Heaven Devouring Immortal Emperor

C681 Help

C681 Help

0Feng Yimo came alone to the bustling street. Today was a day of rest, and he had a lot of money in his pocket. He wanted to experience the life of a rich man.    


Currently, he had 7,300,000 Spirit Crystals on him. They weren't much for Nascent Infant and Soul Formation realm cultivators, but for warriors and commoners, they wouldn't be able to spend all of them in a few lifetimes.    


However, he first came to an inn called the "lucky guest." He asked the waiter about Qing Yu's room and knocked on the door.    


"Who is it?" A nervous voice came from the room. Although it was a little hoarse, it was very pleasant to hear and was full of magnetism.    


"Liu Duansheng!" Feng Yimo said.    


The door opened. Qing Yu was still covering her face with a veil, looking at Feng Yimo warily. She naturally recognized the young man in front of her as a dark horse, a monstrous genius who was able to kill an innate genius.    


"What are you doing here?" Qing Yu's tone was unfriendly, showing her cautious attitude.    


Feng Yimo smiled and said, "Miss Qing Yu do not need to be nervous. You are learning the rapid blood technique, right? I still have the Mixed Origin Arts, Monument Opening Palm, Thunder Explosive Fist, and the life-risking technique. Do you want to learn it?"    


Hearing these names, Qing Yu's heart palpitated. These martial arts were all innate techniques without exception. If she learned them, her combat strength would definitely increase greatly.    


But she had never met this person before, so why would he help her? If he did not have anything to do, he would either be a traitor or a thief! Could it be that the Liu Duansheng in front of him was a lecher and had taken a fancy to him?    


Feng Yimo used the Great Wisdom Eye to see Qing Yu's thoughts and smiled bitterly. Did he give others such a frivolous feeling?    


"Miss Qing Yu, you are thinking too much. I just want to help you. These are martial arts Secret Scriptures and this Strength Pill can increase your strength by five times. It is enough to deal with the challenge tomorrow. Goodbye!" Feng Yimo passed the few Secret Scriptures that he had copied overnight to Qing Yu. There was a jade bottle on the Secret Scripture, and inside was a Strength Pill.    


This was what he asked Liu Ruomei for last night. Although it was not as good as the Strength Pill, it was also a rare kind of medicinal pill. To martial artists, it was something that could only be chanced upon but not sought. Liu Ruomei thought that Feng Yimo had taken it and gave one without hesitation.    


Qing Yu looked at Feng Yimo's back as he left. She felt that it was a little strange. In the world, Was there such a good person in the world? She picked up the Mixed Origin Arts and flipped through it. Based on her experience, it was the orthodox Secret Scripture. The other few were the same. They were all genuine innate techniques.    


Just these basic medicinal Secret Scriptures made people jealous, let alone the Strength Pill. What was this person trying to do?    


With doubts, Qing Yu closed the door and came to the dressing table. She gently took off her veil, revealing a face covered in scars.    


An ugly monster appeared in the bronze mirror. Other than a pair of lively and beautiful big eyes, it was simply too horrible to look at. Because her beauty brought disaster to her family and her husband's family, after escaping from Bafeng City, Qing Yu personally returned to her beautiful appearance. From then on, her heart was as hard as steel. The motivation to live was to take revenge and take revenge!    


Looking at the ugly face in the bronze mirror, Qing Yu felt as if her heart was being cut by a knife. She quietly put on her veil and picked up the Mixed Origin Arts to practice. She wanted to take revenge and overthrow the cultivation city lord. To a warrior like her, it was an impossible task. In the eyes of a high-level warrior, a warrior was just an ant!    


Therefore, to strengthen oneself was the hard way. Even if Qing Yu had doubts about the purpose of Liu Duansheng giving her the innate technique, she could not resist the temptation of the innate technique. Without powerful abilities, how could she take revenge?    


At the same time, Peng Mingshang and the others of Pengjia City gathered together. The atmosphere was oppressive. They did not expect that with Lei Meng's means and the Divine Power Pill, he would not be able to kill Liu Duansheng. Would the remaining Fenng Yu be able to enter the top 50 smoothly tomorrow?    


The answer was obvious. That Liu Duansheng was a madman. After a few rounds, he was basically targeting the warriors of Pengjia City. Tomorrow's competition could be challenged as he wished. This man would definitely not let Fenng Yu go.    


What should he do?    


Peng Mingshang frowned and looked at the dejected Fenng Yu. More than a dozen warriors were almost completely wiped out. He was the only one left. How could he not be scared?    


"Fenng Yu, your brother Feng Zhan is dead. Do you have any family in your family?" Peng Mingshang asked slowly.    


Fenng Yu was a middle-aged man in his forties with short and thick eyebrows. When he heard the young master's question, his heart trembled and he laughed bitterly. He knew that the young master was going to sacrifice himself.    


He stood up and bowed to Peng Mingshang. "There is only an old mother in her seventies left in the family. I hope that the young master will take care of her and let her enjoy the rest of her life."    


Peng Mingshang sighed and helped Fenng Yu up with his own hands. He said, "I have no choice but to come up with this plan. You can go without worry. I will arrange everything for the old madam. This is a Godfiend Pill. Even if a Golden Core Cultivator were to consume it, it would not be able to withstand its immense power. You only have 20 breaths of time. His body would explode and he would die! This time, he needed to die together with Liu Duansheng. Our Pengjia City has no harvest, and Liuyu City will not have a good time either! " At the end of his sentence, A cold light flashed across Peng Mingshang's eyes. It seemed like he hated Feng Yimo to the core.    


Fenng Yu quietly took a pill and put it in his arms. "Yes! This subordinate understands!"    


Peng Mingshang patted Fenng Yu's shoulder and took out tens of thousands of Spirit Crystals. "Today, you should go and have a good time. Don't be afraid of spending money."    


"Yes!" Fenng Yu took the Spirit Crystals, turned around, and left in big strides.    


"Elder Chu, look at him. Don't let him escape!" After Fenng Yu left, Peng Mingshang said to Elder Chu, who was beside him, "This is the last chess piece. Nothing can happen to it."    


"Yes, Eldest Young Master!" Elder Chu replied and disappeared from the room.    




When Yun Ke came to the restaurant, Liu Ruomei sat alone in the room. She went to look for Liu Duansheng just now. But this guy had abandoned her and left by himself. This made her very unhappy. Why did she, the young miss, become a servant instead? She went to look for him. Humph, when you come back, you'll see what's good for you.    


Duk Duk Duk! Duk Duk Duk!    


There was a knock on the door. Liu Ruomei thought Feng Yimo had come back. She quickly stood up and opened the door. When she saw Second Brother and Liu Yuanbi, she asked impatiently, "Is something the matter?"    


"Fourth Younger Sister, it's rare for you to rest today. Go out with Second Brother for a stroll." Liu Yuanbi said with a flattering smile.    


Liu Ruomei looked at Liu Yuanbi. She knew very well what kind of character Second Brother had. He would never treat her well. What was going on today? Did the sun rise from the west?    


"Is something the matter?" Liu Ruomei did not have any intention of letting Liu Yuanbi into the house and asked bluntly.    


"Hehe, it's like this. The young masters and young ladies of the Prefecture have held a banquet to invite the young masters and young ladies of the various city lords. They specially reminded me to let Second Brother bring you there. This is a rare opportunity. You can go there."    


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