Omnipotent Cellphone

C243 Strange Temples

C243 Strange Temples

0Han Yuxi kowtowed to those Bodhisattvas before standing up. Although she didn't believe in Buddha, she felt that kowtowing was more of a courtesy, right?    


The inside of the temple was covered with spider webs. Yu Fei finally managed to take out his own fire machine and set it on fire, while the spider webs and the vines all turned into ashes. Jiang Xiaobai found some weeds and tied them into a broom, and swept out the dust inside.    


"Bodhi Temple." "Han Yuxi slowly recited the name. She felt that the name of this temple was very strange." How could there be such a temple in this deep mountain forest? Could it be that a lot of people lived here before? "    


Jiang Xiaobai felt that this place used to be filled with people looking at the steps of this temple. It was done in such an exquisite manner that each piece of stone was engraved with lotus flowers. When Yu Fei saw a small pond beside him, he immediately found a broken water jar and used it.    


Island Lord, this temple is really too beautiful. It seems like in the past, there must have been a lot of people living in this area, and if there were ghosts, then those people might have been murdered. That's why they have been gathering in this area and refused to leave.    


Jiang Xiaobai had never seen such an exquisite temple before, although this temple wasn't very big, but it used to be a pretty big courtyard with a lot of brick marks on the side. There was only one possibility, if these people didn't want to leave, then these people should be monks, which was why they were murdered.    


"I already understood, you guys just hide inside and don't want to come out, they shouldn't be able to hurt you. Alright, hurry up and use the water to reveal the things on the pillar, they must be very afraid of these things, so use the soil to cover them up, only at night they can freely enter and leave this place."    


Han Yuxi and Qin Ziyih also found a few old and broken crockery in the corner and helped to wash the mud off the columns.    


"Jiang Xiaobai, why don't you hurry over and help us? You can hide here if you're scared, but if you're in danger, can we run out and save you? "    


Jiang Xiaobai also took the weeds and rubbed the mud on the pillar. After a while, you'll wash it clean.    


Don't be silly, if even I can't deal with it, you guys running over will only add trouble and change me from active to passive. You guys can just hide here today, but it seems like you guys won't be able to return tonight, and won't be able to return until tomorrow.    


Qin Ziyih saw a few large pine trees nearby. There was a lot of oil on the pine trees, so it seemed that many years since someone had come to collect them, even a lot of it fell to the ground. Qin Ziyih took out her cell phone and used the light to search the temple.    


"Han Yuxi, let's go gather that oil quickly. We'll be able to see the light after burning it tonight. Don't you think ghosts are afraid of lights? As long as there are lights, we'll be safe."    


Han Yuxi nodded again and again. She felt that Qin Ziyih had become smarter than herself and immediately ran over to help him. Yu Fei sighed with emotion as he watched the two girls' backs.    


"Island Lord, I think that the two of them are really strong, and I thought they would be scared to death. Look at them, they are very active now, you can go handle things later, don't worry about me, there are so many Bodhisattvas here, and now there are lotus flowers underfoot, there shouldn't be a big problem."    


Jiang Xiaobai walked into the temple and looked at the censers in front of the worship Bodhisattva, which seemed to be new and had never been used before. Jiang Xiaobai walked into the temple and looked at the incense burner in front of the worship Bodhisattva, which seemed to be new and had never been used before, but it was already covered in green rust.    


"Yu Fei, do you have any studies on Buddhism? As far as I know, isn't there only one lotus flower known as Guan Yin Bodhisattva? "Look at all the Bodhisattvas in here, they are all male. Why is it that everyone already has a lotus flower in their hands?"    


Yu Fei had never believed in ghosts and gods. He had never been inside the temple before. If it wasn't because he was scared, he wouldn't have hidden here today.    


"I'm very sorry, Island Master. You should know that I am an unlucky person, so you know nothing about this matter. I am unable to answer your question, but I feel that the ground here is very high. And then I let them die inside, that's why the grievances over there are so heavy. "    


Jiang Xiaobai felt that all of this was just a conjecture, but he would get an answer soon. He must get a clear answer on this matter tonight.    


