Omnipotent Cellphone

C256 The Price of Jealousy

C256 The Price of Jealousy

0Snowy understood Han Yuxi's words and ran downstairs.    


"Jiang Xiaobai, look at how Snowy listens to me. She will do whatever I tell her to do, why can't you listen to me? So you should learn from Snowy, in case I'm in a bad mood, the relationship between the two of us will become even more tense. "    


Jiang Xiaobai twitched his mouth. He didn't agree with Han Yuxi's argument. After all, Snowy was an animal and he was a human. How could these two matters be compared to each other? And their relationship was so good, could it be that they couldn't compare to a little snow?    


"The obedient pet is your pet, not your lover, you know? The one I like best. "    


Han Yuxi felt that Jiang Xiaobai's explanation was reasonable. She also didn't really like men who listened to those words, especially men like Yu Fei who listened to Qin Ziyi. She didn't think it was good at all.    


"I'm very satisfied with your explanation."    


Jiang Xiaobai touched his forehead and felt that his forehead was full of sweat. He was afraid that today would be another sleepless night. Who knew that he would be forgiven so easily? God bless him!    


"Han Yuxi, I think that Bodhisattva is very effective. Ever since we came back from that place, everything that happened to us is good stuff without any bad things happening. How about we go there this Sunday and burn some incense? Maybe our luck will improve after that."    


Han Yuxi had just sat down in front of the dressing table and looked at her reflection in the mirror. She felt as if she had aged a lot over the course of the night and there was not a single trace of blood on her face.    


"I don't really believe that. If you were going, I wouldn't go there by myself. I was dreaming when I fell asleep last night, and when I woke up, I didn't have any energy left. If you believe me, you can go there to worship."    


Jiang Xiaobai didn't know how to explain himself. He was afraid that if he told her what happened to him, Han Yuxi would be worried. However, if he didn't tell her, he wouldn't believe him. It would be too difficult.    


"Why don't you come with me? "If you don't go, others will still think that we're having a bad relationship. I don't understand, every time Lin Cheng calls for you, you'll immediately rush over without the slightest hesitation. Why is it that when I call for you, I evade everything, don't you have any feelings for me?"    


Han Yuxi stood up abruptly. She felt that Jiang Xiaobai was making a ruckus without reason. Maybe he was the same age as her, so their relationship was childish?    




Seeing how angry he was, Jiang Xiaobai felt better. It seemed like he guessed wrong. However, he was still worried if he didn't give it a try.    


"I met an old friend today."    


Han Yuxi wanted to argue with him, but she immediately changed the topic. She thought that they knew a lot of people in the past, so she didn't know which one he was referring to.    




"Black Dragon."    


Han Yuxi exclaimed. No wonder her right eyelid was twitching. She was going to meet her childhood sweetheart.    


"Where is he? I want to see it. "    


Jiang Xiaobai was fuming. It was not easy for him to control his temper. It was wishful thinking to meet Han Yuxi when he saw that she was not afraid of him.    




Han Yuxi felt that Jiang Xiaobai was rather meaningless. Since he had already revealed this matter, why was she so worried? Don't you have any confidence in yourself? No matter what, the Black Dragon was a friend that he grew up with. Han Yuxi was still slightly excited to be able to meet her again here, even though they had already fallen out.    




"Without a reason, not allowing it is simply not allowing it. How can there be so many reasons?" Jiang Xiaobai answered straightforwardly with a straight face. There was no room for negotiation, which made Han Yuxi panic.    


The two stayed in a deadlock for a long time. Han Yuxi walked to Jiang Xiaobai's side, hugged his arm and said softly.    


"I know that you are jealous, but you also know that my feelings for the Black Dragon is purely friendship. Moreover, he plotted against me in the end, so how could I possibly have feelings for him? He just felt that his childhood friend wanted to meet him and see how he was doing. "Nothing else."    


Jiang Xiaobai didn't have such a strong objection at this time. However, he still felt that meeting Han Yuxi was not a good thing. He stretched out his hand to caress Han Yuxi's hair and felt a lot more at ease.    


"If that's all you want to know, I can tell you right now that he's having a very bad time, but after my help, I think he'll be better off than before."    


