Omnipotent Cellphone

C196 Too Domineering

C196 Too Domineering

0Fenng Yu and Fenng Jie's face changed. Just as they wanted to say something, Jiang Xiaobai continued, "If there is one, remind your young master, I don't mind having another woman!"    




Jiang Xiaobai's playful voice was like needles stabbing into the air, shocking all the students present to the point that their scalps went numb.    


Jiang... Jiang... Is Jiang Xiaobai crazy? How dare he talk to these terrifying outsiders in such a manner? Was it going to be Jiang Xiaobai's day of sacrifice next year?    


"You deserve to die!" Fenng Yu and Fenng Jie were stunned at first, but soon after, their eyes turned bone-chilling cold.    


They were also extremely shocked and could not believe what they had just heard. Was this kid in front of him really that reckless? This was even more suicide than suicide!    


Fenng Yu, Fenng Jie, and the other outsiders simply looked down on the so-called experts of Silver Sea University. Especially Xu Wu, who could easily defeat the existences of Leng Mang, Wan Jun, and Zheng Bu, these so-called Martial Arts Ranking of Silver Sea University.    


From their point of view, this number one expert of the Silver Sea University, Jiang Xiaobai, was definitely just like Leng Mang and the others.    


"I want one arm for each of them!" The next second, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly said for no reason.    


Many students, as well as outsiders like Fenng Yu and Fenng Jie, couldn't help but sneer at such ridiculous words. What a delusional fool.    


Did he think that he was facing an ordinary student of Silver Sea University or someone from Secular World? Now, you, Jiang Xiaobai, are facing these mysterious, terrifying, cruel, and invincible outsiders!    




The sneer hadn't even faded yet.    




"Puff, puff …"    


Two consecutive sounds.    


Fresh blood gushed out like a fountain from Fenng Jie and Fenng Yu's arms, and the pungent stench from the blood made them nauseous.    


It was clear to see that Fenng Jie's and Fenng Yu's arms were broken.    


"AHH …." After a single breath, Fenng Jie, on the other hand, seemed to feel pain. Their faces were pale and they howled crazily. The pain was so excruciating that they wished they were dead, their bodies trembled as they retreated, their eyes almost bulging with blood, as if they had seen the most terrifying thing in the world.    


From start to finish, they didn't say anything about resisting. Even when they did react, they didn't have the slightest bit of reaction.    


It was just like a dream.    


At the same time, Blood Demon remained silent. She held the Blood Serpent Sword in her hand and disappeared into thin air.    


It was Blood Demonrin's hand.    


Her level of cultivation was not as high as Fenng Yu and Fenng Jie, and her pure strength was not as high as Fenng Jie and Fenng Yu's. However, she had an extremely terrifying point, which was her concealment technique.    


Especially after Jiang Xiaobai gave her the complete Blood Shadow Spell, Blood Demon's strength had not only improved, but most importantly, her concealment technique had also become almost perfect.    


Right now, not to mention two experts at the middle stage of the Profound Level, even if it were an expert at the middle stage of the Earth Realm, it would still be difficult to discover her concealed figure.    


Because of this terrifying concealment technique, even if his cultivation and strength were inferior to Fenng Yu and Fenng Jie, so what?    


As she got closer, she easily completed the task Jiang Xiaobai gave her with two slashes.    


"AHH … …" "Fenng Yu and Fenng Jie were still screaming, almost fainting from the pain. The blood on their arms was still flowing crazily, not showing any signs of stopping. They were already dizzy and black from the loss of blood.    


In and out of the classroom.    


It was indescribably bizarre!    


All the students were stupefied...    


He nearly bit off his tongue.    


How could this be? Just a moment ago, in their hearts, the outsiders like Fenng Jie and Fenng Yu were like demon gods, invincible, shocking, domineering, and tyrannical …    


At this moment, the two strongest foreigners, Fenng Jie and Fenng Yu, were like two ants and were almost crushed to death!    


This huge gap in his heart was almost exactly the same as the moment he jumped down from the top of the hundred-story building.    


The burden in their hearts was too great, to the point that their hearts were about to collapse.    


"Throw them out of this building!" The next second, Jiang Xiaobai said to Leng Mang and the other two who were slowly climbing up from the ground.    


"Yes, young master!" Leng Mang and the other two nodded their heads heavily. They were extremely respectful, extremely respectful and extremely proud.    


"As for you two …" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Xu Wu and the rest of the dozen or so outsiders: "If you want to stay at Silver Sea University for a while, then you can stay. If you don't, then scram. The first sentence, do not let me know which student of Silver Sea you bully, or else I might want your legs, or your head. Second sentence, of the ten spots for Silver Sea University, none of you will get one. All of the slots are for me, Jiang Xiaobai.    




Too overbearing...    


The moment Jiang Xiaobai's indifferent voice sounded, Xu Wu and the rest of the outsiders almost suffocated. They stared unblinkingly at Jiang Xiaobai and felt indescribable anger and humiliation in their hearts.    


However, they didn't dare to object.    


Just now, the strange scene of Fenng Jie and Fenng Yu losing their arms had clearly appeared in front of them.    


"What is it? Still not getting out? " Jiang Xiaobai snorted: "If you don't want to leave, you can stay!"    


Xu Wu and the rest trembled, and then they turned around, one step at a time. It was as if their legs were filled with cement and were extremely heavy.    


The onlookers inside and outside the classroom were silent. All that was left was an indescribable fear and shock towards Jiang Xiaobai.    


"Disperse!" What are you doing surrounding the entrance of the classroom? " Jiang Xiaobai glanced at the students crowded at the entrance of the classroom and said lightly.    


Immediately, all the students dispersed, not one of them daring to say a word.    


The students dispersed.    



Within two hours.    


Jiang Xiaobai's name once again became a hurricane that swept through the entire Silver Sea University.    


At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai was accompanying Han Yuxi to class comfortably.    


Time passed quickly.    


One morning passed.    


After school at noon.    


Jiang Xiaobai and Han Yuxi walked out of the school side by side. Along the way, they were really like celebrities in the eyes of everyone. There were too many students following behind them and taking photos.    




"Jiang Xiaobai, wait …" A voice came from behind him.    


"Ge Liu-Li?" Jiang Xiaobai turned around and looked at his opponent. It was Ge Liu-Li, the dark and fat girl who was Xue Leeluo's roommate.    


"Jiang Xiaobai, help Leeluo!" Ge Pingping asked anxiously.    


"What's wrong?" Jiang Xiaobai's expression changed. He felt embarrassed and guilty. That day, Xue Leeluo confessed to him and asked him to watch a movie. Unfortunately, he was busy and couldn't make it.    


"Leeluo's father's health hasn't been good. He was hospitalized two days ago. Leeluo hurried home after receiving the news. It's been a few days, but there's been no news …" Ge Pingping started to speak faster: "Jiang Xiaobai, Leeluo really likes you, you... Even if you don't like her, help her! "Please!"    


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