this Confusion Forest alone again. However, with the Earth Battle Stage he had hidden and the fact that the Spirit Control was injured last night, there shouldn't be a problem.    


After entering the Confusion Forest, Bai Yuhao quickly returned to the last place that attracted the Spirit Control, which was near the puddle of mud where Zhao Daquan and the rest were hiding last night.    


When he arrived, Bai Yuhao saw bloodstains along the way. Then, he started to follow the blood trail to find the whereabouts of the Spirit Control. Because he had used the clothes taken off by Zhao Daquan and the others to lure away the Spirit Control last night, according to the location where he threw the clothes back to, coupled with the traces of blood that would appear from time to time along the way, he quickly traced a cave that was almost as tall as a person.    


The outside of the cave was covered in weeds, making the cave entrance very hidden. If it wasn't for the bloodstains outside the cave, it would be difficult to find the cave!    


Bai Yuhao observed the exterior of the cave for a while and saw that it was very quiet. There were no sounds coming from the cave, only lush vegetation and calm winds. Therefore, he approached the cave vigilantly and slowly sneaked in.    


Entering the cave, he found that it was taller than the outside. The cave was basically made of mud and rock. It was dry, suitable for use as a lair and hidden. It was obvious that these two Spirit Control knew how to pick their nests.    


The cave was not big. After walking for more than ten steps, Bai Yuhao saw the end. Under the dim light, he saw a semicircular shaped hole covered with grass leaves. However, most of the grass leaves were stained red with blood. At this moment, a black shadow was lying on top of it. Its stomach was facing upwards, and it let out a faint moan and groan. Its breath was very weak, as if it was about to die soon.    


Bai Yuhao looked carefully and saw that the one that was dying was the Spirit Control that chased after Bai Yuhao and the others last night. Its forelimb had obvious knife wounds and was stained with large amounts of blood.    


Seeing this, Bai Yuhao's eyes narrowed. After a moment of hesitation, he slowly walked closer.    


At this moment, the Spirit Control sensed the intruder's aura and suddenly opened its red eyes. It glared at Bai Yuhao who was approaching and let out a cat like cry. However, it didn't even have the strength to move. It could only use its eyes as a weapon, as if it wanted to scare Bai Yuhao away.    


As if it was afraid of something, it curled up its body as if it was trying to protect something. However, after just a slight movement, it immediately let out a painful howl, and at the same time, its protruding stomach started to squirm, as if something was moving inside.    


"As I thought. This was a pregnant Spirit Control, and from the looks of it, it was in a difficult situation to give birth to. Maybe it's because I pierced her last night, so she bled too much, causing her physical strength to decline and thus unable to produce properly. " He had originally thought that this kind of Spirit Control would look like this, but after seeing the other Spirit Control that was killed, he realized that the Spirit Control that had bulged out of its belly was most likely a female beast.    


These two Spirit Control should be a pair, which was probably why they settled down at Confusion Forest for the sake of production. Afterwards, they would attack the business journey and the village to collect food.    


Their three small teams appeared in Confusion Forest yesterday obviously because they detected these two Spirit Control and felt that they were a great threat. Thus, they took the initiative to attack and hunt them down, in order to drive them out of the Confusion Forest.    


After clearing his mind, Bai Yuhao walked towards the Spirit Control that was having a difficult time giving birth and began to check its condition.    


As for the Spirit Control, it immediately bared its fangs and brandished its claws at Bai Yuhao. It seemed to be filled with enmity and didn't want Bai Yuhao to get close to it.    


"Although I cannot save you, at least I can save your child." Bai Yuhao knew that the Spirit Control no longer had any killing power, so he wasn't worried at all. He touched its head with his hand and said.    


The Spirit Control suddenly blinked its eyes, as if it could hear Bai Yuhao's words. It blinked its red eyes, then stuck out its tongue and licked Bai Yuhao's hand.    


Bai Yuhao was very experienced in this kind of difficult labor situation, because in one of his genetic studies, there was a genetic experiment aimed at changing the baby in the mother animal. This kind of genetic experiment would often lead to difficult motherhood. Thus, his experience in this area was no less than that of a veterinarian specializing in midwifery.    


However, Bai Yuhao realized that things are not going well. The difficult labor has probably been going on for a long time, and the Cub is probably already under oxygen in the mother's womb." And the current situation was that the Spirit Control no longer had the strength to produce it. Unless the Cub was removed from the abdomen, there was no other way.    


At this time, the Spirit Control twitched its body in pain again, and looked at Bai Yuhao with its red eyes, as if it knew of its situation, and looked at Bai Yuhao with an expression full of maternal love.    


"I see. I will save him. "However, it might be very painful …" Right now, he could only cut open the Spirit Control's stomach and take it out. Otherwise, if he dragged it out any longer, the Cub might not even be able to hug him.    


The Spirit Control turned on its side, facing Bai Yuhao with its protruding stomach and its four limbs curled up, as if it was already prepared.    


Bai Yuhao immediately took out the Frost Wind and looked at the Spirit Control that was blinking. Then, without hesitation, he used the Frost Wind to follow the center of the bulge on his stomach and carefully cut open his stomach. In an instant, blood seeped out from the wound and covered his entire body.    


The Spirit Control also let out a painful wail, but it seemed to be holding it back. Its body trembled, but it did not move at all.    


After Bai Yuhao made a suitable cut, he extended his hand into the protruding belly. In the midst of the sticky flesh and blood, he touched Cub's body. Then, he slowly pulled his hands out from the belly. The Cub was covered in blood, its eyes still closed. It was extremely small, even smaller than the Dragon-like he had seen before.    


However, perhaps it was because of the difficult delivery, the Cub's breathing seemed very weak, and its entire body was blue.    




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