Heaven Devouring Immortal Emperor

C122 Zuo Family

C122 Zuo Family

0Apart from completing Zuo Liangyu's transaction, Feng Yimo also wanted to trade some important things in the Business Alliance, especially for the books of refining. After entering the Golden Core, it was time to forge his natal magic treasure.    


He had the Instantaneous Gold, Black Crystal Diamond, Deification Period Corpse Demon Nails, and other top grade refining materials. What he lacked were only refining books. The Thousand Buddha Hand was considered a good forging technique, but it lacked detailed guidance.    


The spiritual energy in the Business Alliance region seemed to be denser than that of the Profound Yin Sect. Feng Yimo cultivated as he walked, and his cultivation base slowly increased.    




A month and a half later, Feng Yimo appeared in front of a huge city. The city was more than two hundred miles east and west, and three hundred miles north and south. It was a huge city! The eight city gates were all opened. People were coming in and out of the city. It was very lively.    


"Is this the Celestial Secret City of the Business Alliance? It is indeed extraordinary!" Feng Yimo muttered to himself. After almost four months, he finally arrived at his destination. He was naturally in a good mood. At this time, he concealed his cultivation at the ninth level of Foundation Establishment. Celestial Secret City was no better than Maple Leaf Town. It was better to keep a low profile.    


Just as he reached the city gate, a fleet of carriages drove out from the city. There were more than 50 carriages, and each carriage was escorted by two Foundation Establishment Cultivator. At the very front of the carriages was a banner, fluttering in the wind. Feng Yimo could clearly see that the words "Business Alliance - Left Alliance" were written on it.    


It was obvious that this was a fleet of carriages heading to other places for trade.    


After the convoy left, Feng Yimo entered the Celestial Secret City. He was immediately stunned by the bustling scene inside.    


Inside was a main street that was 30 meters wide. The two rows of shops were at least five to six stories tall. The tallest building was a dozen stories tall. There were all kinds of shops everywhere. The plaque was as dense as a bamboo forest. It was dazzling to the eyes.    


There was nothing that could not be bought here. Only you had enough spirit stones. You could buy anything!    


Dozens of spirit medicine shops had a variety of different kinds. Even the fourth and fifth grade medicinal Spiritual Fruits were sold, but the price was ridiculously high.    


In the artifact forging shop, Feng Yimo even saw an ancient treasure that sold for five million spirit stones. He was so scared that he was scared. He thought his eyes were playing tricks on him.    


Feng Yimo secretly shook his head. He always thought he was rich, but who would have thought that he would only know that he was poor when he arrived in Celestial Secret City. Holy Origin Fruits, instant gold, black crystal diamonds, and other top grade materials were priceless. Unfortunately, he didn't dare to reveal any of them. Otherwise, he wouldn't even know how he died.    


"Let's finish Zuo Liangyu's task first." After making up his mind, Feng Yimo asked someone about the Zuo Family's location and headed straight for it.    


Recalling the carriages that had just entered the city, the words "Business Alliance - Left Alliance" should be the caravan of the Zuo Family. More than a hundred Foundation Establishment disciples had been dispatched all of a sudden. There were also more than a dozen Cultivator of the Golden Core Period. The Zuo Family had quite a strong foundation.    




By the time Feng Yimo found the Zuo Family, an hour had passed. There was a tall wall and a majestic gate. The doormen standing outside the gate were all mid Foundation Establishment cultivators. When they saw Feng Yimo walking towards the gate, one of the doormen stepped forward and stopped him. "Stop right there. This is where the left alliance of the Zuo Family is located. No one is allowed to get close to here."    


Feng Yimo cupped his fists and said, "I am Feng Yimo. I have come to your manor to return the relics with Senior Zuo Liangyu's will."    