"Look carefully, is this Bodhisattva made from you or wood? If I make wood, I'll be afraid, and then I'll laugh a little, and if they fall down, it'll be bad for you guys. "    


Hearing him say that, Yu Fei immediately climbed up the high stairs and touched Bodhisattva's body. He felt that she was definitely not made of wood, so he exerted a little strength and lightly knocked on it. He felt that his hand was hurting.    


"They're neither made of wood nor clay? I just knocked on the door, and it sounded like there was an echo. Was he made of copper? "    


Jiang Xiaobai immediately walked to the back of the Bodhisattva when he heard her words. Sure enough, he saw a golden color at the back. These three Bodhisattvas were so huge. How much copper was needed to complete them? It seemed like this was not a small temple. He must have been a very large temple in the past to have this much money and material resources.    


Yu Fei and the others are really made of copper. Although there's green rust on the back, they look relatively new, and there doesn't seem to be any smell of incense in this temple. Although so many years have passed, perhaps this smell has already dispersed.    


Yu Fei walked to Jiang Xiaobai's side and observed the Buddha statue. He found that the entire pedestal was connected to the body without any seams. It could be said to be perfect.    


"The ancients were really too powerful, to be able to make a bronze statue this big? How much would it cost? Unfortunately, I am no longer connected to the internet. Otherwise, I could check what era it was. Then we can know what happened in the past, and maybe everything will be solved. "    


Jiang Xiaobai reached his hand to the side of the cave wall and felt helpless. He didn't know that there was a temple here! I really didn't expect that there wasn't even a network here, your phone had no signal at all, and it would be impossible to call out. He should have made an appointment with Feng Xiaobao before they came. If they didn't go back, he could have come to look for them. But now that they walked on a strange path, Feng Xiaobao definitely wouldn't be able to find them.    


"I thought it was a small matter? Now that the sky is already dark, hurry up and tell Han Yuxi and Qin Ziyih to come in and not to walk around outside. Look at them, they are very daring, and don't look scared at all, as if they are just walking around the courtyard. Wait a bit, no matter what happens outside, you guys can't run out, you know? "    


After saying that, Jiang Xiaobai leaned his whole body against the wall behind him. He felt as if the wall of the cave had moved a little, and was startled and immediately jumped away. Only then did he discover that there was a big hole in the wall behind him.    


Yu Fei was very happy. He stretched out his hand and grabbed those tattered censors and placed them in the bronze censer in front of the Bodhisattva. He lit the incense with the fire and a gust of wind blew by.    


Island Lord, I don't know how this spice was made, but it smells very comfortable. The fragrance that we're burning in that temple is much better, and it looks like this production is also very meticulous. It must be recorded in history.    


Han Yuxi and Qin Ziyih walked in. They were very happy when they smelled this strange fragrance.    


"What kind of trees did you burn?" "Why is the scent so light, suitable for us girls to smell? I really like it, we can bring some of this wood back with us."    


Yu Fei had already gone elsewhere to look for something. He felt that he must have found something else as well. Jiang Xiaobai saw that the two of them were not afraid at all and seemed to be very interested.    


That's just a candle that was left behind in the temple in the past, but they have already turned into dust and the smell seems to have changed, but after burning it it still smells pretty good, I'm afraid it's impossible for us to bring it back, it must be collected from the surroundings, if there's nothing else tomorrow morning, we can also look for the materials, maybe we can find them.    


Jiang Xiaobai saw that the two of them weren't going to collect the fat. After all this time, they didn't bring anything in. Could it be that the things they collected were waiting for him outside to bring it in?    


"Where's the fat?"    


"The two of us did a lot, and the ground was filled with them. That's why we left them outside. However, why don't you take a look at the lotuses outside?" Now that they were silvery white, could there be a problem with them? I'm a bit worried. "    


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