Han Yuxi was surprised. What was Jiang Xiaobai doing, helping the Black Dragon? The two of them had been rivals since they got to know each other. They had never reconciled once, and now, Jiang Xiaobai …    


"How did you help him? Tell me, how about I listen to it? "    


Jiang Xiaobai was very proud to be asked about this. He told Han Yuxi everything about his encounter with the Black Dragon this afternoon, with a very proud tone. Seeing his friendly attitude, Han Yuxi quickly gave him a thumbs up, praising him with all her might.    


"Jiang Xiaobai, I really admire you. If it was me, I definitely wouldn't forgive you. Before, when I didn't know Ah Zhu, I felt that I liked her a lot. After I found out that Ah Zhu liked you, my impression of her immediately changed.    


"Haha …" Jiang Xiaobai smiled with all his might. He felt that Han Yuxi was very cute. It turned out that Han Yuxi was jealous of him at some point, but he just didn't show it. I promise I'll never be able to keep in touch with Aju again unless you agree, because I think you're the most important thing to me now and I don't want the old tragedy to happen again. "    


Han Yuxi was laughing so hard that her eyes couldn't be seen anymore. She was feeling exceptionally happy. Although Jiang Xiaobai didn't say much sweet nothings, once he said them, they would leave her in such a state that she couldn't extricate herself.    


"Jiang Xiaobai, if there's a chance in the future, let's meet the Black Dragon together. Bi Yi is a member of that family and is very concerned about their future. In particular, Magi are very insidious and will definitely lead our family to destruction."    


Jiang Xiaobai also understood her feelings. He felt that his worries were reasonable, so he told her his thoughts.    


"Han Yuxi, I am not as noble as you make me out to be. In fact, I have my own selfish motives, which is to make the Black Dragon recover and deal with the Mage, so as to avoid both of us being enemies. I also want to think, after all, this is the place where you were born. I think so, but I can't control which way things end up going. "    


Han Yuxi was extremely happy. She hugged Jiang Xiaobai's neck with both of her hands, tiptoed and kissed his forehead. Jiang Xiaobai's body chattered on and on, and he felt as if his entire body had undergone a huge change, as if he was struck by lightning. His entire body and mind became limp.    


"Jiang Xiaobai, I understand your intentions now, thank you very much for your help to my family. No matter what happens in the end, I won't blame you, I feel that Magus is very detestable, it's a pity that I don't have the ability to kill her, otherwise I would have tried to get rid of him too."    


Jiang Xiaobai was elated. He wanted to hug Han Yuxi, but he didn't expect her to let him go. He walked to the side and looked at the scenery outside the window as if nothing had happened.    


"Han Yuxi, did you encounter any problems when you went to Qin Ziyi's house today?" I see that you are very unhappy. "    


Han Yuxi turned her head and looked at him, as if she wanted to say something, but felt that it was inappropriate so she pushed his body.    


It's already late at night, you should hurry back. I need to get some rest, and I feel like I really am very tired today, as I slept on the ground yesterday, I couldn't fall asleep no matter what. Just when I fell asleep, I was woken up by Qin Ziyi.    


Jiang Xiaobai could only obediently leave Han Yuxi's bedroom. Just as he reached the door, he turned around and asked.    


"Han Yuxi, when did you work?" When I'm not at home, is Lin Cheng still coming over? "    


Han Yuxi knew that this was the question that he was most concerned about, and she would pester him with it all the time.    


"Jiang Xiaobai, Lin Cheng and I are only colleagues, if I really have an affair with him, then it won't be yours. For so many years, he and I have been so peaceful and quiet, and in the future, we won't have any feelings for each other. Don't be suspicious anymore, or else, we won't be able to continue on our journey, do you understand?"    


Jiang Xiaobai pursed his lips. He knew it wasn't appropriate for him to ask that question, but he couldn't help but want to ask that.    


Really, I'm very sorry. I'm just especially worried about this matter, because I keep having the feeling that Lin Cheng has always been around you and would not have no intentions towards you. Perhaps I'm just too snobbish.    



Seeing that he was still doubtful, Han Yuxi could only walk up to him and stroke his face as she consoled him in a soft voice.    


"Trust me, dear, I won't like any man but you."    


Jiang Xiaobai was overjoyed. Just as he wanted to hug her, Han Yuxi slammed the door and locked him outside, making him eat a face full of dust. He touched his nose and the tenderness in his heart disappeared without a trace.    




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