The doorman was shocked and quickly said, "Please wait a moment, Fellow Daoist. Allow me to go in and report." After he finished speaking, he rushed into the courtyard. Not long after, the servant returned and opened the door. A man dressed like a butler came out from behind him. When he saw Feng Yimo, he cupped his fists and said, "It must be this Guy who is helping us. I am the steward of the Zuo Family, Zuo Quan. Our family head invites you!"    


Feng Yimo cupped his fists in greeting and followed Elder Steward to the main hall. The entire Zuo Family occupied a vast area. When they came in from the main entrance, they first saw a garden with birds singing and flowers singing. There were small bridges and flowing water, pavilions and pavilions. There were groups of cranes. They were relaxed and at ease. Then, there were buildings. They were arranged in an orderly manner and contained some kind of special formation.    


Feng Yimo secretly used the Qi Watching Technique. He couldn't help but be shocked. The buildings, bridges, and pavilions were arranged by a grade five formation called the "Space Splitting Confinement Killing Formation." Even Nascent Infant Period warriors would be trapped in it if they intruded. Their lives might be in danger if they didn't manage to do so. * Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!    


He quietly memorized the positions of each Formation Base, and perhaps he could use them.    


"Elder Steward, may I ask what your family head's name is?" Feng Yimo remembered that Zuo Liangyu had said that he would give the things to Zuo Shuxin. He couldn't give it to the wrong person.    


Elder Steward looked at him and said, "The family head's name is Zuo Jiangshan. Guy must remember it."    


Feng Yimo nodded and said, "Yes." Thank you, housekeeper. May I ask if your family has a man named Zuo Shuxin?"    


Elder Steward stopped in surprise. "How did Guy know about this man?"    


Feng Yimo smiled and said, "It was Senior Zuo Liangyu who told me to give the things to Zuo Shuxin."    


"Oh, I see. Zuo Shuxin just went out to deliver the goods this morning. He will not be back until a few days later." Elder Steward said.    


While they were talking, Elder Steward reached the lobby and pushed the door open." Guy, please come in! The family head will come to see you in a moment. Please wait a moment!"    


"Alright, thank you, Elder Steward!"    


After Elder Steward left, Feng Yimo seriously sized up the guest hall of Zuo Family. In the middle of the hall were two yellow rosewood chairs. The back of the chairs was more than five feet tall, and the armrests were carved with strange patterns. At the bottom corner was a fist-sized tiger head. The four legs of the chair were carved into the shape of a tiger's feet. In the middle of the two chairs was a three feet square table. It was clean and clean.    


Above the chairs and tables was a painting. There were rolling mountains drawn on it. It was green and majestic, and the style was quite unique. There were no question marks on it. No one knew who drew it.    


Next were ten guest chairs. They were made of brown walnut. It was quite ancient. Feng Yimo casually picked up the last chair on the left and sat down. He quietly waited for Zuo Shaan's arrival.    


In an independent house about 30 meters away from the guest hall, a middle-aged cultivator was observing Feng Yimo's every move with his arms crossed. This man looked dignified. His eyebrows were heavy, his eyes were bright, and his mouth was wide. He had an extraordinary bearing. The pressure from his body made the steward beside him not dare to breathe. He saw Feng Yimo sitting calmly. He turned to Elder Steward and said, "Did he really only give the things to Zuo Shuxin?"    


"Master, he did say that." Elder Steward quickly replied.    


"Yes, let him sit for a while. I will meet him later."    






Feng Yimo sat quietly in the guest hall for two hours. The patriarch of the Zuo Family had yet to show up, so he could not help but feel angry. However, he did not show any expression on his face. Instead, he closed his eyes and closed his eyes. He quietly used the Divine Sense to observe the room's layout. When the Divine Sense passed by a palm-sized mirror on the main beam, it did not stop there. It kept the Divine Sense, stood up, and went to the door. It reached out its hand to pull the door open.    


The door was suddenly pushed open. Then, a hearty laughter was heard. "I apologize for making the honored guest wait for so long. Zuo Quan, why didn't he serve tea to the honored guest?"    


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