Dragon Blood King



0At the same time, Bai Yuhao did not know that the three treasures that he had obtained were actually the three treasures that he had secretly allied himself with Flame State, so he was prepared to pay the tribute to Woodgod Kingdom. However, he was already in danger, so how could he think about the origins of these three treasures?    


After the darkness, Bai Yuhao felt as if he had returned to his mother's womb. He was in a very sticky space that emitted a rotten smell. To be exact, he should be in the belly of a Spirit Control.    


Gathering the Spiritual Light in his palm and lighting up the surroundings, Bai Yuhao realized that the Spirit Control's stomach was not small at all. It was like a long and narrow room, about two meters wide, stretching out to the left and right, and it was filled with all kinds of garbage that had not been digested, including the bones of humans and beasts.    


"I should be inside this Spirit Control's stomach now, right? This is going to be troublesome! " If he knew this would happen, he wouldn't have been greedy and followed the Kylin King of Seven Clouds here. Although he found a treasure, he had already "buried" the body of the beast and could be digested at any time.    


Of course, Bai Yuhao would definitely not wait for death, he immediately took out the Frost Wind and forcefully poked at the wall of flesh, but he found that the wall of flesh was extremely flexible, even the Frost Wind could not pierce through it, so unless the Spirit Control could spit him out, he had no other choice.    


At this moment, Bai Yuhao suddenly felt that there was a strong aura of a Spiritual Energy in the depths of his vision. As a result, he immediately went up, all the way to the deepest part, he discovered a small space that looked like a spider web covered in thin lines of white meat. The white meat threads were connected to the surrounding meat walls, and the other end was connected to a half-human height bulge that looked like a silkworm chrysalis.    


Bai Yuhao looked carefully at the pillar of flesh and found something was flickering inside. His eyes immediately lit up: "Could it be that the one hiding inside is the Spirit Control's spirit source?"    


Because if this pillar in front of Bai Yuhao was really a Spirit Source, then if it was damaged, this Spirit Control would definitely be in big trouble. At that time, perhaps he could take the opportunity to escape.    


Thinking about that, Bai Yuhao picked up the Frost Wind without hesitation and waved it towards the meat pillar. A wave of Third Level of the Earth Battle transformed into an arc blade that smashed into the meat pillar, but suddenly, the meat pillar produced an electric current like the Spiritual Energy, crackling for a moment, and actually canceled out the flying Spiritual Energy arc blade.    


"He can even protect himself?" Bai Yuhao didn't expect the Spirit Control's spirit source to have such a powerful function.    


However, Bai Yuhao did not give up. He tried a few more times, but the result was the same. This Spirit Control was much stronger than him right now, at least a 3-star level 3.    


"Seems like I can only think of other ways." Just when Bai Yuhao was about to give up, all of a sudden, the white threads of flesh that were connected to the wall seemed to have come alive. They separated from the wall of flesh and wriggled in the air a few times.    


Bai Yuhao knew that the situation was bad, but it was too late for him to retreat. He hastily waved his Frost Wind and shot out many Spiritual Energy s to block, but the hand holding the Frost Wind was quickly entangled by two white lines of flesh. The other hand was about to continue casting Spiritual Martial Arts, but just as he was about to raise it, he was also entangled tightly by the white lines of flesh.    


In the blink of an eye, Bai Yuhao's four limbs and body were entangled by the white meat threads, like a cocoon surrounding him, making it hard for him to move.    


"Damn it!" Bai Yuhao's gaze turned serious, but he had no other choice.    


However, what happened next made Bai Yuhao even more surprised. He found that the Spiritual Energy s on his body were starting to run away. The white threads of flesh that wrapped around his body seemed to be consuming the Spiritual Energy s in his body.    


Bai Yuhao's expression changed instantly, because if he was sucked in like this, he was afraid that his spirit would be drained and he would die. At this time, he suddenly thought of the dried corpse and the cave full of corpses. It seemed like they were all Spirit Controller who died after the Spirit Control sucked him dry as a delicacy.    


"I was really killed by the Kylin King of Seven Clouds." At this moment, Bai Yuhao's face was very ugly. If there was still a chance, he would definitely try to solve the predicament he was in. However, for him right now, there was nothing he could do.    


Was he really going to die in the stomach of this Spirit Control?    


Of course not!    


"If my spirit is sucked dry and I die, then all my efforts from before would have been in vain. I would have to go back to my Palace City to seek revenge on Loong Ao, and I would have to find Xue Yan …" Bai Yuhao's gaze became evil and charming. His face was cold, but he appeared extremely calm. There were still many things that he had yet to do, so he could not die here.    


Bai Yuhao's mind immediately flashed across all the information records of Spirit Control s, and searched for records that matched this Spirit Control, only by knowing yourself and knowing your enemy would you be able to win a hundred battles. Very quickly, he found a record that matched this Spirit Control's information. This Spirit Control was called the Spirit Devouring Demonic Python, and it lived off of the Spiritual Energy that devoured Spirit Controller.    


"Since this Spirit Swallowing Demonic Python relies on consuming Spiritual Energy for its livelihood, then the pillar of meat in front of me should not be a spirit source, but rather the central system that absorbs and converts Spiritual Energy. If I can destroy this pillar of flesh, maybe I can affect the operations of the central system and force it to stop, that way I can use my chance." Bai Yuhao analyzed very calmly.    


Not to mention destroying the pillar of meat, he couldn't even get close to the pillar of meat. Furthermore, he couldn't even break the pillar of meat when using Frost Wind.    


However, Bai Yuhao had to destroy the pillar of meat, otherwise, he would have no hope of escaping.    


Time passed minute by minute, second by second, and the Spiritual Energy in Bai Yuhao's body were constantly being drained away. As long as he had a little more time, even if he tried to think of a solution, it would be useless.    


Just at this moment, Bai Yuhao suddenly remembered that he had obtained one of the three treasures, the Dragon Fire Pearl. As long as he injected the Dragon Fire Pearl, it would produce a very strong flame, and right now, the Dragon Fire Pearl was in his arms.    


Since time was running out, Bai Yuhao had no choice but to give it a shot.    


"Let's go all out!" Bai Yuhao clenched his teeth, and immediately gathered all of the Spiritual Energy in his body. However, the faster he gathered the Spiritual Energy, the faster they would be absorbed.    




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